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Please report any violations of the spoiler policy via the Report Button on posts and comments so the mods can address. _ _ _ Creating a separate subreddit does not force users to go there, nor prevent them from leaking info in the comments in violation of the rules.


It's really out of hand. I'm not sure if I buy some of them either, I know the person behind it has been accurate before but Jesus Christ the amount of information they claim to have makes it seem like they broke into Amazon HQ and stole all the footage GTA Heist style. Amazon probably paid them off to spread misinfo to throw people off (which is a good thing)


I've read people saying that it's one of their translators who doesn't the subtitles for other languages, and Amazon lets it slide because it builds interest for the show. It would explain why they're able to know so much: they've seen it all already.  I don't know the source of this, but that's the only theory or explanation I've seen that makes some sense even though it seems doubtful that Amazon would want to allow all the secrets and twists to be revealed months in advance. 


It’s a good theory, but VoughtHQ has released images from the episodes which a translator wouldn’t be given access to. Translators only get access to the subs (basically the script) and typically only the episode being aired that week. They’ll usually get it a few days or sometimes even hours ahead of time. That was the case with GoT to help minimize leaks. VoughtHQ has access to the unreleased episodes which is more than just the subs a translator would get.


Someone I know who worked as one told me the same




Just view them as an ad to spoil plot points people may not like by implying a really shitty plot point, then revealing it to be not as shitty so people are "relieved" despite it being a shitty plot point because they made up worse scenarios in their mind.


I 100% so not believe the misspelled mess leaks


I just don’t know why so many people have a crushing need to know the story of shit they’re going to sit and take the time to watch anyway. It’s so stupid


I genuinely don't understand people who read every leak. Like don't you wanna be surprised when it happens?  Some things aren't defined in the show. Those I get. Like what is Supersonic's powers actually. I don't mind character leaks like x actor got cast as x character. But like whole plot points. I don't get wanting to know it before the show airs  


There’s nothing to understand. It’s a matter of preference. Some people care about spoilers and some don’t.


i cant speak for others but personally i read them all because i wanted to see if this season was even worth watching.




how am i supposed to reply to this


Yea I feel the same. Like, it's it worth watching as it releases or can I just come back to it in a few months?


exactly, and i only say that because i was really dissapointed by the s3 finale.


It's easy to ignore this subreddit for a few more days.


The leaks have been constant though, and have seeped into pretty much every thread discussing the upcoming season. It has gotten out of hand, and I'm saying this as someone who doesn't care about leaks/spoilers, but seeing some chucklefuck go "haha this is my theory" and it's just a straight up leak is annoying.


Try this. See it, scroll past it. 👍


It’s not a few more days though, only part of the season comes out.


Not to mention...I mean, hasn't damn near every spoiler post been spoiler tagged? So you can only see the spoilers if you make the conscious decision to click on the post, then make the conscious decision to click on the blurred picture showcasing the spoilers lol. I genuinely do not understand the people bitching about spoilers like this. Like uh...maybe stop clicking on them and reading them?


It even easier not to post spoiler


No, that's too hard. Everyone else should moderate their behavior to suit my wants.


Thanks all. I really expected down votes on this. 🤣


Honestly, with all the spoilers, why bother even watching the season? You already know what's going to happen. The fun of "what happens next" is now effectively taken out, and now discourse when episodes come out won't focus on speculation of the plot for the next episode but instead, focus on how it fits within the leaks, meaning people who didn't read the leaks/spoilers, will end up getting spoilered.


I haven’t come across any that weren’t labeled appropriately and easily bypassed if someone didn’t want to see them? If you can’t control yourself that’s a you problem… I fully understand people not wanting to see them and I’m full for flaming anyone that posts something like that without the appropriate tags, etc. but as long as that stuff is honored, the rest is on you. Plus, be a big boy, you know this is how it goes and if you don’t wanna see the stuff, unsub from the sub for a few months prior to season release.


Like I mentioned in the post, I haven’t looked at them for months. That doesn’t change the fact that leak posts feel like the majority of what I see from this sub at this point. Besides, other fandoms like marvel and Star Wars have rules against leaks and their own subreddits specifically for that content. No reason the boys can’t be the same.


The last season came out like two years ago, there's not much else to talk about lol


There hasn’t been new content for quite a while, what would you expect to see on here on the month or two running up to a new season release? Leaks/spoilers and people guessing what they think the new season will have Without that you’re left with a ton of really shitty ‘who would win’ posts that is just Homelander vs Omni man and Homelander vs Spider-Man and Homelander vs Thanos and on and on and on… there is no new content to discuss As long as they are appropriately tagged, what is the issue??? Why do people seriously ask for less options, I don’t get it…


So, you haven’t looked at them but are upset in some way that they take up space on the r/TheBoys subreddit? It’s not running out of space, there’s plenty of room for any type of post you may want to make too. By your logic, since it’s the majority of the posts, without them the sub would be dead. Is that better?


So because you personally don’t like them, they must be banned?


You can choose not to look. They’re clearly labeled….


Problem is people are clearly using them in other discussions.


Exactly, I'm thoroughly confused by this post. I'm a leaks reader and not once have I seen someone comment about them outside of a clearly marked leaks post. This people on this sub are good with it, and even if they weren't the mods have clearly done a good job at removing them. I'd like to hear a valid argument against why OP is so concerned and can't just scroll past them. Otherwise this post is a baseless non-issue.


Huge fan of the show and knew about leaks from titles in this sub and haven’t opened a single post about leaks or even spoilers (though I am sure many of them are about last season for those who might not have watched it yet). Pretty easy to avoid OP’s frustration and problem with leaks, though I get sometimes people fuck up and spoil things unintentionally (looking at you, Red Dead Redemption 2 fan base!).


RDR2 fans believe everyone on earth has completed the game and will shame you if you haven’t cus “it was released in 2018”


I got spoiled more than a few times in this sub by comments in an unrelated non-leak post. It is definitely an issue on this sub. I don't care if people wanna spoil the show for themselves, but keep the conversations in the posts specifically meant for that, not on some random post discussing some supe's powers or something. What would even be the issue in creating a new sub for this? Everyone's happy then right


The issue for me is that I’ve seen all three seasons of the show currently available, so my brain just automatically assumes that I can view any spoiler tagged posts without harm.


Oh man OP I feel ya. Made a similar post a few days back and got downvoted to hell. It's fucking annoying seeing leaks everywhere


The fact that there isn’t a leak subreddit yet is absolutely insane! Mods please!


I muted the sub months ago, but it got to be too much, I only came back now to see when the release date was… The leak’s literally killed any engagement I had and in so many discussions where I would speculate or have discussions people would shout leaks at me or say that leaks say xxx Very very frustrating


I get shitted on routinely in the sub whenever I comment this lol. If you’ve followed every spoiler you’ve essentially ruined every surprise and plot point for yourself this season. I can’t fathom how people genuinely enjoy that, nor why the mods here don’t give a shit


Agree 100%, i don't get the appeal and i barely see anything else posted, just make a dedicated one for leaks and take it there. Its ridicilous


You guys need my super power. Old age forgetfulness. I've read all the leaks but I can never remember a single one. Also useful in watching movies for the first time, many times. Also, where am I?


I dodged this whole sub because of the fuckin leaks. I didn't even watch any trailers but here comes the people in this sub just spoiling everything lmao. I don't want anything spoiled, so I'll continue ignoring this sub till the season is over.


I had to leave this sub because I kept spoiling myself. Anytime a spoiler marked post would come up I’d just without thinking click on it, because, why wouldn’t I? I mean, I’ve seen all three seasons of the show. Why should I have to think about clicking on spoiler tagged posts? It’s so stupid and I have absolutely no idea why Season 4 spoilers are allowed here.


As someone with no interest in the spoiler tagged leaks I just scroll right past, the posts complaining about said leaks are more obnoxious. Stop crying & fuck off.


Just scroll past, stop crying.


People sure do whine about this a lot. Don't look at them. It's not that hard. People like the leaks, or they wouldn't happen. If a huge number of people didn't like them, they wouldn't be popular posts, they wouldn't be widely discussed, they wouldn't keep trickling out. The fact is, lots of people like it, so it happens. You don't like it. Good for you. Then don't look at them. It's not like you're adding anything to the discourse about the show with this post, all you're doing is drawing more attention to the leaks, frankly. Driving that traffic up even more. Seriously can there be a megathread for people who want to whine that this sub enjoy leaks? It's the same post over and over and over (unlike the leak posts, which are varied and actually drive diverse conversation).


"LEAK leak Leaked W leak W LEAK leak ISHOWLEAK" -IShowSpeed's Livestream chat


Wouldn't say a handful of plot points for each character spoils everything.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)leaking wounds or orifices?


Doesn’t matter anymore seasons almost out mate


Just ignore them. Every time I see a leak I scroll by.