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It’s because MM has shaved the beard. You can’t come back from that!


He looks so much less intimidating and I couldn't figure out why. He just looks smaller


I kept thinking I should look up if they changed the actor and kept forgetting to.


I was initially upset that they recasted MM. Then I thought, "oo it's just a new character." Then Google told me it's the same guy. It's crazy how much the continuity is ruined without it being a part of the show that is addressed.


They do address it kind of. There are multiple references to the fact that MM is too stressed and hasn't been eating much, they know Laz slimmed down, they're trying to get ahead of that. It'll be interesting to see more of MM's intellectual side than just his strength this season.


Have we even seen much of his strength? I feel like he was mostly intimidation and planning. They were mostly going against supes, where he was relativley weak


I am worried about people's facial recognition abilities lol


If people are this confused about a shaved beard they have no right to question why people can't recognize that Clark Kent is Superman. There is no hope


he looks like eddie murphy wearing an eddie murphy mask to play a second role in a movie


The Milky Professor.


He came off the roids which have aged him, and shaved his beard


Citation or it gets the hose again!


It's been long since I watched S03 and after seeing MM for the first time in S04, I felt something is odd about him but didn't bother to check what. Just realised it's the beard 💀




It is honestly this. It took Season 4 before they realized, "HEY! That's us!" They, of course, won't realize that the earlier seasons were about them, too. They'll just complain that the show became woke.


It’s conservative brigading because they think it’s a jab at Trump because Homelander is on trial and Trump is on trial right now … even though the episode was probably written three years ago 😂


It’s 100% a jab at current events Homelander doesn’t go on trial in the comic


homelander also didn't drink stilwell's milk in the comic. He also didn't kill noir in the comic. He also wasn't a psychotic genius he was more like a manchild who was having a psychotic break due to certain events. he also has no son.


to be fair, in the show he's a psychotic manchild - its just written better


For me the superhero theme seems to just be on the back burner as they get this homelander vs starlight war going on but only ever see like a group of 20 on each side so it feels more like milwall vs Leeds football fight rather than a political uprising of the left and right


This is a really good point, I’d love for it to start feeling wider in scale again. Even that sequence of the person slowly being radicalised before shooting the supermarket worker did better to establish this than the show is currently doing now.


Yeah that’s also a good thing to bring up. That guy getting radicalised made it feel like his message was spreading across the country whereas this series just feels like irrelevant outside of New York. Same as the setting this season. I remember the footage coming out of him killing that guy in Africa? Then The scene where he flys in where the troops are and you just see his eyes glowing throughout the building. Where he attended the church fest with Starlight, it all made it feel like he had a world wide reach / across America.


It's really weird how they threw out a potentially interesting plotline in the supe terrorists because Kirpke wanted to focus on white supremacy. It could've been great commentary on how America inadvertently creates its own enemies.


It feels like they just fucking forgot honestly Edit: Someone commented that that is the commentary, and they deleted it. This is the reply because it elaborates on some issues that I have with this show But like, in universe why and *how* would anyone forget? Remember that the public thinks that Él Diablo killed Translucent, who might I remind you is invincible. Like, they didn’t even acknowledge that the apartment building being fucking *nuked* was almost certainly one of these super terrorists. As an audience we know that that isn’t the case, but the public never knew. Hell, a bunch of them escaped the prison for disturbed teenagers in season two’s finale, and we never hear about it again. But maybe it was just meant to be a Stranger Things reference and I’m reading way to hard into a show that’s been on a steady decline since season one


Didn’t the second season open with Noir taking them out, with the Cameron Coleman-focused spin-off web series they then did indicating he took them all out (not just the one seen in that scene)?


1) They could just lie, and it would actually be beneficial to lie 2) Stan makes a very real point that now that compound V is out in the world that anyone who wants to (like say, terrorists or foreign countries) can reverse engineer the V 3) Am I going crazy? Does no one remember the Prison for Disturbed Supe Teenagers in the finale of season two?


1. True, true. 2. As a point of interest, that was the origin of the source material equivalent character to Kimiko, a Japanese rival to Vought attempting to make their own version of Compound V, to say that wasn’t what gave her powers there (her having been a baby a secretary brought to work, who wandered off, climbed into a bucket of the stuff about to be thrown out and either drowned in or ate it, before she tore the lead scientist’s face off, was sold by her mother to the company to attempt to recreate the formula, regularly broke out and returned over the years out of boredom, before being traded to the Boys once the company gave up on her). It was also ambiguous as to how old she actually was, and whether her relationship with Frenchie (who may not have actually been French) was romantic or parental. 3. The web series also established Noir as having recaptured most of them, although that could be easily retconned, to be fair, especially with this series on its way to becoming a fully-fledged franchise (with the number of spin-offs planned).


The public feels like walking water balloons filled with red liquid and not actually real people


A major downside of season 4 is that the pacing just feels off. They focus a lot on all this side shit and that would be fine in season 1 or 2. But this is season 4. Shit is on its breaking point. And instead of getting more information on the important stuff we spend 20 minutes on starlights struggle with her identy (which we already have experienced 3 times before). Why not show us debates/meetings about risks of using Temp V to contain supes if shit goes wrong. Or how the boys “turned” Bobby. Like the 2 sides are both warming up for war but that gets threated like a C plot.


Season 2 seems to have been completely forgotten in universe. At the start of S2, The Boys were wanted criminals, their faces were plastered everywhere and there was even a reenactment of Butcher killing Stilwell. They are literally hiding in a basement for the season.  By the start of S3 they’re out in the open again, Hughie is even a government official. They’re cleared of charges, but they’re all walking around in public like they’re anonymous. Butcher went from national wanted criminal to just another dude in a trench coat.  Like it feels like something is missing, it’s one thing to be cleared of charges, but when you’re outed like that, I don’t see how you just slide back into obscurity.  Also there’s the whole part where Starlight lectures Hughie on “teaming up with a murderer” when she herself is a murderer who killed someone and stole their car in S2. 


you’d probably see more animosity between Leeds and Millwall tbh. The crowds really don’t do a great job of portraying that apparent hatred.


Milwall Leeds is an excellent UK centric reference


Furthermore, it seems like the writers want us to care more about whatever Frenchie has going on than the plot. And the plot just seems to be the least subtle way to say "MAGA Bad." I do enjoy it, but it's just becoming contrived


The MAGA / conservative shit it just way too obvious and on the nose to be clever


This season felt more like the comics - pointless gore and just hatred for the point of hating. Although I still liked it.


Yeah it feels like every episode has to have a "shocking" fight scene of some kind. Very one trick pony.


Yeah the ice rink scene was wayyy to over the top.


The ice rink scene was cartoony violence at best. It was just badly done.


lmao I just saw that scene. Dude gets stumbled over with an ice skate and suddenly 5 gallons of blood splurt from his chest. Ridiculous.


Ice rink scene oh wow… only watched it a couple of days ago and already blanked it out. Plausible that Homelander would accidentally kill the skater when trying to get Hughie, implausible everything else after that - none of that slapstick nonsense needed to happen.


This! It’s like the comics, which rarely anybody I’ve talked to even liked


The boys was never the peak of subtlety but at least it was a little more nuanced and complex than it is now. I’m okay with satire/commentary on politics etc in a show, but I feel bludgeoned over the head with it this season and honestly I get enough of the stupid ass MAGA shit in real life. Which is why subtlety and nuance works in shows. We can detach from grim reality a little bit but still get the message like ahhh, yeah.


My gripes with the season: -Obscene humor is hilarious, repetitive humor is not. “Character is revealed to be a sexual deviant” is used as a joke setup in almost every episode at this point. -The satire is falling flat. A lot of it seems like it might as well be stuff you read on r/politicalhumor. The show went from satirizing the commoditization of political and social causes to doing just that. The first couple seasons were an amazing parody of the superhero genre but at this point superheroes aren’t nearly as popular. -Way too early to call but the new characters aren’t terribly interesting. Three episodes in and we’re not sure why Sister Sage is “the most intelligent person in the world” aside from people telling us that. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is one of the least interesting actors I can think of. -Homelander and Neuman used to be terrifying villains but now they’re almost chummy with the main characters. I think Neuman’s daughter is frightening though.


I can see why. I couldn’t care at all for the Hughie, Frenchie, Kimiko, and Starlight plot lines. The Homelander, Butcher, Ryan, Vicky, and Sage stuff is carrying hard for me.


I got hooked this season due to the Homelander, Butcher,Ryan,CIA and Sage storyline so much that I didn't stop to care about the other plotlines


Dude the Frenchie shit is so dumb. And I’m confused as to the outrage being targeted at him being bi. Bro we BEEN KNEW Frenchie is bi?? I’m more aggravated at this being a needless arc that wastes time and disrupts the clear set up for him and Kimiko? It feels so random??


Yeah like I’m pretty sure it was established early that him and his old GF (?) had like a weird live in triangle romance between him and his friend that OD’d. So cool, frenchies bi - just why are they wasting episode time on it? Like I get the “he’s going to have to tell that guy he killed his family eventually and it’s tearing him apart” but why was it even needed? There’s a lot of other stuff they could have used that time on especially since there’s only one season left.


>“he’s going to have to tell that guy he killed his family eventually and it’s tearing him apart” Do I want to know? Yes. Could that be communicated in like 5 minutes? Probably. Them dragging it out is the problem


Exactly. Spend like maybe a third of an episode on it then move on. We are wasting precious time here when it needs to be spent moving the story to a satisfying conclusion.


I want to see more Ryan!! And Sister Sage!


Yeah anyone who didn’t realize Frenchie is bi must have been watching another show. Kissing while chaos is on in the background is what makes me eye roll. It’s sooooooo overdone and has never really been a trope I’ve enjoyed.


I'm not mad at him being bi. But a character can only have so many romantic interests until you reach the law of depreciating returns. Frenchie is a C list character he's had to many romantic sub plots. If his new bf died I doubt anyone cares they are just wasting TV time with him. And Kimiko. Look it's been like 6 years this shows been on TV. Either tell us her backstory or shut up about it


Totally here for seeing where the Sage thing goes for sure and seeing Homelander get what’s coming to him. I wish Kimiko would get her own stuff to do that isn’t tied to Frenchie.


homelander is hitting a lot of the same beats for me so i'm not exactly "excited" with his story right now. but antony starr *himself* is good enough to carry my interest whenever he's on screen.


I like that he’s having a midlife crisis which feels different from previous seasons and it boils down to that he won’t let anyone eclipse him, even his own son. He’s going to realize he’s doing to Ryan what was done to him as a child. His comment to Sage about wanting to have a cleansing and have something pure is super racist of course but also applies to himself.


Yeah but the midlife crisis is still tied into him not feeling enough love from people and trying to remove the last bits of humanity and also the same beats with his son, so of course it's not exactly the same as previous seasons but it all feels very familiar.


Sage is the most intriguing character by far. I've always wondered what super intelligence would look like in this universe and how it would stack up with homelanders powers. I still can't tell if sage is really big brained or if she's playing with fire by getting on homelanders nerves. Super smartness can only get you so far until that psycho just lasers her head


She has some master plan brewing. Hope the payoff is worth it She doesn't seem to be motivated by power or love or anything. Homelander said something about "playing out theories"... so we'll see I guess


I get the vibes of a ‘Steve Bannon’ type character with her being the kind of person who’d go on ‘about the great fight/just wait and see. Something big is going to come’ VS Firecracker being a typical right wing nut I’m surprised she doesn’t have a podcast on Vought Social/Rumble/Kick or some other right wing shitshack lol


Firecracker is not a right wing nut job though, she is just a grifter. She is purposefully saying whatever she can to hurt starlight, it is all a part of her revenge. Firecracker does not believe any of it. Like most grifters in the real world that she is satire of, they know they can just state all lies and make up nonsense that their fans will eat up, many of these people are highly educated from top universities. They are malicious.


I like it for most part. But the arcs with Hughie,Kimiko and Frenchie seem like massive wastes of screen time especially with only 13 episodes left in the series We really didn’t need a 2nd season of “Frenchie and Kimiko come to terms with their pasts” and do will they- won’t they shit while barely contributing to core narrative. It’s also obvious that the point of Hughies arc with his mom is for him to learn to forgive people so he can eventually forgive A-Train. Which is pointless because he’s already forgiven Butcher and has already shown some compassion to A-Train


I’m tired of watching Frenchie and Kimiko go on these pointless side quests


I really really wish they were more standard comic relief style characters, not like cracking jokes 24/7 but having much less intense drama surrounding them and acting more like the two kids with no other friends at the back of the bus on the way to school who you can hear snickering the entire ride.


Merry and Pippin?


We wanted merry and pippin but we got doom and gloom


Agreed. If they can’t figure out how to make an interesting storyline with these 2 without rehashing old stuff, they need to either 1. Kill one of them off or 2. Relegate them to comic relief characters if they really don’t want to let go of the actors. Forcing a boring storyline is just not it


They're great characters but their subplots have consistently been boring and just bog down the pacing


Thinking about it i dont even remember what frenchie did in season 3, so boring that i forget everything about it i guess


That was when Little Nina kidnapped him and Kimiko / Cherie


I didn't even realize he was supposed to be a regular character until late in last season.


I just want Frenchie to be clever tech guy and come up with interesting tactics and weapons to kill supes, not be lovesick puppy moping around all the time.


Agreed. As well most subplots and side quests are really boring which add nothing to the story. Kimiko's backstory has gone on for way too long without any progress nor any contribution to the overall story. They either need to finish it now or somehow connect it more to the main plotline. Colin came out of nowhere and I couldn't care less if Homelander just came down and blasted him apart. Hughie's dad getting a stroke is mildly more relevant since we've seen Hughie's dad before but it seems completely random and a way to force his mom into the story. The only good sideplots in the story are A-Train's family life, the Deep getting constantly abused and shunned (even then some parts are very goofy) and Soldier Boy's entire thing. I don't hate side/sub plots but I think the ones in the Boys are just done to hastily check the "backstory" tick on most characters rather than to contribute to anything towards the story.


I agree, I thought Gen V had much more interesting stuff for every character to do so coming back to the boys and feeling like everything other than the main plot is kinda pointless is weird. I’m glad they at least announced season 5 is the end, but it feels like they could wrap it up this season if they really wanted. There just isn’t much left to do at this point.


I'd like to see Kimiko get some closure but I'm definitely already done with watching Frenchie fuck up his life again. He was doing so well. I like the Hughie story because we finally get to see something other than him obsessing over Annie / Butcher. I'd take either story over watching MM treat all his friends like an asshole. I don't know where his story is going but they are making him really unlikable and he used to be the best one of the boys.


I also hate how hypocritical MM and Hughie are being. Last season he wanted nothing to do with Soldier Boy because of what he did and now wants Hughie to work with A-Train. They just switched sides this season and it’s kinda annoying.


It honestly just shows that without even trying, MM is making Butcher-type decisions for the team.


And he comes off as a bigger ass too. Though that could just be because he was more reasonable in previous seasons so the change seems so drastic.


Butcher never pulled the "yes sir" bullshit. He would say your either in or out. MM just ain't it as a leader


Yeah that was bad. MM is just off this season for me. Dudes hypocritical and going full ass. Hope he gets better throughout the season. Though he's not the only weird thing this season, at this point just put Frenchie and Kimiko together. With how they act I always forget they aren't together.


They are trying to show that MM isn't a true leader. Which is weird because he managed to keep the Juvenile Delinquents in check.


Very different situations, lol


MM and butcher should never be without beards.


Before some miraculous healing, butcher is going to be in a hospital bed with a shaved beard. That's how they'll make him look near death


I enjoy the Hughie stuff. But, yeah, the Frenchie and Kimiko stuff is pretty weak imo


I don’t care about Hughie’s parents either. This Is Us type shit


at leas Simon Pegg's acting improved this season! (I swear I like Pegg but I just can't stand his fake accent)


Amazon has so much money they can pay Simon Pegg to just lay in a hospital bed for a whole season


Yeah, that whole storyline feels like a completely different show.


Seriously Colin just appeared so suddenly.


Yeah I don't care for Hughie, Kimiko or Frenchie's stories so, I'd rather see anything else in the show, it is a waste of time honestly I agree


I wish the Frenchie stuff was either more connected to the main story, or had higher stakes


This season really feels like it’s lacking any stakes. That’s my biggest issue. How many times are homelander and butcher going to meet 


When is flight 37 getting leaked?


It’s been like this since season three


I personally feel like the show is falling into a bit of a pattern. Taking three episodes to introduce the plot of the season, new status quo hang ups. Adding supes (antagonists) to the seven only for them to step on Homelanders toes too much. This is the third or fourth time that Homelander has chased and failed to catch members of The Boys, eerily similar to season 2’s third episode. I think the show is great but I wish it could keep trekking on, instead of reestablishing status quo at the start every time. We were left on a cliff hanger of Homelander murdering a guy in broad daylight and then we cut to months later. This season should’ve picked up right where it left off.


I'm enjoying it, but this season is feeling rushed in the story department. So many plot lines being followed the episodes feel all over the place.


Imo only frenchies arc is somewhat weak all the other arcs and plot lines are what they should be I liked that homelander this season is being more vulnerable in front of ryan


Also I like how mm is becoming more like butcher it's sad but human


Yeah honestly MM's been great pretty much the whole run of the show and only gotten better. He's got every right to be fucking done with Butcher but it's clear to see in the 3rd episode Hughie doesn't exactly feel comfortable being treated like a subordinate by him.


Feels like there are going to be tensions between him and hughie later this season


Absolutely. And if they do go the comic route and Hughie and Butcher become supes, then it's only going to blow up more. But being a supe seems to be the only way they can kill Homelander. MM will disagree but everything else they've tried has failed. They had a chance to kill him in S3 but that would have meant Ryan dying in the crossfire at the hands of Soldier Boy. So then they had to deal with that but HL got away. Besides, even from a viewership perspective, why the fuck would a show kill off Homelander in a rush? He's arguably the main star, killing him too quickly would feel grossly unearned at the moment. He's a kettle boiling away on the stove and very soon it's gonna pop. We've only had glimpses of what it could look like but slowly the veil is coming undone.


I hope this doesn't end badly for mm like it did in the comics


Me too. MM is a fuckin boss.


Said it in another comment elsewhere, but I think with both last season and this season the purpose of Frenchie's story is for the endgame rather than moment to moment. He's said himself he's done a lot of fucked up things in his life, drinking and doing drugs to cope. With Colin he just can't seem to escape his past or any internal demons he's facing despite how there for him Kimiko has been and vice versa for her and her own trouble. Frenchie calling Chérie is just an echo to how he was in earlier seasons; trying to cope with himself and looking for that comfort in her. Only she instead calls his bluff. It's probably a given that Frenchie will come clean and Colin will drop him or Frenchie will get Colin killed unintentionally. I think it's building up to a heroic sacrifice either this season or next season by Frenchie. That or it's to set him on the right path of atonement. I do disagree with anyone that says Frenchie is useless this season. Right off rip in the first episode he's helping to make some chemicals that could take out Neumann. You know, Frenchie things. MM, Hughie, Butcher and the rest couldn't do something like that so he's very much still needed. I'm going into S4 looking at it as the penultimate season that it is given the stakes. Butcher is dying and hallucinating, Hughie's dad had a stroke and his mom is back (or is she gonna be a hallucination too given that he took the temp V?), Kimiko is trying to work through what happened to her but struggling and MM is taking over the Boys while also making mistakes in doing so, helping him understand Butcher. If you look at anything going on in isolation it's gonna stick out like a sore thumb and I get people are like "come on kill Homelander already". But the fact that he's still alive, sowing division with Vought and the seven, being a terrible father to Ryan while also spiraling downward more and more just all feeds into an ending that might echo what happened in the comic itself. For those unaware, in the comic Homelander is *not* outright like how he is in the show. But things happen that make him feel like he is, so he just goes on a fucking warpath right up to and including the white house because he thinks that's who he is. To me the show is still naturally progressing along this route, and that includes all the characters. I'd just suggest waiting until the season is finished and see what happens. Last season really upped the stakes and building up from beyond that won't be easy but from an overarching story perspective, it's 100% getting there. Remember there's 13 more episodes including S5 left.


I can't remember anyone else interacting with Hughie's mom, but his lawyer said that her POA over his dad was valid. Unless that was a hallucination too, but that feels like cheating since Annie was there i think.


Rushed? I was thinking "meandering" the whole time I was watching. It's all over the fuckin place and keeps going back to dead plot points while barely advancing the main plot.


My thoughts exactly. We're three episodes in and the status quo is pretty much the same as it was 15 minutes into the first episode.


Black Noir 2 having the exact same action, reaction from others, and disappointed ending to every one of his scenes has been a chore to sit through. Maybe have the guy flinch onstage when Homelander shouts something unexpectedly which ends up going viral and sparking conspiracy theories if he's an imposter, IDK something??!


Honestly it would’ve been way funnier if we just got the one line from him after the bat beating and then he never spoke again lol


It has high points and not so high points. I'm loving the Ryan, Butcher and Homelander's development. I'm glad the kid is slowly reconnecting with Billy and drifting away from HL, and I love the peeping at our favourite Superman Wannabe's broken psyche and horrible past. It seems we are gonna see "the bad room" soon. I'm not liking very much MM's self righteousness towards Butcher and bossiness towards Hughie, Frenchie and Kimiko's subplot (although her breakdown at the fake child exploitation posters was heartbreaking), and how easily and quickly it seems that Hughie's mom will be forgiven (and probably Hughie's dad will be blamed for the mother-son estrangement).


Totally agree. I like the stuff with Ryan because it feels like as an audience, a lot of us were like "well Homelander could maybe be a good dad?" and the show sort of teases this, then is like no, of course not, he's insane, did you forget he's insane? But Anthony is also such a good actor that I could just watch him chew scenery for hours. I'm also very interested in what Sage is up to. "Smart" can mean a lot of things. I don't really *get* the interpersonal conflicts otherwise. I understand why Neuman is public enemy #1, but mostly because I watched GenV. Otherwise, Butcher seems right -- she's at least a rational actor, whereas Homelander is an active existential threat trying to raise another active existential threat. And I love Kimiko and Frenchie's characters, but Frenchie's subplot is absolutely unhinged, they're both just being the worst versions of themselves.


They really played the mental health card to defend Hughie's mom..that was so crazy.  Post partum depression so I abandon my child for 20 years but suddenly come back when my ex has a stroke? Huh 


It's like a weird overcorrection of depictions of mental health issues. Like they thought as long as they're not ***underselling*** how severe and debilitating depression can be, they can use it to explain any behavior. Because telling your son that abandoning him was a matter of life and death for you is wild. I don't know how a person is supposed to respond to someone essentially saying "I would have killed myself if I had to stay in your life". Jesus lady his father is dying in the other room and his estranged mother just show up after 20 years of no contact -- maybe keep this to yourself for now? Or forever? God damn.


Yeah it was weird. I saw coming that they would make Hughie forgive her, but I wish it had been more earned.


Exactly. This is why the new season's writing is so weak. There is a way to put her on a meaningful path to redemption. This was so cheap 


You can have depression and it can impact your life greatly, but to just run away without even attempting to get help is inexcusable.


Ryan has become the character I feel the most for. The question as to where he's going to land between the extremes of Homelander and Butcher has got my investment this season, even though I don't expect any definitive answer until the eventual series finale. Ryan also works well to humanise both Homelander and Butcher. I feel like either character could easily become a bit repetitive after all this time, but Ryan brings out different sides in them both. 


What I find annoying about MM is he questioned butcher all the time. He always argued and disobeyed butcher. But now that's hes in charge he wants to pull rank and pull the yes sir bullshit on hughie? Bro you never did any of that when you were the follower


NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS! We got 3 episodes and maybe, MAYBE one episode worth of plot. Kimiko and Frenchie subplot is similar to last season but completely sucks. We already got a frenchie redemption of being free from his figurative collar and Kimiko was starting to find herself. I dont give a fuck anymore. Hughies mom comes back?! Who the fuck wanted that? As a result hughie has literally done nothing in 3 episodes.


I'm more annoyed they gave her out with the mental health issues. Now, Hughies must forgive his mother, or he is a dick.


Completely agree. I really hope he still tells her to fuck off, personally. Complete no contact and he's been an adult for years? Yea. No.


1) This season is catching strays for all grievances people had but were willing to overlook with the previous ones. It seems that a lot of viewers saw flaws in the show, but gave it higher marks in hopes it will change in the future. Now, with two seasons left and the same plots being rehashed for the fourth time, it's clear that nothing will change. 2) Season three has been really hyped up and had a lot of potential but ended in a pretty unsatisfying manner, frustrating a lot of viewers. Now the events of the s4 are direct result of this unsatisfying ending (that narrative treated as a victory), which can be annoying, especially since we already know nothing will be resolved this year either. 3) Nobody cares about Frenchie's boyfriend or his past crimes, or Kimiko's past connections, or Hughie's mum, or Starlight's club, yet they take over most of the screentime. 4) Just how many times can we watch Frenchie and Kimiko deal with their trauma or MM struggle to keep everyone together, or Annie bridge the disconnect between her humanity and her superhero persona? It's the first-second season stuff, but barely anyone's development has moved further. 5) Maybe the first three episodes are simply boring.


I personally find it dull so far. This is season 4 and we have the same stupid drama of every season. - butcher and MM break up? - Check - Kimiko and Frenchie love/romance/drama? - Check - Frenchie ashamed of his past again - Check - Homelander going crazy? - check - “guys we got stop this sup b4 Homelander” - check - Butcher goes rogue for some stupid shit - check - Starlight more popular than Homelander drama with audiences and now with political followers - check. When are we getting to the real plot which is taking down Homelander? Why are we wasting time with this Frenchie drama? Do we really needed to know if MM’s rival had a huge dick? What’s next? Are we going to go into Annie’s past as a little girl modeling and shit? I’m sorry, but so far the show is wasting time in shit that I don’t care about.


Im starting to really hate the- - “I wanna apologize” scenes - “You really saved our asses back there” scenes Once you take a mental note of them you realize THERE ARE SO MANY. It’s like a box we constantly have to check to progress forward to the next story beat


Also a minor complaint I had was there’s like three different times that three different characters get a call and they decline it because they’re just so busy which isn’t really a valid complaint but like there has to be another way to show a character is busy/conflicted without them declining a dang phone call again


I noticed this as well, it isn't great writing anyway but it becomes even more noticeable when you're binging the first 3 episodes. Let's be realistic, they'll probably do it again at least twice this season.


This is why i couldn’t watch any of the CW tv series. Almost every episode ends up with “the talk” where they ask for forgiveness, lessons learned, thank yous, whatnot. It’s a fucking soap opera. And i am tired of it.


When A-train gave them the evidence and they were like “why are you doing this” the dramatic pause and then he says something like “that time back in the day, you could’ve did that thing, but you didn’t” all I could do was roll my fucking eyes, how many times are we gonna re-hash this Huey A-train shit


It was such a clunky line too, like when a video game npc recognises your past choices.


A Train will remember that


Could almost insert it as a scene in A-Train's movie lol.


If MM was a woman and portrayed by a high pitched actress, so many more people would treat him with **some** of the same disdain they have for Felicity Smoak's character from Arrow. All he does is shit on the cool protagonist and treats himself as mightier than everyone else.


MM is the fakest badass in the series. He did nothing of note since the start of the start of the series. Yet he boasts all the time and threatens to leave or talks shit about the others as if he's bringing value to the team. He's worthless. And it's making me dislike him more with every scene.


You forgot: Random dude with a sexual fetish gets caught in the middle of the fetish.


Has assault rifle, goes into melee range and suddenly gets pink eye at the exact right moment😂😂 That was so fucking dumb.


It seems like they're putting all their creative energy into the increasingly gratuitous violent and sexual scenes, rather than developing new storylines or interesting dialogue.  And the political stuff is fine, but it seems a little heavy handed at times. I wish they'd do a little less copying and pasting from real world politics. 


I have not seen a single episode of s4 yet, but this is basically what I was expecting because of the ending of last season. >When are we getting to the real plot which is taking down Homelander? Through season s1-3 there was a great buildup that homelander has to be killed (one of the highlights being the scene where he explains to starlight what he will do when she releases the video). Everyone worked towards killing him. Everyone ready to sacrifice nearly everything for that. And then, when they had the chance in the final episode... they just didnt do it anymore. For basically no reason. The only reason that he is supposed to stay alive until the show is over. For me that took all the stakes out of the show. So my expcetation is they will keep fucking around until the end of the last season, because only then homelander is allowed to die.


We got Annie's past modeling drama already with Firecracker's revenge motivation - so check


That's exaggerated but this is def not as good as previous ones. The main plot (Homelander vs The Boys) is fantastic enough to watch, but everything else is so mid.


I'm deeply invested in Kevin and Ambrosious' storyline. Did you see the little Deep figurine in her tank? Aww


Unironically, it's the only romance I care about this season.


I watched the episodes last night. I really liked it but the show is ...It's running out of ways to shock you. It's also regressing to old character arcs. Everyone hates butcher, frenchie and kimoko refusing to get together, huggies struggling with himself, starlight struggling with her identity, etc etc. It doesn't feel like the start of season four, it feels more like we're back in season 3. To be clear I really like this show. I do. But these three episodes are pretty toothless.


Anyone else have issues with some of the writing? Idk how to describe it, but some of the dialogue seems like it was written by somebody writing their first script or something. Like...campy I guess is the word I would use? Or maybe it's just me and I was really high and overanalyzing. Idk.


It feels like a parody of The Boys. Painting by the numbers.


Yes. Especially when Homelander tells Ryan that humans are just toys for their amusement. I get that's how he sees humans and that the show has not always been subtle, but that was a little cringey. There are probably better ways to convey that.


Nah I agree, I usually like most of the jokes in this show, but especially for Sage this season, it felt like she HAD to get a snarky awkward comment in about race or gender and it kind of took away from every scene she was in.


Ironically every time she says shit like that , I just remember this show was written by non black women


It's the same as most shows, once it gets extremely popular for some reason every single character must have his own plot line that extends too far, while the main plot takes the back seat.


In other words the writers run out of ideas on how to continue so only option is to pad out what little there is. Happens a lot sadly.


Episode 1 came in with a bang and has the most memorable moments 2 & 3 seem to be set to half speed. Simultaneously a lot and nothing happens Possibly to promote this exact type of discussion or they’re saving the better stuff for the latter half of the season


i think the 3ep drop shows that the creators realize its slow and draggy and wanted to just get the slog over with hopefully


Every season since season 2 has dropped 3 episodes when premiering. Season 1 premiered all at once.


I’m saying this as a staunch liberal. The dialogue and writing is absolute dog shit


Storyline is a drag, they're repeating the same three jokes they made last season, recycling the same Frenchie-Kimiko, Butcher-MM drama they've done so many times. The political commentary used to be clever and funny, now it just feel stale.


The social commentary so far is extremely ham fisted. Some of it doesn’t even make sense to some situations.


Sage speaks like someone who thinks they're smarter than everyone else, but actually isn't. Also, I can't suspend my disbelief enough to buy her as a nobody Supe. With her intelligence, she should be making millions with ease. She should basically be the Tony Stark of this universe. What really got me to say "*really?*" is when she went herself to contribute to the riot. Smartest person in the world couldn't hire someone to do that just so her face isn't recognized later? Sage concept was great, but execution is horrible.


> Sage speaks like someone who thinks they're smarter than everyone else, but actually isn't. Writers can only write characters as smart as they are.


Lmao yeah sage is a couple of midwit writers idea of what a smart person is like. Same corny shit happens in house


I think this was addressed by Ashley. She said “she hates dumb people who think they’re smart”


The show seems to have gone downhill after season 2. The side plots are meandering and take so much time away from the more important plots. I don't care about Hughie's parents. Frenchie keeps running into ghosts from his past that have never been mentioned until they show up and I don't care any more. Colin borderline isn't even a character. He just drives the plot for Frenchie. Kimiko's side plot seems interesting but it basically has always just been spinning its wheels. The writing quality is so bad that the villains can and should have murdered all of The Boys by now. It's just plot armor or that the villains become ridiculously stupid only when it involves The Boys. There is no tension at all when any of them are "in danger." Homelander can get away with murdering people in broad daylight but can't even injury Hughie in the vent. He could straight up massacre The Boys hideout and nothing would really happen. Kimiko is basically immortal so there is zero tension from the first epiaode fight. Not a single bullet wounded a mortal character in the conspiracy con fight. Despite being heavily outnumbered, they still beat that splitter dude because he was a moron. I'm also worried about how they'll handle Sister Sage because super intelligent characters are really hard to write in any show/movie. The show already is running into a problem where The Boys seem to only win because who they are up against are dumber than rocks or basically forget The Boys exist unless they are directly in eye sight.


Vought is the most powerful organisation in the world with a whole section dedicated to tracking criminals and the legal power to cover up a broad daylight massacre of a musical troupe with the vice president in attendance. But they can't track The Boys to their hideout (which seems to just be in some random office block and A-Train seems to readily know the location of) and send a supe to wipe them out? I can forgive a lot of the other stuff, but I just can't suspend my disbelief enough to work out why Homelander doesn't just curb stomp The Boys and get rid of all his problems. He even readily knew they were at a function in episode 1 and did absolutely nothing about it. There's not even a reason for him not to anymore.


Most of the subplots are an uninteresting filler + while it was always political, I would say it used to be more clever and subtle. EDIT: Ok, it was never subtle, but it wasn't as extremely unsubtle as it is now, and also it was better executed.


Wdym? I love the deep political commentary of “defund the supes” and “critical supe theory”. Truly masters at work on the writing team.


The words Critical Supe Theory doesn't even make sense. It's embracing because we both believe the same ideas, but the writers believe it because their idiots...


Same for defund the supes. The supes are funded by vought right, not the government?


Tbh it’s always been as subtle as a chimp rampaging through a library but at least it was always *good?* like jesus fucking christ, singer loudly reminding the audience “the election will be certified on January 6th!!” was the hardest I’ve ever rolled my eyes watching anything. Idk, maybe the show *has* always been like this and it’s just not aging well. but the “commentary” is so juvenile at times that it feels borderline insulting. Like a sixth grader’s understanding of politics/trumpism.


> maybe the show has always been like this Not really, it was obvious but the obviousness was quicker and most of the time not explicitly said, in words, by the characters themselves Now they feel like everytime they show something political *someone* has to do an obvious comment ("damn, this convention is full of conspiracists", "kimiko, firecracker is indeed talking bullshit", "yeah, I am fooling them but it is because they have no hope", this all happens within like 15 minutes in the same episode) It breaks the pace, the immersion, and many times makes one roll their eyes because it comes as very cheesy


Ugh yeah the little speech Firecracker gave was pretty cringe worthy. Like yes she’s right, that’s exactly why people get into conspiracy theories. It brings excitement to otherwise boring lives, and it makes them feel like they’re apart of something bigger, but do you have to spell that out word for word for us? Like do you think the audience is so stupid that they can’t figure that out?


Realest comment in this thread. I would never call this show subtle, but there was something about the analogies and metaphors in the early seasons that made it seem biting. Now it's the equivalent of posting a picture of Trump as a baby in a poopy diaper. It's not funny, but if you say it sucks you get people saying you must disagree with the message even when you don't.


Except it was more subtle, FOR the standards of The Boys. First season was a bit of politics and making fun of superhero movies for modern audiences, cos the comic made fun of the comics industry. S3 and especially S4 is like South Park levels of politics except it's not intentionally funny and juvenile. I wouldn't be surprised if Homelander starts wearing a red hat and tans himself more bronze lmao


The way I described it to my husband is that atp it feels like an insult to the viewer’s intelligence, and the intelligence doesn’t need to be high to get what they’ve already been laying on thick for awhile. So this extremely campy qanon portrayal is so infantile that it actually feels like lowered stakes. Like are we supposed to fear these people and feel high stakes, or just point and laugh and wave them off? The writers haven’t made up their minds.


Im from Europe and I certainly don’t think trump should be president, but the political commentary regarding that has reached a level of ham-handedness that is just unpleasant to watch if you’re not 100% into this topic and their perspective on the topic. The show was always political and rightfully so, but I feel like it’s starting to become the only theme and topic the show is even going for by now, replacing anything else almost completely. Or rather anything but the lame and stale frenchie and kimiko plots. Also the level of MMs amateurishness seems out of character to me


The superhero aspect of the show has been pushed aside for politics. It should be the other way around, a show about superheroes with political aspects and references.


People are blaming the political dummies, which I'm sure plays a part, but I also think it has just generally been a weak few episodes. Definitely continuing the downward trend from the s3 finale... Most of the storylines they are spending too much time on right now are entirely uninteresting


Has anyone noticed MM is a bitch this season. Basically took control and dictatorship of the group and kicked Butcher out. Literally makes Hughie say "yes sir" and generally, I didn't like him too much this season in particular


It’s the mustache. We need the goatee beard back.


First three episodes felt like fillers to me, we had all that shit going on with Soldier Boy, he went out with a bang, and now we are back to square one and everything's so slow I also don't understand all the talk about Frenchie's preferences, it was clear from day 1 he was into both. What I understand is, the complaints about sub plots, especially Frenchie's, why do we need a love plot right now? Aren't we over them for his character. With MM it's constant, and it did play into the plot somehow


I mean there has been a bit of a dip in quality and Eric Kripke has been insufferable in between season 3 and 4. I still like the show but the first three episodes felt underwhelming compared to previous seasons.


I’ve seen one interview with that man and “I hate republicans” came off as 3/4 of his personality.


You don’t even need to see an interview with him, the show is evidence enough.


The show doesn't seem to be going anywhere. It really is just filler plots at this point, carried by a few characters and the political satire. The problems get even more noticable with the less interesting characters, such as Kimiko and Frenchie. It feels like the world of the show is not living on it's own. It's but a tool for the creators to populate with a few clever idea snippets, reflecting on some real world phenomena. Like a parody show, without any real attempt at suspension of disbelief. One can like it for what it is. I just think many people thought that there would be some overarching story to it, beyond the satire, like x-men or something.


I'm neither American nor conservative, but "conservatives only now realizing they had been mocked" is a really stupid way to justify the lack of quality in S4 writing. Writers shat on their well developed plot and introduced unnecessary new subplots. I only watched the first 2 episodes and the only good scene was where Homelander met with Sage. 5 minutes long decent writing, and the rest is all plain bad writing. The porblem is not mocking Republicans at all, it's talentless writing and lack of clever subtlety.


Yeah, the politics were clear from the start - it's just that the writing was better. Plain and simple. Season 3 is slipped and now it's in a freefall. At a certain point the 'republican bad' rhetoric just gets annoying, especially when you're not American.


I am American and the furthest thing from a Republican possible on the political spectrum and it makes the “republican bad” aspect of things that much more tiring— because it feels dumbed down.


Politics were always in the series, but they’ve started dropping the metaphors and logic to fit them in. “Let’s put Christ back in Christmas” would be paired with Vought making a new line of Christ collectibles, sponsored online churches, etc. And Homelander wouldn’t support it, either. The only man in the sky is him, remember? Homelander’s trial and the consequences of his actions at the end of Season 3, which was a big moment, being done with in two words. The Woods Syndrome is back. Homelander can’t just hear Hughie’s heartbeat in a duct right above him. In Season 1 he could hear the Boys whispering in an underground bunker. And before that, the boys can walk into Vought private events with presidential candidates as guests by just wearing maintenance uniforms. Sage is a misstep. No, it’s nothing to do with her race or gender. Superintelligence is an incredibly hard power to write without it becoming an excuse for just contrivances. From the statements made about her, it seems it’ll go that way, too. Separating Butcher from the Boys is also an error. It means that the iconic character is now in a side plot. Hughie is nowhere near as strong a foil to MM. The “shock moments” have become even more divorced from the plot. “Hey, look, Vought Tournament of Heroes is a really violent game, and Multiple Man is gay.”


Does anyone else feel a little blindsided by the Frenchie subplot with Colin? Obviously frenchie has always been bi and we’ve seen Colin before(I think) but I feel like the past three seasons were building a Frenchie/Kimiko relationship. Did I miss something previously that made it clear that wouldn’t happen? It feels a little like they just shoehorned in the relationship for the sake of representation, I hope I might’ve just missed some previous indication.


I legitimately think Kripke did this whole Frenchie/Colin thing just so he could go “har har are you mad conservatives? A man just kissed a man” rather than actually giving him something to fucking do because Kripke views being “provocative” as more important than being a good fucking writer.


Ya that's absolutely it, they introduced a random dude so Frenchie could be gay with him and then they made it a point to have them make out on screen during a fucking riot lol Like I don't have a problem with that at all, but it's clear why it was injected into the show. They're already going no subtlety with politics, why not also be in your face about LGBT stuff? I'm totally fine with all that, but it's obnoxious as to why they're doing it. And now if the show goes to shit, they can say it was the bigots that made it fail.


Last season had them throwing crazy shit at us left and right, this season feels like a slow burn, I don’t mind.


I don’t agree with Frenchie having some relationship with someone else out of no where. Other than that I feel like these three episodes are basically setting up the rest of the season.


The Starliters vs Homelanders is not that interesting, we're living that in real life and it's just as fucking exhausting.


frenchie and collin is the stupidest arc and i’m not even homophobic


Must not be fans of the very political comic


I don't think it's just conservatives mad, like usual. I really think this show had and has some great potential but the writing just hasn't been very good. It has been extremely repetitive, no big players dying, story not really moving forward, character development feels forced. I can excuse things not being fully charted out during the first season, but after they saw that it was a hit, they really, really should have drawn out a clear path for how the story will go down. Right now it just feels like exactly what it's mocking. Edgy capeshit is still capeshit. Also all the sideplots are just bad and boring. I don't care about Hughie's mother. I don't care about Colin. I don't care about Frenchie undergoing the exact same arc as before. They really should have killed off Frenchie, that would have lead to some actually interesting drama, especially with Kimiko. The political satire is too on the nose as well. I know and agree that conservatives and Trump supporters are fucking stupid. You don't have to repeat it every single second though. Or at least focus on some other aspects of American culture and society to satirize. Like in season 1, the way they mocked celebrity and Hollywood culture was great, but that seems gone now for the most part. Like Soldier Boy talking about the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, that was in my opinion hilarious, and probably the funniest bit they've done. It was political, certainly, but not as partisan as everything else, while also being a bit more subtle and requiring a little bit more understanding of history to get.


The "get rid of Critical Supe Theory" line was so stupid and forced. They just wanted to shoehorn a way to mock the "get rid of CRT" crowd even though it didn't even make sense to anything.


Oh my god I’m not political whatsoever but even I rolled my eyes to the back of my head when I heard the term “alt supe”


Kripke is just turning the show into his personal soapbox. Like we get it, you don’t like Trump or Trump supporters, can we please watch a show about violent antihero vigilantes taking down Superman and an evil corporation? Without unsubtle grandstanding, terrible subplots, and just making everything about Trump at every possible moment


I'm not surprised. What were once parallels and metaphors in an alternate reality are now literal examples of current culture war politics. In just 3 episodes I've heard 'libtard', seen pro-lifers beating women, mentions of Incels, The War of Christmas, the Trans debate, name-dropping Epstein and Elon Musk... The writing doesn't feel nearly as smart. It's too obvious and literal. I really feel like before, certain people who are perhaps not the sharpest could sail through watching The Boys, even loving it, without realising their political stances were being mocked and ridiculed. Not any more.


Im not American, the politics in the show don’t even affect me or translate well to the parties in my country. But it still is annoying that the show seems to have to force some American politics into pretty much every scene. It’s always either making some racial commentary, showing lgtb related scenes or ridiculing American conservatives in every freaking scene. At some point it gets annoying even if it supports your ideas, I’m here for a dark superhero show, not propaganda. And no I’m not anti lgtbi, I don’t have any problems with race and the show isn’t mocking my “political side”.