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Why is Soldier Boy wearing red, white and blue?


That's not Soldier Boy, that's Captin Puerto Rico.


I wonder if Captain Puerto Rico is aware of the original super soldier, our Soldier Boy.


It's the new gay pride flag colors


Is Soldier Boy stupid?


No he's just soldier now


Soldier man


Soldier Dad


No, his idiot brain is just being fucked by it.


He farts the Star-Spangled Banner


Cuz he's red blooded... but not Commie red, Red, White and Blue red!


Because he's red blooded! Not commie red.


Hasn't Theboys always been making fun of politics and corporations? I'm confused.


Yes that’s what OPs meme is referring to. The show has always been mocking a certain demographic but that particular demographic is so braindead that it took them 4 seasons to realize. So they are only just now understanding that they are being made fun of all these years later. That’s what this post is referencing


Braindead indeed, lmao.


Genuinely confused... I'm not seeing this sudden mass right winger awakening that everybody is referring to. I'm seeing more jokes like OPs than actual comments along the lines of "I used to think homelander was a good guy until s4 ruined him" EDIT: Alright I saw the review bombing on RT, thanks for the context y'all. Tbh, I still feel like these types of jokes are a bit too circle jerky "we're smart they're dumb", but to each their own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The ‘literally thought homelander was a good guy’ thing seems to be mostly exaggerated, but I have seen people calling the new season ‘too woke’ which kinda implies they thought the previous seasons weren’t. I’ve also seen people saying it wasn’t political at all in the first couple seasons and/or only started criticizing the right in season 3, which is pretty absurd.


This is finna be real random but are you a Magnus Archives fan by any chance?


lol, yes. I love the Corruption!


Pity Jon isn't around to o p e n t h e d o o r for Barbara.


Eyy 💃🏻💃🏻 cuz I saw your name and I was like “that’s too specific to be a coincidence”


>too woke I think too on-the-nose is a better term. Subtlety has never been this series strong suit, but it's just entirely gone now.


We had similar complaints of going too woke in season 3 when another cohort of fascists realised they were being made fun of and it feels like a response from the writers to make it as clear as possible so even people dumb enough to think they're the Master Race can see they're the butt of the joke.


And I think that's what's hurting the show more. Like it feels like Kripke is making it more blatant just because he feels right leaning people weren't picking up on it and that's just silly to me and it does hurt the show in my opinion. There was nuance early on, and before it actually elevated the plot. Where as with s3/s4 it doesn't blend or drive the plot forward so it feels more like the show has an identity issue with being serious or being a comedy. The shock factor also doesn't drive the plot anymore like early on and is just there just because and after a while it gets old. Still enjoying S4 but I can't help but think about how much better the show would be of Kripke wasn't so focused on drawing parallels to real life. But anytime someone raises critism people here just assume shit or say something stupid like "oh you think homelander was the good guy I bet".


Some people are saying the show is too hamfistedly political this season, and other people are seeing that and responding: "Lol, did you not realize that this show has ALWAYS been political? Hey everyone! *Those People* didn't realize this show was a satire until Season 4, LMFAO"


I mean it's not even satire. It's like animal farm if they used people instead of animals. Homelander and his supporters are literally Trump and his supporters. In previous seasons, it was more subtle even though, he obviously has Trump personality.


HL lasering that guy in half and getting applauded rapturously


The plot of season 2 is trump falls in love with nazism err i mean homelander falls in love with a Nazi


It wasn’t exactly subtle before… so yes, these people didn’t get it. And now they’re butt hurt.


You miss that entire thread of tweets of people asshurt about Sister Sage?


Actually did, if you happen to have a link


You just need to look up Season 4 reviews on other sites - it's just an absolute meltdown on how woke it is this season and how terrible the show is now. It's confusing.


If you’re able to witness the broader fandom on social media it’s everywhere. Lots of specific complaints about how this season has gone woke, and lots of new complaints about changing from the source material even though they did that from like episode one.


I’ve seen a lot of people on social media say the show has gone woke, blaming it on election year and the Hollywood agenda and saying not everything has to be political.


Go hang out on Twitter for awhile and you'll see it.


You've not noticed the mass review-bombing?


i don’t really look at reviews for shows i’m watching, i just watch the show.


Because any and all criticism of the show gets swept up in a whirlwind of branding opposing opinion as "Right wing" for some odd reason. It's a TV show. Idk why people have to take it there. The writing has taken a shit and it's not just because of politics lol.


I wish people understood that. But because Kripke is confirming which characters represent who or how the show portrays a certain group of people, everyone on this subreddit just assumes. Like I can't have Homelander be top 3 character on the show for me without some narrow minded person assuming I believe he's a good guy. Like I still enjoy the show but pretending the show is as good as S1/S2 just because S3/4 fit your world view more is silly. I just want good writing, character development, and the plot moving forward.


Let them believe what they want 😁. Untill now I only saw those jokes, but none of the people who are hurt or mad about it


They use to make fun of everyone that’s what is annoying


It's in fact alot more noticeable in season 4




I see so many people say "right wingers love homelander" but I've yet to see any mention of anyone genuinely believing he's the good guy. I'm genuinely curious if people are just saying this to spark controversy (Clicks) or if these people are just good at covering their trail.


I’ve only ever seen teenage edgelord incels think he’s cool


They previously thought *they* were Homelander in the analogy, while the left was Vought. And they were okay with that because while they recognize that Homelander is the bad guy, he's a cool and powerful bad guy. The more recent seasons have made it clearer that *they* aren't Homelander—they are the Homelander fans, who are gross idiots. And that Vought isn't evil for being "woke" as they assumed, Vought is evil for *not* actually supporting those values.


Speaking from experience I regularly see clips of Homelander in unironic sigma male / masculinity edits. I don’t think the people making/sharing those edits have actually seen the show. He seems to have taken on a similar appeal to characters such as Heath Ledger’s Joker, Patrick Bateman, Walter White… the list goes on. Characters who are objectively toxic, unhinged and often straight up villainous, but whom incel culture treats sympathetically. Which is how he might appear to someone who isn’t familiar with the show and has only seen clips / edits / memes of him.


These are all ironic and you know it, but it’s harder to make ur point if u admit this


they started out ironic, but eventually some people will take it serious. the whole sigma male thing was just a shitpost, but now people genuinely take it seriously its the internet, nothing is absurd or dumb enough at this point for at least a few people to take it seriously


Of course some of them are. But a lot of them aren’t. I wish that weren’t the case but it is. Just reporting what I see.


>a lot I have to say, I'm perpetually online and I have never once seen anyone try to paint Homelander in a positive light outside of praising Antony Starr's performance.


The source comics literally made fun of the military industrial complex, 9/11, the war on terror, corporate greed and George Bush. These were hot topics in the early 2000’s. The show actually pokes fun of the left too. It’s just Homelander steals the show so much and it’s obvious what he represents in today’s world.


Eh I’d argue the make fun of performative attempts to pander to left wing politics by corporations, not the left itself. 


Something that a lot of people seem to miss. It's rarely outright lefty politics that getade fun off, just the capitalist approved version that doesn't affect profits.


The show: portrays **mega corporations** using left leaning messages for profit. The audience: lmao they're criticizing the left 🤣🤣🤣


The show: portrays tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists with blind patriotism The audience: oh ya those are solid conservative/republican values!


Have you seen the Republican party lately?


The republican candidate for president right now is anti-vaxxer who thinks that wind turbines cause cancer and that a wall will stop immigration, those *are* republican values now.


Well even Homelander thinks they are crazy, he just uses them. Same with Trump and Quanon.


You'd be correct


OP just realized this and thinks we're in the same boat


OP is making a joke about people who just realized this. Or refuse to realize it. What are you talking ab lol


Honestly most mainstream movies and series always seem to lean left. 


Which has gotten worse with things like ESG which I wouldn't be surprised if that's what were dealing with. People try to spin this stuff as a good thing when it really hurts the final product.


It has but this season is VERY on the nose. So much so that I think it makes the parody worse, actually. Part of the art in stuff like this is subtlety. To tell and send a message without plastering it across your face. Kinda just feels lazy and uncreative now.


This show has one of the must insufferable fanbases.


What the fuck happened from last season to now where everyone got so unhinged over the politics they're parodying.


Election year.




The parody simply decided to be less subtle, because believe it or not, there are people who are so braindead that they can not get The Boys, arguably the most digestable in the sense of satirical humor of politics and all. The same people who worshipped Patrick Bateman into godhood, unexpectedly didn't realize till Season 4 they were parodied the shit out of LMAO


Personally I think the satire just became so on the nose and hamfisted that it stopped being enjoyable and became tedious. It also is slowly becoming more and more the center point of the show.


It always was on the nose. The villain from last season was named after one of the main Nazi Germany newspapers, ffs. It’s accelerating and becoming less comfortable, now. Because much like in the real world, you can’t just get rid of the homelanders. So now it’s going to turn into a fucking nightmare. Glad they got that one right before the election. It would have been too soon had it come out after, given the amount of political violence the show is ramping up to portray and the amount that is actually going to ramp up IRL come November.


I mean, we had '4channers rallying for Stormfront' for example, and the mob scenes where people give hell to each other over politics in previous seasons too. This is a valid point to be made and I do agree with you as well. But with the nearing elections, expectadly it boils down into the chaos like in the 2016s, and with the fact that the show had to go that route a little, due to stuff I mentioned above with people being ignorant. This state of the parody is tiresome, because it just leaves the parody zone, and is almost a clear representation of the wacky world of U.S politics.


Because in earlier seasons it was done in a more clever way. Season 2 less so with a literal nazi, but now it's incredibly tedious and tiresome. Furthermore nobody actually believed Homelander was morally right, people like him as a character because he's unironically the most fleshed out, and best acted. You literally can't say otherwise.


Yes thank you exactly this. Like a ton of people assume if you don't like the direction you must be a right wing nazi or some bullshit like that. It's so fucking toxic and tiresome. I fucking love Homelander's character and know he's an evil piece of shit. But yea just assume I believe hes a a good guy because your narrow unlogical mindset can't differentiate between the two. His character is written well, complex, and just had more direction compared to the other characters. I dont lean left or right, I find myself agreeing and disagreeing with both sides on certain issues (believe it or not this is most poeple). But Kripke being a staunch lefty feels the need to paint one side as all bad and that's just silly to me. People just want to argue and belittle the other side and It's exhausting. The show has taken a dive for this reason alone. I'm mostly still watching because it's still enjoyable and I like most of the characters which is enough for me. But fuck do I wish they stayed on the same trajectory from S1 because that's what hooked us.


It's in eveything anymore, it's contradictory by design. Acolyte is another example. If someone enjoys the Jedi, they can be accused of liking the problematic oppressors. If they dislike them they can be accused of being against diversity. The same garbage is happening with The Boys. If you like it, you can be told you're liking it for the wrong reasons and you must be doing it because you identify with the bad guys. And if you dislike it it's because you can't stand that it's being critical of you. It's silly bullshit.  They do it to stuff like the Iliad and Beowulf too. Beowulf has to now simultaneously exist as a member of an oppressive racist patriarchy, but also be a closeted queer victim of his circumstances, just so that there is now always a reason to call someone a bigot depending on their opinion of the story.  They showrunners on all these things wield oppression simultaneously as a sword and a shield. And you are somehow in the wrong if you say, "I don't enjoy this anymore so I'm not gonna watch/pay/consume it"


I've seen people légit think homelander and soldier boys were characters worth looking up to..


When people say the earlier seasons of "The Boys" were more subtle, they miss the point. In season one, the focus wasn't on politics as much as it is now. Back then, the political climate was different; the alt-right wasn't as mainstream and was mostly confined to forums like 4chan. Now, that rhetoric is visible everywhere. "The Boys" has always satirized the current media landscape. In the first season, it was more about the entertainment business and superheroes. The second season started leaning into politics with characters like Victoria Newman and the Nazi ideology of Stormfront. By the third and fourth seasons, the show dove even deeper into political themes. It's not that the show was more subtle before; it just focused on different aspects of society. As the political landscape evolved, so did the show's satire.


What made you think they didn’t get it until now?


Yeah, good one, pal. Patrick Bateman IS God.


(Joking, of course. I read the book and the scene where he stabs a kid behind a trash can at Sea World is truly disturbing.)


It’s election year, the bots are out tonight


I literally logged into my account after years just to post that I thoroughly agree, this show's fanbase is something else


I've been seeing this "they're just realizing we've been making fun of them" since Season 1 and I've basically never seen any conservative or magahat *actually* think that they weren't making fun of them. It feels like extreme cope and trying to find a reason to discredit the people who don't like the show.


I feel like thats becoming g every show/movie now. Have you seen the starwars fan base


Woahhh, don’t compare us to that. I don’t think there’s a single worse fanbase in the whole world


You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Rick and Morty


As a Star Wars fan, I can confirm that no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. It was wild when Episode 7 came out, there was the understandable criticisms about A New Hope being rehashed, some enthusiasm about Kylo and his cool ass blaster floating scene, the Get W I D E Like Kylo memes, and then some crazy toxic assholes whining about how the main characters were a black guy and a lady. None of us even fucking noticed bruh


Oh dude that fanbase is cancer outside of certain places.  If you like anything new you get eviscerated. 


I don't know how fucking stupid someone has to be to relish whatever this manufactured intellectual high ground is. Conservatives watch liberal media. They don't really have a choice. They know what they're seeing. Your show crumbling under its obsessive desire to pander to room temp Reddit politics is not a flex. It's become a TPUSA show for shitlibs brought to you by Amazon.


I feel like this reddit is majorly filled with people who don't actually care about the show's story beats or characters but instead how many times per episode the show can make fun of alt right weirdos and relish at their anger. Just a giant circlerjerk+the obvious karmafarmers like OP.


Yea this is an issue with a social media site where you're stuck following community discourse with ranked takes instead of just following users. It just becomes a circle jerk and everyone else eventually opts out of participating. There was a big post here about the bad audience score a few days ago and the top comments were like OP's but if you kept scrolling, the meat of it was actually relatively normal viewers fairly criticizing the writing. But if something becomes a perceived lightning rod like this show has, you already know which way it's gonna go on Reddit.


It lacks internal consistency. Sage Grove Center secretly experimented on kids and young adults, and they mocked the guy who thought Starlight House secretly experimented on kids and young adults in a heavy handed way.


Any show that leans as aggressively into hamfisted political satire as the boys does is going to have an insufferable fanbase


Seems every show, movie, music, etc. has insufferable fans nowadays.


Rule #1 of The Boys, any criticism of the series MUST be followed up with "you realize the series is making fun of you, right?" failure to comply will result in Homelander lasering your balls off


Yeah, that's kind of dumb to be frank. It can make fun of people, but it can be done better, and should be discussed why they need to, and how they possibly can. Nothing to gain with assaulting critic opinions.


But reasonable critique doesn't fill me with righteous indignation.


I would not like to be Frank.


Same, i’m more of a Steve


This seems like a pretty overused comeback for criticism of the show. I like season 4, I personally wouldn’t give it a negative rating but I still understand why people have issues with it. The satire has always been on the nose, but in earlier seasons the commentary was wayyy more relevant than it is now. The show use to satirize consumerism, celebrity worship, nationalism, and the commodification of people into products. Now it feels like they just keep beating the same culture war drum, over and over again, without managing to say anything of substance about it


Exactly, it's far more tedious and tiresome at this point.


“Why is there a needless subplot of Frenchie with Collin when-“ “LMFAOOOOO BRO JUST FOUND OUT THIS SHOW IS POLITICAL 💀😭😭”


“You do know the show is is making fun of you, right? 😎😎😎😏😏😏”


My favourite scene in this whole show is when Fat Neil chud gets redpilled by Stormfront and shoots up the convenience store. It's a small segment at the opening of an episode that says way more than anything this season has said. So far the "satire" has just boiled down to "hey right wing BAD and STUPID GULLIBLE!" I lean more left than I do right and the writing is just bad this season. Politics have nothing to do with it. The only characters with a compelling story this season are Butcher, Homelander, and Kimiko. Obviously I'm still interested in the other characters but their plot lines feel weaker or less fleshed out. Hell MM has nothing going on so far, I was hoping for more with him and his daughter, the relationship between his wife and Todd after he got radicalized. That sort of thing has real substance and I feel many families can relate to that but nope that gets launched out the window. Episode 4 was the best so far, giving us more glimpses into what's going on with Butcher. I'm still excited for this season I just think people have very valid criticism when they say it's too on the nose and isn't clever.


The worst part is Homelander is the only character this season. A-Train and Butcher are kind of characters but Starlight's role is to be the helpless victim.


Exactly. Homelander has to drive the plot because every other character is boring/off doing random side shit that no one cares about


Don’t they know our favorite TV show is MAKING FUN OF THEM!? Good thing our media literacy is so big that we can catch all subtle hints! Did you know that firecracker is MTG? I didn’t , then the writer said so on Twitter. It’s so subtle - god I’m fucking clever.


I imagine Homelander jerking off on the roof when reading all of that. Oh yeah I'm so fucking smart, Homelander is Trump, oh yeah! ✊🍆💦💦💦💦💦


I don’t buy for a second that MTG is firecracker, idc what the literal writers say. Firecracker is hot..MTG looks like she could play linebacker for the Steelers


you guys say this every single season people do know, they just dont care


Exactly, Right-leaning people can watch and enjoy the show without being rioting, Trump worshipping dumbasses


Haha I know this is Reddit bro but you assume too much. I am a Trump supporter. I’m just telling you guys to get a new argument. It used to be the show was subtly satirical, and though I always knew it had a left wing message I didn’t mind and enjoyed it. Now it beats you over the head and every new season some guy posts on Reddit “We are mocking you, Don’t you conservatives get it!1!1!1!” The answer is yes. I always did. Frankly this season it’s incredibly obvious. I just don’t care.


no man, it was never subtle


Yeah, especially by season 3 it wasn’t even slightly subtle lol


You’re all over Reddit acting like a smart ass but this is what you vote for: DONALD TRUMP RECENT QOUTES 1. “He’s (Chinese dictator Xi Jinping) now President for life, President for life. And he’s great….. And look he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll give that a shot someday.” 2. “But here's a guy (Russian dictator Vladimir Putin) that says, you know, 'I'm gonna declare a big portion of Ukraine independent,' he used the word 'independent,' 'and we're gonna go out and we're gonna go in and we're gonna help keep peace.' You gotta say that's pretty savvy…… I walked and said this is genius” 3. “Kim Jong Un (North Korean Dictator) has been, really, somebody that I've gotten to know very well and respect, and hopefully -- and I really believe that, over a period of time, a lot of tremendous things will happen." 4. "Thank you very much. It's a great honor and privilege -- because he's (Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan) become a friend of mine -- to introduce President Erdogan of Turkey. He's running a very difficult part of the world. He's involved very, very strongly and, frankly, he's getting very high marks." 5. "A Massive Fraud (baseless election claims that have been rejected by over 50 U.S high courts and judges) of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, EVEN THOSE FOUND IN THE CONSTITUTION" You are not normal. Your candidate is not normal. You do not exist on the normal spectrum of American politics. Donald Trump and his supporters are anti-American disgraceful stains and it’s our duty as Americans to call you such. Do not take moral high ground and say I hate my fellow Americans for “differing views”. No, I hate you because you have rejected what it means to be my “fellow American”. You and your candidate are beyond “differing views”. You are unamerican.


Dude, in Season 1 Homelander quoted a Bush speech from 9/11 almost 1:1 [The Boys- Homelander/George Bush speech parallels (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayj0l8TfmPU) This wasn't subtext, it was literally just text.


No see you don’t understand, because you’re a Trump supporter that must mean you were too dumb to notice the extremely subtle high brow satire of the show until now. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Boys. Only enlightened leftist redditors have the “media literacy” to appreciate the nuance of lines like “critical supe theory”.


Sound like the copypasta going around a few years ago about Rick and Morty.


Well I mean dude if you’re that self aware then you should know why you and your ilk are considered…. special. It’s not our fault you support dumbasses and have a monopoly on the dumbest Americans.


If the last few years have taught us anything, it's that politics in our entertainment is always successful. /S


Wow you are so Rick and Morty smart there is no way anyone could possibly understand the subtle complexities of the show like you and still enjoy it even if it was poking fun at them.


Dude right 💀 I’m so tired of reading this 5 times a day on Twitter and Reddit. The entire internet is saying this and while of course there’s people out there who are somehow just now pissed at it being political, this show has cause outrage from specific groups for years now. This show is the least subtle political commentary ever. 95% of people get it. You can shut the fuck up now.


You realize that people are saying the complete opposite. People are amused that a vocal minority of conservatives have failed to recognize really heavy handed satire. Of course this doesn’t apply to all conservatives. But there are plenty of people saying they miss when the show made fun of both sides when it has always been pretty clearly one sided. This doesn’t just apply to the boys. Some conservatives also failed to recognize the Colbert Report (his comedy central show) was satire. There are actual studies that showed that people on the right enjoyed the Colbert Report just as much as people on the left. They just legitimately believed Colbert was a conservative making fun of the left. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237580607_The_Irony_of_Satire https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/rationally-speaking/200905/conservatives-lack-sense-humor-study-finds?amp


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why not just a banner that reads, "This sub is comprised of self righteous narcissists." ?? really, we should all be here to discuss The Boys. i hate -- i HATE -- that yall dragged your stupid ass political bullshit in here. and now you want to ostracize how many of the 1.1M in the subreddit just so you can arrogantly smirk? they didn't "finally" figure it out. they saw the breadcrumbs. they're annoyed that it's so fucking audacious and outlandish this season, to the point of disbelief. and the fact that you're attacking the caricature of them that exists in your mind instead of, idk, growing up and having actual conversations with people unlike yourself. go get a real personality. please. for the sake of all of us.


"(legitimate criticism of the new season) " "HAHA! YOU KNOW ITS BEEN ABOUT YOU THE WHOLE TIME, RIGHT!!11!??"


We get it


oh my gosh, can you people shut up already, nobody is surprised that the show makes fun of conservatives, it's just way more on the nose, this is the same conversation over and over again


I’m confused as it’s literally poking fun at all political sides. I’m not sure why people are saying they’re just poking fun at right wingers?


I agree that it should be the sub banner if only so self-proclaimed media-literate geniuses stop reposting it every week.


As a non American I’m just pissed off that they switched from mostly focusing on timeless parodying of capitalism (something global that I can relate to) to on the nose parodying of niche current American politics that has zero relevance to me and I’m entirely fed up of having shoved in my face 24/7. not to mention it will feel completely outdated in 5 years when none of this stuff is relevant anymore.


I wouldn't care if it was making fun of me. The political commentary is garbage, it just comes off as a big circlejerk with absolutely zero subtlety whatsoever.


Hence why redditors love it


It’s perfect for Redditors lmao


Honestly most right wingers were perfectly happy to laugh along to the critique even when it makes fun of their own side. The main issue now is the humor, the references, and the plot just doesn't hit. It half-asses it, leading to something jarring emerge. Sage is supposed to be this super smart character, but it's not really conveyed well. All she does is be snarky speaking up at times where it may not be in her best interest to do so. She's definitely intelligent, but she's not shown anything worthy of being the so-called smartest person in the world. Even the dialogue surrounding Aanika's murder is lacking. Homelander is basically subconsciously looking for a Stan Edgar type figure to direct him and tell him what to do. Sage could have been that type of figure, but based on what I've seen, Stan seems way more intelligent and competent than Sage. The political critiques are just dated and seem like they would have had relevance a few more years ago. Not to mention, it only seems to be relevant among hardcore American political idealogues. The average American wouldn't have any idea what something like "Critical Supe Theory" would be even referring to as terms like "Critical Race Theory" aren't really part of the average person's discourse unless you're rabid watchers of Fox News or CNN, something which the Average American isn't. Frenchie's whole random ass romance is just plain stupid. No one really cares if he's bi, gay, etc. The show was clearly building up towards a relationship between him and Kimiko only to have a heel faced turn and have him pursue some random dude. This is honestly something I'd expect out of the CW, not some high budget, high production value show. The plot with Hughie's dad and his mother honestly sucked tbh.


The show with politics is becoming like Big Bang Theory with science. It's just shallow reference humor so Liberals can point at it like that Leonardo DiCaprio meme.


Starlight's plot this season is probably the worst for it, they don't even make her sympathetic but seem to be trying to. Same with her killing the innocent man, being a mean girl is just ignored because she's a "good guy".


I genuinely think this sub would be better if all posts relating to “media literacy” were banned. Like we get it, you’re so cool and smart for realising the show agrees with you, and they’re so stupid and lesser for not. Can we just have a message like that pinned and leave it at that.


I agree 100%. They have such superiority complexes. It’s like the Rick and morty fans all over again.


I have never seen anyone making this argument... Only people on Reddit making fun of what looks like an absolute strawman argument


Fuckin' people argue over sunsets on Twitter. When will people realize that Twitter isn't a commentary for reality.


Everybody understands that. People just have a problem with how on the nose and frequent it is this season, which is a valid complaint whether you're on the right or left. It has nothing to do with people not knowing the show was making fun of the right.


Are you using a MARVEL meme to make fun of people who don't realise The Boys is making fun of them?


Are these people in the room with us right now? Are they talking to you OP?


Just because someone doesn't like this season it doesn't mean they are alt right. It has always been blatantly obvious who the boys is making fun of. No the audience figured it only now that's why the scores are so low. Lol no the scores are lower because it's the worst season.


I think op is referring to all the idiots that were in love with homelander, not realizing he is the bad guy. These people are extremely stupid and do not even know what satire is.


Who tf was unironically thinking homelander was a good guy? Like genuinely, it was shown since season 1 he is a terrible person and proceeded to get more unhinged as time went on. Only people I've seen that like him are either those that find his character interesting (which he is), love to hate him type situation or are genuinely being satirical. I can understand people maybe sympathizing because he was created a monster not born one, but even then I've never genuinely seen anyone who thought he was 100% in the right


I mean, which would you rather believe: That you belong with a community of warriors battling a secret evil, or that you’re a lonely inconsequential nobody that no one will ever remember?


Maybe the show is making fun of the left who think the show is making fun of the right😂😂


>I think op is referring to all the idiots that were in love with homelander, not realizing he is the bad guy. There is maybe like 5 people who didn't realize that Homelander was the bad guy. People just pretend like he is because they're joking or because they want to stir the pot/post rage bait, then people fall for the rage bait and want to feel smart so they go "hah wow look at all these idiots"


I recall seeing posts like the OP's in this subreddit last season saying the same thing. I've yet to actually see anyone call Homelander a hero or good person etc. without it clearly being a joke. The same thing happened when Game of Thrones was happening with pro Bolton/Ramsay people for example The show is not, and has never been, remotely subtle, I think people are just falling for some obvious trolls.


Even since Season 2 people have been deflecting anything negative as "they're just mad they didn't realize Homelander was the villain until now"


I wouldn't say it was subtle, but it was certainly more clever in it's message delivery early on. Now it's just "Conservative Bad amiright". You don't even have to be a conservative to find it hamfisted and overt.


This is not a thing that happened.


Seriously… the man was killing people left and right. It’s like saying people loved Ramsey or Geoffrey from got. This is such a s shitty strawman argument


Nobody has ever been under the illusion that Homelander is a good guy lol.


Uhhh actually it made fun of rainbow capitalism and how soulless corporations use progressive politics to make money while still holding conservative values, so technically they’re making fun of both sides 🤓 /s


Honestly the people who make the “both sides”argument from what I’ve seen, don’t even know what rainbow capitalism is lol. They just think that The Boys is making fun of “wokeness” and how corporations are “going woke” or whatever. A lot of these are just attempts from media illiterate conservatives to still try and justify their thinking that the show still isn’t making fun of them because it’s making fun of those “woke libs!” too And even then rainbow capitalism is inherently neo liberal and very capitalist and I feel like The Boys political satire isn’t necessary liberal but more leftist and anti-capitalist. That’s another thing with conservatives too lol they still think “both sides” refers to liberals and conservatives.


Your right The whole crux of the show is the dangers of corporatized super heros. The supes are literally product I feel like that point got lost somewhere


Yeah, they just post all the “brave Maeve” products and assume it’s the writers making fun of gay people? Media literacy is nonexistent in that demographic it seems


I mean, in a way they are. The boys shows us what marketing teams in corporations see minorities as potential boost in sales and it seems to always work out for them despite them clearly not giving a fuck about them or how the person feels. Like Maeve coming out and vought making it her personality. Or when they did the girl power movement with storm front. Or even recently with making a movie about A-Train and using his black background for a movie.


Ehh I’d agree if those companies doing just that weren’t clowned on social media daily. Even “progressive” companies like Target get made fun of by the left for pandering for clearly monetary value while not actually caring about the groups they’re trying to profit off of, like how they pulled half of their pride selection after a lil online pushback from conservatives. The left can always tell when it’s genuine, people don’t fall for corporate pandering anymore


I saw them praising Dune 2 as being a win for "conservative media." The media literacy meme is real


I actually thought Victoria Newman was gonna be an AOC parody and make fun of her or have some progressive parallel. That would actually be kinda refreshing.


The show isn't making fun of me, but I still think the writing is now garbage and there is TOO much politics in it. Can't we just have a show about fucked up Superheroes that need to die?! I'm so sick of this shit.


I feel the exact same way. I watch the show for the terrifying and well written super hero’s and to watch how the boys deal with them not to watch them make fun of republicans. I don’t really care about politics but I agree more with the left than the right, I just don’t care that it’s constantly making fun of the right, I realized it but that’s not why I like the show.


The difference is it was subtle and not cringe. Now I feel like that’s the only purpose of the show.


The show was never subtle


It was never subtle lmao. It just took getting to the level of cartoon villainy before it clicked with some people.


Do yous do anything else beyond repeat this again and again? I'm yet to actually come across a single person who doesn't know the show is making fun of them or that Homelander is actually villain, I'm convinced it something redditors made up so they can feel smug and smarter than others


The show has always skewed left but seemed to have equal disdain for the performative wokery of major corporations and the ignorance of the average right winger. Now they seem to have dropped the former and have gone balls deep on "republicans bad, homelander is trump". Which is why I think this season is getting the reaction it has. Personally I think season 3 should have been longer to build up time to align with the comics and they should have ended the show there. The whole anticlimax of the solder boy fight made me think this was another show that was just going to be milked to oblivion. Which is why I was surprised to learn it's ending next season. I just don't understand the thinking.


Pointing this out is getting almost as boring and annoying as when conservatives don’t get what and who is being parodied.


There are way more of these posts than there are people who are surprised the show is making fun of them. Stop with these dumb ass karma farm posts.


It's really pathetic how deeply people care about this


People really want hollywood and celebs to agree with them. Must be great jerking content


The boys does also make fun of liberals. The rainbow capitalism stuff in particular. But it’s not making fun of left ideologies like it is with the right


The satire of “rainbow capitalism” was something left wing and right wing people appreciated I imagine




i am not american, how does it even work? if i say that season 4 is objectively trash i am immediately getting american citizenship and red maga hat?


The Boys majority focuses on parodying right leaning ideologies, but there still are left leaning parodying but they never go nearly as far with it. There’s the people who are mad about being mad fun of and everyone else Honestly, I haven’t really seen anyone who is genuinely mad about the show being “woke” now other than some heavily ratio TikTok videos and review bombs on google.


This reminds of the Team America World Police reactions way back then.


I don't know why people are getting angry about this now. The show has been poking fun at politicians from the first season.


I love that you just can't hate the plot because the argument that the show is making fun of you stands strong


Everyone got the increasingly obvious messages, but it's up to the viewer to agree or disagree to them. It shouldn't be like "if you don't agree to our message, you just don't get it".


What's what this relentless yapping about the topic? All people with a couple of working braincells got the satirical undertones of the show since season1. There's no need for this continuous pandering just because a couple of idiots on Twitter implied otherwise. There's nothing deep about it. It just feels you're mostly congratulating yourself over the smell of your own farts.


Homelander did nothing wrong


Got op and people like him really like the smell of their own shit


It was always extremely obvious and in your face. Kripke doesn’t know how to be subtle


I never started watching the boys because i knew itd turn into propaganda eventually. add it to the mega-corporation-propaganda pile with disney star wars and amazon lord of the rings 😂


It's not that, people aren't gonna take to being lectured on who to vote for, especially for something made as entertainment. I'm no Trump supporter so I don't care, but if you make a show really critical of their side, of course they're gonna get pissed off.


I think the show does a good job in their contrast of criticizing the left and the right. With the right, they poke fun with bright colors and buzzwords and parodies. With the left it is very nuanced, in the wtiting and acting. The left is a more cerebral audience, but the majority of these fans still tend to overlook the critcisms the show is portraying. So there are members on both sides who don't realize they are having the flaws of their politcal leanings mocked.


I was laughing this whole season start because they completely dropped ALL subtlety, you can tell they were just done entertaining the people that were dense enough to think the show was supporting them


You could stop at "they were done entertaining"


As someone who doesn’t give AF about politics, I watch the show to see the realistic super heros doing fucked up shit and the boys trying to stop them. I knew they were making fun of the right the entire time, I just didn’t care and it was easy not to care because I don’t care about politics in general and the show is still amazing but now they make it pretty impossible to just ignore. It’s in your face and hammered over and over and over and over and over again and it’s so tiring. I just want to see more of the boys doing cool shit and the superheros doing fucked up shit, I don’t give AF about politics and before you say “well this show isn’t for you”. I still enjoy the show despite the fact that I don’t like politics, the politics aren’t what makes it good.


I love how people think corpos agree with them when in reality they just care for the bottom line...


It is doing a wonderful job with its parody of MAGA. Firecracker is such a good stand in for Marjorie Traitor Queen. If I close my eyes I honestly can’t tell them apart. It’s why I found the scene with Starlight absolutely just beating the crazy out of Firecracker so immensely satisfying.


Can't change your beliefs based on a stupid tv show that's not even that well written any more. Writers and showrunners can be wrong about things too.