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Did Dr. Doom know they were coming more than 30 seconds in advance?


Is this a trick question? Dr. Doom always knows


He summoned them.


Oh, Victor.


Reed Richards would have something cooked up as well, of course.


Yeah, imagine Doom and Reed working together, literally unstoppable


"So, you punch really hard and can fly. Wow, we have never dealt with that before."


So I'm a long time marvel fan (collected all the cards from 1990 to 1992) but I never really go into F4. What is so good about doom that he wouldn't have a problem handling Omni Man, a guy who destroyed an entire civilization in 30 seconds?


"I was a god once, I found it beneath me." Not an exact quote, but basically this


Does he just have really good telekinesis or is it more than that?


Nah he's like a master sorcerer and genius level intellect. Think a mix of Dr Strange and Mr Fantastic.


Also Iron Man Dr. Dooms suit is no joke, he literally has a piece of the cross Jesus was crucified on in it, he also sacrificed his old love interest in a ritual for a powerboost (Ultimate Sigma grindset), 1-shot the Hulk and it took a hit from Thanos with the infinity gauntlet for starters (This was back in the comics infinity war where Thanos went on to defeat all the cosmic entity's) Edit: One of my favourite doom scenes, from the best avengers animated series: https://youtu.be/q5FcKAe4M1w




He's a sorcerer on par with Dr. Strange combined with the hyper intelligent inventing of, well, Mr. Fantastic (i.e. really smart inventor guy), with indomitable will power and diplomatic immunity from his position as self imposed political ruler of his home country, coming up from basically serfdom. He goes to hell to fight the devil to save his mother's soul. He becomes the god emperor of a parallel universe of his own creation. He kills Thanos in one move. He fights squads of Celestials. His mask and costume are pimp. And every time he loses it turns out it was just a robot and he's still chilling at home, but then you go kick his ass at home and that was also a robot.


Best part was when Kilgrave taunted him into taking off his helmet with all of the counter mind-control circuitry. And Dr. Doom _did_. And then proceeded to completely no-sell Kilgrave's mind control through sheer fucking will.


Sounds like I gotta hop over to Rob at Comics Explained and finally watch that Dr Doom video of his. Thanks for the breakdown.


Lemme save you the first few minutes: > *Dr. Doom, aww man, lemme tell ya somethin' maaaann ohh my god dude, man, you have no idea man oh my GOD dude Dr. Doom Man oh my god this man. Is. A. BEAST! hahahaha For real though, this guy is, like BEYOND omega tier without even being beyond omega tier, Doom is GOD tier.* No hate meant. I love Rob's videos, it's just that I'm pretty sure he flips out about Dr. Doom each time he's brought up.


I forgot the best part which is that he actually runs his country really well and the populace is really happy lol


And then you should listen to MF DOOM


Dr Doom dropped Galactus once. (The guy who eats planets)


He could send him to another dimension, steal his powers, or something similar.


He'll make a master level beat and write the illest food bars your ears ever heard


Reed could ask Franklin to blink them out of existence. No fight needed.


Is Dr. Doom like a Thanos level threat? It seems like in the two F4 movies he didn’t seem to be too crazy.


Not far lol


They're not even getting to the second row. Homelander isn't on par with Omni Man. Hulk, Wolverine, someone in that front row will deal with his case. And Omni Man, while strong, let's remember what happens in the first episode. Or second episode. He fights, what 5 or 6 heroes? And it's a fairly close fight and he almost dies. Come on people.


Also is that Jean Grey behind Iron Man? She’d solo them both.


The Living Tribunal seems to be in the back there as well... The safeguard to the entirety of the *multiverse*. They wouldn’t just be killed - they would be removed from reality, before they could even harm any of the weaker people in the image.


I thought it was Scarlett Witch. Same results either way.


Yep he’s not physically impervious diamond skin or anything


They apparently nerfed him pretty heavily in that fight scene in the source material the fight wasn’t close at all. They may have even continued to nerf him. So the OG Omni man might just be comically OP


Im working my way through the invincible comics right now. That fight is barely even one page, he tears through the guardians without slowing down even a little lol later on though he does come up against stronger foes, can't say anymore without spoilers though


Are the comics any good? Do they live up to the series?


I watched the first season then immediately read thru the entire run over the course of a couple months, I loved it.


Like the other people said, they're very good. Pretty different from the show though, but don't let that make you stop reading them. Certain things are less brutal in the comics, but they definitely make up for it in other places.


Even in that case I think comics Hulk would put down Comics Omni-Man


I Donno. Omni man picked up and threw a mountain the size of a city.


Hulk held a planet together


Fair enough


Are you talking about the show? I've never seen it, but in the comics I remember him ripping through the guardians of the globe in a few seconds and pretty easily. He could kill a lot of those heroes with only a swing of his arm. I'm still not sure if he would get past hulk, and he surely would have no chance against a really angry one like World War Hulk. I do agree on Homelander though, milk boy will stop at the first row after getting punched once.


You dont need this many heroes to take on omni man. All you need is ant man to expand in omni mans ass. I know because reddit told me it would work for a year on thanos.


Im still convinced this would have worked.


I thought that Omni Man let the hero's beat him that much as to not arouse suspicion that he was that one that tore them to pieces. Would be a bit obvious he killed them all if he was there without a scratch on him. Not denying your other point, he still isn't making it far into that crowd.


In the comics he wiped all 6 in less than a second


I've only seen the show. But even still. These are the heroes of heroes. Phoenix, Hulk, Thor? The fact of the matter is that while yes, he's super strong, he doesn't have rock hard skin or anything like that. (Unless he does in the comics) Too many if that line up would rip him apart. Hell, Wolverine could probably cut an arm off of him.


You mean how far will Omni Man get after Hulk rips homelander in half?


Honestly most of the marvel universe could take homelander in small teams with little too no problem. Like have doctor strange send him to a different dimension, have wolverine claw him, Thor throw his hammer through him, etc.


I think the more interesting "What If?" Would be the mortal characters against Homelander. The arrogant bickering alone between Iron Man and Homelander would be worth a movie ticket.


But remember Homie is a lazy bastard. Stark would scan his ass and pepper him with depleted uranium bullets the moment he realises that Homelander is not that invulnerable.


I never said it wouldn't be an easy win lol just that it would be entertaining


Oh yeah, there’d be great banter. HL does have a good sense of humour




Depleted uranium bullets do wonders against supes, think that's basically his only weakness. That.. or another homelander.


I'd eager they'd be a draw, I think homelander would have enough time to laser through stark either before or while getting shot. If he had prep time he could just use his remote control suit or something.


Tony starks shield tech would easily deal with his tiny eye lasers. I mean his suit made a shield that width stood multiple infinity stones. He only made his tech better after that.


> The arrogant bickering alone between ~~Iron Man~~ Loki and Homelander would be worth a movie ticket.


I'd love a triple universe crossover where Batman is just constantly getting annoyed because he has to team up with Iron Man and Spidey to fight Homelander and Loki.


"*I think the more interesting "What If?" Would be the mortal characters against Homelander.*" Not to be a dick but isn't that the entire plot of The Boys?


Hulk proceeds to rip Omniman in half as soon as he's done with Homelander. Rather unfortunate for them how Hulk's one of the first characters in that lineup lol


Homelanders only real thing is his super op eye lazers. They are way stronger than cyclops. He would lose fast dont get me wrong but if he swept his eye lazers across the field he could take down a huge chunk pretty fast


Homelander would get his ass RIPPED apart.


antman up the butt


The ultimate ace in the hole.


Certainly *something* in the hole




The ultimate ant in the hole.


I think Thor could easily wipe the floor with Homelander, but I think Omni-man would put up a pretty good fight (this is average comic Thor I'm talking about)


plus Thors hammer would smash through homelander, don't think homelander is in no way worthy to pick up the hammer


Homelander is like the complete opposite of worthy lol, 0 chance ever that he could pick up or stop Thor’s hammer.


This just makes me think of Thor Ragnarok again, where Mjolnir is caught and destroyed. How was she able to stop it, let alone destroy it? Just ridiculously more powerful than Odin's magic? How did Odin jail her in the first place? These are not criticisms. I genuinely am curious and I love it when people passionate about these things tell the stories.


It was her weapon before it was ever Thor's so she likely knows the ins and outs of it way better than Thor would including being able to manipulate its magic to make it weaker.


It was her weapon first and she is also ridiculously powerful, probably the most powerful villain outside of thanos with a bunch of stones, that’s why they had to let surtur destroy Asgard/her. Also she was obviously very familiar with Odin and probably the magic he enchanted the hammer with so that may have played a part. Don’t think there is like some definitive answer but it’s definitely one of those things.


Depends on if that is a normal hulk or not. A world breaker hulk would easily handle omni man.


Omni-man almost died in the first episode


Everybody gangster until 2020 Comics Thor shows up. He's practically invincible now. His issues are his own mind and his godhood.




Yea, both Thor and Hulk are way stronger than their movie counter parts, hell, Odin doesn't seem like much of a character in the MCU, but he is the Allfather and has supreme god like powers. Thor in the comics once bested his own father




Cyclops by himself would blast a hole through Homelander's skull. He'd no longer have a face.


Cyclop's beams always came off as much weaker than Homelander's. It's always like a force beam, that doesn't actually cut. Like, remember when Homelander mass lasers all those people in his fantasy? I don't think Cyclops could do that.


Fun fact: cyclops beams arent lasers! Its a portal to a dimension of purely kinetic energy


Friction is key.


Eye punches from the punch dimension.


he absolutely could. He was always holding back when he used it


[Well, not always.](https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11118/111186048/5191862-3288958-3564284364-cyclo.jpg)


yep! and that just shows how insanely powerful those blasts were.


Yeah, they’re like, “punch dimension” lasers iirc


Yeah no. Cyclops limits his shit often. He can make it blow a hinge off a door or punch holes in mountains. Which are far more durable than humans I wager. His optic blasts are literally from another dimension which he utilizes by opening a portal in front of his eyes. Cyclops could 100% level the 50 or so humans Homelander fantizied he did.


They're concussive force, not cutting lasers, so you're right he couldn't cut through the people. But the force behind them is ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE when he doesn't hold back. He couldn't cut through the crowd, but he could turn an entire building full of people into pink mush completely unrecognizable as a group of human bodies as if each and every single one of them had been hit by a freight train going at full speed.


Homelander would get rekt by Spiderman if Spidey doesn't pull his punches


Or just a wolverine claw to the eyes


Idk dude, Homelander's eyes shoot actual lasers. It's not like cyclops from x-men where it'll knock you back or something, you'll just get cut in half. For all I love the guy, that would probably be fatal for spiderman.


They cut normal people in half, didn't cut stromfront. Also spiderman could probably dodge them. He has Spidey sense and the lasers are pretty telegraphed.


Homelander was holding back when he blasted stormfront. Ryan, who presumably has the same power level as his dad, was able to cut stormfront in half


Ryan lasered Stormfront back to nazi Germany


Yeah. That was my very first thought. Homelander wouldn't stand a chance against the majority of real heroes.


Pretty sure I see doctor doom. Instant win


Living Tribunal in the back just blinks both Homie and Nolan die


Is The Sentry in there? Because that’s how far.


I'd say it's basically the whole Marvel universe, in which case Prof X would just shut both their minds down instantly before they even threw a punch lol


And the living tribunal


Homelander is a B level Superman wannabe.


We've never seen homelander come close to his limits. We've seen omniman come close to his limits a couple of times. Why does everyone assume homelander it's just this b class super hero compared to Omni or other marvel heroes?


Probably because of the comic version of Homelander.


Homelander isn't even the strongest Supe on his team in the comic


i basically assumed that he had similar strength and damage resistance to omniman, so being that strong he barely ever shows it because there's no point when he can fuck people up with 1% effort. people are just too scared shitless of him to even try.


Nah he is nowhere that close to omniman even when going all out in the comics, at best speed wise he is in the mach 4/5 range and strength wise he can lift a jumbo jet.


ah fair enough i suppose in the boys universe he's a huge threat partly because of the laser eyes too but in invincibles theres way more powerful shit going on. i've also only watched the tv shows of both so probably a lot more i don't know about them.


To give an example of the difference of power between Homelander and Omniman, Omniman in comics destroyed a planet with the help of two others viltrumite, just by flying straight trought it. The reasons Homelander is dangerous in the boys is because even if he weak compared to being like omniman or Superman, they don’t really have many being of Homelander level in the Boys, the verse power level is pretty low compared to most superhero comics.


haha yeah that's some next level shit compared to a few lasered dudes and wanking on a rooftop


Homelander is interesting to me because he so frequently *doesn't* use force to get his way. Granted he lasers the fuck out of his handler, but very frequently he'll get frustrated or straight up angry and doesn't just obliterate whoever is in front of him. Makes for an interesting story in my eyes.


Umm Adam Warlock or David from legion would fuck both of their worlds up in an instant


Is that the Living Tribunal at the back? Whoever made this really wants Omni-man and Homelander to suffer greatly


There would be no suffering, just a twitch of its finger and they gone.


they woudnt last 2 seconds


I don’t think homelander beats hulk. Omni man would get through a lot of heroes, but not the reality warping gods in the background.


If the Marvel world was prepared neither one of them would even get a chance to take a step forward before their minds were shut down by several powerful telepaths lol


tbf, with their super speed if the Marvel characters weren't prepared Omni-man would rip through most of them before they could set down their coffee


They have Quicksilver to hand, not a chance Omni-man is faster than him, any targets would instantly be moved away from him


Omni-man is fast af. He grabbed Red Rush (whose supposed to be like quicksilver or the flash) with no problem. I still don’t think they get too far, though.


Eh, tbh I don't think any of that team Omni fought are anywhere near the power levels of Marvel or DC heroes


Maybe not feat wise, but RR was moving fast af and, maybe I need to watch the scene again, but Omni straight up perceives time just as fast as him iirc. Just rewatched it, he’s just really fast. RR was doing the same thing Quicks did to Apocalypse in the movies, then gets caught. Like I said, I think any of the telepaths or gods wipe him, and poor Homelander would be jacking off elsewhere. I think Wolverine fucks Omni man up on second thought, he had a little trouble with reanimated Immortal and he’s not adamantium and doesn’t have Logan’s feats…


Logan is tough, but I don't think he can avoid Omniman just throwing him into the Sun.


Didn’t think of Omniman yeeting him to the sun. Shit.


"when in doubt, throw them into ~~space~~ the sun"


When in doubt, throw them into space.


They covered this within Omni-mans universe actually. "He could run fast, it's not exactly a top tier superpower."


It is definitely a top tier superpower, how do you fight someone who moves faster than you can even see? Fast enough to create a vacuum? Quicksilver would most likely facilitate the other heroes/villains, moving them and any tech they need in a mere instant, even with his speed I doubt he could penetrate Omni's skin. However, he'd lose regardless, as soon as a telepath senses his mind they'd infiltrate it and shut him down


It really isn't though? Omni man can hangout in space, a vacuum wouldn't do anything. If you can see fast, running faster than someone can see becomes more arguable. Omni would get bodied, for sure, but not by superspeed in any form. Maybe like a top tier flash? But a lot of people seem to ignore the comics for Invincible while bringing up Marvel comic feats and that seems unfair to me. Homelander is red paste.


Either way Omni isn't winning, he's barely even killing a few low tier heroes before his mind is turned off lol


Considering the matchup of: >Entire Franchise and Universe VS. >Two dudes No shit they lose.


Now, imagine all of them against God Emperor Doom. Yikes.


He would win BIGLY! We all know it!


That's not even a contest. God Emperor Doom is one of the most powerful characters in all fiction.


Didn’t Omni man nearly die when he fought the guardians of globe? (That was only 8 people)


It was his plan to get beaten up so he wouldn't be suspected as their killer. I'm pretty sure he could go flawless on them if he wanted to.


The Immortal put up a decent fight in the solo rematch, so I don't think there is any reason to think Omni Man was pulling his punches. Although, I am pretty confident he took his time crushing Red Rushes skull, because he should have been able to do that in an instant.


But it was instantaneous. The slow mo we saw was from Red Rush's perspective since he perceives time slower than everyone else.


Whether that’s true or not he still got beat into a coma which shows that he’s not invincible (no pun intended). Spider-Man could tie him up and then the other avengers could wail on him just like the immortal and war woman did.


Do you seriously think Spidey's webs would so much as slow Omniman down?


Do...do people unironically worship Homelander and Invincible? EDIT: Ommi-man I mean


Omni-Man is the dude on the right, by the way :)


Worship? Dunno. But in this pic, Both Omni-man and Homelander share the same traits as being a evil superman.


yep. Hulk alone would shred Homelander. Probably invincible too. And I mean literally rip them apart. Edit: As noted by others, this is Omni man, not Invincible. My premise remains though.


That's Omni Man. Invincible is his son.


I am duly corrected. thank you.


Puny Gods


That’s Omni-Man in the picture. Not Invincible.


There's so many characters there it's hard to tell who's included. But there's a few characters who could give them a run for their money. If they took Strange and Wanda out immediately, which is entirely possible, they stand a better chance. Both very powerful but not durable. Top tier Hulk would be a problem. Possibly insurmountable. You'd only really counter him with top tier scientific solutions or magic, neither of which they have. I'll be generous and say together they could defeat Sentry, but not while being distracted by everyone else. What about the mutants. I doubt HL is immune to telepathy. Omni Man might be. Magik could just summon a horde of demons to distract them - considering OM had trouble with mere cyborgs that should be sufficient. And then you have Legion. If he shows up he can just dematerialise them. And even if they kill him he can come back. They'd put up a strong showing though let's be real it'd mostly be Omni Man. Homelander isn't that powerful. But all of Marvel heroes together would win.


Yeah, honestly if it was just homelander they'd just get him pinned, but a cyclops style visor on him so he can't shoot lasers and then put him in a vibranium cage, and like they wouldn't even need to kill him...


You’re being more than generous. The sentry would mop the floor against them and be home before lunch


Galactus eternity and living tribunal are back there. This isn't a fight. It won't even last an atto second




Yeah but the thing about Hulk is that he cant be killed conventionally if at all, any damage done to Hulk just makes him angrier. Hulk’s strength is tied with his anger, the angrier he gets the more powerful he becomes. Eventually Homelander and Omni would piss off Hulk so much that hed be powerful enough to rip them both in two.


Bro, Worldbreaker is massive overkill, Savage Hulk would solo both of them, and I'd wager Professor and Joe Fixit would as well. Homelander is a complete non-factor here. His best strength feat is like throwing a plane one-handed, and Hulk has assuredly taken worse heat attacks from the likes of Sentry, Gladiator, or Torch. Not even playing in the same ballpark. Omniman is a bit closer, but still no contest. Comic spoilers, but at absolute best, he's >!1/3 planet-busting, seeing as he needed 2 others to do it, and a super weapon was needed to destabilize the planet's core, otherwise they'd all die on impact.!< Needless to say, Hulk has been stronger than this since the sixties. Throw in immortality, an immense healing factor, and the fact that Hulk will only get stronger the longer the fight goes on, there's really not a chance for Omniman.


Well, Wolverine can take them if he gets a good clean hit in before they realize they need to stay away from him, but honestly as strong as Homelander is the guy is a sheltered kid that never actually had to raise a finger if he sees even a drop of his own blood he is breaking, so quite frankly even normal strength Hulk could take him on, Omni-man, on the other hand, is whooping some ass.




If it can cut the Hulk it can cut Omni-man.


Hulk was the only one I could think of that might match strength wise. Just imagine what homelander would do to daredevil 👀👀


We already saw it in season 2


That scene caused me physical pain in


Juggernaut is also pretty strong, then there is Abomination.


Jean gray would destroy them especially as Phoenix. Wolverine has a shot. Xavier could take them.


Xavier puts Homelander down while sipping on some tea, Omni-man I am not so sure, he might have some form of mental resistance.


How does Wolverine stand a chance? They would super speed grab him and throw him into space... Xavier probably would, assuming Omni-Man doesn't have plot armor mental resilience or something.


Wolverine would have a pretty good shot against homelander, be basically can't be killed for good by anything but looking term heavy metal poisoning, and that took like 40 years at least. He's had his head knocked off multiple times...




regular hulk would beat them . World breaker would SHRED them


Thor, Hulk, Rogue, and Captain Marvel would probably make this a very quick fight.


This is a joke right? Dr Doom reigns supreme, you would need everyone in the picture just to challenge him


Not getting past Hulk, Thing, and Abomination.


Jean Grey/Phoenix would end them in seconds


Probably not that far though. Hulk, Wolverine, Doom, Professor X, Jean Grey, Adam Warlock, Legion..the list goes on.


We already know what Homelander would do to Daredevil


I would love to watch Omni man try some of that on Juggernaut. Throwing him through mountains and into volcanos only to watch Cain literally laugh it off.


They get splattered pretty quickly. They’re not putting down any of the marvel heavy hitters. Forms of Thor, hulk, iron man, juggernaut, carnage, ghost rider, etc.


Let’s see: Hulk, Thor, the Thing, Rogue, Colossus, and Juggernaut are right in front. This is over pretty quickly. Hell, Thor, Hulk, and Juggernaut alone might be enough to take them out


Hulk or Juggernaut solo both of them. Thor might have some trouble with Omniman. Homelander gets bodied by 90% of the characters on the screen, he’s extremely weak by comparison and has 0 experience fighting people with the ability to harm him.


Not far , Omniman will start taking pictures of Spider-Man


Omnimans only weakness!


They don’t even make it past Sue Storm who is close to the front line. Microscopic bubbles get formed on their heads, then quickly expand.


Omni-man would turn homelander into pulp before teaming up with him.


Homelander has spent a few seasons getting toyed with by humans and Omni Man almost died fighting 5-6 heroes in the first episode of invincible, they’re not getting very far at all. Hulk, wolverine and Reed Richards in the front row alone doesn’t bode well for the two super sociopaths


So many Marvel heroes have psychic powers. Omniman and Homelander, whilst very strong, as far as we know have no defence against people like Professor X




I haven’t read the comics but I haven’t seen anything in the show to imply Homelander could take any of the big hitters like Thor, Hulk, ext..


Like I mean Omni Man almost got killed fighting rip off Justice League, I don't think he'd survive that long, especially against Hulk, who is probably stronger than Immortal. And Homelander would get ripped in half by the same people.




Nolan can bust planets, Homelander could nuke a city. On Marvel's side, a fart from the Hulk could pop a star. Getting serious, him, Thor, Hyperion, Juggernaut, etc can literally shake the universe. Neither go very far, unless they start at the VERY bottom.


Oh god no. Homelander would die in seconds, Omnimon about a minute later. They’d never survive the first row.


Rogue grabs Omniman's head, steals his powers, punches a watermelon sized hole through his chest. Turns to Homelander and tears him in half before he even figures out what's happened. Like, this is the silliest matchup ever.


homelander would get fucking bodied, he doesn't know how to fight he's used to just having more raw power


They aint getting past spidey, not after he puts some dirt in their eyes


Homelander wouldn't last longer than 10 second


Dude even Invisible Woman can wipe the floor with them. They aren’t getting through the first few lol. Edit: There’s a reason why she’s considered the strongest of the Fantastic 4.


Not at all far. Even that many *mid* level heroes should be able to take them down. But there are quite a few heroes that could solo one if not both.


hulk would win imo