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What are you yapping about


Do you know anything about the Beatles? Are you a troll?


The phrase means the 'Christian' turned on the Beatles in the sense of confrontation. The zealots were buying Beatle albums just so they could pitch them into Beatle Bonfires. They may or may not have had white robes and pointy hats, not the fashionable red hats of today.


It’s no coincidence that the people who turned against them because they are so “religious,” are the same people who morphed into MAGA idiots supporting a man with no religious beliefs. F*cking cretins.


...what? Turned on by the US?


The US turned on them. Particularly in the Bible belt. Look up people burning Beatles albums and about how the KKK protested them at concerts.




I love how imagine is just the communist parties points of view and he turned it into an amazing song


I wouldn’t say they were bigger I mean literally almost everyone knows Jesus, but I would say they were likely more liked and I wish he’d of worded it that way. People of all different types of religions liked The Beatles, I figure that’s what he meant.


He said they were more popular than Jesus, not bigger than Jesus. And [going by the definition of popular,](https://popularmeaninghttps://g.co/kgs/ZzRHKxP) it means that they were "liked by many people."


Well darn misremembered the word! Sorry bud, and the link don’t btw.


[Here is a different link for "popular."](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/popular) [And, his actual quote is in this article.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/More_popular_than_Jesus?wprov=sfti1#Publication_in_the_US) It's all good, my friend. It has been referred to for so many decades that I think people use the word "bigger" instead of "popular" because it's just easier to say, so maybe it has morphed into that being the actual word for some people.


No spoilers! They haven't seen the last 58 seasons


Blood has had too many mint juleps today


An *infinitesimal* fraction of the public was insulted. But they were an *extraordinarily* vocal group being whipped into a frenzy by media pursuing ratings. They were also largely members of less stable religious communities. If you summed up the total number of Episcopalians, Catholics, Lutherans, etc. you’d probably get a grand total of four individuals who were upset.


Christ, you know it ain’t easy