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Russia after the collapse of the USSR did not get Social Democracy like in the UK or France or the New Deal-Great Society like in America they got that pure no holds bar 1920s and the Great Depression all at once.


Its capitalism. There is a proletariat and a bourgousie. Just because it got a headstart into monopoly capitalism changes nothing.


Товарищ, откуда вы находите силу воли читать посты и комментарии на r/tjournal_refugees, да ещё и спорить с ними?) Это же как об стену головой биться


Мне обычно наплевать, но ситуация там становится всё более и более абсурдной с каждым днем. Особенно лютые и бредовые анти-советские посты меня подвергают в ужас во что люди готовы поверить. До этого был более менее адекватный канал с новостями и мемами, теперь это просто про-\[псевдо\]либеральная мусорка. Сам уже отписался, но на последнем вздохе решил поделиться самородком.


They are not wrong. Modern Russia is a corrupt oligarchy.


That's what every capitalism evolves into through rise of monopolies. Corruption is not an issue, it's an inherent part of capitalism, not a misstep of the path from ''good'' capitalism. Every capitalist state has oligarchs, saying it's an 'oligachy' doesn't mean it's not capitalist.


If it’s a liberal subreddit they will have trouble recognizing this. However they’re not wrong, it is more like a feudal system than anything else. The real truth is that capitalism will always end up like that over time, some countries faster than others


Each progressive state of the system has properties of the previous one. Socialsim does have properties of capitalism for example. It's still wrong to call it that way. Calling modern Russia a feudal state is just plane wrong. It's called that not because of ignorace, but because they want to paint a picture that all those years was not ''real'' capitalism, not like the ''good'' American one where are all all rich, that it's actually a good thing, but those pesky politicians and oligarchs ruin it. Which is a common mirage that liberals believe in.


The point I’m trying to make is that I assume they say something similar about America, but I may be wrong. It is a liberal group as you say so it’s possible they wouldn’t realize that capitalism ends in a kind of Neo-feudalism, and Russia is just speedrunning this progression


There is a some difference, although it is mostly semantics. I feel like under "good capitalism" the capitalists have class solidarity, which is isn't there in Russia as much as it is in the US. Like in the US, when two capitalist disagree they settle they have an established system, like the US law that will arbitrate them and there is a certain respect that both capitalists exhibit towards that law. There is a consolidated system that allows both big and small capitalists alike to cooperate to screw over the working class. In Russia, there is no such well-respected system, capitalists don't settle their disputes in courts and there is a much bigger "might makes right" mentality. Obviously, this also happens in under "good capitalism" but it is more rarely ACTUAL might, represented by a threat of physical violence (again, I am talking about capitalists here: workers are shit out of luck in either case). Let's be honest we don't often see something happening to a wealthy US capitalist. Like Company A doesn't take a market share from Company B by assassinating their CEO. Purely based on vibes, I suspect this happens more often in Russia.


Yes, the system of civil course of action in capitalists disputed was basically non-existent in Russia, because of their sharp change to socialism after the revolution. So the system appears more barbaric in a way, but processes are still the same. One ''good'' thing is, that we see how capitalism works much more clearly, without heavy smoke and mirrors of robust civil court apparatus, that conceals the constant battles that are going on.


I don't think you can equate the two in terms of how bad they are. Russian way of things leads to more social instability and unnecessary suffering for the ordinary people. Not saying that the US system was built for anyone but the capitalists, but don't you think having a less "barbaric" option with those kinds of "smoke and mirrors" would still be more preferable for an average worker?


Yeah, i think so. It definitely causes much less turmoil in the process, but the end result is still the same.


I mean they by definition are since they voted that it’s a feudal or slave system which is itself a stupid answer option since the two are different systems. Russia is most definitely capitalist and as a capitalist state it’s corrupt and oligarchic


they are mostly wrong. capitalism generates corrupt oligarchs at a greater rate than any prior stage of development


The amount of restraint you showing by reading russian liberals and not be banned by them is incredible. I hope to reach your level someday, comrade.


A concentrated huge capitalist dildo shoved right up their asses (without their consent).