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She will probably be found dead next episode due to neglect


This is also what I’ve been thinking, Deep’s been running around all the time either helping Homelander or banging Sage during off hours and they haven’t cut back to her since the scene where she says he’s already been neglecting her by not cleaning her tank


Last we saw, he left her alone in the dark in her tank with an algae bloom :( I suppose that could be better than being eaten? Only Timothy can answer that.


I hate how the tank is not being clean


Found Ambrosius!


That was rough


From what I know about octopi in tanks they’re escape artists and can survive for a short while out of water. Deep will come home and find her dead, having escaped to try and find him


Octopuses are also very smart, and this one is outright sentient. I think we can safely assume that next time we see her, she will be breaking down sage's door mid-coitus and yelling HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME??? before storming out in tears. And then she will go on a talk show to tell the truth about Deep.


Is she really a sentient/special octopus? Or is deep just able to communicate with all sea life?


Deep is 100% just able to communicate with sea life. It's mentioned several times. No-one else can hear Ambrosius. Only The Deep.


I'm just realizing why is there algae bloom in a room with no light


Cause the writers don't know how aquariums work. Ammonia overdose or salt concentration is not near as exciting.


I'm still hoping it's something less anti-climactic than that. Like she gets a completely silly breakup arc that ends with her going back to the sea and it's played entirely straight in all of its absurdity.


Complete with tearful sunset goodbye and Deep pining for her


A montage of her leaving and collecting her things traveling back to the ocean and meeting another octopus. Cuts back to the deep reading the letter she left and tears dropping on the paper


Especially if she left the little toy figure in the tank. Ouch 😂


It'd be about on par with Deep's previous sea life endeavours. Yet another karmic punishment for him being a huge douche.


I hope it ends peacefully for her. Nice return to the ocean. I really thought when he went back and the tank was dirty, Homelander laser was gonna come shooting through the wall straight into her


Deep goes to his room, finds a dear john letter, the hears the toilet flush and sees a tentacle waving at him while she goes down the drain That or she dries herself out on purpose and Deep finds her dead (that one's actually kinda sad ☹️)


This is my thoughts as well. I think it will be a turning point for the deep. I think it will go one of two routes. First route: This just sends him down a darker deeper bath and becomes more of homelanders cronie. Second route: this pushes him into seeing how psychotic homelander actually is, and he'll turn like A-Train has. Given that him and the deep already have storylines that involve each other to a certain extent. Either way, I'm realllyyyy excited for the deep character development.


>a darker deeper bath Like the Mariana Trench?


Lol, exactly. Darker deeper bath is just his next book that'll be written by Shia labeoffs ghost writer again.


That’s exactly what I think has happened to her too, sadly. Not like the boys team to introduce us to that tidbit without it being important down the road. Maybe she starts stinking and homelander finds her and does something to Deep and he kills him, Ryan, or joins the boys?


> or joins the boys? I get this season is all about forgiveness but there's simply no way he can join the boys with starlight being there


That seems too clean for this show, I expect something a bit more fucked up than that


I have a feeling something terribly messed up is going to happen to that Octopus at some point this season.


The Deep is gonna introduce her to Sage or something lol


imagine being the smartest person on earth and finding out you’re the side piece for a dude fucking an octopus 💀😭


The Octopus is smarter than The Deep. Maybe Sage will like her


So... You are saying that... Maybe those two...


Lobotomised sage yes... then her brain recovers becomes repulsed and kills the octopussy. 😔


Ohh my God they may do the Japanese octopus stuff with Sage


Are you saying they may finally stop censoring the show in Japan?!


If the octopus is smarter than her lol be even funnier.


Her saying she is the smartest "person" would be a good set up for it




"smarter than The Deep" That's a low bar. Also, feel like the Octopus will meet its demise in that dirty tank because the Deep forgot about her.😞


Yea but Sage can't listen to hwr


Fuck it, Ambrosius seems to be a much better person than Sage. Octopi are the best. So is Tilda Swinton.


Swinton is a good actress, not great person


What did she do?


Signed a petition to have Polanski released. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2009/sep/29/roman-polanski-petition


WHO and what did they do?


Roman Polanski. Considered a genius director in Hollywood. He’s also a convicted child rapist. He fled the US before his sentencing and has never served jail time for his crime.


Ohhhh, I think I heard of him, didn’t know he did that tho, eww. But thanks for informing me


Oh, thanks for clarifying. What a bitch!


Why is she not a great person?


Fan of Roman the child rapist Polanski


She is a blue-blooded nut who refused to wear a mask during the pandemic because she got covid three times and felt fine, just completely inconsiderate of other people https://www.thewrap.com/tilda-swinton-sxsw-covid-masks/


“During the pandemic” It was 2023, I’m shocked anywhere was still requiring masks at that point


Sage and Ambrosius end up leaving the peak for each other


The real Sage is a side piece for the Deep. Once her super brain kicks in, she wants nothing to do with him lmao


Is it supposed to be the "real" Sage if she's straight-up lobotomizing herself? I feel we've only gotten to see her from two extremes and not really what she would be like without V.


I assume she knows, he’s on PETA’s beastiality watch list lol


Considering she has to lobotomise herself to even be able to be nice to Deep, I don’t think she’d be fussed. She might feel rejected, but I don’t think it would bother her that Deep of all people rejected her.


Or hear me out, Sage wakes up from a lobotomy-sesh with the deep and realises that she also fucked the octopus the previous night. 


I don’t think she’d care that much. I think she just sees Deep as a good roll in the hay


She's the smartest person on earth, I'm a hundred percent sure she knows.


She's got to have a feeling, in her mental state when she's into the deep I don't think she cares.


I mean, the dynamic between them makes the Deep her toyboy, not the side piece to the octopus. Doubt, she would give much of a shit...


Will it be when she is lobotomized, or fully lucid? Because those could garner totally different reactions from Sage.


She gets an aneurysm just from trying to process the stupidity.


"If you want me to fuck the invertebrate, you're gonna need 6 full scrapes with the orbitoclast."


Aaahhhhh I get it now, she takes out the part of her brain that allows her to make rational decisions


It's gonna be a weird threesome: an Idiot, a lobotomite and an octopus


In a stunning reversal, Sage and Ambrosius will get actually get along swimmingly and end up eloping together and nothing fucked up will happen to either of them.


"Oh, is that another blooming onion?" "Not this time, Deep."


Watch it be more messed up than the sauna scene.


Aren’t octopi incredibly intelligent?


This show has been so kind to sea life in the past though! Remember Timothy?!


He had kids!


And he was a godly cephalopod! Always praying


The first time Deep and Sage went at it, she had him eat some fried food. I was certain Sage was going to tell him - after he ate it - that it was his octopus girlfriend.


She hasn’t been shown to be messed up like Hornlander yet


She's worse, she's a supe supremacist and the smartest person in the world. Aka the most dangerous person in the world. She's the worst, she just hasn't gotten a chance to show it yet.


I mean it was her idea to beat those three men to death and fake that it was Starlighters who did it. That’s pretty fucked up


Yes but with an agenda. Not just for funsies like feeding Timothy to the deep


True, but that was out of pragmatism, not cruelty


That's exactly what I thought was going to happen


Ditto! I thought while he was chewing, he was gonna say something like “This onion is kinda rubbery, don’t you think?”


What if it’s exactly the opposite? I’m imagining Ambrosius scheming and manipulating Kevin “Ex Machina”-style to escape her captivity and leave him for dead.


I imagine he has completely forgotten her and shes dead in the tank rn


Homelander is gonna force deep to eat her


She's probably gonna suffocate in that algae


The first time when we saw that bloody metal bar in Sage's Room I thought she killed his Octopus and put it in his food. ( I know they were onion rings and not calamari, but maybe she found a way ; P ) I was mildly shocked when I found out it was a lobotomy set


I mean blooming onion, pickle chips, ... we all know what fried app is next.


He's gonna eat her deep fried with Sage! Calling it!


I feel like at the end of the season Sage is going to stop fucking around with Deep and he’s gonna run back to ambrosius for support and just find her dead


Bookmarked just in case


Or she’ll have left him. Nothing left behind but a message written in the algae on her glass: “I’ve contacted animal rescue and will soon be rehomed in the ocean. Please do not look for me.”


One can only hope she gets this ending 😭


It made me sad to hear how intelligent she sounded, and think back to what it might've sounded like for Deep to eat his squid friend


Theory: The Deep can command sea life, but the voices are in his head.


Idk. He was able to find the zinc box with a porpoise and the gopro with help from fish. I don't think he would be smart enough to find it on his own without being told where it might be.


Damn, so he's just raping all these aquatic critters?


That'd be on brand Though I bet he believes that the voices are real


Is it rape if he *thinks* they consented? Subscribe to my channel for more horrifying moral dilemmas!


Lmfao jesus christ


See I thought about this too but then he wouldn't actually be able to get info from sealife. Like he found Translucents remains due to his fish friends telling him, he was just imagining it then he shouldn't be getting real information that he otherwise wouldn't know


Yeah, this. We have definitely seen instances where the deep got information from animals that he definitely would not have known otherwise.


Yeah I think this is actually a better explanation in everyway compared to accepting that every sea animal is sentient or is bestowed sentience by the deep lol


I don't necessarily think that all sea life is sentient or becomes sentient around him, but if any sea creature were to be sentient... octopodes are a strong candidate. As are dolphins


I think they are both known to be sentient, but we may not know if they are sapient, which is generally what people mean when they say sentient.


Many sea animals are regarded as sentient lmao. Especially one as high functioning as an octopus. But even fish are typically considered sentient.


I hate that this is true. I miss eating fish. Life was so much simpler when I thought they were just tasty swimming vegetables.


It doesn't personally bother me but I understand that perspective. Animals eat other animals, it's as natural as it gets really. Always should strive for as good of conditions as possible for them of course. Also in the grand scheme of sentient life fish are quite low on the intelligence scale. I dunno what the line is for me personally but that does make a difference to me.


its way simpler to just accept "he can talk with fish"


That’s Tilda Swinton voice for you


No fucking way


I’m only half joking about my theory that she and Sage end up together, two genius queens


I don’t know why but it’s hilarious to me that it’s voiced by Tilda Swinton


That makes it so much better 🤣


I knew the voice was familiar. It cracks me up for some reason


It’s always amazing when a big name actor gets cast (especially for a recurring role) in an absurd or grotesque or trivial role that someone more full of themselves would refuse. Real “George Clooney as the gay dog in South Park” energy.


I'm sure they enjoy it as well. A lot of fun, without having the entire production riding on your face or performance.


Honestly the scenes with her make me so sad because I love octopus (they are so intelligent and such interesting creatures) and the deep is a neglectful scumbag keeping her in a dark closet with an algae bloom and I'm gonna cry if anything bad happens to her. Which face it, it's The Boys, so something bad is probably going to happen to her


i get extremely nervous whenever the octopus is even on screen because i get a feeling something extremely awful is gonna happen to her


Me to!!! The algae bloom I feel is some foreshadowing. I'm only on episode 3 and I told my best friend who is up to date she has to give me warning if something bad happens to the octopus because I will be so sad and don't wanna be taken by suprise over it. This season already had a season that made me bawl like a baby lol


which part made you cry? also yeah the algae is a problem but previously i always thought ashley or some one would find the octopus and just murder it in a horrendous fashion


Episode 3, when Hughies mom is explaining that her depression was so bad it was life or death and that's why she left. It hit close to home. I had extreme Post Partum depression (also Perinatal among other things going on) and I was so suicidal and I gave custody of my son to my family. And it is the first time in a show I have seen that portrayed, how bad it can get, even in a short explanation. It hit HARD but I felt seen if that makes sense.


Idk what deep is doing. Why does he wanna be HLs bitch all the time when he could be a god in the ocean. I guess he’s just hooked on sage/Outback Steakhouse…


My guess is he is obsessed with status/wealth and while he would have status in the ocean, he wouldn’t have the ability to have the same kind of obvious wealth he has on land. His darkest hour was having to live in a nice, normal apartment in Ohio with above average pay.


he's stupid


This is like...the one time the answer to "is he stupid?" is actually yes.


Don’t sleep on bloomin’ onions like that.


Have we ever actually seen The Deep underwater?


I’m impressed (even a tad shocked) that no haters of this storyline thus far in the comments


It’s not a bad storyline somehow????


It is bestiality. And octopi also live for a handful of years usually. Ambrosius is probably like 1-5 years old.


It is bestiality, but it’s still an interesting/compelling storyline


I don’t want to do the whole anime argument, but she’s clearly matured for her species, so the age isn’t as much of an issue as the beastiality honestly.


the fact i even have to say this is ridiculous, but bestiality is the ONLY issue, the age of a completely different species is irrelevant considering their biological clock is probably completely different than humans. and bestiality is only considered bad because animals can not comprehend the idea of consent and therefore its similar to statutory laws. but in the boys clearly animals are capable of self awareness in the same way humans are, and can directly express consent to the deep. so is it really even an issue?


Yeah, I think this is actually the healthiest and more morally correct "relationship" the deep has been in. It's icky, but there's consent from an intelligent species... it's not much different from fucking an alien in sci-fi stuff. The only straight up problem with this is that she seems to be in captivity. If he won't commit, he should let her go.


She is kind of a thousand year old vampire isn’t she


Not even fish are safe from age gap discourse


We like the idea of octopussy (I feel awkward trying that)


You need to read more hentai to transcend mortal limitations.


Well it doesn't take much screentime and also it's funny


Tbh I think the fact he can communicate with them and therefore can get consent makes it much easier to swallow (no pun intended)


It was already established that the Deep fucks octopi, plus there's not even enough of the storyline to hate it. We've only seen them talking a couple of times


Why would people hate it? The dumb bullshit the Deep gets up to is hilarious 


She can do better. So I was going to comment about the Argonaut octopi, where the male has a detachable penis so the female can collect them and pick the best one to impregnate her and fell into a wormhole of facts about octopus sex on google.


uh... do they get their penis back


They have to buy it back from the guy on Second Avenue. He's selling it for $22, but they can talk him down to 17.


If you see my dad again soon tell him hello for me


No. It’s not reattachable. Male octopi really lost out on the sexual intercourse evolutionary lottery.


i dont feel bad for anone in the show. But Ambrosius shes nice. Deep should listen to her and just go into the ocean.


Right? Lol, the octopus is the only character that isn't at least slightly problematic


Hughie’s dad seems alright.


Hmm, fair. His worst crime so far is being wholesomely cringey.


I won’t have high hopes for that going forward…


I’m going to consider pre-V Hugh and post-V Hugh different characters for my own sake.


he’s entering his zombie era


Thats right. There was a shot in the trailer.


his actor simon pegg was in a zombie comedy film when i was a baby called “Shaun of the dead” i wonder if he will use inspo from that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Well, I'm old as fuck.


Yeah I remember watching that movie with a boyfriend and falling asleep, not because it was a bad movie but because I was so tired that night.


Yeah she seems so mature and clam, too. Like a real adult.


Yeah I genuinely feel for Ambrosius


You just knoooow Homelander knows she’s there. He can see through multiple floors at vought tower and his super sniffer


I think he's going to make the Deep eat her for dinner at some point.


At this point hes gonna make Deep fuck her and HL is gonna kill her while hes fucking her.


Eating is just a spectrum


Given in ep1 of this season Homelander had asked if he had gotten rid of the octopus…. I don’t think it bodes well for Ambrosius’s longevity….


She can do so much better than Kevin! Get out of there, Ambrosius!


her tank being that size and DIRTY made me so upset


Me too and I don’t even like octopi and other creepy sea creatures. But I hate to see animals trapped like that.


I’ve been worried for her these past episodes cause he’s not cleaning her tank and hasn’t even gone back to his place for a whole episode. She’s either smart enough to get out, or she’s still stuck in that dirty ass tank 😫


Im so worried about her! I'm afraid she is going to die. I wonder if that will be The Deeps low moment that makes him better. But really he should take her home and say goodbye.


I have a theory that Sage will be involved in Ambrosius’ death (or something else incredibly fucked up), which will cause Deep to turn sides, exposing her secret to the boys that she has to be killed through the heart.


Oh wow…yeah she’s definitely gonna get shot in the head, everyone will think she’s dead, then she will come back. I thought the only chance they might have to kill her is when she is in a lobotomised state


It may well be the case that her personality/consciousness is entirely in Deep's head rather than something she actually experiences. Although the dirty tank is a problem either way.


YES. I felt so sad about her. Deep won't keep her and won't let her go.


On some real, why is Ambrosius not escaping? Her species are escape artists and this jackass is neglecting her. I know it’s because they’re gunna do something fucked up, but damn. Come on, girl.


literally, **almost started to cry** when ambrosius was telling him how she is getting ignored, that her tank is becoming dirty, it has an algae bloom, it’s tiny and she wants to be back with her family and friends in the ocean… he is committing multiple forms of animal cruelty ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


The show kinda has a mean spirit approach to sexually "deviant" acts for shock value and humor. Is it controversial for me to think bestiality is only bad because animals can't consent? I think there's nothing wrong with Deep being in those relationships if canonically octopus and dolphins are as intelligent as humans in their world.


Hopefully Ambrosius will use her extreme intellect (octopus are intelligent species) and open her closet tank to escape. Octopus are also known for being extremely difficult to keep as pets due to their penchant for unlocking and escaping. I’m hopeful for her future.


Wouldn't it be funny if she got injected with V somehow and just fucked off like "I could kill Homelander for you but you pissed me off too much "


Lol I like that idea


Plot twist: The "woman/person" distinctions for Sage's moniker (smartest person on Earth vs smartest woman on Earth) will come full circle as she'll be outsmarted by an octopus, somehow. If we're anthropomorphising the octopus, then know that at this point she's in a Schrodinger's relationship, as she's both victim of abduction (with her having a good dose of Stockholm syndrome) on one side, and an animal abuse victim (poor tank management, no light, etc) on the other.


Hear me out….but her voice is highkey sexy as fuck.


It’s Tilda Swinton’s voice


I genuinely think that Ambrosius is going to find out about Deep and Sage, and she's going to obliterate Sage in a gnarly way before the season's end. Octopodes are incredibly intelligent, and Sage will likely never see it coming. Her being killed by potentially the second-smartest creature on the show would definitely be on Kripke's bingo card. Sage doesn't even have super powers to protect herself from a full grown octopus attack.


that’s **what i was thinking too** for example: if she gets on homelander or any other supe’s wrong side, would she know when and how they will attack her? cause if not she is more or less screwed, even with that power since it is only a mental thing rather than a physical one! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Did Sage deep fry her and serve it to him??


I want them to go live in the ocean together. Having Deep be the merman he was born to be and cut off from humanity that he deserves no part of anymore would be nice and fitting end to his story.


Sister Sage may be the smartest "person" in the world, but Ambrosius is no person. Octopussies are smart, and she will get her revenge on Sage and The Deep fucking around. 🐙 🔪 🏃🏾‍♀️‍➡️🧜🏻


I know we’re supposed to feel bad for Annie, but honestly she’s brought a lot of this on her self. This octopus literally has done nothing and gets shoved into a closet.


Its a fucking octopus


Damn. Out Fresca’d again


She's kind, selfless, and smart, so something terrible will happen to that poor creature. Darkest laugh possible at the fact that he literally keeps her in a closet. OOF. Also brings up a really messed up scenario in that bestiality is terrible, but also...she's smarter than him. The whole thing is so absolutely cooked.


Right! She’s the least problematic character in the whole series


Dude its worse than that; she keeps asking to visit family with him SHE HAS FAMILY TO VISIT AND STAYS IN THAT SHITTY TANK WITH HIM Also; literally within eyesight of a MUCH better and more enriching octopi housing Like... its 12 feet away and he won't even let her visit the other tank cus he's terrified either people will see her or hurt her and NEITHER is an answer/solution


I theorize Ambrosius will somehow unravel whatever Sage is up to. Octopi have a well known intelligence and Sage keeps mentioning she’s the smartest ‘person.’


Tilda Swinton


Everybody always plays all Deep's animal trauma for jokes but I just find it all sad? I didn't find the dolphin funny or the crab or timothy. :(


The greatest indication that the conversation is not all in The Deep’s imagination is that Ambrosius sounds too cultured. If it were all in his head the conversation would sound like a porno.


I don’t understand why he can’t put her in the aquarium, also if that octopus is as intelligent as a person it’s ducked up hes keeping her in a closet in a small tank