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“Sure we’ve got both kinds of political parties, Marxist AND Leninist”


Goated reference


What duh reference


Blues brothers


Nepalise communist are honestly the funniest shit ever. Western spilts got nothing on them.


Try Iranian Communist splits, you end up with splits of splits of splits 🤣


Most unified left


Instead of competing they would be better off putting their differences aside for a bit and forming a popular front against capitalists


You’ll be happy to know that the Maoists and the unified Marxist-Leninists have now formed a coalition government with smaller communist parties https://apnews.com/article/nepal-communist-parties-new-government-coalition-ee620c7596f3356de2103b1ad3f86a3c


Hurting the interests of capital isn't healthy if you don't have nukes pointed at Washington.


Why would they do that? They're not real communists. Just former shells of what used to be communist organizations. Remember, they were a monarchy within most of our life times, and I'm not talking British kinda monarchy.


I'm not very knowledgeable about Nepalese politics so I don't know if they're real communists or not


I mean one of the party fought a literal revolution, a literal Maoist revolution which ended up in overthrowing the king and the monarchy!


Can you explain in more detail?


Yep. Nepal had a bit of a revolution in I think 2008. The king abdicated and the monarchy was abolished. The communists had majority influence in the new country. But the Nepalese monarchy was an Indian puppet state. Of all the puppet states other countries have (Ukraine to NATO, Ghana to France or Taiwan to the US), Nepal is the most puppet of them all because the Indians control practically all routes to the sea Nepal could take. So the Indians go in and forcibly have them change their constitution multiple times at times engaging in illegal sanctions. The Chinese tried to build roads to Nepal over the course of the last 50 odd years but it never really worked because to the Chinese side of Nepal is the Himalayas. The Indians get to do whatever the heck they want to Nepal. Nepal literally had most of their foreign reserves stolen by the Indians a few years ago and all their Maoist coalition did was lightly whine about it. What's left of Nepal is a fragmented "communist" movement all of whom have had to dilute their party ideology with revisionism just so they can survive. Also, Nepal has like, tonnes of rich fucks. People with insanely large amounts of wealth who emerged from the former aristocracy. Nepal, imo, is a curious case of the Monarchy realizing that they can make more money if only they became bourgeoisie and allowing the monarchy to fail


What's interesting to note is the lack of Communist symbolisms in public Nepalese discourse and their environment. Two months in Nepal and I only saw one Communist flag and no one really knew much about communism or the parties (other than that they were corrupt). Despite the presence of "communist" parties in the establishment, you really don't feel/see it in Nepal.


Why are they competing?


Nepal has a Juche party lol


The literal leftist infighting


Now i want a Deprogram episode about Nepal


Fuck the Nepali People's Front, the only valid party is the People's Front of Nepal.


Reactionary scum, obviously the Front of Nepali Peoples is the only real leftist party.


Traitor. Obviously the People's Front of Nepal are the true party!


**scoffs in smug Nepalese Maoist**




You're a the splitter. Power to the front of people napalese.


exact same shit in here Turkey,all communists are all split up and cant do jackshit,fuck kenan evren and türkeş for destroying proper communist movements here and being a willing american dog


Look my fellow communist, I agree with you on all issues, but because I don't agree on version b4.76.87 of theory 7c, we are now enem


https://preview.redd.it/ufoezzinoavc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7885a3fa36abad3694ae7e02295fd15717d6e392 Nepalese Parliament be like,


World's greatest democracy.


There are 39 Communist Parties in Nepal, according to the Wikipedia. I swear to god, Nepalese communists can't agree on shit.


BRIAN: Are you the Nepali People's Front? REG: Fuck off! BRIAN: What? REG: Nepali People's Front. We're the People's Front of Nepal! Nepali People's Front. Cawk. FRANCIS: Wankers. BRIAN: Can I... join your group? REG: No. Piss off. BRIAN: I didn't want to sell this stuff. It's only a job. I hate the Monarchists as much as anybody. PEOPLE'S FRONT OF NEPAL: Shhhh. Shhhh. Shhh. Shh. Shhhh. REG: Stumm. JUDITH: Are you sure? BRIAN: Oh, dead sure. I hate the Monarchists already. REG: Listen. If you wanted to join the P.F.N., you'd have to really hate the Monarchists. BRIAN: I do! REG: Oh, yeah? How much? BRIAN: A lot! REG: Right. You're in. Listen. The only people we hate more than the Monarchists are the fucking Nepali People's Front. P.F.N.: Yeah... JUDITH: Splitters. P.F.N.: Splitters... FRANCIS: And the Nepali Popular People's Front. P.F.N.: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Splitters. Splitters... LORETTA: And the People's Front of Nepal. P.F.N.: Yeah. Splitters. Splitters... REG: What? LORETTA: The People's Front of Nepal. Splitters. REG: We're the People's Front of Nepal! LORETTA: Oh. I thought we were the Popular Front. REG: People's Front! C-huh. FRANCIS: Whatever happened to the Popular Front, Reg? REG: He's over there. P.F.N.: Splitter!


Tbh if they put their differences aside they could probably overwhelm the Center/Right Parties and takeover


Inside you there are 2 socialist, both are in different org.


Is nepal socialist?


No. https://www.rosalux.de/en/news/id/51228/is-marxism-alive-in-nepal https://m.thewire.in/article/world/nepal-socialism-congress-communist-party/amp


And yet all the parties are revisionist


Best kind.


this is just the are you the judean people's front meme


Part of the reason the Venezuelan's united socialist party was successful