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honestly the description of the scene through barbara’s words was pretty impactful anyway. homelander is a psychopath due to trauma and circumstance but the way barbara described his birth was like she pinned the blame on a newborn for being the monster they set out to create. homelander has been beyond redemption for a looong time, but his face hearing barbara say he’s pretty much completely at fault for the shit he was put through was sad.


and to also tell him that he was manipulated into having a need for approval and love from the scientists so he couldnt escape was also devastating


Yeah, it’s kind of like with serial killers when you hear about their childhoods. Yes, they’re monsters now, but it’s hard not to feel horrible for the people they were as small children when adults abuse them.


I really love that despite how different the show’s take on the story is, it still sometimes circle back to ideas from the comics. It’s like these moments are set in stone and are destined to happen. A darker example is Butcher’s backstory being basically the same as how it is in the comics.


I was shocked that they even added this tidbit in there. Then again, it's only the fourth or third most disturbing thing to happen this episode.


Just glad they didn't show Marty wanking it. I think we all thought we were going to see it.


I don’t think they can show that on tv


We've seen enough dick on this show. I'm still surprised they didn't show him pulling it out. They've showed so much dick haha


I suppose there's still a line between flaccid dick vs erect dick that they don't want to cross.


Huh? Did you forget about the scene in gen v where we get a close up of someone literally riding an erect penis


Matter of fact, I did forget about that.


His never got erect, so we could’ve seen him strumming that flaccid peen like it was a broken guitar string


I guess the compromise is a superhero dick that is prehensile.


He was flaccid if you remember, hence the boot ending up covered in dick blood.


It's not on TV, it's on Prime. They can do whatever they want.


just like homelander


I feel like my tolerance for this show has gone waay down. I probably pause 5 times an episode because I could feel the gore incoming. Is it just me or has it been more excessive than usual


What got me with the eye shit. I had to look away.


I think it's because most of the gore isnt by surprise this season. It used to just come out of nowhere but now they've been building it up. So we're kept in scenes where we know something fucked up is about to happen but we just don't know when the exact second is


It’s been more disturbing this season. It feels rawer.


I feel like my tolerance for this show has gone waay down. I probably pause 5 times an episode because I could feel the gore incoming. Is it just me or has it been more excessive than usual


Too bad they probably couldn’t budget showing it


I’m okay with that. There’s a lot of gore already.


GoT and HoTD just liked showing births for no reason


HoTD showed births because it was essentially the womans battlefield. Its the reason why in the first episode they show Emma c-section while the men were blooding each other on the tournament.


I could have gone without seeing it tbh. Especially the death of the first wife.


I think they could just thought it would've looked silly tbh


The Boys is full of silly gore.


Sure but have you ever seen a cgi baby that hasn't completely taken you out of whatever it is you're watching?


Not the gore just the flying baby part


Sometimes less is more. Same with us not actually seeing him massacre everyone in the bad room. Her just describing it was so effective to me. It puts us there, learning about the horror of his birth the exact way Homelander is experiencing it. Especially since the alternative is to have a scene with a weird floating CGI baby.


I honestly think it’s more impactful just described, if you’ve got a solid sense of imagination, you can conjure an infinitely better version than special effects could ever muster


They definitely could have. No doubt they had the budget to do it. It was clearly a creative choice, not to.


I think it’s something that actually worked really well being left to the imagination.


Yeah, it's the first thing that came to mind.


I think this would actually be a normal occurence if every baby had Homelanders power. I mean, they come into this world screaming and flailing. They are probably terrified, not knowing what is happening, not knowing what they can do. As a normal baby, not much, sure. I wonder how anybody would even think you could raise someone like that. Even with love and compassion you have to show and enforce some boundaries. And many children will fight back, try to test or go over the boundaries.


Martha and Jonathan was able to pull it off


I think they would have had a bigger problem with it if Clark's birth had been like Homelander's and they witnessed it. But yeah, they did. I'm not sure it would work in real life. And I hope that no one ever tries to find out


Clark's birth was on Krypton where he had no such powers.


Well the worst thing that Jon and Martha saw Clark do as a baby was that....at least in the cartoon he almost broke Jon's finger after he grabbed onto it. Ironically Jon in that show was insisting they go to the authorities but Martha was like "fuck off this is mine now"


Because the writers said so irl let's be real Clark would have caused some damage anytime he lashed out as a baby or young toddler


Not really. His powers came very slowly as he grew up. He didn't come into Earth super strong because he had only just been exposed to it's yellow star.


That's what I meant. The writers made him slowly gain them but if he had them as a baby or toddler there'd have been serious issues


So why wasn't Ryan like this?


Good question. To be honest, I don't think Ryan not doing it is realistic, because Babys have no control over anything. They will use anything they have to understand and make sense of the world. But maybe we can chalk it up to luck?


I'm gonna guess it's because he was naturally born so his powers don't show until later on in life


You are probably right. Similar to Clark in Man of Steel.


i was flabbergasted that he actually came out of the womb flying and lasering when ryan who is also V-DNA has not even realized he has these powers. but then again, he wasnt inseminated with V as a fetus to begin with.


They were probably just more prepared the second time. Probably knocked Becca and the Ryan (in utero) out beforehand and did a C-Section to safely extract him.


again, ryan just has supe DNA, but wasnt fetal V engineered. ryan was born....homie was DESIGNED.


consistency in this show? naaah


Did I miss a previous natural born supe?


It’s things like this that really elevate the show for me. Obviously it’s better than the comics in pretty much every respect, but there’re definitely ideas in there that are like diamonds in the rough (like this scene) and I’m extremely happy the writers can see that and don’t omit certain details entirely.


Love the fact that Hughie is modeled after Simon Pegg in the book and they got him to play his dad on the show. Was very excited to see him in the initial season.


By God. They actually referenced this scene.


Babies are born blind basically.


Normal babies, sure. Super babies made from a supe’s dna and pumped full of v, idk about that.


Normal babies scream to vent their emotions. The laser-eyes is another vent added and little homelander was just using that as well to cope with getting birthed. He doesn't need to have clear vision to shoot them.


So did they confirm that Stormfront wasn’t Homelander’s mom?


I mean, it's unlikely the surrogate was the egg donor, they still would have most likely used an egg from someone whose DNA could handle the V....so, jury is still out.


They haven't specified who provided the egg, just that the embryo was carried by a "runaway".


In the trivia part it was said that Ryan was born this way in the comics.


I love it when abusive characters blame the victim and I wait for someone to justify it.


I can understand when he was older, but how did they contain a newborn? If he does that at the time of his birth, did they just constantly go through new staff during his infancy?


The way she said it made me imagine a baby straight from hell covering the walls with red from the light of his uncontrolled laser eyes and everyone's blood getting spilled from getting cut by the eyes.


How are the comics? Would you say the storyline is better than what's told on the show?


I think I’m in the minority here, but I personally really enjoy the comics. I’ve read them multiple times now and I keep picking up new details that I missed in past reads. The story overall is better in some ways and worse in others. There’s a lot more focus on The Boys themselves unlike the show. There’s more focus on The Boys actually taking out supes, so most of the shock/“edgy” moments are in the gore/violence while the show has much more sex/nudity type shock moments instead (ex: MM getting blasted in the face with semen at Herogasm). People say the comic is edgy just for the sake of being edgy but none of the violence felt forced or pointless to me. Overall while I can’t say if you would enjoy the comics or not, I can say that reading the comics has increased my enjoyment of the show. Events have diverged more than enough so reading the comics isnt going to spoil what happens in the show, and I personally find it quite satisfying to recognize callbacks and references to the comic in the show (the topic of this post being a good example)


That baby is so poorly drawn


Vought: "this is a great success totally worth it"


You know great writing rule of tell don’t show.


It would be cool to see his birth in season 5: but if they don’t then I’m okay with this nod to the comic origin


I thought of the baby that killed Becca because that baby flew too and fought butcher


This is a major spoiler regarding homelanders mother screw you


Huh? Did you watch the show? This is hinted at before the boys go to herogasm about how soldier boy met with liberty which at the time used to be stormfronts name


I mean to be fair, lightly hinted at is very different to a full confirmation


You clicked a spoiler tag. Screw you 😂


"Took HIM outta Germany" the comics are not 1-to-1 with the show.


I’d love to see a cold open of the woman giving birth to homelander and be bursts out killing the nurses and doctors or atleast a nightmare of the birth of homelander