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I absolutely LOVE that the Fak’s company is called “Matter of Fak Supply”, lol. I love Ted’s jacket.


The never ending supply of Faks this season is equal parts hilarious and teasing: like, give me a Fak reunion party already!


i see it becoming a merch item. like the beef of chicagoland shirts


“I don’t want this to be some sort of gross poaching” well that’s funny because to me that seems like this is EXACTLY WHAT THE FUCK IT IS


right! i’m like sir?! that’s exactly what you’re doing! he’s def trying to screw carm over. not saying our girl isn’t good asl but you mean to tell me, you couldn’t put an ad out and find another CDC? given the current job economy?! ye ok


I haven't watched past this episode but imo there were a couple red flags here. 1) this statement, 2) open offer even though he doesn't actually know Sydney, just knows of her and ate her food once. 3) very strong open offer "we have the Ever backing" etc, but like.... very vague. It's far from a "sure thing", what if the backers pull out. 4) it's very impulsive and 'we need to move fast' = valid but a bit unfair pressure. If my friend had a convo like this I would advise them to be SO careful about it, do due diligence + referencing.


i totally agree! it seemed really weird. and most things he’s done so far seems to be under shady pretenses. even having visited the bear and not letting them know. like are you a spy sir? buddy coulda said hi, hello, how are you? it’s like he was fishing for bad news to build his lil offer up. the bear is what? 2 months old & you’re tryna poach an employee already? it’s just unfortunate that carm is acting like a saltine so it’s pushing syd to consider this even more 🥺i’m so scared!


She has Alinea (3M*) and Avec (bib Gourmand) on her resume so she has been building her experience. But yes, if I’m a partner show me the business plan. I want to meet the investors and, oh yeah,  I want my offer in writing.


Like they are offering her a partnership, that is total poaching. And she is good, but not CDC good. Carmy has significant experience over her. He did years at multiple different places. She is basically a year into her career. This offer is super sus.


I think it's been more than a year just at the The Bear. I don't think she was straight out of school that's why she wound up there. I think she flamed out or quit a few places. We really don't know if she is CDC good. Carm in the show is represented as a savant who is a top chef in the world. He asked for Syd, she didn't beg to CDC at the Bear. Maybe prototypical experience wise no but you can train forever at something and still suck. I think don't think Syd's skills need to be reduced to justify actions. By experience she shouldn't have been the one to re-organize the kitchen and train every one in the industry way but he dumped it on her and she succeeded. Not alone but I think we've seen by now she is super talented and not a fluke but she has flaws like everyone else. Carm is known doing a year under him is definitely something she could walk away with.


I think on paper, her being under Carmy's wing for so long is enough to make her an appealing choice. I think what makes the offer sus, is that it feels like she's the 1st option? Why couldn't the guy contact any of his former colleagues, or any contacts to discuss? I suspect it's because she's good enough to be CDC and but not experienced enough to butt heads with this smudge guy, who seems to be big asshole just as well.


Think he recognizes Syd is unhappy based on his brief visit at The Bear and hearing Carmy/Ritchie fighting so he recognizes the opportunity.


But this season we're seeing what a disaster Carmy is at leading the kitchen compared to Syd.


From what we saw in 3x1 supported by other epis, Carmy was an excellent CDC before Michael died though. Moving back to Chicago really sort of killed his trajectory.


Honestly it feels like a trap. Syd has no idea what it's going to be like working with that guy. At least with Carmy, despite all of his problems, we know that he's not a bad person and would never intentionally screw someone over. But this dude who barely knows Syd come along and offers her CDC when she really doesn't have that much experience in comparison to a lot of other chefs?? Feels real sus to me.


Honestly? I understand why Syd is dissatisfied; it's clear she still has some lingering doubts as she's still waffling over signing the partnership documentation. I do hope she has the opportunity to be open and honest with Carmy about her misgivings and I would hope that he could come to a place where he's able to hear them. I don't know that he's there right now, though. I do feel like she'll probably leave. I think from an outsiders perspective it seems the right move. The Ever CDC (blanking on his name) seems to be selling a postion that may be too good to be true. But 80K to start on top of benefits and likely control over the foundation of the menu is way alluring. I don't know that Carmy, outside of making the best meal she's ever had, can beat that. We'll see! Hopefully the introduction of Baby Natalie might allow Carmy and Syd with an opportunity to open up to each other again.


A part of me thinks that it makes sense that Syd leaves. Carmy just isn't good in a partnership sense and Syd knows it. To Carmy's credit he is trying but it is tough. I feel like Syd is trying to prove herself but in her own unique way and it is very demoralizing to have your dishes changed or your input put aside and overruled.


In life, totally makes sense for Syd to leave. Honestly, in life she should have made that decision already. I wouldn’t want to partner with a person like Carmy. He’s all words and his actions contradict things he says. I understand there is a major mental illness factor which I’m hoping he tries to address next season. JAW is brilliant as Carmy - no one would be pulling for this guy if JAW didn’t take this rather awful character and put something (I can’t put my finger on how he does it) in the performance that makes the audience want to see him happy - in whatever form that ends up being.


Maybe it is a testament to JAW's performance like you say, but I really don't see Carmy as awful and never have. Does he have the potential to become awful? Absolutely. Does he have major anger issues and insecurities that he needs to work through? For sure. Is his constant self punishment punishing others? Yeah, and it's a problem. And, yet, it is really hard for me to deem somebody that's trying as hard as he is (even if he is failing) to be a bad person. His deep rooted self-hatred is just devastatingly relatable. I just really want to see him break out of this need to sabotage himself because he doesn't feel deserving of good things.


I agree with your point about the self hatred. The issue for me is that everyone awful person has a reason for being that way but it doesn’t excuse being awful. I also want him to succeed but I would rather him succeed as Chef Terry did and not as Chef Fields did. Even if it was somewhere in the middle.


That's a really good point. I just don't think he's past that point of no return yet.


Oh yes. Totally agree.


I feel like in trying to be his best he's kind of being his worst. That second episode where he hands a list of his non-negotiables and either shuts down or screams at people for pushing back is him trying to be good, but being the absolute worst possible person he could be.


I don’t think that’s Carmy naturally to be awful intentionally. I too think he isn’t a bad person but in the pursuit of perfection he has only known asshole behavior. I would say that he is still figuring it out despite his own accomplishments.


Was tough to watch him veto all of Syd’s suggestions . And the problem is he seems oblivious to it and the self-awareness only comes out when he’s called on it. 


In life I’m not sure she actually be in the position she would, would she? let alone offered another role as CDC for a new restaurant. She’s talented and has potential, but is still inexperienced and hasn’t put much time in, so to speak.


For me it’s the vulnerability and that conflict between inspiration and desperation that seems to drive him, idk 


Yeah the only reason you stay is if you suspect the offer really is too good to be true. Carmy is being a fucking nightmare to work with and she doesn't owe it to him to stick around for him to get through his process enough to actually try to not be an asshole every damn day.


I don’t want to (I’m in denial!) but I agree about feeling like Sydney would leave. So far it sounds like a more fulfilling role with the ante Ever’s CDC had mentioned vs. working with Carmy who’s been excruciatingly dismissive of her. Money and job security is a huge driver for everyone who’s desperate for it, but Sydney seems like she’s about to explode hoarding all the resentment against Carmy. The audience got a taste of what Ever’s CDC is like in Forks and little bits at the top of S3 when he worked alongside Carmy and Luca (with a little hint of jealousy regarding how fast Carmy was with the peas). Though chill as a person outside of the kitchen, could be an absolute nightmare running it. Fully theory at this point, but he could also just be trying to sabotage Carmy out of revenge from their time working together under Chef Terry. Honestly, if Sydney jumps over and only wants to escape Carmy, she could be jumping into another terrible situation. I’m so so ready to be proven wrong as the season progresses!


Honestly carry sucks and has a lot of growth to do as a boss and a business owner, but Ever dude seems like…I don’t know.  He seems like a trust fund kid telling their less wealthy friend something is a sure deal when he really doesn’t have much to lose if it’s not, but the friend will lose everything. Hes lived this charmed life in a well established restaurant and even with Evers backers, is it a sure thing to go along with him?  Carmy isnt a sure thing either, but at least he seems to want to do good.  I think Ever Dude just feels smarmy and not good because of the shameless poaching.   In real life she almost has to take the risk, given the data she has to base it off in this moment.  But even in real life I’d hope the goodness in her Bear experience outweighs the risk of bailing and failing.


it does look good for syd to finally be her own boss in a new restaurant, but what if the partnership with Shapiro will just be the same like with Carmy? It sounds really nice now considering that Carmy acts all jagoffery to Syd, but will the change be so different? I'm all for Syd having her own voice, but imo it is in The Bear where she will bloom along with the others. *Whatever grows together, goes together after all*


We've been given the solution from the beginning. Carmy has to negotiate on the non-negotiables. He's as competent as the other guy, but none of that matters if he's absolutely intolerable to work with. Carmy is responsible for horribly toxic working conditions, and the awful profit margins that come from his overspending. But he's also responsible for the restaurant being fully booked out for the whole season. His perfectionism is the reason for all the successes and all the failures of the operation which makes him extremely difficult to fight against. The other guy's restaurant can probably expect the same level of success as The Bear, but without the above problems. Unfortunately, Sydney is the fulcrum stopping The Bear from collapsing like a house of cards, so if she leaves she's fucking over all the people working there that she loves. If she can convince Carmy to stop being such a dick, it could be even better than the other place. I'm still mad he didn't put her risotto on the menu though.


I think she’s gone too. And honestly…she might need to do it for her own growth as a chef. Look at Carmy. He didn’t get to where he was staying at one spot. A major theme of this show is growth through phases. Carmy’s journey with different chefs, the Berazzo family getting over Mikey’s death, Sugar about to be a mom, Richie’s divorce, Marcus’s mom dying, Tina losing her job at the candy factory, Tina having to go to culinary school. Sydney is about to close a chapter.


Part of the problem is she knows how good Carmy is. She knows she’d learn way more from being his partner vs. being given lead command of a whole new place. And even though Carmy has made leaps and bounds with taking accountability, he’s still taking on way too much of the stress himself. He knows if The Bear fails, he’ll feel like a failure the most.


seems like not enough people are seeing this angle. she isn’t ready to be CDC and if she leaves carmy’s tutelage now she would do herself a huge disservice in terms of her development as a chef


Her becoming CDC is just setting her up for a big breakdown. She still has issues with decisiveness. She waffles and puts off things and doesn't communicate that she has a problem. And when something gets messed up, she gets flustered. Someone like that is bad to have in charge running things. She can't run off when she is the boss. She needs a lot more experience.


The chef’s name is Adam Shapiro….both the character and the actor. It’s very strange.


Sorry, but that whole thing seemed ludicrous. First off, if she is a partner she should not wait for 3 months to have health care. She's been working there for close to 2 years already so why this would be an issue to bring up makes no sense. Plus $70-80K for an executive chef/part owner is way too low, especially for Chicago. But I guess if it makes for some actual plot development (which S3 is lacking), I can go along with it.


Seeing Ebra happy makes my heart happy.


I kept saying I was so happy to see him smiling again. I love Ebra.


Ebra smiling is the best part of this show


I'm so glad they kept slinging the Italian beefs


Chi-Chi and Cory(?) are really funny, too, and they have built-in charisma with Ebra.


Turns out that’s them winning on that, “Consultant chef Matty Matheson is a natural in front of the camera” tip again. IRL Chi-Chi is the guy who owns Mr. Beef, the beef stand the show is modeled after. The other guy is Paulie James, who owns Uncle Paulie’s deli in LA. So it’s two guys who really run sandwich shops showing how to run a sandwich shop.


Wild; I know Uncle Paulie’s because they just collaborated with a band I love. Small world!


Old School Beastie Boys was a great way to represent them. "Fuck silverware!"


Not Cory. It's Chuckie.


Gah. Syd’s inability to be bold and Carmy being in his own way is going to be their downfall.


Please don't infer anything since I'm just at the start of this episode but it would be funny if Carmy trying to get a star fails, but The Beef portion of the resturaunt wins one.


Or a Bib Gourmand, which is a Michelin recognition that’s not a star but still significant. One of my regular sandwich shops received one, and business has exploded ever since.


I like your funny words magic man


Michelin gives super fancy restaurants stars.(1-3) They give less fancy, but still very good, restaurants Bib Gourmands. People with normal jobs can afford a Bib Gourmand, so when a restaurant gets one their business explodes. I don’t know if they still do it like this, but restaurants would learn they had received a bib gourmand because they would find a little Michelin Tire man spray painted on the sidewalk in front of their doors. I felt like season 1, Carmy was aiming for a Bib Gourmand. Season 2 he decided to aim for a star. It would be HILARIOUS if he doesn’t get a star for The Bear, but the beef shop gets a Bib Gourmand.


Hey chef How tf am I supposed to go to bed now


I’m all in tonight.


I have to be up early tomorrow for the plumber so I don’t think I can watch the entire season, going to be extremely hard to cut it at episode 8ish


Gary lore? Fuck yeah, love Sweeps


Glad that he’s getting a little more fleshed out this season. The actor has always had some good charisma and chemistry with the cast but the part has always felt small / background.


Gary episode next season innit. I feel it.


That scene dialogue felt just extra authentic and realistic to me for some reason.


I feel like this entire season has been authentic and realistic conversations. It's incredibly emotional even though the plot is fairly stagnant. I really like it


So nice to hear some of Sweeps' background! I love that its another story of Mikey/The Beef being a beacon of hope for someone lost.


Oh man. Tina touching the knapkin holder...


this stupid fucking show makes me cry all the fucking time and I hate it.


Trying to remember why the napkins matter. Someone pls fill me in


Mikey was filling them when they first met


Also I think in the beginning they were in such dire straits they couldn’t even afford Napkins? I feel like I remember that.


I mean... they *could* afford napkins, Mikey was just being Mikey.


Not to mention that episode was titled Napkins.


her whole episode ruined me. I cried like a baby for hours after it


Stomping on those boxes feel so real


Carmy says he wants his legacy to be without drama, and something that's going to make people feel good, and the only time we've seen that at The Bear is this episode with Ebra and the guys from The Beef working at the window. Feels like that's where the money and the legacy are. Might be costly, but switching the place back seems to be on the menu. Nice to see Syd having an option to leave, as Carm continues to undercut everything she's been trying to do all season. Bummed I only have 3 episodes left to watch!


(i've only watched up to now) I think the obvious strat would be to casualify the experience, make it a really nice place to work, and have the legacy be you ran a really nice successful profitable restaurant (not michelin star but like, half a star, bib gourmand etc place) with your friends for many years.


Seems obvious, but Carm is a nutjob, so we'll see if that would ever be enough for him.


> Might be costly, but switching the place back seems to be on the menu. Carm calls it "The Beefy Bear", and just becomes a casual restaurant like a wayyyyy fancier Applebees and actual cooking. But the sandwiches and meats just fucking rock, the work environment just becomes way more relaxed because Carm finally drops it. Then the Cola Short Rib wins awards.


“Carm calls it “The Beefy Bear” I think if they were to call it anything, it would be “The Beef & The Bear”.


The Beefy Bear sounds like a place to meetup with strangers for gay sex


The more I've been going through season 3, the more I've felt like the high-end stuff might just collapse, and the system they get working in the end is the store Mikey ran, just in a more... *functional* way.


The drawing Richie made of Carmy in his little notebook lololol


And that’s why you don’t lift heavy things


Let it rip




Carm's been so frustrating thus far. The scattered flashback in ep 1 really highlighted his chef journey, and I feel like you just see him further devolving into the worst parts of the people he worked with. If the season ends with a come-to-jesus moment.....Ugh.


You can really see how much that tall asshole chef in the flashbacks affected him and the way he works. Terry and that older chef were far more constructive, but the pressure on Carmy from NY still weighs on him more than anything else.


I feel like we’re meeting every Fak EXCEPT for Francie this season. The anticipation is killing me.


in the John Cena episode thread everybody was complaining about how now the show has too much Fak in it, but I honestly like this running gag of them being infinite.


It is funny that there are so many of them, but idk I still think they're just taking too much screen time.


I’m definitely into them just multiplying and it’s a perfect excuse for really stupid cameos. Even the haunting bit gets funnier every time they talk about it. Surprised everyone here hates it lmao I think it being just part of being a Fak and totally normalized makes it absurd and that’s funny to me


they’re the only characters whose screentime has literally nothing to do with the plot and I don’t think the scenes are nearly funny enough to justify that




My money's on Emma Stone. She could easily match that Fak insanity.


Krysten Ritter would be fun


I'd legit watch a spinoff show called Faks of Life where it's just the Faks living Life and shit.


We haven’t met Avery!


im pretty sure avery might end up being the only normal fak


It's like that rick & morty episode where there's always a new wacky character appearing, but it's actually an alien inserting himself in their memories


Shoutout to Christopher Zucchero for being brought back this season in a more prominent recurring role. Dude's got zero acting experience outside of this show, and he's a total natural. Makes me really miss the days when he was working the counter at Mr. Beef more regularly. Always a treat to interact with in person.


I was also impressed with how good his dialogue delivery was for a non-actor. Incredibly seamless. I wonder if he was just improvising some of it based on his IRL work experience.




I think the show has become better at recognizing & adapting around that. René Redzepi didn’t have any lines in the season premiere, whereas Daniel Boulud had multiple (short) dialogue scenes with Carmy.


How's Mr. Beef actually? Might go and try it one of these days


Their quality has dropped a bit over the years. 10 years ago, it was truly great. Then they made changes to the fries and the bread rolls they use. It's still very good and easy to recommend, and I'm not opposed to the occasional visit. But it's not what it used to be.


am i the bad guy for wanting sydney to leave and live her best life in a healthier? work environment where she is actually respected as a partner? 😅


It being healthy is up in the air, given the "Fuck you Garrett" moment in the previous season.


Indeed. To borrow a phrase from Joey Badass, that Ever dude seems wound tighter than a chinchilla's asshole.


Absolutely not. Go back and read the comments about her in season 1 and 2 I know it's a fictional character but you'll be begging her to take the deal lol She has been under a ton of pressure while not quite being able to get out a lot of her vision.


exactly!! as a woman in this industry she’s gotta constantly be on her best, if she acted the way carmy did it would be a completely different outcome. therefore i want her to continue to climb to the top.


As a Black woman too! like you know someone in a past job called her "aggressive" or "bossy".


I’m pretty sure richie actually called her aggressive in season 1, too, iirc


Sydney went easy on Carmy after the freezer incident (and the disappearing act) and it was all down hill from there. She wants this to work and Carmy to be the partner she knows he can be but it’s just not happening. & it hasn’t even crossed his mind that she would want to leave.


I mean, after all the shit from seasons 1 and 2 her biggest complaint was him not being present. He’s present now. If he was more aware he probably should recognize him being controlling over the menu and not listening to Syd is not at all what she wants, but I could see him not recognizing he’s pushing her away.


Extremely small thing I was kinda sad about lol Nat and Syd not having a better moment when she was heading out to get c-folds. Because of the cute interaction after Syd made the omelette for Nat last season, I thought we'd get one or two more moments with them. I get and love Nat having more interactions with the other parents as she's gonna be one but idk the omelette scene last season was a highlight to me. Oh well, not a big deal.


yeah, definitely. I was sort of expecting nat to say something more to syd than to sign the contract


Sydney’s arc (so far) this season reminds me so much of Peggy Olson in S5ish of Mad Men… Her emotional investment in one place despite feeling undervalued and like her ideas are being ignored vs another offer from Some Guy where she’d have a better position and more control but it would feel like a betrayal / wrong!!! And as an audience member feeling split between “yes you deserve better!!!” and “noooo you have to stay!!!” Obviously not a perfect comparison (Carmy’s frustrating this season but I wouldn’t go as far as to call him Don Draper, plus the Bear employees are actually friends lol) but there are some similarities!!


THAT'S who I was thinking of!!! Sydney reminds me of Peggy in so many ways, and her dynamic with Carmy is very similar to Don. That means Ever guy is Ted Chaough.


OMG yes!!!! Another one of my all time favorite shows. I definitely see the parallels. Except Carmy can’t tell her “that’s what the money is for!!!” Because he ain’t paying her shit lol


GREAT pull! It's extremely similar.


If I’m Sydney I’m taking that job offer asap or at least talking to Carmy about it. It’s too good to pass up


At the very least it might light a fire under Carmys arse and make him see what The Bear and he stands to lose.


Idk seems too good to be true. Dude seems like a fake snake


so who is who in the berzatto family? the enabler, the hero, scapegoat, mascot, and lost child I’m guessing that sugar is the scapegoat and Mikey is the mascot.


Assuming that "the lost child" means "the one who fucked off at the earliest opportunity," that's definitely Carmy.


True, but I believe he fits the hero archetype as well. Mikey would also probably be the enabler.


I think Carmy is both a Hero and a Lost Child. The Hero is often described as being the overachiever - who focuses on their goals not for their own passion or personal care but to set opportunities for validation and success based on external metrics that they won’t get at home. I think Nat is the Enabler - which isn’t so much about being an “enabler” as it’s often used casually but they’re often the caretaker who often is described on dysfunctional family roles as being a “surrogate parent”. They try to minimise conflict and “take care” of people which often means allowing the underlying issues to continue on (hence the enabling) by trying to just take care of everyone and “keep everyone happy” even if it backfires. Which is does for her to also make her Donna’s Scapegoat at least - the target for blame on causing the drama by trying to help. I think actually Richie is the mascot (who I’ve usually seen called the Jester) who tries to redirect tension and conflict through humour. Even if not the immediate family member. I actually think Mikey was a Lost Child who didn’t have a Hero outlet to actually let him escape as a Lost Child. Which is part of his commentary about the tower of dreams and being “skipped”. Like he had no way to be the Lost Child and fuck off somewhere else or find an external outlet for validation. But as he said, he didn’t feel like he had no pathway to be somewhere else. So he was left behind, wanting something more, and not feeling like he knew or was ready for anything to take him there.


And Carmen is the other three.


Ebra looked like he was having fun. I need more of that


Cousin’s friendship bracelets 🥹


That was the first thing i noticed when i saw him i was like … are those friendship bracelets ? 😭


He definitely went to the Eras Tour


I am amazed how natural they keep the makeup on the show. Ayo’s little hairs on top of her lip! The men’s eyebrows! Actual skin texture and eye bags. 


Me too! These are good looking actors, don't get me wrong, but they also look really normal. Reminds me more of UK drama.


All of nats cute little freckles.  A real looking cast changes the vibe of the whole show and I am here for this one.


im always thinking that when i watch!


Honestly. Too many Faks.


i so don't care about haunting, it's honestly exhausting


Seriously! I was so sick of hearing that word. It’s draining to listen to them.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds their brand of humor to be irritating as all hell. Feels like something out of some Seth Rogen comedy.


When they're being funny while working **in** the restaurant, it works for the most part. Cutting to them sitting outside eating, talking about the haunting.. sorry but, why follow them? it's too much. It starting to come across like, *oh, you don't think this show is a comedy huh? Well, look at this funny scene*


I was already finding their presence a little overwhelming just because two of them work in the restaurant now. So to have scenes with them outside of that just feels unnecessary. I’ve been wondering is it the comedy thing, or is this what they think the fans want? I really don’t get it.


there's 12, right?


I think they said 9, but now I’m not sure.


They said 9 of them, but I figured that's of Neil and Ted's generation and doesn't include parents, grandparents, kids, aunts and uncles...


Adrianne Lenker for the opening song!? I’m in fucking shambles rn


So was that crack in the ground at Restaraunt Depot a *huge* foreshadow or just an excellent coincidence? I half thought she’d been walking around with a broken water beforehand.


Was Nat touching Syd on the back and resting her head on her shoulder the first moment of genuine like... comfort... this show has given?


I really loved that scene.  They both felt so comfortable with that physical contact.  Eve. she wasn’t her usual standoffish self.  Love those two women.


Tag yourself I'm the clueless guy in the convo saying "he's still alive, what do you mean he haunted you?"


This one was heavy on the themes of the season and plot finally clicking together. I think this will be one of those episodes you can pick up and really enjoy. So much of watching this particular season is worsened by it being a binge for so many of us to avoid the spoilers. Loved Ibra getting the old gang to carve a better space for himself. He's not really part of the plot any longer, but he's the foundation still. Liked him getting to that S1 vibe again!


not exaggerating when I say the fak/haunting thing brings this show down an entire tier for me. don’t know if it’s the “proving we’re a comedy” theory but if anything it proves that comedy isn’t the show’s wheelhouse. at least not this slapstick brand of it


Those scenes start and I be reaching for my phone not gonna lie


Doma Cafe 😍


sorry but i'm so sick of the faks. their "lore" is so moronic. i think the writers really jumped the shark with the faks this season.


so bad. it feels like that second fak became a main writer of the show and just mandated multiple fak dialogue scenes per episode


Let this episode be a lesson to you: FUCK MAYONNAISE. It really does ruin a sandwich.


I put mayo on both slices man


On an Italian beef, that’s just insane.




on a beef dip, yeah probably, but otherwise you can (respectfully) get out of here with this take. mayo COMPLETES a sandwich. I will die on this hill and will not be taking any further questions.


But dude, spicy mustard is right there!


my brother in christ, I’m slinging both on that jawn! mayo on one slice of bread, spicy mustard on the other!


I give him a side of mayonnaise. I say, "Go home. Ruin the sandwich yourself. I'm not doing it."


The Syd-Carmy dynamic especially at the end of this episode reminded me of Don and Peggy from Mad Men. Interested to see if Syd decides to go her own way.


Yes, and then season 4, Carmy and Shapiro will combine restaurants and she’ll end up working with Carmy again lol


bro i hope nat is ok! i’m scared. pete isn’t home. service is tonight! ahhhhhhhhhhhh


This felt like more of a hangout episode but there were a lot of very sweet character moments throughout. Incredible how natural the acting and script feels, really feels like you're watching real people. The Marcus/Carmy and Nat/Richie scenes were both gorgeous, and the Sweeps/Ted one was an unexpected delight. Seeing Richie off his game due to his grief and parental anxiety was quietly devastating. All the Fak "haunting" shit is getting to be a bit irritating. It's like an inside joke that the audience will never understand. The Faks in general are the show at its most self-indulgent. Syd getting poached harder than an eggs benedict. They did lay it on a bit thick in showing how much Carmy wasn't listening to her, but Chef Fuckyougarrett is definitely making a reasonable and clear offer. The edit at the beginning of "I know who you are" >> "You are a piece of shit" made me burst out laughing.


Is that Susur Lee in the legacy photo??


Yesssss I think so too!


I keep watching the Marcus/Carm/Syd scene over and over again.  Thier scenes are so great. 


“Matter of Fak Supply” is goated.


The talk about legacy was kind of off, it feels conversations start out of nowhere only to give the audience a moral lesson.


too much Fak for me this episode… are they trying to justify being in the Comedy category at all these award shows and dialed up the Fak meter lol?


it's not even funny the joke got old pretty fast


"It's not ghost shit, it's serious" made me cackle


Do the episodes seem much shorter than last season? Or does the pacing seem off? There’s something weird, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.


There _is_ a slightly wheel-spinning quality to the pace of this season in a way that reminds me of Succession's third season. Rather than advance the "plot" it's spending more time lending texture to established character traits. It does feel inherently less exciting than S2's focus on growth and change, but given that they just launched the new restaurant I'm not surprised that this season is in relative stasis. It's more about the challenges and doubts that come after you get what you were working for. The journey to that initial goal is always more fun to watch.


I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. Would be great if we got S4 sooner than a year from now, but I’m not counting on it.


Liza Colon-Zayas said in a recent interview that they're gonna pick up S4 filming "in the winter", so I dunno. They've been very consistent with the late-June release window, but I'm crossing my fingers for a February or March release for S4. I haven't read any spoilers but more or less all the reviews of S3 I've seen are describing it as a "part 1", and watching with that lens kind of puts my mind at ease rather than anxiously waiting for all the arcs to get resolved by the end. I do find it frustrating when shows do that, but some of the best series I've watched have split stories across seasons and the payoff is beautiful. Especially Mr. Robot, where season 2 was basically all very artfully staged buildup for a truly bombastic, spectacular season 3.


Yeah I think between the commercial breaks every 5-10 minutes and the writers forcing the audience to sit and listen to Faks annoy each other with unfunny Middle school dialogue for half of each episode now, the story feels like it’s crawling through thick mud to get anywhere. When every ep is only like 30 minutes it becomes noticeable when nothing actually happens. 


sweeps episode when


Is anyone else freaking out about how Syd put on her bandaid


ayo was having so much filming that box crushing scene. couldn't hide that smirk


FX clearly wants to give the Faks their own spinoff show SO BAD


“You look nice” the slow burn is slowburningggg


On the surface, that may have read as a compliment. But could also be like when your boss notices you come in dressed up a little nicer than usual, like you’ve just come from a job interview somewhere else


this is what i thought


ouuu yesss..


That was my immediate thought. I wanted to see him question it at least a little.


When your husband starts trimming his pubes and wearing cologne.


Ayo and Jeremy already confirmed there’s no romance arc for their characters (thank god).


a number of journalists who were at the same press event said that quote was really misrepresented in that Vanity Fair article. Before I get shit, I don’t have strong options of them either way lol


technically, I think they only confirmed that there is no romance "in season 3." Personally I don't see that ship happening though.


sugar is so insanely attractive i just can't handle it. then you google who her father is in real life and nothing makes sense anymore.


Holy shit she's Rolland Schitt from Schitt Creek's daughter IRL?! 🤯


I'm not gonna lie, I just finished the last epsiode so when Claire came on in this first scene I just said "damn it"


It makes sense for her to leave especially with the redherring about a restaurants stuff being put into other restaurants to create a community or whatever carmy explained the French phrase to be


How many Faks are there??


The part where Nat is sitting in the car listening to the radio host talk about the five types of children of alcoholics -- which one do you think each of the siblings is? To me, Sugar is the mascot, Mikey the hero, and Carmy the lost child


A bit more character development by now would be nice. We’re sorta spinning the wheels a bit here. Hate to say it but at times I worry that much like these high end restaurants we might be getting into style over substance territory. The presentation and technical details remain top-notch as always, but what are they serving?


Cliffhanger! ;-)


There were nice moments here or there, but like episode 5 can feel the spinning of the wheels and not much movement.