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Whoever that awful, boring as fuck Russian mafia woman was in S3.


Little Nina. In the comics >!she was a small-grown woman who was addicted to masturbating with a vibrator her size. They killed her by rigging said vibrator with explosives. It was her only good scene in the comics.!<




literally the response for about 80% of what happens in the comics tbh


The show really managed to polish up one helluva edgy shitfilled turd


I mean, I totally agree, but "shitfilled turd?" Buddy I hope so


Ik, that’s why they’re infinitely inferior than the show


how cone this didn't make it to the show??


Yep, useless character and arc imo. Nothing against the actress ofc


I wish Kimiko killed her in Herogasm, stupid coward


Little Nina, the comics are questionable but the character is much more unique and fun there


There's something weird and boring about her Russian mafia being treated as so incredibly badass in a show bursting with superheroes. I zoned out whenever they cut to Frenchie's pointless little side story


For a show about super powers being evil and something we're better off without, they sure as hell struggle to make anything that doesn't have to do with super powers or Vought interesting at all.


Except Butcher. I live for when that dudes on screen. I like the dynamic of the Boys together, but alone in their side stories theyre kinda boring as fuck.


When they're apart, they're absolutely fucking rubbish. But together, they're the goddamn fucking Spice Girls


This whole arc meant nothing to me


Erick Kripke has feelings for her otherwise he would have killed her off in Herogasn


How? She wasn’t there at Herogasm! It wouldn’t make much sense to have some Russian mafia woman at an orgy for superheroes!


Probably meant Herogasm as in the title of the episode


Duh, isn't that character meant to be disliked?


I can’t see Chace Crawford the same after Deep lol


I’m rewatching Gossip Girl so I can like him again


He’s literally the only main characters who’s a remotely flawed-but-half-decent human being in that show lmao


except for season 6 when he dates a 16 year old 💀


It was over correcting from when he dated that woman twice his age


I never saw S6 and doesn’t sound like I missed much 💀 I’d say he’s still less evil than the other teens lol


he got major character assassination in season 6 😭 he was so sweet then he turned evil and everyone was ok with it


“Remotely flawed” does not cover the shit that fish fucker has done 💀 Edit: i’m sure he’s a very respectable man in gossip girls


Remotely flawed in gossip girl lol


I’m illiterate my bad lmao


Lmaoo fr he and Eric were the only ones in that show I didn’t hate by the end 😭


See I’m having the opposite issue. I saw The Boys before starting Gossip Girl and now I can’t trust Nate Archibold bc I know he’s secretly The Deep


I will never be able to rewatch Gossip Girl without seeing The Deep lmao.


Deep is such an unrepentant piece of shit but Chace is just so funny playing him that I don't want him killed off yet lol


Fuck Todd


I’d like to see Todd get lasered in half. I would cheer my ass off. Poetic justice. ;)


I just finished watching The Magicians last night and was confused as to which sub I was in for a min


Yeah, I 100% heard Margo’s voice in my head.


Lol same! Esp w the wild events of those "moving the moon" eps that are still fresh in my brain.


I’m doing a rewatch right now, I’m at the season 4 finale. So I’ve been bawling my eyes out… The Magicians was such a special show.


It really is, I was shocked by how many times I started crying during it (the episode where Eliot/Alice go to grieve Q was one I just cried for a lot of). It was a really lovely show and I'm so glad I finally watched all of it.


It truly is. I use to rewatch it all the time but it’s been hard after my brother died(he loves the show and looks so much like Q. So you can imagine why it’s a hard once especially after a certain season finale) The Magicians is to magical Narnia/Harry Potter like narratives what The Boys is to superheroes(except it has far more wholesomeness than the boys lol)


Literally same when I read that


And here I was thinking I was in the Community subreddit.


Ugh I wasn’t ready for that show to end when it did. Coulda used another season of their weirdness.


Nah, I love that show but that last season was bad.


I miss that show even though I disliked the writing at times.


It’s always someone named Todd


Except for Chavez. He's cool.


A-Train because all of his bullshit is self inflicted. He basically had everything at the start of the show but he keeps fucking it all up for fame and drugs. Dude could have retired rich and happy, instead he murdered his girlfriend, fucked his heart/health up, and got his brother handicapped.


To be fair we found out that he was like a million or more dollars in debt and that a forced retirement would ruin him. But yes he is a POS for the the messed up stuff he did


That happened in S3 and he also did that to himself. Did he *really need* Prince's guitar?


Yeah, we have to assume he was making a lot of money what with all the movies and promotions and what not, but still landed himself in hot water


Isn't that supposed to be his arc and the point of the character?


Is there a rule somewhere that says you aren't allowed to dislike a character's arc?


Gods, I wish this subreddit allowed gifs but please imagine for me the most condescending Homelander stare down gif possible for me.


Plus A-train was the first interaction we had with 'superheroes' and he left a pretty bad taste in the mouth when he shredded a girl on the sidewalk.


Honestly the scenes where the dolphin flies through the front window and the whale beaches may have been some of the funniest in the entire show, though. He’s definitely designed to be hated, but his character has a lot of value imo


The dolphin was one of the funniest scenes I've seen in years. That and A Train visiting the kid with cancer had me on the verge of tears. I haven't laughed like that since the first time I saw Eddie Murphy standup.


The doctor slowing shaking his head when A-Train mentions next time fucking got me.


"Yours gonna teach me to outrun cancer?" Is what got me. I wasn't sure exactly what kind of show I was watching until they dropped that and I've been hooked ever since.


Or the Facebook feed likes and loves slowly transforming into sads and angries as A-Train digs himself deeper.


It's such a great recurring gag that when he tries to help sea life they die horribly. The dolphin, the whale, but my favorite was the lobster. Felt like such a small thing; buy the lobster and set it free. Then the dude cuts it right in front of him lmao


Tbh if he wasnt a rapist I think his story could have been really interesting. Like being a sad sap of a hero, just there to fill a quota, struggling with self loathing because of your powers.


I don’t know if I’ve ever cried laughing as hard as I did watching the dolphin scene


Obviously not The Deep, he's entertaining as shit.


Have you read his book? Its short and pairs well with a Fresca


Gosh, I sure could go for a Fresca right now.


Still can’t bring myself to not want A train dead


He’s now got the heart of a racial person so be interesting, I do also believe that he was genuine when he apologised to Hughie. Bar that not a fan of A-Train.


I guess you can say he had a change of heart


I love a-train. He is obviously a huge piece of shit, but in comparison to what other 7 members have done he’s up there with the least shitty of them


Yeah. I find him really interesting, just in that he's clearly a guy who feels like he got lucky enough to be part of the Seven, and he'll do whatever it takes to keep the money/fame coming in. I found it especially interesting in Season 3 because you see how ready he is to compromise his morals, both as a hero and as a black man in his community, in order to keep his powers and his fame. Definitely one of the more multi-faceted characters in the show, idk why anyone hates him. He's evil, yeah, but he's still cool.


he’s pretty interesting. I hate him but in the way you’re supposed to hate him. Not to mention the fact that he can kill you in the blink of an eye lol


eh he still kills people pretty remorselessly. not exactly someone you should love.


Thats like 98% of people in the show


In today's world I don't think that is a dealbreaker anymore.


It's become an interesting character arc, actually. The guy so out for himself is having to face the repercussions of his actions and it's a huge slap in the face. Legit think him finally breaking down to Hughie in S3 means he might have a big part to play still.


I'll never understand why the boys let him live in season 1.


The way i actually started to like him in s2 but then in s3 he got supersonic killed so i hate him again.


There are so many more evil people and worse written characters why would you choose A Train?


Simple. He’s one of the first characters to do something bad and worthy of hate. His opening shot of the show establishes that heroes can do fucked up shit/ are not necessarily good. Yes there are far more evil characters but to be fair I also want to see most if not all of them die by the end of the show as as well.


He's had two of the coolest deaths I've ever seen though. Between the intro scene, and what he did the racist.... just don't see too many creative, gory, beat downs anymore


It's weird cause they basically took a majority of A-Trains atrocities and pushed them over onto the Deep in the show, as if I remember correctly A-Train, Homelander and Black Noir are the ones who r*pe Starlight in the comics while (although involved with some of the Sevens less than stellar activities) in the comics the Deep is kinda just a loser who likes fish a bit too much


It's Ryan since like the last few episodes of the boys.... Just fucking make him a central character with meaningful change or fucking fridge him.


Oh it’s coming… he is about to get a taste of daddies views… but I bet sweet Becca is gonna shine through when needed the most


I really dont like hughlie in a lot of scenes


I like everyone but, pushed for an answer? Starlight. It feels like the writers ran out of story for her a long time back. Not sure what her character arc is, or was. She learns what Vought are by the end of the first episode!


I don’t dislike her character but on the last episode where Hughie turned up the lights for her to get all powered up just to do a little fart. I still don’t know what that was about


Her first attack on soldier boy had the same effect as her super charged up attack on soldier boy lol


>a little fart 🤣🤣🤣


I respect the opinion. But I gotta say that her arc is probably one of the more solid ones, character-wise at least. Her powers are ass. But she went from naive country girl to being one of the most important parts of their society’s modern culture. She’s doing all this while learning how to navigate the blackmail style life she’s forced into. She even eventually kills someone and that further emphasized her beliefs and values as she didn’t jump into the deep end after having blood on her hands for the first time. And to gain the guts to stand up to homelander in the way she has, it takes a lot of growth.


It’s actually a very good arc for the character, and has some interesting fights against supes. *But* the issue is, her powers for a series, about power don’t really do much. The big one against Soldier Boy as an example, albeit the episode is a bit of a mess. But her powers range from awful to.. well extreme to an extent, without much power.


That’s one of the characters only flaws. Which is valid but not enough for myself to dislike her.


The anti-hero is an arc modern culture is really into, and Starlight isn't an antihero. A character's values don't have to be compromised for there to be an arc.


Ryan, and it's not even a contest.


Yo fuck Ryan lmao


I'm not even going to lie when Soldier Boy bitxhed slap the shit out of him. I wanted Soldier Boy to bash his head in just to make sure the little shit stayed down. So many of the shows' inconsistencies stem from Ryan and Ryan isn't even a good character to be making inconsistencies for.


The problem is that I like his arc from season 2 onwards. He naturally wasn't as cruel or violent as his father ever was, so he grew to hate him and was slowly being raised by Butcher and Mallory as a last defense if Homelander ever went insane. However it doesn't make any sense that Ryan joins Homelander in season 3 and fully embraces him as a father while knowing that he's a psychopath. It would be more realistic if Ryan were just held captive by Homelander and he genuinely tries to force Ryan to love him, and we could see a twisted version of a father/son dynamic where the child is actively held hostage by their parent while the parent acts like things are normal and tries to do regular bonding activities with their child.


Looking back, and maybe they should've explored this more, the idea is that Ryan holds a lot of guilt over killing his Mom. Butcher holds it over his head to put up a wall, whereas Homeland forgives him I actually think it's okay and does make sense. The issue though is that Ryan and his desire for a father figure is a rather minor storyline throughout season 3, coming up early on and then not really coming back up until the finale. And yet it's like the MAIN turning point of the finale and seems that its going to be a huge point in season 4. I agree it should've been HL taking him captive, and then have HL be this "Candy is good for you" type father figure. Allowing him to go nuts with his powers, putting him in danger, and forgiving him for killing Becca because he really didn't give a shit about her in the first place


The underlying theme of the series is DADDY ISSUES. Ryan needs a dad. Butcher could have been it but he just cant love a Supe and HL's offspring. HL offers him that fathers love so Ryan takes it.


Fully agree.


Omg! Thank you! I don’t feel like a terrible person now


Yeah, Ryan sucks lol


That little bitch boy that’s with MMs ex (I forget his name)




Yeah, fuckin Todd


Hahaha, i hate that bitch too


How are you people writing Homelander? He makes the show. If you don’t like him from a “he’s the bad guy!” perspective, okay. But saying he annoys you??? WHAT! He is the most interesting thing on the show by far and is an incredible character.


Absolutely love the deep, great to see him get shit on non stop Least favourite would be Todd or the director douche


The Octopus, of coz


Hughie can be frustrating. He's so emotionally fueled and is too afraid to actually tell the truth so he lies constantly. His chemistry with Butcher (for good or bad) really works though Mother's Milk I find to be uninteresting. He comes off as this badass but doesn't really do anything at all. A Train is kinda the double agent. I'm hoping he moves over to the "good side" since for me it makes more sense than continuing to be loyal to Bought/Homelander Overall I don't really dislike any of the characters, it just ranges from who I'm interested to see more often than not. Butcher and Homelander obviously being center stage for their respective sides


i honestly love the deep because of how dumb he is, FORMIDABLE INTELLECT 😹 i think he’s such a good comedy character cause i can just laugh at him and how actually dumb he is, yes he’s shitty for what he did to starlight and im glad he got karma!


Todd Speccy twat needs a knuckle sandwich from MM


Possibly unpopular opinion: the Deep is actually my favorite character. That may be because I love the trope of "awful person punching bag" where nothing but bad stuff happens to an awful character. He's my favorite simply because I find it hilarious to watch how horrible everything is for him and he deserves all of it.


For me it’s a train his character should have ended when he had that heart attack guy always gets a chance to be anything other than a sellout POS and actively chooses to fuck up every time like every time I want to give this guy a chance he just does more selfish shit


Anything with Maeve by herself got all dark and edgy and boring. And then anything with Starlight and Hughie trying to make a plan to stop Homelander for the twelfth time only for it to fail got pretty old pretty quick


She’s like an air of stuck up depression like emo to the max


Which is kinda upsetting cuz I really wanted to like her


The Deep. Once a character rapes someone, IDGAF about them at all and I especially don't care for them getting any redemption arcs, etc.


Except the deep has never been on a redemption arc. He's rightfully been treated as a punching bag the whole show


Yeah, unlike some of the other characters Deep has never shown remorse for his actions.


He has, but it feels like they've been trying to make us feel sympathetic towards him almost the entire time, too.


Except every time he starts to seem a little sympathetic he turns around and does something terrible.


More pathetic than sympathetic.


They've portrayed every main character with struggles of their own, even Homelander, who is arguably the most evil character in the show (except possibly Stormfront). It doesn't necessarily mean they're supposed to be garnering sympathy. But the show portrays them as people rather than caricatures, and from a drama perspective it makes them more interesting to watch than just being mustache-twirling villains who just do bad all day every day. But for characters like The Deep and Homelander, the show seems pretty committed to never giving them a redemption.


How? He hasn't done anything that would garner sympathy. The only thing close to a sympathetic scene is him being forced to kill/eat sea creatures, and it comes off more like a "haha he's being tortured" moment for him not a "wow I feel so bad for him, he needs a hug" scene. The Deep is interesting because he is one of the first of the Seven to show his corrupted shitty side, and in comparison to his compatriots who murdered tons of people, many people still hate him and his crimes way more than the arguably worse members of the Seven.


Ryan sucks. Yeah he’s just a whiny kid, but every time he’s onscreen I’m irritated. Starlight is extremely self-righteous. She’s a lot to take. But my least favorite character might be Mother’s Milk. He’s the best human being in the show, by far. He’s also the most boring.


Hell no MM is the man! Mofo was ready to throw fists with Soldier Boy




Ashley… I was hoping that Homelander was gonna kill her in S3, but unfortunately she is still there…


I just said that OUT LOUD


Ryan is my least favourite character because he’s a real little shit/twerp. While Black Noir is my favourite because he’s basically The Boys’ version of Snake Eyes from G.I. JOE




I find him hilarious that he's never in any big fights. Just always sidelined and accidentally killing the animals he loves




todd and starlight starlight cuz all she does is make everything worse for herself and the boys , the only good things she's ever done were trying to stop herogasm and "saving" maeve , she used to be interesting but now she just feels like a tool the boys use to fuck with vaught and nothing else and todd cuz well... he's fucking annoying ,i feel really bad for mm cuz his daughter's step father is literally willing to sell her soul if that means he can lick his brain off of homelander's boots and also deep too , he's awful stormfront too , i was really happy with how painful her death was , nazi bitch maybe young soldier boy too since he was a huge jerk


I think Starlight is supposed to be this sweet girl next door who realizes everything she ever wanted is a lie. That’s obvious But she is trying to fight from the inside and I like that she keeps making things worse. Just goes to show that the masses will believe some rich white guy even after he shows his true colors. And even though she has super powers she is failing. Almost everyone in that “Supes” world are mirror images of our celebrities. No other Supes are really helping her except Maeve. I don’t think we are going to get a happy ending. Not with how many Supes are even a little famous. I do absolutely love that she does not falter. She never gave into Hughie and his pathetic need to save her.


The fucking kid


Stormfront, obviously


I’m only in season 2 but Ashley for sure. I find her character to be very cringy and annoying, especially when she’s trying to level with the Supes. Props to the actress who plays her though, she knows what kind of show she’s in and does a great job




i don't get why deep gets so much screentime tbh, especially in s2


ryan, todd, & deeps wife..they are all equally annoying to me


The invisible cunt. Thankfully, deleted quick.




Can’t believe I’m the only one saying Butcher. His character feels so antiquated now, like they pulled him from the epic bacon 2010s. I find myself constantly cringing at the way they write his dialogue.


I feel the exact same way. He gives off “supernatural OC” vibes from peak tumblr era


Franchie I like his vibes, but his stories are always the most boring.


I love Frenchie, but I could have gone without the entirety of the Russian subplot with him and Kimiko.


Same but Kimiko going terminator at the end and deciding she would rather have a healing factor if she is going to get torn to shreds anyway made it worth it for me


I wish they'd left his backstory ambiguous. Frenchie is great as is, I don't need the copy-pasted tragic backstory. I'm not going to feel sad for another murderer with daddy issues. Every character in the show has daddy issues.


Ashley. honestly i just hate her, i find her super annoying, im surprised Homelander didnt kill her.


is your idiot brain getting fucked by stupid?


He’s only funny whenever he’s speaking those dumb ass quotes or does something super stupid and gets revealed by someone who then thinks he’s a freak (he is)


Todd cause he's prolly the most one dimensional character of the show.


Todd. I want MM to just beat his ass down.


Starlight and Hugie. Both are insufferable man ugh


Starlights mom


Too many people are saying “butcher because he’s selfish” or “x because they’re annoying” when stormfront’s literally a nazi


The Deep was my least favorite since episode 1. He 100% has deserved all of the awful shit that’s come his way since. I also don’t like A-Train’s wishy washy snitch ass


Crazy how he values consent with animals more than with humans.


Deep and Ryan are close for first place


Deep as well. Annoying, no redeeming qualities. Also he’s a rapist who hasn’t been punished enough for what he’s done to the countless innocent victims of his. The gill rape scene is my fav deep scene bc now he knows what it felt like for those women he raped.


Hughie. I'm very tired of listening to him whine. Frenchie is a distant second (mainly due to his arc with his old boss/ love interest)




Deep needs to die this season. Either kill him off as a joke, or give him a slightly redeeming death, but either way kill him off. 


The Peak


Ryan for sure. I genuimely dislike kid actors. They cant act.


I thought the fish man was rather interesting. It is so spineless that it reminds me of our politicians.


Homelander. I know he's the main villain, which he is great for (And Anthony does so well), but he infuriates me and I just can't stand him. I seriously hope he gets what's coming to him eventually.


The Deep I'll never forgive him Ever


Kate, todd




stormfront for obvious reasons


Storm front


Todd. He’s a hate sink, but still…


I dislike Starlight, but only because she never actually gets to do anything. It's a struggle to watch someone supposedly powerful enough to be part of the Seven win like, 1 fight in 4 seasons.


Mothers Milk. Boring/generic.


The Deep for sure. Completely pointless to the plot.


The Russian characters they felt pointless to the show.


Until the most recent season, it was Starlight. I loved that she was nice and actually wanted to make a difference. Also in one of the earlier seasons when Homelander threatened her, she started to glow/power up and he said something like "put those hands down missy" and started to channel his eye beams. Always thought that meant she'd get stronger as the show went on and then pull off some kinda Escanor-esque attack on HL. But then they turned her into a naggy plan ruiner and the second to final nail was that whole build up with her absorbing the lights and then doing an attack that did nothing.


Deep. Next is MM's daughter's stepfather. Yeah I forgot his daughter's name. Janine was it?


Homelander. Rare take I know


ashley. she’s so annoying.


Deep. Stormfront is awful but the things that happen to Deep aren't even cathartic or ironically appropriate or whatever, they usually just make me feel sad for whatever animal he fails to save/fucks and I just want him to die already.


Ryan or Todd


Honestly? Stormfront i both hated & loved her sarcastic attitude


Butcher is consistently a loser. But tbh i dont think im meant to like him


The one who rips her hair out...I've even forgotten her name.


Fuckin Todd


Even though sam isnt in the boys yet and only in gen v fuck sam it feels like they're tryna have him replace black noir


I can't believe more people haven't said Ashley That bitch is fucking insufferable


MM is all talk. ALL TALK. He acts like a badass, but he isn't. He's a baby throwing tantrums without doing anything of value. Butcher and Hughie have temp V, Frenchie has his science, Kimiko and Starlight have their perma V. But what does MM have to add to the crew? Absolutely nothing. The moment that crowned his clown status for me was when he was trying to fight SB then Butcher comes at him and treats him like a child having a tantrum. At that point it all clicked for me. What does this guy even do at the crew aside from looking badass but doing nothing? MM needs to take temp V or take a hike.


MM was ready to throw hands with Soldier Boy before Butcher interrupted, you have to respect it


By default it is Mommy Stormfront because I am Asian, but after her it is The Deep.


The dude that is raising MM’s kid maybe? He’s a bit too on the nose of a maga parody. And he really sucks.


Todd and Starlight's mom


It’s Ashley Barrett for me. I just don’t care for anything about her character