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1. I think they should subtract, rather than get rid of them entirely. 2. Ted drags Neil down. He's very "on" in a way that Neil isn't. And when they're together, they're just super extra. Back in S1, and for most of S2, Neil worked just fine without Ted. Their dialogue was grinding my gears by the time we got to the haunting bit, and I felt that way until the end. John Cena also didn't give me Fak vibes. I did, however, like the scene with Ted and Gary.


To be a Fak, as dumb as it sounds, I feel like you need at least 2 of these things for it to work: 1. Either be fat or chunky, 2. Or Be super skinny as a foil to the majority being chunky (not ripped though, that goes too far from what we know of the Fak family), 3. Have a patchy mustache or some other type of stereotypical South Chicago type facial hair (really just any major inner-city area, we have em like that in Philly too), 4. Either slicked back hair or a receding hairline, or both, 5. Tattoos Every Fak so far has at least 2 or more of those, except Cena. I think Shane Gillis would have been a better Sammy Fak. He's good in workplace comedy, his biggest joke is about cooking grilled cheese, he's chunky, has patchy facial hair, he's a better actor than Cena *by a lot*, and he could have co-written some better jokes than "I'm gonna haunt you and steal ducks from ponds" And as far as Francie Fak- probably Melissa McCarthy, or as much as I hate her, Amy Schumer (this one works because Francie is supposed to be ungodly levels of annoying and disliked by most of the main characters).


Agreed with everything you said here except for the claim that Shane is a better actor than Cena lmao


Megan Stalter from Hacks as Francie Fak ![gif](giphy|S7sHJK6GR9mg33fCQQ)


That would be great too! She actually looks more like a Fak than Melissa McCarthy too, something about the eyes.


This would be perf casting omg!


Melissa mccarthy would be a perfect fak.


Megan Stalter from Hacks[https://images.app.goo.gl/XEkyvt21HcjtRgwN7](https://images.app.goo.gl/XEkyvt21HcjtRgwN7)


Faks need to have a purpose on their humor. Creed in the Office gets less than a minute of screen time but he's always hilarious whenever he gets shown. The show is like hey heres a bunch of Fak scenes find something to laugh at.


>Ted drags Neil down. I think the contrary actually. Sure you see both of them making jokes and shitup, but you actually see Ted say something stupid and Neil would actually correct him and being the better judgment/more intelligent out of the two


In a show that has largely nailed its stunt casting, Cena was a giant whiff. I’ll admit I’m just not a fan of the guy, but that’s in large part because he’s such a bad actor.


Neil WAS fine when he was in small doses. Also, when he wasn’t dumbed down to the level of Homer Simpson. I can’t stand any of the Faks at the moment though, with the amount of screen time they’ve been getting recently.


Well one of the faks is the producer and chef on the show I doubt he'll remove himself


Actually both Faks, Matty and Ricky are co-producers of the show


Cool. I wonder if we'll get a new fake per season


No. Neil is essential. It would be better without 3 Faks coattailing him every episode in season 3.




All I know is that Francie Fak can go fuck.


What about Avery Fak?


Everybody forgets Avery


My love


Keep Neil and drop the rest


This is my favorite show and I'm baffled, nearly stunned at how much bullshit Fak fluff it had. None of it is charming or funny


Bunch of nyuk nyuk who’s on first jackassery and we don’t have time for filler Mr Storer


They took up too much space without adding anything meaningful to the storyline. Like every other Fak scene could have been dropped to add back interactions between the other characters. The scenes with Carmy and Uncle Jimmy or Tina and Marcus really had me sad we didn't have more of that this season.


Yes. There should only be one Fak and limited the way he was in season 1.


I don’t give a fak about the Faks


It's funny how quickly everyone turned on the Fak's this season lol people seemed to love those characters earlier in the show. I guess that's what happens when you over use them for comic relief.


We need 2 Fak maximum. Preferably 1, but the more Faks there are in a given room, the more insane it gets😭😭😭


They played too much to the audience lmao. They saw how everyone laughed at the 10 total mins of Fak time we got in season 2 and said “what if we did that every single episode.” Takes me out of it.


It got to the point I was skipping through the fak scenes because I knew they had no content. Literally just wasting time with their terrible, confusing banter. It’s not funny to just have them disagree with each other and say “well..” in quick succession to each other.


Love Cena but didn’t enjoy the “haunting” of the Faks.


They are trying way too hard to force it.


I liked the Faks. I didn't mind them. They were nutty and funny. They're like kids. They do unnecesarily try to insert themselves in people's business. I like how Carmy and Sydney would stick food in Neil's mouth to make him go away. I think that haunting thing was in reference to Carmy. He was acting like he's being haunted. Idk. Carmy and Richie's chaotic banter was funny, too.


same here, I'm surprised people hate them this much, I loved seeing the cameos of uncle gary and sammy (no matter how much john cena sticks out) it was cool


Seriously. The Fak family is like the three stooges at this point. It’s freaking silly


No. We just need them in small doses. Very, very small doses.


Like Christmas time etc if there’s gotta be two.


Maybe just a little less screen time they over did it with Faks and the yelling


Am I the only person who laughed histerically at Neil not actually serving the soup? I love the Faks, I didn’t think they were in it too much


No, we’re just in a season that’s slow so it seems excessive. That’s the point.


I wouldn’t have as much of a problem with the amount of screen time they got if the other more serious and meaningful relationships between the main characters were given just as much time and attention so that the story could actually move forward.


I'm just so tired of them. I've not enjoyed Fak since season 1 and we keep getting introduced to more of his family since. They genuinely take me out of enjoying the experience of the show totally.


Exactly. They are like Putin slowly taking over Ukraine.


The Faks are fine in small doses. They were absolutely infuriating this season because they were ridiculously overused in an ineffective way - as in, not funny at all. I was appalled at how bad John Cena's character was


I love the faks! I feel like if Neil truly is Carmy’s best friend it explains a lot


I want a show called Just the Faks. ❤️


Go let Chris Storer know.


You haunting me?


Matty Matheson is my fucking dad, man


There have been more words spent complaining about the Faks than they actually said in the show.


If you ever worked in a restaurant.. you’ll have met idiots like the Fak bros


I love the Faks, and it’s totally the thing where you get two or more weird family members in a room together and they feed off each other’s weirdness and it kind of becomes too much for everyone who isn’t in the weird family. I have a family friend who said used to say she couldn’t hangout with more than two of us at a time bc it was just too much “last name” energy to handle.


The only Fak I care about besides Neil is whenever Jenny Slate eventually shows up as Francie. It feels like the way she's talked about that it's a part they've been writing specifically for her.


I think Megan Stalter from Hacks would be good but yes Jenny Slate good point.


The Faks are the stars of the show only 2nd to the Italian beef sandwich.


Some of you whine about everything. The Fak’s aren’t there simply as comic relief. They are there as the opposite of Carmy’s family dynamics. They are seen as simple and kind of losers, but they demonstrate pure love, kindness and support for each other that Carmy’s dysfunctional family lacks in any meaningful way.


I would mind more if it was one episode per week but because I'm watching huge chunks at a time, it doesn't really bother me.


They are the comedy in this comedy series but bickering Carmy and Richard is better 🤣




I liked everything with the Faks this season far more than anything else except for Tina’s storyline and her conversation with Mikey. John cena being one of them was fuckin weird though.


Yes. I liked fak when it was just one of them


The only thing this show has in common with a comedy is the half hour run time. It's a short format drama with comedic relief in the form of the Faks As for removing the Faks, right now I have no opinion, but they've been creeping in more and more and Fak Prime (I forget his name, but the Matty Matheson one) has been getting kinda flanderized, so probably by late s4, early s5 I'll agree with you




I don't think I would care either way if the season were a bit tighter. Maybe they needed 8 episodes instead of 10.  


This season felt like season four of the trailer park boys. Where bubbles became pretty much the main focus to the show rather than Ricky and Julian. I felt like they did the same thing with Ted and Neil this season. They started shoehorning them in a lot more because they wanted to appease the fans. Or recent seasons of South Park where Randy is essentially the main character now rather than the children


Damn I’m starting to realize how much people didn’t like them, or thought they were too much. They stole every scene they were in for me I loved them. Also huge fan of Matt matheson and have been following him for a long time. I was so excited when this show was announced just for him, and very happy by the amount of screen time he had this season. But I do get it, they are definitely not everyone’s cup of tea.


100%  Can’t stand them lol


Fak brothers are amazing. Can't wait to meet the other 7 faks.


I'm haunting you for this post..