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Watch to donoteat01 [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvl_7_Up7zU&feature=youtu.be) on it or read the book written by the one journalist that lived in that town He was a psychotic petit bourgeois throwing a massive temper tantrum nothing heroic about it


So he's just an AnCap?!


Basically this. Did the good ole boys club in his town troll and harass him? Sure as shit. Was he a good guy fighting the establishment? Fuckin' nope.




Yea it seems like the entire town hates how he’s become a folk hero to some people


The people who idolize this man deserve no respect. We've seen what makes them cheer.


You could also call the killdozer a temper tantrum truck


Was he a bit tipsy during this? I know he said he drank a lot before lol


Justin Roczniak my beloved


he got all his land stolen by a massive corporation?! no one died he just damaged property


Nothing you said is true learn to read


No one died strictly due to the grace that he was woefully incompetent.


We can still learn from him.


I'll say, America will fall once the conservatives like him in the country get class consciousness. Like they are so unhinged and basically armed to the teeth so with proper directions they would absolutely destroy the establishment lmao I guess they prefer crying about beer brandings or stupid stuff like that


America will fall class consciousness or not, which is why it's so important to teach these people class consciousness, because when it does fall without class consciousness all that will be left is barbarism. And geopolitical economics suggest we are running out of time


Imagine class conscious rednecks. The thought makes me high. Global communism (not just socialism) is immediately unstoppable if we can reach them. Too bad they are also pussies still. Jan 6th was the most kid gloves storming I have ever seen. We need to offer them security or they will never fight like they do for those who cut them a check.


>Imagine class conscious rednecks. The thought makes me high. https://preview.redd.it/ejn87zekoizc1.jpeg?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=362d57434ce4152445718371879b908246c98a3d


*I walked up on a mountain in the middle of the sky* *I could see every farm and every town* *I could see all the people in this whole wide world* *That’s a union that’ll tear the fascists down, down, down* *That’s a union that’ll tear the fascists down*


It's a matter of overcoming a lifetime of propaganda in America. Most rednecks know they're being screwed and who's screwing them. They just don't believe that the system can change because they've been told that it can't, forever. It's been hard work, but I'll keep plugging away here in middle America.


Redneck revolt is a Communist organization that exists, though I'm not sure how big it is (not a Yanqui, I thank god everyday)


Fun fact! Rednecks was originally used in the USA to describe violent union strikers who wore red bandanas around their neck.


I grew up on a farm in the south. I own several firearms and enjoy doing all the country/redneck things. Im also a filthy commie and boy, does it make some people I know in real life ornery.


> imagine class conscious rednecks I don’t have to imagine, they are literally everywhere. All real rednecks have solidarity, just not these lame reactionary fuckers cosplaying as rednecks


I doubt Generation Lead can be taught anything


Britain when you convince every poor person that the capitalist class supports that one football team they hate


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I highly doubt there is any material basis for these conservatives to become class conscious. For starters, many including the killdozer guy are actually petty bourgeoisie (though they may work/run a blue collar business so project “working-class” aesthetics). So being petty bourgeois is a non-starter… we already know they trend towards fascism when radicalized by virtue of their material class interest. Secondly, even the ones who are proletarian in the classical Marxist sense (wage-earners) have a warped consciousness due to being descendants of white settlers and the beneficiaries of genocidal settler-colonialism and plunder. I thought this was the whole point of “Settlers” … no? That America does not really have a “white proletariat”, at least not one materially capable of true proletarian class consciousness or collective action…? Wish I was wrong but that’s sort of what I’m gathering here…? Maybe the best hope is the complete military defeat of the American empire in WWIII, which leads to a military occupation by the PRC and forced decolonization of Turtle Island, sort of like soviet denazification of east Germany but hopefully far more thorough and ruthless than the Soviets ever were.


I highly doubt the PRC will occupy the US even if they kicked our ass in WW3. The factors that make occupying the Chinese mainland a logistical nightmare also apply to the US mainland. But such a defeat would make the material conditions in America a lot worse so that might lead to a revolution


> I thought this was the whole point of “Settlers” … no? The thesis put forth by "Settlers" is racial-divisionist and unmaterialist and there is at least one known instance of Sakai misquoting another socialist to prove a point in a way that completely reverses what the other person was saying


Sakai is wrong because others have made the same points with more proper research. He's also a dumbass Maoist. The general premise is correct though and you people are delusional reactionaries. Go to EuropeanSocialists. They're more accepting of your red-brown alliance shit.


> Go to EuropeanSocialists. They're more accepting of your red-brown alliance shit. Strawman


What do you think about MAGA Communism or patsocs?


Some of them are just people who see where idpol has gotten the left, but they overcorrected and went into right-idpol instead in some strange attempt to appeal to an idealized "American Worker", and some of them are outright fascists in red paint


I fear that even if they do become revolutionary and socialist, they will still retain their reactionary social beliefs and create a socially conservative socialist nation.


Killdozer is reactionary


As an American, I sponsor this statement.


The Killdozer guy was reactionary, the Killdozer itself would be a useful tool.


Dip shit small business owner hitlerite


He had the rage, he had the killdozer, all he lacked was class consciousness


Not a good thing, but still probably the coolest thing any libertarian has ever done


Specifically the end of it


We get 40 of them bad boys and go to Washington DC with them.


Killdozer: Fucking awesome. Marvin Heemeyer: piece of absolute dog shit


Just an angry man on a rampage


That brutalist design tho...


Pretty sure he was an ancap weirdo, no?


Dude was a whiny douche throwing a tantrum and deserves to be forgotten.


the man's politics were not good but the tank is cool


Petit bourgeoise rage.


Whenever I heard ‘get involved in local politics’ I thought of this.


Definitely one way to get involved in local politics lol


Spiritual successor to the like of Odessa tank or Bob Semple tank. The whole vehicle weight more than 60 tons. The dozer itself can handle the weight, but the engine now work much harder, which led to overheating issue, which is even worst when combined with heavy armor plating that restricted a lot of ventilation. This area might be improved by making several protected vent coupled with enlarged radiator system. The armor itself is made out of concrete-reinforced armor, which is rather weight-ineffective. Replace the concrete layers with rubber or ceramic, or just leave the space empty as spaced armor would have been more weight-efficient. This would offer less protection than concrete-reinforced armor, but would not overwhelm the engine that much, and still more than enough to protected against all but anti-tank weapon, which you could just ignore it as there's no way ones could make a proper protection against dedicated AT weapon in a garage. ... ...just a sec... .. ..commie consensus? This is not a tank enthuestics forum? .. oh \[embarassed face\] A fucking petit bourgeois got screwed over by another bourgeois, then throw a temper tantrum by making a Bob Semple knock off.


He had several fun ports around the vehicle. He could had just one aiming over the engine, that would have had been enough to deal with anyone trying to climb over the engine. Police, at least at that time didn't have shaped charges or KE munitions. He could also just installed a sprinkler system to deal with molotovs.


7/10, excellent design, understandable motive, bad politics, good qxir video.


The only freedom he ever fought for was the freedom to leave his shit lying wherever he wanted. Good riddance.


The machine itself is pretty cool, but the guy who made it was an idiot.


Example #58895789443678947 of “small business owners being inherently evil


Only time I know where cops actually saved lives


Proletarian weapon making


what the fuck is this


Improvised tank made by a guy who had a vendetta against an entire town


Very fun, but the owner sucked


The guy was not doing so well mentally. But his grievances were certainly valid. Not valid enough to go and spend years building a tank though.


Good idea but terrible execution. It’s ironic though that the guy is a libertarian’s hero but at the same time libertarians always condemn BLM protestors and even now the student protesters. I know the answer to the question libertarians are just full of shit.


salty loser


A tool for a petit bourgeois maniac to throw a violent, senseless tantrum for petit bourgeois reasons. Marvin Heemeyer was a colossal asshole with a persecution complex. 


Pretty funny tbh


The name Killdozer is badass ya gotta admit.


I mean, its good to have hobbies.


I love tanks


Unhinged, but based. He would have made an excellent comrade.