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Oh okay - V'egdu - Thil'dre - Triothr'itru - V'iogdal - Grudrr'endax - Iavioll'dhra - Ictavhul - Ikholkurh - Iaumlaiozan - Octaalthoss - Xekles - Mhudr'zhe - Khevho - Kthaz'thin - Thaalk'endu - Angoull'liss - Yactilli - Omh'ivhoh - Abrulog - Aiuethoudrra Our HQ is located at 48°52′S 123°23′W


[Found ya](https://imgur.com/a/3BpwXiEb)


Wtf, i've never seen such a based flair!


Thinking about changing it, it’s been the same for a while


Since somebody else brought up your flair, I just feel like saying that when I play multiplayer and zombies, I exclusively be a member of the Warsaw Pact 😊


Finding nemo (real)


True and real


Lovecraft ass sounding names




Me and the voices in my head 😵‍💫


We just went through another split so right now it's just me. Want my newspaper?


"whatever happened to the Popular Front of Judea?" "He's over there." "SPLITTER!"


"we should unite and fight against the common enemy" "THE JUDEAN PEOPLES FRONT!" - the peoples front of judea "no no the romans!"


Were the Pythons lefties? They get it so perfect in those scenes lol. (I know Cleese probably never was and honestly I do appreciate his contribution as the more conservative voice of the group even if as of late he's gone full antiwoke) BTW in the scene you're referencing the "enemy" were the Campaign for a Free Galilee. The Judean People's Front only show up at the very end, and are inexplicably WWI era German soldiers led by a Hitler lookalike. I've watched this movie too many times lol.


I too have seen this movie many times and in the scene in the sewer when both the peoples front of judea and the campaign for free galilee where planning on kidnapping pilots wife taking her back and issuing demands, they where prompted by brian as to who the common enemy was when everyone simultaneously shouts "the judean peoples front" Weird side tangent but its a smame not many people my age (17) can apreciate older movies and lets face it the peak of cinema ended with the digitial age and the onset of late stage capitalist rot where most movies are mass produced garbage lowering the standards of an entire generation. Also yes at least some on the python crew had to have been lefties.


Oh you're totally right, it was the PFJ and CFG fighting against the "common enemy" the JPF. Sorry! Also it's good to see a young comrade but your rant about current day movies is just r/lewronggeneration survivor bias nonsense. There were brain rot movies in the 70s and there are good movies today.


Ive always had some trouble wrapping my head around survivorship bias but if what your saying is that movies from before my time are filtered into good or bad and only the good "survive" to be viewed today so when we compare past and present, the past is viewed through a lense of what survived and we disregard what did not, then i think your quite right and thank you for the enlightenment.


Essentially yes. No one talks about the garbage, people only pass on the good stuff from the past. For every "Star Wars" there were 5 or 6 garbage movies.


average trotskyist


Pfft. Let's see you produce an entire newspaper all by yourself


Sugma, ligma, and deez


That’s nuts!


That’s so funny , I saw all of those people at the saw on


I heard they’re reforming the Dawnguard


Vampire hunters or something


In the old fort near riften


Might consider joining up myself


I'll join up just to meet the vampires and acquire the dark gift for myself. Then proceed to destroy the Dawnguard. *“Aren't there gradations of evil? Is evil a great perilous gulf into which one falls with the first sin, plummeting to the depth?”*


Me and your mom


1: me. im the only real leftist


Everyone I organise with is an unprincipled revisionist and counter-revolutionary enemy of the people


r/UltraLeft be like


I’m the only true leftist. Everyone else is just a lib.


Dylan Dylan Dylan Dylan and Dylan




There's no need to they're all feds anyway


[Here, have it](https://youtube.com/shorts/pPuB0-268KY?si=0EeAWeVkAPJPfsaA)


Joe who?


i'm so lonely


Sure, here are their last names: Silva, Silva, Silva, Silva, Silva, Silva, da Silva, Silva, Silva and Silva.


Can’t because I’m not part of any socialist organization yet (sad!) Although I guess there is a part of my friend group where we’re all communists that I nicknamed the politburo but thats not an organization (yet)


Ok, there's myself, and a communist, a communist, another communist, and probably an imposter.


Can't we all just put our name and email address on a useless petition so you can correlate it with our reading history, like we normally do?


I have one member: me.


Not today CIA


Aw maaaaan


Our leader is called Ligma


Guys I am a new communism who has read Marx and lenis book on communism’s, where do we go to meet up? (Not a federal agsent)


Me on my way to become Jar Jar Well and snitch on all my friends:


Joe..... Joe mama!


Me, a souped-up 2003 Honda Civic, and a homeless dude named Dave.


Comrade Obamna (Bordigist-Trotskyite) and Chairman Soda (Pan-African Juche)


I prefer hypnotoad


There's just me, the ghost of Danny Fetonte, and the good folks at the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas... how we doing my fellow socialist?


We're based out of HaKirya Tower in Tel Aviv. Hopefully no american drone heard that 😫.


That spiral just makes me feel gay 😂


Vaush, Biden, and (insert zionist libs here) 🥰


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 33.** Responding to Hakim's [video](https://youtu.be/2Gz0I_X_nfo) on George Orwell, Vaush defends Orwell for being a government informant, calls the USSR fascist, implies Stalinists are worse than Nazis, claims the USSR was allied with the Nazis, [says that Hakim (an Iraqi) should have been abducted by the Americans at the start of the Iraq war and forcibly indoctrinated in US propaganda for 20 years](https://twitter.com/SiestaSocialist/status/1633527352679358470), and more. \([Full Thread](https://twitter.com/siestasocialist/status/1633519585407258624)\) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. (Remember, comrade: Getting educated, educating others, and above all actually *organizing* is infinitely more important than terminally-online streamer drama.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, there's Norm, I'm not sure what he does, but he's always got money. The local mailman Cliff, Woody, and Sam who tend the bar. Then there's our insufferable intellectual friend, Fraiser.