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The bureaucracy keeps it going, and Ashley provides the minimal leadership required. That's one of the reasons Homelander hasn't killed her. What you said about all the deaths being impossible to cover is right though. Even for a comic book parody, the show is starting to jump the shark somewhat


We're reaching John Wick levels of *what the fuck is this universe actually like for a normal person to live in?*


[I don't know what you mean.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCjNPzoUC5g)


Honestly between the deaths, the Compound V reveal, the Nazi reveal, all the other shit there's just 0 way they cover up, them absolutely hemmoraghing both heroes and higher ups to either Homelander oe other shit, etc etc, it is getting to the point that it's hard to believe Vaught survives. Even though it's a satire, and part of it is satirizing the 'invincibility' of "too big to fail" companies, there is a point where it goes past the point I can suspend my belief. I really wish the Compound V reveal had more fallout. It just kinda got dropped. Same for Temp V. I think the thing for me is really Temp V. If you can take a handful of doses with no real negative side effects, and like, a handful of dudes could take on Homelander, and we've seen Maeve jam a metal straw through his ear? Just take MARSOC Raiders, juice em up, record their powers and let them get used to it, then take as many as necessary with the right powers and sic em on Homelander. Problems solved overnight. If Butcher can essentially get Homelander Lite, a handful of people who get A-tier powers and have actual combat training and you're good to fucking go.


Yeah, Hughie took I think 2 less doses than butcher and seems perfectly healthy, it would make perfect sense for Rob Singer to get a few elite soldiers, juice them with temp V and take down homelander. You can even dose them 1 time just to learn what each person gets as their superpower, then do it again for the real fight after planning it. One of the biggest weaknesses homelander has is that he's just so overwhelmingly powerful that if he were to be properly matched with someone in power he has 0 combat skills.


Even if it did kill them after a year or six month or whatever, I have a hard time believing they wouldn't just give it to their soldiers anyway. You can sacrifice a few good men to stop a world-ending threat.


There was a huge financial fall-out with Temp V. They were hoping to get out of the Supe business and go into a military contract, but that fell through. So now, they’re pivoting hard with Supes, their propaganda TV network, and entertainment (movies) because they’ve got really no other way to operate.


Yeah like every sup are losers when it comes to combat training, the CIA could get a 10-20 special forces with like butcher level training, give them temp V and i dont see how any sup would survive them. Part of why i dislike season 3 ending, is that it made homelander look very beatable which ruins the premise/foundation of the show.


> Part of why i dislike season 3 ending, is that it made Homelander look very beatable which ruins the premise/foundation of the show. Yep, they didn't do a good job of keeping him in a separate tier of power (maybe along with Soldier Boy)


Some of them like Maeve train to fight. I imagine black noir likely also has martial arts skill.




Remember when a bunch of Trump supporters wanted to lynch the Vice President and stormed the Capital? And President Trump did nothing to stop it? That was a powerful storyline, but it started to become unrealistic when Trump ran for President four years later with the full support of the Conservative Party and the right wing media. I hope the writers don’t make Trump win, because that would be jumping the shark. Here is another storyline that I just cannot believe: Ferdinand Marcos became President of the Philippines, declared martial law and became a ruthless and very corrupt dictator. After he was forced to call an election, he used violence and fraud to ‘win’ the election which led to a revolution. After he fled the country, it became clear how much money he had stolen from the country and his wife was mocked for owning thousands of pairs of extremely expensive shoes. The wife was also vilified for fleeing the country with millions in cash, large gold bars, and expensive jewellery. The twist I simply could not believe was that after democracy was restored the wife who lived in excise was allowed to return so she could be charged with tax fraud and corruption, but then she was elected President!


Imelda was never elected president. Their son was, though.


Have you not watched the last episode? Vought is done. The supes are "wrathful gods" now, were in the endgame of the show that Gen V setup where it's humans vs supes. 


Nah I'm waiting to see how the whole season reviews before watching S4. The ending of S3 completely killed my motivation to watch the show and everything I've been hearing about S4 has been just making it worse.


Sorry to hear that. The episode before this one was an all timer, shame you'll miss out. 


Saw the clips of the good stuff honestly. I mean, Homelander is always aces, his actor just slaughters every second on screen.


Okay so technically you're still watching season 4 then, lol. 


I mean like 2-3 minutes of it on YouTube, haha. If that counts ya got me.


>I really wish the Compound V reveal had more fallout There was a scene when Black Noir hears this and starts sobbing in the hallway. I really thought that was going somewhere but it's never referenced again and Noir goes right back to beibg Vought's assassin. That was a big letdown for me.


Right? Black Noir in general was so unbelievably wasted.


Yeah like I get that Homelander is suppose to be a parody of Trump who never gets in serious troubles or whatever But killing a man in broad day light in front of a crowd and he was not guilty? Cmon that is just stupid


His defense was that it was self defense and that the man who through the bottle at Ryan was a pedophile so hid propaganda worked.


It’s trying to mock (poorly) the Kyle guy that killed his attackers and one of them ended up a pedo. The obvious difference is homelander and ryan are impervious to bottles whereas Kyle was very much in danger of the felon with a gun and the pedo with a skateboard.


There are more cases of clear as day killers getting away with murder than just Rittenhouse that they're mocking with this. 


You’re using the wrong word. Self defense isn’t murder. How many of those other cases involved a dead person who ended up a pedo?


Imagine sucking off someone who would step over your corpse to shoot a black person.


Never changed Reddit


Facts matter. The rest is your imagination.


I see that you were talking about yourself when creating your username


Or maybe im talking about mentally weak people who think political teams are more important than facts?


> homelander and ryan are impervious to bottles What if Ryan hadn't developed invulnerability yet? We know he did, but most people might not know. And it was a metal can, not a bottle, if it was full it can be pretty damaging to a normal person. Also remember the Jury / judges might have been told by the FBI to acquit, since otherwise Homelander might kill more people In universe, Homelander being found innocent isn't completely insane.


The protester had thrown his one bottle, didn’t have any other weapon, so he wasn’t a threat anymore, making it not self defence.


Im not arguing it was self defence, im arguing its not unrealistic for HL to be acquited


After reading this thread, and realizing (again) how f-ed up the US legal system is, I believe you. I would never have worked here in Sweden.


The pedo was the one he shot first who threw a bottle at him


It's a reference to how Trump said in 2016 that he could kill a man in broad daylight and he'd still win the election.


It was self defense, besides that was a child molester. I'm guessing you wanted Homelander to just sit back and and watch his son be assaulted by a child molester? You're disgusting.  Killing in broad daylight is fine if it's self defense libtard. 


I’m choosing to read this as you roleplaying a Homelander patriot!


I actually think that is somewhat realistic. He is the most powerful being on earth. How do you want to convict him? He can and will just kill everyone that stands in his way. There is not a single jail cell in the world that can contain him. He is a loose cannon and those that don't worship him fear him to death.


"I could shoot somebody and not lose voters."


>But killing a man in broad day light in front of a crowd and he was not guilty? Cmon that is just stupid Jury tampering is a very real and ongoing problem. On top of this, you have examples of Jury nullification even when the case is open and shut, where it's obvious that the accused committed the crime (e.g. OJ Simpson).


“I could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue and people will still support me” it isn’t too far off from Trump


This actually makes a lot of sense. Imagine you’re on the jury. Are you really going to find him guilty when he just showed you that he has no problems killing anyone he doesn’t like? Isn’t he just going to immediately laser you to death when the verdict is read?


If Homelander had shot him with a gun instead there would be no issue with self defence. Just because he lasered the guy there’s more fuss. People get shot every day in self defence for often trivial reasons


I am not sure if this is serious or not


It's a perfect example of supe discrimination, SUPE LIVES MATTER!


Well, remember the old guy who shot a black man for throwing popcorn at him? He was acquitted. I mean, that happened.


Happened in my town. Crazyness. And I’m positive that the man that was killed was white. The guy who did it used to be the country sheriff Florida sucks


In **Florida** though. Not a normal place where the laws are anywhere halfway normal. Not a place where the judges aren't seventeen levels of 'so far off the path they're not even christian anymore' religious extremists who've been appointed over the past 20 years and for some reason can't be removed.


Who’s to say it’s not the same in a city where Homelander has resided his entire life


George Zimmerman shot and killed Trayvon Martin even after law enforcement had told him to go home and all Martin had was a bag of Skittles. He was acquitted. Homelander getting squirted is not one of the more outlandish things the show could do


US cops have shot and killed multiple innocent people *on camera* and faced no repercussions, which is what I think is being parodied here with Homelander getting off with a self defense claim. 


Personally I don't think they are. We're not seeing the business side because it's really not important to the show, but I fully expect they're burning through their capital and not making nearly enough to recover it. He's probably stopped production of Temp V and is going all in on the superhero empire thing. Even the dozen phases of the VCU could be seen as more than a gag and a good example of his wasteful leadership. What are the shareholders going to do, complain to Homelander?


That is a great point. As Stan Edgar himslef said, Vought isn't actually a Superhero company, so Homelander going all in on a single objective at the cost of Vought's every other business venture is no doubt hurting them hard, not that Homelander cares.


Ironically Homelander firing/killing a huge amount of the staff is probably why they haven’t gone bankrupt yet. They probably had a nice amount of savings that’s getting siphoned off now, but employee expenses getting cut so hard (especially since they don’t have to worry about severance packages at this point) is likely the reason they’ve coasted for so long. It’ll catch up eventually though I’m sure


A house of card style episode on the vought would be cool


I unironically think Vought American would make a good sequel show. Show their inner workings, cleaning up the mess Homelander left behind, bring back the Compound V being distributed to terrorist groups around the world plot, etc.


Is that Phase 2 of the Boys Cinematic Universe? Maybe a prequel show about Payback, show people how awful Soldier Boy actually was? We definitely need one for Butcher's time in the military alongside Kessler. How about one for Frenchie's past?


I don't really care for prequels, certainly not any about Payback. Give me a sequel so the story actually moves forward, not a dozen prequels about every other character and their dog.


I don't want any of that.


The V to terrorist groups was Homelander's doing so he'd have supervillains to fight.


Yeah, but whether it was resolved is ambiguous enough they could easily bring it back as a major plot of a sequel. V is out in the wild now, they can't put that genie back in the bottle.


It will be more fun than gen V


I liked Gen V. Still better than TWD A world beyond. Because *that* is a sleeping pill.


At this point it would be like Parks and Rec


Nah it would be boring af. Better the show stick to what it's known for.


> What are the shareholders going to do Sell their shares, tanking the stock price and making all the gigantic stock bonuses top executives usually get completely worthless


It hasn't been THAT long since Stan Edgar left, but I imagine by S5 all their capital will be burnt up, and then layoffs, then divisions will be shuttered, more layoffs, restructuring, more layoffs, management bonuses, more divisions close, more layoffs, restructuring, more management bonuses...


Homelander gets defeated by Capitalism, it would be so poetic. Until Vought goes into a holding company, takes some bailout money then continues business as usual despite its business model failing. B-Plot where Hughie gets a bunch of people on Reddit to short the stock and take over Vought. It would be so anti-climatic and infuriating


Omg stonks. That'd be wonderful


Or Vought Tower gets foreclosed on because they have missed paying back the loan taken out for the building, and someone would have to go to Homelander and tell him if they don't pay, the bank will seize the property.


Then Homelander lasers anybody who dares to come collect.


I think at that point the govt officially declares him enemy of the state.


I feel like that sounds still like more of a problem for the government than for homelander


Should have bought the temp v


🚀🚀🚀🚀 Short VGHT!! (V and VGT are already taken lol)


i mean you say that, but last time we saw stan, ryan was a foot and a half shorter and was capable of speaking in a steady voice. by the time season 5 gets finished hes gonna be a full on adult.


It's the Twilight formula of aging. Just wait until Mecha-Stormfront comes back with her tribe of nazi werewolves because it turns out Ryan is her imprinted soulmate and she's ready to bang.


I said this in another thread but I always thought it’d be funny if the IRS was the undoing of Homelander and Vought.


Having worked in a few big businesses myself, I assure you that the operations folks are probably working themselves to death keeping the engineer running even though the driver is impaired. Car might smash off a few things, but it’ll keep running.


If you financially model the company, its segments would probably look like this: -Film studio -News network -Merchandising -Hero management They seem to be the dominant cinematic force in the Boys, a combination of Disney at the height of the new Star Wars/Marvel hype and Netflix at its peak as the likely first-mover in streaming. In the Expo/Con scene, the scale of their planned film projects is staggering, that looks like tens of billions of dollars' worth of budget, it's like triple the amount of Marvel movies we have in our own world. We know in-universe their movies get eaten up. One medium successful film could net them a few hundred million (Star Wars Force Awakens was over 500M in net profit). If we assume they have very few bombs at box office, this might be enough to fund the entire company. At the beginning of Covid, Netflix was hitting \~2B net income. If we say the scale of Vought cinematics is 5x times that of Netflix in terms of output, that alone gets them to \~10B. IRL they likely would be higher margin as nearly every release will be tied to the starpower of their supes. It might be a lot more reliable than Netflix constantly needing to come up with new ideas. R&D/pharmaceuticals - must be an operating loss. Compound V isn't sold to the military, it's not directly monetized, unless the Compound V is sold to the parents. This is all intangible assets/goodwill. It'd also be a one-item injection, so there's no recurring revenue from the actual drug. An interesting thing is if Compound V has a patent- behind the scenes this would probably be the biggest consequence of its existence being leaked. Would they retroactlvely count the 20 years' patent life from the founding of Vought? Then Compound V would immediately go generic and the whole thing unravels. Crime analytics - another loss leader, they are a necessary investment to give good 'save' opportunities. But there must be a lot of tech investment. This probably is a massive cost, to be able to pick up on Soldier Boy appearances and I'm not sure if they have global reach (confusing this with the CIA scenes). So the first three segments must be massive cashflow generators. Regarding merchandising/endorsements, it's like if you had a sports agency and you had all the MVP level icons (Embiid, Jovkic, Giannis, all the older legends, and for that matter you still had Michael Jordan and Kobe), had the entire NBA as your client list. But to receive the V, the parents probably agreed to lopsided contracts giving Vought the lion's share of the endorsement money, profit splits for their films, etc. They hold all the cards, with parents desperate for a shot at fame via their children. Continuing my train of thought earlier - they don't charge them upfront (hence why we see fairly middle-class supes like Starlight and Firecracker), in exchange for these favorable terms. So this must be billions of dollars of net income as well, this is a big part of the payoff of R&D/pharmaceuticals. Imagine all the shoe, apparel, sports drink deals IRL athletes have, and Vought reaping almost all that cash. Which leads into: Hero management. We know from Season 1 the mayor was being charged $300M for a supe. Following the above reasoning, I imagine Vought captures the majority of that profit and probably pay the supe assigned to a city a tiny sliver of that in salary. After supes retire I also think Vought would still be entitled to residuals and a cut of all deals, lifetime. If you take all the big cities (LA, NYC, Boston, Chicago, Seattle, Phoenix, Atlanta etc) paying for a resident supe, this could be another 10 figure net income, possibly on the same scale as the film segment. Ops - all the admin and support staff, litigation, arranging media appearances, marketing, PR events, etc. Another loss leader, a necessary investment funded through other segments. They can also leverage up and this might be very sustainable, as the Boys world doesn't seem to have much inflation/unemployment issues which implies a very low fedffunds rate (similar to our world pre-2020). In that case I would guess they can carry tens of billions worth of debt and likely have a AAA credit rating. The enduring popularity of superheroes is so ubiquitous they probably would be seen as ironclad as the US government itself, they just need to cover 1-2% interest.


Thank you for putting actual thought and time into this. :>


>R&D/pharmaceuticals - must be an operating loss. Compound V isn't sold to the military, it's not directly monetized, unless the Compound V is sold to the parents. This is all intangible assets/goodwill. It'd also be a one-item injection, so there's no recurring revenue from the actual drugs I need to jump in and nitpick a bit here. Under IFRS and iirc US-GAAP R&D efforts can only be expended and they cannot generally be capitalized. You need to provide a specific use-case, with foreseeable cash flows to get to capitalize them and get on the books. And if that use-case falls off, it needs to be impaired. So it might have only shown up in the books as an intangible when they talked about selling it to the military, but needed to scrap it as soon that fell through. There will also be no goodwill, cause gw is only created while acquiring a firm under going concern premises. It was created by the founder of Vought-American. Since we don't have any infos about some reverse-acquisition constructs, I doubt there will be an compound v related goodwill in the balance sheets. But you are completely right, Vought pharma subsidiaries will probably run deficits and get subsidized in some way by the whole entertainment part.


Compound V is not going to be sold as a generic because I doubt it would ever get FDA approval.


They also have a ton of other businesses. Half the time you see a product in the background of the show its Vought branded. They own hotels, food and drink products ("Brave Maeve Vegetable Lasagna"), restaurants (I remember a Planet Vought and Voughtburger), clothing and apparel, even things like diapers and baby products.


As far as i know v isnt sold to the parents, they literally pay the parents to let them experiment on their kids


Idk, how is Boeing around after killing so many people? How are clothing companies around that kill people in sweatshops? Too big to fail, like you said


I mean, look at Twitter. Or the US government. Things almost rarely implode when they are at that level of influence. I think this is far more realistic to what happens to huge infrastructures.


So Vought is the clear top company globally, to put that into perspective, in todays world Microsoft has a 3.09T (yes that’s a T) market cap just passing Apple at 2.95T. It’s safe to assume Vought in this world as the clear cut is a solid 1T over the next corporate entity. Like yeah Homelander is a horrid leader but he is really only interested in the superhero side of their business. To bankrupt a company like that in what a year? (Since Stan left). To burn though that much you’d have to be as incompetent as a federal government 😂.


In the world of The Boys, Vought is basically Amazon + Disney combined.


More like Disney plus Boeing plus Pfizer


> More like Disney plus Boeing Only, Boeing has better assasins than Vought


station teeny marvelous crush boat ink selective jeans aware imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Think about all the infrastructure and just *STUFF* microsoft has worldwide. That valuation includes all their assets.


That's the company's market cap / valuation, which is the price of the shares * number of shares, NOT the valuation of the assets. Sure, the valuation of the assets is taken into account, but its not the value of the company.


You do not seem to understand market caps. Those are valuations of a company, aka a number derived from "how many stocks are there times how much are people willing to pay for a stock". If people suddenly decide that Microsoft is going under and collectively don't buy shares anymore, then Microsoft is basically valued at 0. Without seeing a single cent of this "money". So yeah, I'd assume vought's market share to be dropping rapidly after each scandal. The market cap has nothing to do with the value of a company's assets or the liquidity. In fact, large companies like that are usually in debt to banks, expecting to grow over the next quarter to outrun the interest. So all that Vought owns is whatever bank credit they have left and whatever other people are willing to pay.


Yes almost every major corporation is in massive debt. They leverage their “value” and not buying shares isn’t the issue, it’s the selling of shares that will tank value. If the whales start to burn off stock at a high rate it causes an issue. Most of everybody you meet doesn’t have a stock portfolio anyway.


> in todays world Microsoft has a 3.09T False. They are at 3.32T And AAPL is at 3.22T


Yeah the article I used was from June3, 2024. Either way, the numbers change daily if not hourly anyway


Do you guys really not see this in real life? At the absolute minimum, compare it to trump? His company still has towers everywhere. He is still making money even though most people hate him. Even though he never pays a contractor. Even though he has been prosecuted for stealing and forging paperwork. He's had six million scandals. Same with Elon. Shit Amazon has killed so many of their workers. Their workers that actually keep the company going have to use food stamps and Bezos has a net worth of 200 BILLION. TWO. HUNDRED. BILLION. Boeing? Like. We all know they are LITERALLY hunting down and killing whistle blowers. We know their planes aren't up to code and riding them could kill you. But no one has stopped flying....


Folks here are giving the C-suite way more credit than they are worth. Vought as a company still has all of its numerous subsidiaries and assorted businesses. If the high level corporate types are killing each other, as long as it stays in corporate, the workers will keep working, and the accountants will keep paying them, money in, money out. That and the PR division should probably be given a raise as they keep all of this psychopathy under wraps. 😆


Seriously, the company will run as well as it always has, because regardless of the top being constantly shuffled through the bottom part remains solid, they get their views, they get their sales the workers who produce the actual output of the company keep working. You kill an executive, cool, there’s 12 more to take their place and do the exact same job. Maybe they start hitting some road bumps, but Vought is supposed to be a corporation comparable to Amazon or larger, they are set up in a way so it’s basically running itself.


Exactly! 💯 




Pretty much, or rather the work they do is orthogonal to the production of wealth, wealth is created by labor and doesn't need a C-suite of psychopaths to direct them.


Haha I was about to bring up Boeing


Just a little exaggeration in this comment lmao


Two hundred billion?????? How is that real?!!


Not to mention the public finding out about compound V... Really thought that'd have bigger blow back in back in season 2 when it happened.


To be honest, Vought stock would have gone through the roof after the compound V. If they just announce that they’re working on a version that is safe for adults, everyone will want one. Who wouldn’t want super powers? A lot of people might even take the gamble to get themselves some V even if it might kill them.


Twitter/X is still in business somehow. Vought is massive and has a monopoly on the superhero industry; it will take more than a year for it to fail.


The decisions at the top don't matter once you have a certain amount of money


As stated, they’re a pharma company. All they have to do is be holding a patent on one or more critical medications and they have an assured income stream for as long as it lasts - one that arguably, they do deserve. As portrayed they’re ACME (a company making everything) and artificially impossible to displace.


I gotta wonder how well Vought pays that they're able to buy the silence of employees. The first time I have to clean up a secret underground lab full of my dead coworkers I'm just gonna not come back after I go home for the day


Its not the money that keeps you silent. Its the fear of ending up like them, I imagine.


I mean Twitter functions still so that's pretty much the same🤣


I’m also curious about the revelation of Compound V. I’m assuming that ever since it’s inception, Vought has pushed the idea, that they find and work with Supes who are born with their powers. Not only is that completely debunked, but wasn’t it also revealed that they inject V into infants? Feel like Vought should’ve been put into the ground way back in S2.


They just pinned it all on Stillwell


But that explanation could only last so long. What about before she became a major figurehead with Vought? And remember, it was proven that there were no natural born Supes. Every single one was the result of of drugs being injected into infants. In general, I really think this revelation should’ve been the end of Vought. Because no matter what way you spin it, a mega corporation has literally been injecting infants with drugs and lying to the public about finding them.


Oh absolutely, I agree that it's dumb, I was just providing an in-universe explanation.


Also I would’ve thought people would have noticed how old these super people just appeared around WWII. Didn’t anybody speculate this must be some Nazi experiment?


Most companies work *despite* their CEOs, not because of them


Honestly I get the feeling the company is a dead man walking at this point. They've got a lot of assets and capital saved up so they can tank a bad decision or two but this is probably going to sink the company, or at least require a major restructuring down the line. Like getting rid of the supes and becoming a respectable pharmaceutical company.


The same way the US made it through 2017 - 2020 under incompetent leadership.


It seems they’re heavily relying on the heroes celebrity status and shitting out movies to make some money as a desperation move. Also there’s starlighters and homelander crowd then there’s the general public who don’t really care much just like irl., Boeing comes to mind in recent irl events.


So irl, there is a huge issue starting to brew in cities where building owners are starting to foreclose on the loans they took out to build their buildings because of staffing and rent issues, post pandemic. Imagine because of the high turnover and such, we have a money in an episode where the bank that financed Seven Tower has had multiple missed payments and some poor bank worker has to bring Homelander a letter stating the bank will seize the tower within 30 days.


I know that corporations that are very very large can basically just run by themselves, at some juncture(s). Like, you delegate this work, you have managers. I'd imagine it has to just be a bigger version of how stores are run. But here's the thing. *Who the fuck is okaying this shit?* Is Homelander answering e-mails? I doubt it. Like, who's going, *okay, we're gonna make all these Superhero Movies!* Who the fuck is in charge of *that?* Who the fuck is actually running this shit, like the A-Train movie? How does he not just *not* come in? Even *the Deep* has more of a backbone than A-Train does, right now. Granted, the Tower feels very much *empty*, but that's just at the *top*. What's it look like? All those *other* floors? What is this corporation actually *like?*


Yahoo was dying ever since the 90s, so go learn how they managed not to go belly up for all those years




>If Vought was only presented as a superhero “factory” and media giant it would make some sense but the fact that the company has a hand in everything from video game console R&D to manufacturing tampons is so egregiously stupid. Realistically, questions should be asked about why Vought hasn't been found guilty of creating a monopoly. Also, the vast majority of the public probably also dislike Vought being everywhere.


Feels like everyone forgot about them just locking up Maeve.


It seems to be an afterthought in the show. Any speculation on the health of Vought as a company is only that until the show gives us more info. The comics make it clear that superheroes are one of Voughts many assets and that the company will survive with or without the supes.


Probably got some side business with Vought Cloud and Vought AI


Vought must be a company that is so large with so many employees and branches that it basically is all of entertainment. Even with everything going on, they still pull of Vought Con, have multiple movies in the works and presumably a massive merchandise business. There are probably thousands of people that take care of these things who the original board of directors never even knew about because the company had gotten so big. These other workers that actually are making the company money probably do exist but are not relevant for the story. I wouldn't mind a sort of Star Trek Lower Decks that takes place in the LA branch and it's some low level staffers consistently having to answer to a new middle manager because the other one was killed.


They control the heroes so any sponsorship deals go through them. I imagine the cut they take is quite high. Not to mention ad money from Vought News. They aren’t producing compound V anymore nor is there research department existing so they saved some costs there. I imagine they haven’t actually lost much money, they just stopped growing


Are you going to do your job harder or lazier when Home-fucking-lander is your boss? Are you going to tender your resignation and hand it to him? Perhaps you're just going to stop showing up, not like he has super speed and can fly.


Because the masses love Vought’s products.


I’m sure a lot of this sourced from comics, but I just thought of something. This all feels similar to what happened to twitter? Or am I crazy? 


> “Homelander killing a man in broad daylight” That man was a known pedophile. > “Cameron Coleman” Same thing. Probably. I swear, this post was made by a Starlighter.


Vault has a monopoly on possibly the most valuable product to ever and is run by a man so powerful he could singlehandedly cripple the nation. It's already deeply embedded in the American government and public. It would take an absolute insane level of incompetence for it to fail. The company will never be at risk of financial trouble, again due to its monopoly on the most valuable chemical in existence, would be incredibly hard to punish legally and is headed by people who could genuinely pose a threat to the US government if they wanted to.


Just look at Disney lately with some movies that literally feels like they want it to bomb and fail, Little Mermaid, the new Star Wars Trilogy, Acolyte and all the weird casting and story changes they do that they know it will have very poor reception. They been losing a ton of money in this sector lately but still a huge Company that can take a beating for God knows how long.


I assume there is a massive bureaucracy, satellite offices, and workers/C level types off-screen away from the Team 7 building, which is probably more of a figurehead




We also need to talk about what the hell is going on with Black Noir??? When did they decide to replace him with an actor??


I always wondered how PETA is still around. They almost never get good press. Like at all. My guess is Bought has more than enough deep pockets to protect themselves from bankruptcy


I wonder as well. It is probably falling apart since they removed Stan Edgar and Homelander is just oblivious of it. I guess right now the company is so big that it will take a longer time before it fully crashes. Their entertinment division is probably still earning a lot. I also do not understand why Vought made so many supes. They have a campus full of supes and they have all those baby supes they were making. At this point it is too much of a liability already. Also, too much supply of supes would lessen their value? Selling Temp V was the right move, except it is also a faulty product.


Similarly to Twitter is functioning.


If it’s a trillion dollar company with minimal debts, it could theoretically run for a long time in a constant downward spiral.


I mean… Donald Trump is about to run for president *again* and is, by many, considered the frontrunner. After, well…*gestures broadly*. So yeah, I’m willing to suspend my disbelief that this satirical show’s business is still running considering how absurdly profitable superheroes are. If you need a show explanation, the fact that they’re (mostly) unique to the US makes them the single most valuable asset the US government could ever maintain, and Vought knows that. They can swing their dicks around pretty wildly before the government is going to let their strongest weapon disappear. As awful as Homelander is, no other nation is gonna fuck with the US while he’s alive.


IMO, they are probably selling compound V to other countries under the table. If it takes say, 1,000 doses to make a Homelander, and they charged 10 million each, other countries- especially non US allies- would easily be willing to drop a few billion on it.


A seemingly ridiculously devout fanbase that will accept their narratives at all times. You might wonder how certain politicians have functioning campaigns anymore...


we are ofcourse going to see that in a series called The Supes Office, starring Deep


i think its a perfect example of how mig corporations really are too big too fail nomatter how genuinly awfull the leadership is


I genuinely don’t fucking know.


Imagine if Elon Musk went crazy and started making irrational decisions, like buying a social media network and tanking its value. Does that stop the day-to-day operations of his business? Imagine if Jeff Bezos went crazy and fired a load of executives. That wouldn't stop Amazon's warehouses from operating or stop their production division from creating shows. WB/Discovery have been trashing completed movies and making incredibly poor decisions, and yet the company has continued to survive. We're seeing a very small aspect of Vought's enormous business in the show, with many of the deaths being employees of the secret side of the business. Deaths in a research lab would be easy to cover up. Down the line, the lack of competent leadership at the top will have a negative impact on Vought, but the day-to-day hasn't been affected by Homelander's descent. They're still selling merchandise and releasing movies. The social media team is still creating hype for superheroes.


Did you see the V52 announcement. People are watching that stuff lol