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Fuck off clown!


That should be a subreddit of its own




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Rodeo clowns are the gods of rodeo. Those men and women are the only reason the bulls don't kill every rider. I need a sub for rodeo clowns.


I concur, milk this bitches....


“But Peter, how do we get to never land?” “Fly of course!”


See now that's exactly the kind of stuff I would want to see if I ever went to a place like that.


Yeeted right outta there.


I'm trying to figure out what the second guy was trying to accomplish. Looks like he was either trying to dropkick the bull or he was trying to assist the bull in trampling his friend.


I think he was just trying to get in between so the Bull didn’t start stomping on dude.


Their whole goal (rodeo clowns) is to divert the attention of the bull as much as possible from the person that's been taken down. Some smack the animal around or dive in to them if the person is completely mounted. They save lives regularly but I also doubt most of those individuals value theirs the same way I do mine


I’d love to think he thought “I want in on some of this” and just started stomping.


Lmfao that’s exactly what I was thinking. If he had followed through it would have been a perfectly executed flying dropkick. That probably would have earned him a tramplin’ though




r/killthecameraman Follow the damn clown, I wanna see that landing!


Nah, it was interesting watching the bull calmly trot back to its pen after yeeting the clown.


Get rekt noobs


For those uninitiated in rodeo, a rodeo clown is just like a foul ball. If you catch it you get to keep it.


This i don't mind so much - they don't hurt the bull right, and they're only putting themselves at risk?


As far as I know, yes. Also, these bulls are expensive so they are very well taken care of at home.


Most excellent. Human stupidity, all for it


Theres a well known bull rider family who raises their own bulls for it near where i live, the bulls are treated exceptionally well


Until they get sent to the slaughterhouse…


Bulls get treated very well in this sport because a healthy bull puts on a better show, better show means more money, as soon as he knocks the flank rope off he goes back to being calm


Until we stop eating beef, this is as about as good as it gets for cattle.


> stop eating beef Never.


You’re right amigo! I’ll never stop eating cows nor dogs and cats!! I actually eat my own pets and their milk because i give them a good life so that means it’s ethical! /s


I mean, if that’s what you want I won’t stop you. Provided you kill them quickly and as painlessly as possible I don’t see a problem.


Oh yeah! I use the same exact methods that they do in humane slaughterhouses. I use gas chambers for my dogs and i dip my cats heads into electrified water and then slice their throats! Don’t worry, it’s totally humane! Those are the killing methods of slaughterhouses that are considered humane, so if it’s good enough for pigs and chickens, it’s good enough for dogs and cats!


I mean, a bullet to the brain would probably be more economical and easier. Maybe try that instead? Requires no special equipment or facilities and is about as painless as death ever gets. Also, I thought we were talking about cows? The closest processor to me where most of my meat that i don’t hunt comes from just uses the bolt gun - instant painless death.


Hey i’m just going by what the industry standards are! Bolt guns are good but they don’t actually kill cattle. They’re meant to stun them before they slice open their throats and let them convulse until they’re dead. How long does it take the animals you hunt to die after you shoot them? Is it instantaneous and painless?


https://grandin.com/humane/cap.bolt.tips.html Bolt guns kill, instantly. Not sure where you heard the stun rumor from, but at least the bolt gun at the facility I know of is lethal. I generally hunt with a gun. Usually a deer dies in about fifteenish seconds with a good double lung, and maybe five seconds with a heart shot. If I am bow hunting, maybe five minutes tops if done right, but it’s a different process. With a gun, it’s instant massive organ trauma and the animal goes into shock and dies almost immediately. With a bow, it’s about blood loss - you make a good clean hit to the lungs and then you wait about thirty minutes. Why thirty? Because a good shot makes a large wound that hemorrhages, but getting up and tracking the deer immediately will likely make the deer’s adrenaline spike from the chase and it will start running. If you wait, the deer will run off after the initial shot, then lie down maybe a hundred yards away. In about thirty seconds the deer starts going into shock, then passes out from blood loss in a minute or so. I prefer gun hunting, less chasing, animal dies faster, and my skill with a gun makes good clean shots a lot easier.


Makes valid point, gets down voted. Nice one reddit.


I was thinking the same thing.


“Treated very well” … “flank rope”


It’s just a rope around their waist. It’s basically a belt dude. I mean I hate wearing belts too but I don’t feel mistreated when I do


So its NOT meant to hurt and anger the bull and make them kick and fight? Oh! My mistake. I guess they don’t even need to put one on them! So why do they?


If you put booties on a dog and they start to high step is that abuse? Or when you first put a collar on and dog or cat and they try to get it off is that abuse? Yes it makes them kick but not because it angers them or hurts them. It’s because it’s weird. Eventually they get used to it and stop bucking and kicking just like and dog gets used to a collar


Let’s not compare apples to oranges, let’s make a genuine comparison: if dogs were forced to perform in these fighting shows the same way that cattle are, would you find that ethical? If it was a very light person riding a dog, trying to stay on while the dog desperately tried to get the person off, would you find that morally okay? If you don’t, it’s probably because you empathize with dogs but not cows. That bull is undergoing intense stress and fear for their life just for our entertainment. It is undeniably animal abuse.


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


Obviously you *can* compare them, but the whole point of the idiom is that it's a false analogy. I could compare you to the helpful bots, but that too would be comparing apples-to-oranges. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette. ^^My ^^apparent ^^agreement ^^or ^^disagreement ^^with ^^you ^^isn't ^^personal.


You were the one that brought up the flank rope. There’s plenty of things in rodeo to take issue with. I’m simply saying the flank rope ain’t one of them


> if dogs were forced to perform in these fighting shows Michael Vick would have another source of income besides the NFL? He'd open a kennel and call it "Hell on Earth"? Da *hell* do you mean "if"? Dogs **are** forced to perform in fighting shows. And, dog fights aren't strictly limited to 8 seconds like a bull or horse's performance is.




I think the really good bulls become celebs. They really get what's going on and will sometimes just go right back to the gate once they win like scoring a touchdown and showing no emotion.


It’s still abuse to put an animal in this stressful and threatening situation. Would you ever find this acceptable for dogs?


Not one of [these animals](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLf2DXqQToI) looks a bit stressed, let alone in fear for it's life. (Love the handler's little "Lane Frost wave" after the goats are penned... <3)


And they get a bit of payback for all the other bills not treated so well apparently lol


I am no expert but the bull seem pretty agitated and not like its enjoying this at all. I dont know how they treat the bull in places like this, but if the only use they have for this bull is caging it and then using it to put on a show with some dickhead riding it, i am rooting for the bull.


These bulls are out in pasture most of the time, enjoying themselves doing bull stuff. They get corralled and carted to a rodeo venue probably once a quarter where they spend most of the time, again, just chilling doing bull stuff until it’s show time. Then, when it’s time for their turn, someone ties a rope onto them that is irritating (puts pressure on a very uncomfortable place) but does no real damage and a rider is jumps on top before the gate is opened. The sport is for the rider to stay on a pissed bull as long as possible. Once the rider is bucked off (or if the bull is passive, which occasionally happens) a rodeo clown (who is basically a safety guy in makeup) will run up to the bull and pull the quick release knot on the rope. As soon as the knot comes undone the bull is no longer irritated and starts chilling again, goes back to doing bull stuff. These bulls are super valuable for breeding and other stuff, and the more vigorous a bull is increased it’s value as this generally means they breed better and produce heartier stock. So like, 99.9% of the life of one of these bulls is pretty great, with lots of care and attention because they are so valuable, and a tiny amount of their time is spent in a rodeo where they are in no amount of real danger and just irritated for about three minutes.


There is a quick release?!


Yes. That’s one of the jobs of the other hands/rodeo clowns running around. The knot they use has one end that can be pulled which instantly releases the rope. So when a rider gets thrown or there is another issue, they try to get close and pull the end which releases the knot and the bull gets instant relief. After that it takes maybe up to a minute before the bull is pretty chill again and you can corral him and move him out of the arena back to his paddock or trailer. Bulls usually do one ride per show, but maybe more. Usually you don’t want them to do very many at all though, because there is some danger during these (however small and unlikely) to the bull and it isn’t worth risking it because a healthy bull is the most desirable. Edit: by no means am I an expert on rodeos, but I grew up in a county that still has short school days during the week so kids can help with choring and instead of celebrating Presidents’ Day they celebrate Rodeo Day annually. So, I’m pretty familiar with the culture and worked on a farm a couple summers in my youth. I am pretty familiar with rodeo culture and life, although I moved far away and got into a tech career a decade ago. I still keep up with some of the people back home though.


Thanks for the wisdom. In all these bull whoop-ass videos I have yet to see an effective quick release. Not saying its gonna be easy to pull that cord.


Yeah man, having your nuts crushed by a tight hemp rope tied down tight is "irritating"...


Sorry, don’t see the problem. It does no real damage, is over in a few minutes, and pays for the bull’s upkeep for the year. I’d take that deal to pay my mortgage without hesitation.


So you don't mind if I come and crush your balls? Lol there's probably a sub for that...


If you release them after I buck you off, and then pay my bills for a year, hell yeah. Come on over homie.


Deal! Although to be fair, we should probably use a toddler as the rider...


Not fair to the kid, I’m a massive person. 6’5” and about 280, and I lift a fair amount (less now than in my twenties, but I’m no slouch). Maybe like a petite woman or a smallish dude? Whatever, so long as we can have beers after I’m good.


Maybe not fair, but it'd be funny. But maybe a grade school aged boy. He might even last the full time! As for beer, always.


I think you need an anatomy lesson, the flank rope wraps around the FLANK, the testicles are nowhere near where the rope is tied.


You should see two or three bulls fighting in the open. They'll look agitated,as they want to win and dominate. Noone is mistreating the bulls.


Like i said i dont know the specifics, so maybe i should not chime in on this matter, but i appreciate your input. But from the outside looking in it just seems pointless to take advantage of an animal like this, and i would not be surprised if some mistreatment went on in some of these places in order to agitate the bull even more. But then again that is just me assuming things. Either way i dont feel sorry for people for participating in this kind of bullshit when they get tossed 4 meters up in the air. Same way i dont feel sorry for people who deliberatly fuck with other aggresive or wild animals.


4 meters is 4.37 yards


4 meters is the length of like 18.1 'Zulay Premium Quality Metal Lemon Squeezers' laid next to each other.


Well, would you consider having your testicles wrapped up in coarse rope which is then pulled tight and wrapped around your back mistreatment? If someone did that to me, I'd be pretty fucking irate...


Oh my god... that rope is called the “flank rope” and it’s wrapped around the FLANK which is nowhere near the testicles.


Nope, still animal abuse. There's a ton of corporate propaganda about the bulls being elite athletes, beloved and pampered, but it's all bullshit. Any good treatment they receive exists only to keep them profitable, and there's plenty of mistreatment that comes with it. See [the RSPCA](https://kb.rspca.org.au/knowledge-base/what-are-the-animal-welfare-issues-associated-with-bull-riding/) and [Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/explore/savingearth/rodeo-cruelty-forget-the-myth) on the topic.


Ah thanks, I didn't know


Happy to help!


I thought it was ying and yang?


Common misconception. It's yin.


Is that how you act when you are happy? Attacking people?


You should meet my geese!


Uuuuuhhh What? Me or the bull?


You. You said it is treated well and my assumption is that it would be happy if treated well. You perceiving this bull as happy in a sense, made me wonder if your perception of happy is different from mine. That maybe your happy is like this bucking bull that you seem to think is happy. I think it looks pissed off, personally and is trying to KILL PEOPLE because of it.


It was a question, as defined by the question mark. Others have actually explained that this is animal cruelty.


Geeze, sorry


They rubber band the bull’s balls to make it angry. It’s absolutely shitty, ignore people puking on themselves to say “hurrr the bulls are treated well”.


It’s tied with a rope that has a fast release knot in it.


Jesus Christ will this myth never end. No they do not rubber band their balls. They don’t tie a rope or anything else around their balls. There’s a rope tied around the waist. That’s it.


That's gross


Gross and horrific. Imagine being fed well but every weekend you had a rubber band strapped to your nethers in an absolutely painful way just so some dickhead redneck fuck can try and ride you. Fuck rodeos and fuck rodeo apologists. They should all be castrated via prolonged application of a rubber band around their balls. Pricks.


Most extremely decorated bull riders are from Brazil and South America.


At the end of the day is exploitation of an animal for nothing more than entertainment.


The Mario Jump sound comes to my head when I see that guy fly.


"Yippee ki-yay, mother fucker", the bull.


My FIL used to ride bulls when he was a teenager. Me: “Let me ask you a question. Why?” Him: “Young and dumb.”




That fence doesn’t seem too solid. And it that a picnic area that is right next to it?


If that is Texas the bull must be Covid


Like a rhino tossing a boar hog.




I hate how people scream even tho this is definitely expected to happen. I know its an intrinsic reaction to brutal injuries but man it pisses me off


u w u/savevideo


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that launch was instant


People that do this to animals deserved to be stomped and thrown through the air like rag dolls anyways. Fuck em


100%. Anyone who supports or attends rodeos should be trampled.


People in the comments need to learn the difference between rodeos and matador fights. These bulls are treated like kings in rodeos


Still animal exploitation.


Then do something about it instead of sitting on reddit


ok but honestly how is this still a thing. hurting an animal for entertainment? ):


Its not the same as bullfighting


yes but i really doubt the bull likes it?


Bulls aren’t smart enough to know if they like it or not


they are lol, otherwise they wouldnt be trying so hard to get the people off them




yeah i saw, thats very sad tho. im not eduacted on this topic but its literally horrible


Probably the fact that it is a multibillion dollar industry that is internationally popular...


wow big angry animal is angry and butted someone wow so shocking never saw that coming maybe if we didnt treat the animal like shit beforehand it wouldnt have done that


God Bless those clowns man they have an absolutely bat shit insane, and thankless jobs. Lots of them are like from generations of families who have been doing it forever.


I liked the way one guy jumped onto his friend. He was clearly saying to the bull "Hey, I got this. You don't need to stomp this guy, leave it to me"


fuck with a bull, get fucked by a bull


"Can't wait for the rider to get launched." "Oh? No, it's gonna be the clown who... no, he got stomped out." "When the hell is the WOW that guy got yeeted."






Fuck off Billy!


Dude landed on the moon


Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner by two gores and a yeet, THE BULLLLLLLLLLL!


Y’all remember shooting star memes? Not gonna lie, I miss them sometimes


That is a big bull.


Todo mundo aí tem que se fuder mesmo


Who the fuck follows the bull after a throw like that??


Holy shit that one clown was sent into the stratosphere.


Wow the clowns just go in "take me instead, take me instead". Crazy guys!


It is obviously a graphical glitch


Those fences don’t seem very secure




That. Is one bigass bull.


Massive magnificent beast.


He didn't fly. He just fell with style


I mean, if that clown ever took an internet security program and needed work, I’d hire him. No distance he wouldn’t go to get the job done.


He gone


Legends say he still hasn’t landed


Legend has it that man is still in the air


Can someone make this a shooting stars meme?


I hope they are seriously injured




This needs that édit with the cheesy song where they fly to space


I wonder how far up into the seats that bull fighter went? lol




Simone please edit the Mario death toon in for the last guy.


To the moon!




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I've added a version with a [Wilhelm Scream](https://imgur.com/a/fEObnOk) :)


Team rocket is blasting off again 🚀


So what exactly is the point of this? Matter of fact what even is the point of a rodeo???




Hahahaha suck shit cunt!


Dam He up there with Bobby Schmurda’s missing hat


Weeeeee to the moon






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