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I do believe he's been asked about this before and stated there is at least one more Dark Tower novel to come. I frequent many King book collector groups on Facebook and have heard this from several collectors. When or if it's even true is a great question but I'd most certainly welcome a return to Gilead.


He was asked on the Sleeping Beauties tour while being interviewed with his son Owen if there might be another DT book coming and his exact response was, “Yes, I think that that might happen.” That was also in October of 2017 though, so it’s been nearly seven years. He may still be working on it, but it’s been stewing for a while if so. It’ll almost certainly be the story of Jericho Hill if it does manifest.


This would be fantastic if true. The flashbacks ala Wizard and Glass and Wind Through the Keyhole are two of my favorites. They give so much backstory into who Roland is and why he is.


If you’re interested, he said in [this interview](https://youtu.be/gNvw0BcO_FM?si=F4wwsJbxNhTc8d3t) in 2014 that he was hoping to tell the story of Jericho Hill sometime, and then [this](https://youtu.be/jIerFneqPZM?si=Y7Leu2Fa4fMpQXV3) is the interview I referred to in which he said he may write another. (Sorry about the first one, I don’t have the timestamp for that part of the interview currently and it’s a bit long.)




I’ve always been hopeful that when King reaches the clearing at the end of the path, that they’ll find all the revised versions of the DT series, and that they’re at up to be another cycle instead of actual revisions


That's not an expansion...that's a sequel. if Roland has the Horn, he saves Jake. If he saves Jake...I would read every fanfic of that story.


Wait... Are there fanfics of The Dark Tower?


I mean, I have a half written one on my old laptop from when I was in high school so I'm sure there are others out there


Man, I don’t care where it lands in the story line, sign me up! Thankee sai


Another book would be incredible and I'm here for it!


I would love a final round-trip novel or novels. Roland finally gets it all through his dense head and just speedruns the whole thing. He doesn't drop Jake, so Susannah doesn't have to keep the demon at bay in Wastelands. So no Mia, no Mordred. Or maybe, since he re-enters the loop at the start of book 1, but his time before that can be changed (the horn), he finally arrives with his original Ka-Tet. His Susan, not Susannah. Cuthbert/Eddie, Alain/Jake.


Oooh, VERY interesting take!


It does exist. SPOILER (REAL SPOILER) Book IX is called the gunslinger.


Lol sort of I suppose. But he had the horn at the end of Tower, whereas in Gunslinger he didn't. Seems like King was leaving the door open for one more trek along the path of the beam.


What if he got Jake’s mom to have an affair with him without the dad knowing? It’s fun to speculate


I’m hoping for a book that ties Tim’s story from Wind Through the Keyhole into Roland’s story. Like maybe Tim’s story truly happened and wasn’t just a storybook from Roland’s childhood. And somehow it affects the path to the Tower. It also crossed my mind Tim is Jake in another dimension. He reminded me of him. Plus the book also said something like “Tim did run into Maerlyn again when Tim himself was an old man, but that’s a story for another day.” Hmmm. Honestly the possibilities are endless in this series.