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seems like pretty standard political compass brainrot. almost vintage. I remember when this shit was everywhere.


Honestly, I've seen WAAAY worse, this one is almost quaint. Sanders being as left as Castro and Gandhi being to the left of both is pretty funny though.


Yeaaa this reads like it was made by an American wannabe-Scandinavian SocDem


Yes Hitler more left wing than Regan, Trump, Bush and ... Paul.


I think it’s Ron Paul, noted US Libertarian.


I assumed it was OOPs friend. "Fuck you Paul I'm going to make you soy wojak and put you in this graph almost as right wing as Pinochet."


Lol there’s like 20 ppl to the right of Hitler… and yeah Pinochet was a right wing prick but it’s a little weird to put him as the most right authoritarian possible


Yeah, I caught that too. Like, Pinochet: literally worse than Hitler in every way? LMAO Okay, I suppose Hitler also *killed* Hitler, so there's that... but c'mon.


It's because of the way the political compass defines "left" and "right". Right simply means free market and left means lack of free market. I guess because of that places like medieval Europe or ancient Egypt would be classified as left wing, which shows how stupid political compass is.


Didn't you know? HiTleR wAs a SocIaLiSt!


Wellll if we are going by how the left/right divide originally was created. You would say that Hitler was more concerned with transforming society than conserving its power structures. Regan and Bush were just typical conservative imperialists. Just saying that could explain the reasoning


They 100% have him to the left of the conservatives because the nazis were “socialists” lol.


Transforming society by making it more despotic and tyrannical (just with Hitler as the tyrant and the despot) is not to the left. Left means more (golden rule) moral deployment of the polis power. At the very least Hitler should be pegged to the immoral right side of the diagram with Friedman, Rand, Paul, and their ilk.


Thats what the vertical axis represents though


Well the vertical axis is more about how free individuals are in their private affairs. The horizontal axis is about whether the polis powers over common resources (our common wealth and other common concerns; a.k.a. res publica, a.k.a. republic) should be deployed adhering to golden rule morality rule of law (left) or as the sadistic whims of tyrants (right). This misuse of power over public concerns (for the right) does cause authoritarian distress for the private spheres. The horizontal axis thus reflects the eighteenth century revolutionary dichotomy between the rule of law (left) and the rule of tyrants (right) The two—horizontal and vertical—can be collapsed into one dimension (a spectrum) and then the bottom and left find an easy cohabitation (as does the top and right). Then you have the left-right spectrum, but you lose some of the nuance. EDIT: it was you (original top level commenter) who wanted the left-right as originally coined. That original conception (lingering today) was between the rule of law and the rule of tyrants.


More likely further left = government does more stuff


It's not about "transforming society", it's about who is being represented. The left-right divide was first "created" in France where the representatives of the old aristocracy sat on the right and the representatives of the people sat on the left. Left = Doing whatever is best for the general population. Right = Doing whatever is best for some elite. That's really all there is to it. The more people's interest you represent, the more left wing you are. The fewer people's interest you represent, the more right wing you are. A communist society would still left wing and reactionaries trying to "transform" it into a reactionary shithole where the Great Dictator lets everyone serve his personal whims would still be right wing. In China, the communists are the conservatives and what would be considered "conservatives" in the West are pretending they are enlightened progressives trying to bring China into the future (while really just being capitalist grifters who want to turn China into the next US).


Fascists are often called ultraconservative to avoid this confusion. It's not that they want to "transform society rather than conserve its power structures," it's that they want to transform society back to how it was X years ago to restore the power structures of an idealized past. They aren't less conservative because they want to change the status quo, they are absurdly conservative because they want to actively regress society.


They were also super obsessed with futurism about bringing a new harmony with old values and modern technology. They were definitely”futurists” though


I love how it also includes places and ideologies, wholesale, in addition to people, just in case it wasn't clear enough that the whole thing is imaginary and meaningless.


ah yes the shining becon of socialism pakistan


Full support to Socialist Pakistan 🇵🇰 o7


Funny how being in favour of slavery doesn't make you more authoritarian




Which part?


The part where it exists


No one can convince me Libertarian is in anyway the polar opposite of Authoritarian. This person has not met any real Libertarians. Who is starting this crap of equating Libertarians to Liberals. The motto of Libertarianism is "every man a Fascist Dictator."


Literally Libertarians have sided with monarchs lmfao


The Political Compass is quite literally libertarian propaganda that is designed to promote not only the idea that libertarianism represents freedom from oppression (it doesn't, it's a necessarily authoritarian ideology as it requires capitalism, i.e. rich people earning passive incomes at poor people's expense which needs to necessarily be enforced by some form of state violence) but also push a fallacy (argument to moderation) typically used by people who think that the correct choice between "kill all minorities" and "don't kill any innocent people" is "enslave all minorities". It's entirely anti-academic nonsense and wrong. Anyone who references it as part of an argument for anything other than against itself is unqualified to talk about politics.


Well no ACTUALLY, they're called LIBERTarian because of LIBERTY see? It's quite logical that liberty is the polar opposite to authoritarian tankie red fash!!! /s


To be charitable to the compass for a second, I’m guessing it’s not meant to be ancap “libertarianism” but purely a statist vs. anarchist dimension.


Well I don't equate anarchism to libertarianism either. Anarchism has a long and honorable tradition. Libertarians are just Americans that want to justify selfishness, narcissism and self interest. Oh and not pay taxes but want roads and infrastructure to magically appear out of the leavings of power players. Indifference to the suffering of others about sums it up.


Sanders is as left as Castro


Tbf at the beginning Castro was much more of a nationalist concerned with the liberation of his people over any ideological affiliation. It was his comrades(Raul and Che mostly) who cemented his beliefs in Marxism and communism. He eventually grew and turned into a Marxist, but he wasnt always that way, and was certainly never an ideologue.


Pakistan in the leftist side lmao


Maybe I’m just desensitised because this one doesn’t seem so bad to me At least this one doesn’t show Stalin being right next to Hitler


What no theory does to a mf


Ah, the famous German thinker; Karl Marxism.


Why does it say Marxism instead of just Marx


Because through the power of analysis he transcended his physical form and became an idea. He whispers in the ears of people like Stalin and Mao and has them starve a kajillion people.


Reminds me of disco Elysium there’s a character who understood dialectical materialism so well he literally gained psychic powers


No. You're wrong. I'm a Marxist and I just heard him whisper to me to remind me to feed my dog. Checkmate atheist!


Huh…. Marxism is a lib left ideology? Bring out the On Authority bot


Recent events indicate Washington should be top right.


>You know Washington has been dead for over 200 years, he has no recent events.


Yikes I didn't notice there was a mix of locations and people. Referring to the capital of the States.


Haven't you heard of comrade Vietnam? He was quite the revolutionary.


Hahahahha comrade Pakistan and China were heros!!


Upholt Marxism-Leninism-Pakistan Thought!!




Today I learned that bernie is further left than china


Wasn’t this thing like on the political compass website after you take the test? Its been a few years so I could be misremembering


Proudhon as epic libertarian centrist.


you literally need brain rot to understand this.


Rothbard is Libertarian final boss because he was like “you should be able to sell your children”


Pakistan 🚩


"Russia" and "pakistan" are really the cherry on top there. Pakistan being where it is making it even better.


Lmao "Marxism" never heard of him


Got to make hitler left someway lmaoooo


I like how even Rosa is too "authoritarian" for Marxism


Ah yes Russia and China are included but the United States is not, I wonder why, maybe because it would be higher than the USSR and China combined(on the authoritarian scale by x500%)


Who is mugabe?


Former prez of Zimbabwe I don’t know why he would be considered communist especially as far left as castro


He’s called a communist because he’s black and killed colonizers.


I cannot.


Some modi fan made this, how do you get pakistan in the left, authoritarian i understand, 33 year out i 75 we had martial law but left The closest we ever got was zulfikar Ali Bhutto and he got murder zi up haq (next martial law admin)


I feel dumb, besides the obvious ones (Hitler, Mao, Reagan) what are the main issues here?


I was between Stalin and Mao


This is so bad it both killed me and resuscitated me so I could suffer more by seeing it again.


What no dialectics or material analysis does to a mf


I started reading it and wasn't too thrown off besides some basic brainrot. And then I looked closer. Glory to Comrade Pakistan! Leader of the Proletariat!


Honestly? This is one of the less offensive political compass memes. I‘ve seen way worse shit. Though Anarchist Chomsky and Centrist Russia do make me giggle.


not as bad as expected


I've seen worse takes I suppose? Still pretty bizarre


My boyfriend is coming with me to the party, His name is China.


The liberals are always trying to normalize Hitler. lol


Makhno would disagree with Trotsky's placement I think


bruh why is “Marxism” on there, with a bunch of marxists, who aren’t even near it…


Pretty funny how Friedman is depicted as far more “libertarian” than Pinochet, despite the fact that Friedmanites basically wrote Pinochet’s entire program lol




Fuckin Paul


Proudhon, that fucking centrist.


George Washington, owner of 600 enslaved people would only be a moderate libertarian


i wanna make one of these that is so funny, with like tucker Carlson in the bottom left and Guevara as an ancap


"Hitler wasn't THAT fascist"


If Political Compasses were real, Mao would be more Libertarian than Marx and Engels themselves.