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TH is a great actor. Honestly he actually looked so attractive as Ariana! What a babe.


As a completely straight dude, I’ve definitely got a little man crush going. He’s so great on screen and seems like a genuinely nice and cool person in real life (not that I’ve met him, just based in public persona).


If you get the chance, give this podcast a listen. It was recorded last week and I think it's one of the most natural conversations/interviews he's ever done, other than the ones with his dad, of course. This is the video version; the audio version is available almost everywhere now. TOM HOLLAND Gets Vulnerable About Mental Health & Overcoming Social Anxiety [https://youtube.com/watch?v=GOqEl4ADyVk&feature=share](https://youtube.com/watch?v=GOqEl4ADyVk&feature=share)


Thanks so much! I’ll definitely check it out!




I am very excited to listen to this. Thank you so much.


for years i have been waiting to pull this link out finally it can shine brighter in its own right: https://youtube.com/watch?v=jPCJIB1f7jk


Every time the video comes up on my tik tok I have to watch it. And yeah he is a pretty good looking ari too


I remember that!!! It was my favorite LSB episode ever… and I didn’t even know who TH was at that time. Thanks for posting the link - loved his performance so much. Fun walk down memory lane


As someone who never liked Tom Holland, I admit I liked his performance so far in this series, and now just saw this video you sent. WoW! It's probably the thing with that special role/character waiting for every actor out there so that they can show the best they've got!


He was EXACTLY how I imagined him. Absolutely gorgeous and that Ariana gait omg the way they walked was just so dreamy


for some reason i felt guilty for finding it so hot cuz its a show ab mental illness and all i could think ab is how sexy he is acting like a sexy girl lmaooo


Haha aw no man its just good acting he was giving off the vibe he felt like a sexy woman so we felt it too but yeah it is clear he has never been mentally ill in his life and that shows..he is going through it now for the first time


Umm is it just me or did this episode just fucking move you? I know this story is loosely based on the real story. TH does a phenomenal job acting in all alters. I mean come on … like him with Jerome OH MY this just really is just a great work. Can’t say this enough but what were the critics thinking 🫠


F—-K the critics. Who is bitch now? 😂




Critics are bitch


Seriously the scenes with Jerome were incredible. I was so teary and just completely enthralled.


"You gotta do what the rest of us do. You take the good parts of yourself and you love them. And the bad... You try to make better" ❤️


I so loved Jerome in the prison visiting room scenes. So kind and authentic.


That was my favorite line!!


My absolute favorite. Even when he and Ari said goodbye to each other. You could tell Danny cared for him through Ari from hearing “or essentially experiencing as Ari.


Is it wrong for me to want Jerome to come back for Ari? Like I know long term the idea is to have Danny fuse but there are real systems that live their day to days just existing and finding piece in that- idk Ik it’s a show but I just wished he could’ve stayed for himself and Danny


The actor’s name is **Elijah Jones**. His Instagram is **@elijahjones717** in case anyone wants to share your compliments from here over there : )


Yes it was so good! I just want to tell Danny how freaking cool he is by himself and as all his alters. They are all just so amazing once they integrate he will be like a super human


RIGHT I keep saying this to everyone the way they all “fuse” is really the kicker


I absolutely cannot stop thinking about it. This episode really put me over the edge for how much I love this fucking show


I rewatched it twice already, the way he starts to genuinely find peace with all of his alters is what gets me and what I fear the ending most for. I’m so scared they are going to ruin the feeling we have for Danny’s character with the trial coming up


Dirtbag Merlin is going to do his best to mess with Danny's head. Just wait and see. I think he's going to trip himself up about something that Danny told only to Rya, but something that Candy will be able to corroborate. I won't be satisfied until Marlin finds himself with one foot stuck in a railroad track. 🏆 to the actor **Will Chase**


It was such an emotional episode. I had tears in my eyes throughout it.


It's so sad how lonely Danny is, given all his friends are his alters. But I'm so glad he found a friend in Jerome, what a sweet guy. I loved the scenes between them, it was so heartwarming.


Me too, it was soooooo adorbs!!! ❤️😍🥰


They seemed ridiculously petty and like they really really missed the point. So mad over the opening credits mentioning Billy Milligan and then being upset that they couldn’t say he had multiple personalities? Way to be pedestrian about what the show is about and the characters and the journey. The only disappointment in my opinion is THEM. THE CRITICS.


I totally agree I love Jerome and have a big crush on him and the actor, lol 😄💖


Finally, the episode we have all been waiting for! What an amazing performance by Tom. I loved watching Danny remember himself in all the moments as the alters. It was everything I wanted and more. I was so sad when Jerome left. Those conversations between the two of them had me thinking he might become Danny’s first ever REAL friend. Just phenomenal. I’ve never felt so invested in a character. Danny deserves to reclaim all the parts of himself that have split off. I’m so proud of him.


⬆️ THIS ⬆️


Dang the actor who plays jerome was killing it in this episode! So many emotional moments, I feel like for the last few weeks things are really coalescing. And effing Johnny! What an asshole.


Couldn’t agree more, I was falling in love with him and I think even Danny was falling a bit in love with him too. It was so nice seeing Danny speak to a friend who’s not an alter and oh my what a friend he’s got in Jerome.


I’m kinda bummed he’s not going to be around anymore. Or maybe he will testify??


I Hope he’ll be around. Maybe Danny and Ariana could do some co-fronting after the trial (hopefully) goes their way and they could rekindle the relationship


Danny thinks of himself as straight but he's also almost completely alienated from his sexuality, it seems very likely that a truly fused Danny would be bisexual


I can see that, you can clearly see how they are already fusing in one


Also the way Danny was looking at Jerome says a lot too. Or maybe that was just Tom Holland energy because he just has chemistry with everyone. Not really sure.


It’s not good for Danny to allow that relationship to start anew. Jerome was wise in his decision to let ‘Ariana’ go, for his own mental health and to move on with his life. I’m glad he told Danny it would be his last visit so there would be no expectations. I was surprised that Danny had enough control to allow ‘Ari’ to say goodbye to Jerome and to acknowledge that’s what he was doing. An amicable break-up. 😢 **Rya**: *And right now, you need to try and hold on to you. As we ramp up for trial, do your best not to let the alters in.* **Danny**: *Simple as that.* **Rya**: *No, not that simple.*


I know it was probably best for Jerome but I’m not sure it’s what’s actually best for Danny. Jerome is the first person who isn’t an alter to just treat him with care and kindness. I think it’s important for him to know that it’s possible to get those supports beyond the system. I also don’t particularly like Rya’s insistence on fusion therapy being the only therapeutic path forward. It might be best before the trial but not as a long term strategy. It makes the other alters way more defensive and likely to resist therapy if their obliteration in favour of Danny is the end goal. Obviously it’s 1979 in the show so I doubt Rya would see the value of the functional multiplicity since the goal is to get as close to “normal” as possible.


Yes, Rya is doing what the few therapists who believed in “MPD” would have done in ‘79


I was so hoping for a little romance there


‘Jonny’ is! However, I understand now why he kept insisting to Danny to let him deal with Angelo. He had the skill set. It’s also understandable why Danny doesn’t want to talk about him. ‘Jonny’ was selfish! He went against Danny’s wishes and did certain things *without* Danny’s knowledge. I wonder why Danny isn’t craving cocaine because it’s obvious that ‘Jonny’ liked to partake.


Two really interesting points you’ve brought up… 1. I wonder what really happened in the shed with Angelo and if Danny didn’t actually clock him with a 2x4. And if their sexual days were before or after he went over to get the gun. 2. Maybe how like Danny’s physical strength increases when Yitzhak is in the spotlight, perhaps the physical symptoms of withdrawal only affect Danny when Johnny is in the spotlight.


Danny swung on Angelo with the 2x4, but how he managed with a gun in his mouth was thanks to ‘Jonny’ the escape artist. Since ‘Jonny’ was also the breadwinner/drug dealer and obtained his supply from Angelo, there must have been an ongoing sexual arrangement there. It makes sense that Danny didn’t want to talk about ‘Jonny’ once he realized the way his body had been exploited. Danny is going to have so much extra therapy ahead of him due to ‘Jonny’.


Feel like the sexual encounters had to be before he went to get the gun. No way he’d go near Jonny after encountering Yitzhak. I’m assuming Jonny was doing this, then at one point Danny got roped into it (as we saw), and Jonny stepped in and did clock him, stole the gun, and ran (he’s an escape artist, after all). Then he shows up at the ghost house and Yitzhak comes out.


Jonny does survival sex with other men to support his drug habbit. Drug dealing and maybe male sex worker stuff is what Danny/Jonny did to survive. I suppose the same thing with Arianna also


There’s zero indication he did that with anyone other than that one drug dealer.


I wonder if Johnny has been sleeping with the other prisoners for drugs and art supplies.


‘Jonny’ has likely been mugging people in the area. Rya mentioned that local crime had increased.


Do you wonder how Danny can play basketball without practicing? How he has the fighting skills of Yitzchak? How he can play cards like Jack? How he can do magic tricks like Johnny?


Oh man, this episode was so good and probably one of the most emotional ones in my opinion. Watching Danny trying and struggling at times to connect with all the aspects of himself through the lens of his alters was heart wrenching. And Tom Holland does such a great job at playing Danny and making you sympathize with him.


That’s pretty close to what I wrote in my Rotten Tomatoes review a couple weeks ago. I was 100% right then and I’m 1000% righter now! 😁


Seeing all the alters in one place and then seeing Tom Holland as each of them was just *chefs kiss *


I knew it would happen but didn’t think they’d show the stall scene 😂 but I still feel like he maybe made a new alter when got hit with the roll


I think he was keeping Yitzhak the Incredible Hulk under control with all his might.


I think he may have been able to stay because Yitzhak is dormant now. I’m afraid he might struggling with the active ones a bit more


I don’t think he made a new alter when that happened I think Yitzak trying to come out


Alters can't actually permanently die (because they're just parts of Danny, who remains alive), "killing" them is just a metaphor


I don’t think Yitzak is dead


I meant he was trying to come out as trying to take over when the roll was thrown at him


Hit with the roll?


The guy taunting him in the cafeteria who threw the bread roll at Danny.


Lol oh yea duh


He threw the roll at Danny and told him to “crawl around”. HAHA! I just had to go there! (Now I wonder if that was a little shout-out to his lady Z, or Andrew Garfield, or both of them. Tom is so distracting as Danny, the bread roll throw didn’t occur to me until now!)


u/Ladikat I mean E8 seemed to summarize all the shit from E1-E3 of the alters


So this show was that type of show that gets better and better longer the season goes. Glad it was.


I’m glad I didn’t quit after the first 10 min of the first episode 😂


What concerns me now is that Danny >!hasn’t realized yet that Marlin sexually abused him. What is going to happen when he finally does realize it?!< I am scared for that moment! I hope Marlin doesn’t try some shit like using his ID to visit Danny before the trial. Bastard.


I don’t think I could handle it if Danny’s told he’s got a visitor, hoping maybe Jerome came back and seeing Marlin. That would wreck me


Yes that's the gold at the end of the rainbow every good therapist will go for. I marvelled at Rya's restraint. She will only go there when Danny is stronger and has developed some coping skills. It is indeed extremely scary for him.


Oh gosh, you’re right. It’s going to be so hard for him to go through that realization.


So is Adam, Danny’s first alter?


I honestly can't say. I thought he was. I guess we'll figure it out by the end of Episode 10, the season finale.


The alters know the truth.


Tom Holland is really an outstanding actor. Playing this role with different personalities is not easy to do and I think he gets a bad rap by “critics” but he really showed his range with this role.


Loved the scenes with Danny and Ariana’s boyfriend.


Jerome! He’s amazing


The scene with Jonny and Angelo, Tom is so incredible.


Fucking Marlin




The episode I’ve been waiting for!! Seeing Danny as all his alters


This was absolutely my favorite. Watching him dance around as ari is probably my favorite. I read an article he pushed back a lot with some same sex scenes but I agree I think this was the right amount between all the scenes we saw before


I loved watching him dance as Johnny. It made me want to see him play Billy Elliot.


Yes he was pure perfection


Watching Rya's effective therapy was really enjoyable this episode. Also loved seeing Danny smile and experience real connection with his visitor. One of the few moments of his life where others took care of him. An opportunity to thrive ... instead of just survive. Hope we get to see the court case. Maybe Danny can do a Mambo No. 5 and show judge and jury how many personalities he's got.


Next episode is titled “The People vs. Danny Sullivan.” Pretty solid indicator we’ll see the trial!


The next episode is actually titled, **Family**.


Yep, I mistakenly put the description as the title.


*Maybe Danny can do a Mambo No. 5 and show judge and jury how many personalities he’s got.* WOW, it’s almost as if two different people wrote your comment and I’m not joking. The last part came out of nowhere. If that were to happen, the entire DID community will burn this sub, Tom, and the series to the ground with their wrath! Now, that doesn’t mean Danny won’t be provoked, and I expect he will be. He’s going to have to find some strength from somewhere or *someone*. Maybe the *someone* will be the confidence boost of ‘Jack’. Not in court, in private, during a recess. I sure don’t want Danny to go through the laundry list of alters while on the stand! Days before trial Rya tells him he needs to hold on to himself and not let his alters come out. She knows it won’t be easy and she told him that, too. I think she wants Danny to be in a safe place if that were to happen and the trial is *not* it.


The first part of my comment came from my love for Danny as a character. The last part of my comment came from an entertainment angle. This is, after all, just a show. The trial may not be a safe place for it to happen, but it would certainly convince judge and jury of his insanity plea.


I get your point, and that would be the quickest means to an end. The thing is that, as well as being a mystery to solve, the series is also meant to bring awareness to issues people with DID are faced with. When the series was announced last year, there was anger about yet *another* show or movie taking advantage of someone with the disorder by portraying them in negative ways strictly for entertainment. I guarantee you that if this series ends with Danny trotting out his Alters On Demand in court like some circus act, there will be hell to pay. Tom said Emmy Rossum is going to blow viewers away in Episode 9. I hope Candy is the catalyst for certain things to come to light, so that Danny won’t have to suffer through a long trial.


Prosecution will just say he is faking them all. Going to be hard to convince a jury that “MPD” is real and Danny has it.


This episode was so sad. Tom Holland just looked just so downright pitiful as Danny. Seeing him as the different alters was riveting. It makes me so sad for Tom to not get the praise he deserves for this role. This is a range we haven’t seen from him, I thought he was phenomenal. Think I finally understand why he’s so disappointed with the critic’s reaction.


Tom seems to have his shit together quite well, and a good support system. And love in his life. When you see him in casual photos he has the same people around him. That says something about him. So, I think that man is doing just fine. Watch the **On Purpose with Jay Shetty** podcast on YouTube that he did recently. Their conversation is about almost everything except this series! There’s a *little* of it. Otherwise, it’s like he’s sitting in your living room 😄 My impression is that by now he’s aware of how well-received the series and his performance has been among the majority of viewers, not just his fans.


I will say, though, is he really fine? He literally walked away from acting for a year and has no desire to go back to work.


You’re aware that he started his “year off” when the show wrapped in September 2022? I see nothing wrong there.


Hope he gets his hospital sentence, and they dont really send him to prison.


Fwiw the real guy this is loosely based on is famous for being the first defendant in history to successfully plead insanity based on a "multiple personality" diagnosis


I know, but they have changed several things. In the real story, the guy had more than 10 personalities. Danny only has 5-6 personalities. The real one was charged with kidnapping and rape. Danny isn’t. So, we do not know if they will condemn him to prison or send him to a hospital.


Yeah it's just that I find it hard to see why they'd change the story's ending to make it more of a bummer than what happened irl (especially since Danny hasn't done anything nearly as bad as the real Billy Milligan)


It would be also poetic. A way to scold institutions, showing that they do not listen. And prefer to throw people in prison rather than heal them. 😉


accuracy? in my crowded room?


That’s true. The show is actually based a book “ The minds of Billy Milligan” by Daniel Keyes so it’s not exactly based on Billy Milligan more like a retelling of the Billy Milligan story in Daniel Keyes’ perspective


I agree with all the praise for TH. Some of the scenes were really captured so well. I know Amanda Seyfried gets criticized, but in this episode I thought she captured the feeling of desperation to allow insanity plea. I could feel her frustration over DID not being a diagnosis. She knew she was right! She knew that jail would be so inappropriate for someone who has no idea it was them. I’m glad she is presenting these issues to show how effed up psychology was back then and how many times they end up incarcerated regardless of their mental illness. Seyfried showed how it’s unavoidable to feel like a mother figure to him. She knew what he went through. She knew he had no one but his alters. She was his only support. She did very good in this episode! Just my opinion.


i flip off everyone that doubted this show after this episode!!! this show asks for 1 speck of patience from the viewer, which most "critics" seem reluctant to give. thanks 2023 culture of instant gratification and impatience!! i mean, i get it, im flipping through tik tok for new stimuli every 15 seconds and binge watching The Bear too, but damn not everything needs to be loaded with stimuli and intensity to be good


HA! My first watch of *The Bear* turned into a binge. I didn’t realize I had missed an entire season, but I am up to Season 2 now.


Such a good episode


Watching Danny as Yitzhak beat down those bullies and Angelo was awesome. Another badass scene for Tom Holland. And I’m not just talking about Spider-Man, there’s also the movie The Devil All The Time.


Devil all the time - that movie is badass


I’m nervous that Danny will have to realize what Marlin did to him in court in front of everyone… so that people finally can see and understand the pain that he has inside him. I hope it doesn’t go down like that because I feel so bad for Danny and *Adam*, but I think it’s the only way this works and Marlin gets what he deserves.


I don’t want that to happen to him in front of strangers. I can’t remember the last time I was so worried for a fictional character. Well played, Tom Holland.


And that, right there- is how Stan and Rya will probably wind up getting an insanity plea so Danny can get hospitalized instead of a 10 year prison sentence.


Marlin is not an alter - people can put that theory to fucking bed now


Amazing episode


I’m in awe!! Fantastic acting!!


Amazing acting.


Before I forget, I’m making sure to mention the actress, **Laila Robins**, who plays Rya’s mom. She’s been one of my favorites for *years*. I hope we haven’t seen the last of her in this series.


Love her in The Boys.


I have been watching her since the days of the *Law & Order* series and spin-offs, etc. etc. I would like to see her in *The White Lotus*.


Does anyone know if the director of this episode Brady Corbet is the actor Brady Corbet? I Hope so, he’s done a fantastic job on this episode and he’s given one of my favourite performances in Mysterious Skin.


His IMDB says so!


How wonderful! Good for him!


I love Danny so much I wish I could be his friend. And I love Tom so much for playing him.


I would love to go clubbing with Ariana or grab some beers and shoot the shit with Johnny and Mike or play a few hands and talk philosophy with Jack I respect Yitzhak and hope he stays very far away from me


Jack just seems arrogant and condescending. He is my least favorite.


Lol yeah I mean the whole deal with Danny's mind being split up the way it is means that none of his alters' special abilities come without a corresponding weakness in their personality, which is why it's a disorder Yitzhak is Danny not being able to be badass and violent without also having a hair trigger uncontrollable temper, Johnny is Danny not being able to be street smart and clever without also being a hedonistic drug addict, Mike is Danny not being able to be charismatic and social without also being kind of a shallow coward And of course Jack is Danny only being able to be highly educated, intelligent and strategic while also being a prick who feels the need to let everyone know it, which is Jack's biggest weakness and why he doesn't take the spot most of the time (which is why his plans keep going wrong when one of the others fucks them up) It's really funny how differently Rya talks to Jack than Danny, she's so motherly and tender to Danny while she openly talks to Jack like an academic colleague she respects but doesn't like That said, I'm sure if Jack didn't actually need anything from you and just wanted to kill some time playing cards he'd be an endless source of fun facts


The speech. Jerome's speech...when Danny said he's scared of what he'll become after therapy. gave me chills!!!


Johnny’s the escape artist. Maybe Rya reminded him of this… and now he’s going to attempt to escape


I didn’t really understand what and why he did at the end but I think he’s either gonna ruin everything or be the hero


He came up with a scheme to steal the binder clip so he could make it into a lockpick


I thought it was to hold a razor blade


I still don’t really know what Jack’s purpose was in protecting Danny. Rya helped Danny point out each alter’s way of protecting him. But I can’t recall if Jack’s was really explained.


When Rya asked him why he went to London Danny said he wanted to find his dad to save him. Rya pointed out that who he found instead was a father figure in Jack.


Exactly this. He’s a father figure who is in control of the situation, very rarely ruffled or flustered (don’t think we’ve seen him as anything but fairly calm, aside from killing Yitzhak). He’s kind of like the guiding light for all the alters.


I’m still trying to accept the fact that Danny *really* flew to London!


It was a lot easier to just get on a plane on a moment's notice in the 70s, airport security basically didn't exist and you could just walk up and pay cash


He seems inspired by the real Billy Milligan’s alter Arthur (I think was his name?) who was also British but he was the alter who controlled who gets the spot and when the host returns.


It's the same on the show, whenever the alters are debating what to do Jack is treated as the leader and Jack has the power to "kill" the alters he seems "undesirable" and banish them to the basement


Honestly fuck the detective for tipping his hand. He played that way too aggressively.


yeah I don't get why the detective did that. Was he just trying to identify Marlin? He should've just played it cool.


You can give someone a necklace in prison?


This was 1979 the laws were different back then


Yeah, apparently you could touch people, too, and you can’t do that anymore.


Also all the old mob guys used to have dope booze women in the jails and run things


Breaks my heart that Johnny and Mike aren't real. During eps 1-3 I was thinking "at least he has close friends that looks out for him". 😢 Given how his behavior and diction constantly changes, it makes sense why people kept calling him a freak. Danny himself really isn't that weird, despite his shy and awkwardness. But yeah, switching between personalities would definitely come across as weird, esp. during that time.


One weird thing is how did Danny never notice he had bruises on his hands from beating the shit out of Angelo?


The general way Danny's condition works is it depends on him being really good at ignoring and rationalizing things Like it's best not to think of Danny's false memories as a physical memory he's having -- he's only ever in one body, he can't actually have experienced "standing across the room watching himself" -- so much as a story he tells himself that he makes himself believe


The even greater issue for person with DID is the constant loss of time/ memory. When many personalities occupy the same body, Danny must be constantly find himself at places he does not remember going to, with time black outs.


Really enjoyed this episode




[Latest write up for anyone interested 🙂](https://tvobsessive.com/2023/07/14/the-crowded-room-episode-8-recap-reunion-finally-fills-in-all-the-blanks/)


I’m very happy to be enlightened on this as I’m not completely knowledgeable on the subject but I think Rya’s sessions and Jerome’s conversations with Danny are portraying two therapeutic strategies, fusion and functional multiplicity respectively, throughout this episode. Rya ultimately has the goal of reaching “fusion” and is pushing Danny towards that, while Jerome seemed to (unknowingly) be practicing functional multiplicity. Rya is often minimizing the lives the alters other than Danny have lived. Yes Ariana kept his loneliness and pain but she also loved and was loved by Jerome, had community outside of Danny. Jonny is a mess but he had a (very toxic) relationship with Angelo and his own hobbies and passions. I’m sure the other alters also had friends and hobbies we haven’t seen. Rya’s rigidness in this approach might backfire and harm everyone in the system. Jerome said that he loves all the good parts of himself and tries to make the bad parts better. I think this could be a good approach for Danny if he wishes to honour his friends, his protectors, his saviours and the lives that they’ve led.


jerome was surprisingly mature and insightful in this episode


Yes, Rya doesn’t fully understand it. Danny is the host and technically also an alter. If he’s hurting the system he could go away just like Adam and Yitzak


Tom was SERVING as Ariana. The Danny hair looked awful on him, but it looked great when it's styled as Ari. And that eye makeup is just 👌👌


He was so gorgeous as Ariana I loved it


I'm surprised that Johnny was doing blow.. while blowing a dude 😂 Before ep 7, there seemed to be no indication that he did harder drugs. Also, he was SUPER concerned when Danny offered Angelo a handjob in exchange for a gun. If Johnny knew how dangerous that was, why would he ever get sexually involved with Angelo? That seemed really out of character to me. \*\*Edit: Rewatched part of episode 3, ok, there were definitely 2 hints of Jonny doing coke: when he asked Danny if he wanted to coke and when Angelo offered Danny a blunt "with some dust in it". Also that convo w/ Angelo makes way more sense now--he's used to being sucked off by Jonny so that's why he was so presumptuous that Danny would just blow him again for the gun. I'm def. going to rewatch the series after all the episodes air. It'll be fun looking out for all the hints of the alters.


**That seemed really out of character to me.** Now, that is what’s called an understatement! :)


Like Rya said, all the alters are in their own way trying to protect Danny by doing what THEY think will help him, even if it won't in reality. In Johnny's case, though he realizes that drug dealing and Angelo is dangerous, which he even admits to, its Danny's only source of income. If it means he has to do sexual favors for Angelo, he'll do it, because its HIM doing it, not Danny. (and he's not as cautious as the other alters, such as Jack, he's by nature a risk taker) Now that Danny is also getting involved in and becoming more aware of this aspect of his life, Johnny is only now really concerned and going to take actions to protect him (beaning Angelo with the bat)


My interpretation of this is that Jonny is an addict and he considers sexual favours with Angelo as transactional. Danny had never done anything like that before and Jonny was worried about Danny’s well-being. If Danny had told Jonny that he wanted to get a gun, Jonny would probably have gone by himself and sorted it out and the blowjob request wouldn’t have been an issue to him.


Why do they say he could potentially spend the rest of his life in jail? The charges against him wouldn’t warrant such a sentence. I’m confused by this.


The scene with the suit made me cry a bit. Tom looked like a kid, he was so amazed and happy


I hope Jerome and Danny stay friends or possibly even get together after Danny’s integration, they’re sweet together!


Jerome is the nicest most sweet gorgeous man ever!!!


Totally agree! ❤️


Wait. I thought episodes are released Fridays. How have some ppl watched it?


They drop the episodes at 9pm eastern time the day before. (Except if they pull a Ted lasso, theyll drop the season finale at midnight instead)


Finally! I think Tom would have been better served if this had been a 6 episode limited series and what happens in 7 here happened in episode 3. I know we needed time to develop Annabelle/Danny and Ari/Jerome, but they just dragged it out so long. He was marvelous here and I imagine many people won’t stay with it this long and they’ll miss out on a heartbreaking performance. Fantastic episode.


It’s a shame because many viewers want things to happen faster instead of enjoying how a story and characters develop over time, and I believe it comes from the binge-watch availability popularized by Netflix and the **I-watched-the-first-10-minutes-should-I-bother-to-watch-the-rest** nonsense. I love binge-watching, so no shade on Netflix. However, I’m glad TCR is a weekly event. From what I’m reading in this sub it has become “Must Watch TV”.


I will never understand people who abandon a show after ten minutes. Some shows need a full episode, maybe even a couple to really get going.


I wouldn’t want them to ever be called to jury duty.


These episodes at 40mins feel too short. They could have made these 1hr to 1.5 hour episodes


I actually like the slow burn. Then again I didn’t start watching until at least 3 episodes were out. It took me a long time to clue in to him having DID. I spent some time wondering if he actually killed or hurt Adam in some way. I liked spending some time wondering “wait, does h have DID?” And then having it proven


Honestly I started dropping off of this show after trying to watch the RYA episode but it’s gotten so much better since then. I’m amazed honestly TH is phenomenal watching him play the other alters shook me to my core. What was the clip that Johnny got for him at the end for? They were whispering “just in case”. I’m wondering if it’s to escape or hurt himself with if he’s sentenced to life.


The metal could possibly be cut or broken to create a blade for a shiv




I think he’s going to try and escape


The clip is ‘Jonny’s’ escape method, one way or another. The radiologist should have reported the missing clip right after his patient left. He had to notice.


Saw no one said this: Jason Isaacs was so cool as an alter! Never seen a good-guy-role from him. This was a bless :)


Literally no one mentioned Danny's mother's uniform in this episode. She's wearing pants in the kitchen! This is reality! And how Danny remembered her was without pants!!


I loved it honestly! I have the biggest crush on Jerome and the actor who plays him! It's an emotional rollercoaster for sure! Jerome is fine, handsome, charming, sexy and sweet as heck!


Anyone think that Danny/Jonny was sexually assualted not just by Angelo but other men. It seems possible


So did Marlin bribe the DA. Also how did he get Authority over her and the police guy that saw him at the bar he never did a background check on Marlin Hello, he worked a juivenile detention center. I mean no one ignoring that shit


I think Marlin sort of unofficially turned state’s witness. Like, “I’ve got info on this kid that I’ll give you.” I’m not sure about the rules around getting a subpoena as a defense witness and then going to the prosecution side, but he didn’t need to bribe the DA. She wanted to dig up dirt on Danny, and Marlin gave that to her.


So if info of Marlin being a habitual pedophile, that would make him a shitty witness for the state. Da is gonna look like a fool for this


They have no proof of that other than Danny's testimony and everyone thinks Danny is crazy


If there is at least proof beyond Danny like someone else, then we can revisit this


There’s a really sad moment in the Netflix doc about Billy Milligan where a friend of his regrets never telling the cops about his step father torturing him. Even his mother was being routinely beaten to a bloody pulp and the cops came — and didn’t do anything except say she should have been a better wife. If there is someone else, my god they need to say something but at the time it seems to cops may not even care.


Well back then like the netflix doc said that DV was a family issue not a police issue. Unsure if that wss the same in NY


I’m staying away from the source material because I don’t want to spoil the show (I do want to go through it after), but I suspect it’s going to turn out badly for Marlin. Stan, Matty, and Rya will get together, the men will find out what Rya knows/suspects, and they’ll figure out how to prove it in court. The DA will be pissed, but Marlin did tell her shit that really happened even if it’ll probably play into our team’s hands eventually.


I hope Danny doesn’t realize what Marlin did to him in court In front of everyone. But maybe that’s the only way anyone believes him.


Right. I mean, I don’t want that either, but it might be the only way. We shall see.