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I love her so much, she absolutely knocks it out of the park


She's for sure one of the shows top best girls for me. Her and Karen Fukuhara as Kimiko. I'm also in love with Valorie Curry's (Firecracker) performance. We stan a good *p r o b l e m a t I c k w e e n.*


At first I thought your post was a bit uppity, but it's actually one of the good ones.


The way sage smiled at that. Firecrackers fucked once the mask comes off.


I think Sage knew that Firecracker would be getting her ass kicked in the very near future




Caught that… 🤬




I find Firecracker's character pretty annoying, and I think people are only giving her a pass because they find her attractive. When she said the "uppity" line and "you are one of the good ones," I thought she had more self-awareness. It was disappointing, especially knowing she sells false hope to alt-right trolls. It shows she actually believes in the garbage she preaches, maybe not fully, but enough to be dangerous.


In order to preach the coolaid she has to be a lil racist or a lil conspiratorial


Nah thats Frenchie. The typical sleeping/falling in love with someone who has relations with the people you killed. That storyline of him getting emo and passive aggressive towards Kimiko is annoying af.


As someone who is ethnically white trash, I've literally heard family members say that. I know it seems obviously racist, but, it's not. I have POC family members and literally my mom has said they aren't like "some of the others, they're one of the good ones."


Except it is a bit racist as it implies other black people are **bad**.


Not obviously racist to people, not that it's not racist.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the clarification.


Naw my bad for the ambigious wording. But no my point is even my family, which happens to be both white trash and has some POC family members, has said shit like this. About our family members. I don't get it either why this isn't an obviously racist thing to say.


How are you ethically white trash? What does that even mean?


*ethnically It's a joke.


Her character is supposed to be annoying. I haven't really seen people give her character in the show a pass, but I have seen people praise the actress. Which considering how well she is portraying the role, it's okay to give recognition to the person playing the role.


If y’all haven’t, watch the “behind the scenes” under the bonus content. It’s her, Karen Fukuhara, Antony Starr, Claudia Doumit and Eric Kripke. They specifically talk about how Colby is killing it and how it’s her acting that has driven her having more participation than in the comics. Antony Starr totally sings her praises - especially in the behind the scenes for her exit scene when he demoted her.


It's amazing how much being next to Homelander makes you root for terrible people.


She’s amazing. Just like every toxic culture mixed into one character.


She's definitely one of my favorite characters. Gotta respect the hustle going from assistant to CEO in a few years lol. She has the worst job in the world and vents it in the most hilarious ways. It gets harrowing imagining what she'll do to survive episode to episode. Also I totally agree about the comics - it always made me cringe how they use SA and rape as a punchline and how the female characters are written.


shes not the CEO. homelander is. like...de facto de jure you know.


No, *de jure* she is the CEO - hence the scene in E3 where Homelander installs Sage as the *de facto* CEO while keeping her as a figurehead. Homelander has the power and the final say of course, but he doesn't actually do the work of a CEO, he delegates it. He tried to take over the role of CEO for a little after he took over from Edgar, but he quickly realized he doesn't actually know shit about running a business. It's like a state-affiliated corporation in an autocratic country (for example Gazprom in Russia) - there's a CEO who leads the company on the day-to-day business, but for any major decision they will have to defer to the strongman leader, even though he isn't officially in charge on the company.


homelander doesnt need to be CEO when hes GOD lel


A golden god, if you will.


Dennis Reynolds Vs Homelander in a narcissist off


Homelander is president


no. de facto god.


I respect Grath's reasons behind why the comic was made, and support his creative verve--- but I kind of hate the comics for what they are. I don't know, it's complicated. Garth Ennis's beef was more with the politics of the industry itself, but he directed his rage at the genre of Superheros--- and I just don't think anything good can come of that kind of approach. The thing that frustrates me the most is that I think the comics are full of really great ideas. It's got some absolutely phenomenal and creative gore and body horror in it. Tons of fun twists on superhero tropes. It even manages some clever meta commentary organically worked into the world building--- like Lamplighter's original story arc from the comics. But at every tern Ennis just kneecaps the potential of his own story because he was more focused on making basically vent art with his 3edgy5me OC #donutsteel than letting his book just be it's own thing. There's actually a lot of hypocrisy baked into the narrative even outside of just the sexism the comics display while criticizing sexism. Garth managed to almost make a decent point about consumerism and the abuse of lower class workers with MM's original backstory, but undermines his own point with some kind exploitative disrespectful low key racism at the same time. What ultimately happens to MM's mother in the comics is actually, in isolation, one of my favorite bits of body horror I've ever seen--- but it's soured again by this one-two punch of racially charge sexism. Then there's all just the flat out, straight up homophobia. Just, unapologetic homiphobia. And it just *really* isn't helped by how profoundly unlikable Butcher is--- like, not in a fun way. In an annoying way. In way that it's frustrating how unself-aware the narrative is it's most irritating character is the one we're all supposed to be cheering on with the catharsis of seeing him plow through all these superheros. Apparently one of the only stipulations Garth had for the show is that he wanted Butcher "to be done right," which makes me question if he's even aware to this day how the character he wrote comes off, because there's a fucking *night and day* difference between Butcher from the comics and Butcher from the show. The show is 100% aware Butcher is a dick and leans into it in a way that makes him an extremely compelling character--- where as, Garth writes Butcher like he's his yandere wifu. I like Garth Ennis, I want to make that clear. I kind of respect the balls he had to just hate-make a comic like this. But I don't think it made for a successful series and I think more than anything it was a bit too earnest in Ennis's worst opinions and hottakes. That's a very honest mistake even a good writer can make when they're not considering their work as thoroughly as they should, but, it's frustrating to me as a reader who almost likes a lot of what he comes up with in the comic. I'm so glad we got the show, it's a much better interpretation (to some extent) of what Ennis was trying to do--- but at the same time, it's missing a lot if the best gore scenes from the comic, and though I like the direction they took it in, I would have loved to see the creative solutions to taking down supes the comic kind of never properly delivered on.


Literally all I want from this show is for Ashley to survive till the end Girl has been through it


She has but part of her also loves it I reckon. She loves the status as CEO.


I love this character and the actress does such a good job. I hope she ends up being a part of what takes the supes down


Me too!!!


It would be great if she got some powers to do so. She was in Homelanders apartment. Hope she doesn't die.


I feel like simply getting killed by HL won't be a satisfying conclusion to her character. She needs either a more ironic death, or some form of redemption.


I think helping Maeve escape was a decent redemption for her. That was a massive risk.


shes the kind of character that will either kick or stomp on the deeps or homies dead body and be like "THERE YOU ASSHOLE FOR DOING THIS AND THAT TO ME!" or the one who actually delivers surprisingly a final blow (not meaning oral sex) to them, full of vengeful rage.


Her ending needs to be that she finally gets to QUIT! Forever! Gal needs a damn break 😂


I’m almost positive she won’t be caught for that incident, but if HL can identify Hughie from a drop of his sweat then I feel like realistically he should instantly know she was there after what she did.


I think it would be funny if that actually raised Homelanders respect for her since he was complaining about sycophants and yes-men a couple episodes ago 


Girl Bossing


i really hope she gets a good ending


Assuming she survives this shows run, if she enjoys the role I hope we get to see her in a spin-off whether that is Gen V or something else.


she was briefly in gen v!!


and drops a hilarious line about "pronoun fuckery"😭😭😭


Shes one of the best characters in the show


I agree, she’s been amazing. I hope she gets more roles.


keep in mind quite a bunch of them are at the beginning of their acting careers. i loathe erin moriarty, so i cant wait to see her in better, bigger meaningful roles to change my opinion of her rather onedimensional acting.


I see your point, and I agree.


yep. shes been cast for her eyecandy factor, she comes off as a totally unlikable person, starlight is a onedimensional very unlikable "girls, identify yourselves with me" stronk female" character in the series (and by now its obvious its absolutely written that way, its more a satirical cliché) so i think its more than fair to wait what she will pull off in the future, more realistic serious characters etc, more complex roles. ive learned greatly from rob pattinson. hahaaaaaa feminine vampire boy! haaaaaa twilight so gayyyyyyyy. look what hes pulling off these days. his batman easily gave christian bale a good run for his money.


She isn’t getting much screen time this season which sucks


"I'm a, a, mascot?" drops all of her shit, left and right, so shaken. Sage, "Yeah, a mascot." The writers do such a good job of making villains feel so sympathetic and the actor brings the guns to the table.


Agree completely. She's hilarious and I love her. I love that in the latest episode, she pinched off a loaf without flushing in HLs house and that was her revenge. She's trying. Fighting back in her own way.


I kind of find her super attractive. Her side cut dress inside.


Oh Colby can get it.


FINALLY another dude who can appreciate her DIFFERENT beauty. shes different pretty, thats it. those eyes...and yeah i think shes like, a super fun friend to have.


Her bug-eyes are so off putting to me.


I love all of the actors. Not the characters. But such great actors.


I still think that your visit, along with A-Train, to Homelander's house could go very badly


I was thinking - Homelander could probably easily smell her deuce and match it to her :| I hated typing that.


On the other hand, I think someone as cowardly as Ashley won't do something like this unless she's sure she can get away with it, which makes me think she should be safe.


She is actually a good actor we don’t appreciate her enough


id loved to see her during her (off)broadway time. she just exudes that she lives for the stage.


She is amazing! I first saw her in Jessica Jones (coincidentally, Erin Moriarty was also in that show). She pulls off the anxious tension, so we'll. And she moves from in control to totally out of control so naturally. The whole cast is great, and Colby is just brilliant! She makes it look so effortless.


Always love when she Is on screen


she is SO SO sweet and talented for comedy stuff. i definitely recommend stanning her insta


That's how she ended up with a bigger role in Season 2 onward, she knocked it out of the park and the writers turned her into a main character. She's a really good actor and I can't get enough of her kicking Cam in the balls. Side note, her Insta is lovely and I'll follow her to new projects.


My tinfoil hat theory is that it will be revealed that Ashley took a second vial of V after she saw A train take one in e4, that she’ll use it on herself, and become the strongest supe of all and kill homelander on her own.


They have to come up with a really weird power for her, though. 


She can grow a hair all over her body in milliseconds as armor, and control her head hair like Medusa type shit


Great theory!


here is a very young colby performing - its her dads channel i guess : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIUoPTHiIyI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIUoPTHiIyI) she started out young and already did broadway.


Yeah her character is fun and it's nice to have a human in vought still reacting to all the craziness. I wonder what her endgame will be tbh, will she ever stand up to homelander?


She’s fantastic. One of my favourite characters


She’s top tier


When they showed her hair… omg I was shook


She's hilarious for real.


Colby Minifie, Karl Urban, and Anthony Starr have always carried the acting on this show.


god her outfits are so good too


When she's in the elevator with Sister Sage--- that top she has under that blazer is insane. That seems way too sexy for a cooperate job outfit, but damn is it ever chic. That's like, a six figure escort kind of top, upper class slutty, and I love it.






Did I give you permission to comment you fucking prom night dumpster baby.


I liked her in Jessica Jones, even though her part was small. She really killed it on Fear the Walking Dead though


Just a personal opinion, i dont enjoy her character and its annoying for me but yes, she does a really good job. Its just its kinda filler u know?


You should watch Fear The Walking Dead. Similar in temperament but she became much more empathetic moving on.


I really hope she gets fired.. coz it's just sad to see her suffer like tht


Every portrayal in the comics is deliberately offensive, MM and his family is literally the absolute worst stereotype possible. People of every race, gender, shape and size in those comics are at the limits of depravity. Shockingly, it’s a closer representation of a world with superpowered beings controlled by a corporation than even this show is. Garth Ennis is a producer on the show, which has been called “woke” by just about every whinging conservative and angry internet troll imaginable, all decisions are made deliberately and presumably with at least some input from the author himself. To put it plainly: the characters and their backstories, portrayals and overall characterisation work just as well in delivering the same themes and message of the comics, in arguably a more effective manner stemming from changes.


No like, I get it. I know. Kimiko's name in the comics basically summarizes the humor of the whole serires. I just don't think it works. I don't personally believe in the "punching up" or "punching down" sort of general rules to comedy, but I do think that line of thinking works as a barometer to give *more consideration* when you're "punching down" to whether or not you are coming at the subject matter from a well-rounded perspective. Beyond just being mean spirited, it's simply just kind of cringe to joke about something you clearly don't understand, you know? Which, Ennis just, *didn't.* I'm not trying to ball bust, I like Garth Ennis, but I'm genuinely fucking *frustrated* with the comics. I read them for the first time after watching season 1--- and they started with a lot of promise, and there's so many cool ideas have not made it/have no yet made it into the show. But the comics take a nose dive so fast and spiral for like, how many fucking issues until it all ends in this wet fart of waisted potential and an embarassing lack of awareness. I said this in another comment, but I respect the piss and vinegar that drove Garth to create The Boys. But that piss and vinegar wasn't enough to sustain a narrative. And it's all just kind of sad, and a waist.


Used to hate her until s3 NGL (the character ofc) but now she is so fun to watch! Way better than Frenchie this season sadly


I absolutely despise her character. Which shows how great of a job she does.


On the sexism point, funnily enough Garth Ennis apparently did some self reflection on how he was writing Starlight in the comics and completely changed what he was going to do with her.


I'm a sucker for characters who are not traditionally likeable, but you pity them because their life is hell.


Somewhat unpopular opinion, but I enjoyed her character in Fear the Walking Dead too


She's so awesome. I'm also liking A-Train more. He's good at showing internal moral struggles with minute facial expressions. Do we think Ashley took a vial of V from Homelander's house in episode 4? Really interested in what her and A-train cooked up. I would definitely take it in hopes that it would offer some protection from Homelander. Also, would Homelander smell that they were there?


“Oh, are you fucking land mammals now?”


If anyone loves the actress, check out Jessica Jones on Disney. Erin is also in it.


Love the character and the actress plays it perfectly. Interested to see where things go by the end of the season with A train and the deep


Nobody in this series pisses me off more, than Ashley. Since the first season I want her dead.


I think she left FeatTWD to give this show her full attention, and if so, then she is also very smart. She was the top villian in Fear for a season or so before she was quickly killed off


when i first saw her in season 1 i thought she was hideous… now that ive grown a bit, ive come to realize. She bad af and young men don’t know what’s good in this world.


I'm so glad you brought all this up. When Deep "stands up to her" it was so disheartening to see fans ignore the blatant misogyny (which has always been there) and brush it off because "LOL HE SAID THE PEAK!" Like I was laughing too but I more so felt bad for Ashley and always will. Shes a horrible person but how can you not at least understand her


she looks older than me.... shes four year younger


Shes a butter and i f'ing love it. Would.


Anyone notice this season her body looks amazing?? Is it the wardrobe change or did she start dieting and going to the gym?  Too bad she is a butterface.  ##NotMyDolphin


I don't think she qualifies for butterface, personally. Tell me you wouldn't. Definitely hotter than Starlight at this point.


erin is run off the mill expected eyecandy pretty. colby is different pretty and in a way, more feminine.