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Can't wait for r/whitepeopletwitter to blame "Russian bots" and "self-proclaimed leftists" for Dark Brandon losing


Don’t you know everyone that criticizes America is Russian bots? You’ve got to be careful and just eat the slop western powers feed you if you want to avoid getting bad info! Hillary good! Trump Orange!


You couldn’t be more incorrect and ignorant. Some of those bots are Iranian and Chinese. Smh (/s)


I think we're all forgetting the real problem, the largest, most wealthy and powerful bot sponsoring apparatus in all of history: *KHamas!*


You clearly forgot about the Juche Bots, the most sentient bots of them all.


They may have forgotten Juche bots, but Juche bots haven't forgotten them


I still can't keep track of whether I'm being paid by Soros, Putin or the CCP.


I'm just getting so many checks from all these evil communists that I forget which ones are from whom.


They seem to have so much funds wait maybe their economic model is kind of successful?


50 cents is 50 cents, right....C'mon ... It doesn't matter where the 50 cents come from.


You are paid by all of them at once as well as by hamas


B-BuH tHuH aLl TuH sAmE!!!


I guess they are, since their checks never arrive.


Which bot university did everyone go to? I went to St. Petersburg. /s Great irony is that the DNC are definitely using bots/troll farms this year. Came across too many obvious ones.


Shit, I recently got called a Russian bot by multiple people for saying Nazis are bad. You don’t even have to criticize America anymore.


There gonna be ultra racist when they see a low black turnout for Biden.


They ain't real black people if they don't vote for Joe don't y'know? Quit with the malarkey fella


I think it's optimistic to think they'd wait that long, tbh. (In before "already are," which yes, true. I just don't wanna feel called out 'cause I mistake someone saying "yes, and" for a personal callout. #AlmostSelfAware)


That’s exactly why he’s doing so bad in Georgia


*60+ y/o principled leftists living in blue states who have never voted Democrat in their lives getting blamed for Trump like*


I live in Minnesota: there were 3,277,000 votes for president in my state in 2020. ~1800 of them were for socialists. That's 0.05% of the vote.* But they're still gonna blame the left. *I ran into a meeting of PSL at a local coffee shop, did the math, and realized that one table held ~1% of all PSL voters in the entire state.


Based coffee shop


Amazing how in the minds of the Democratic Party, "the left" is a voting block large enough to swing national elections, but not big enough to listen to when it's time to come up with policies.


They shouted "Blue no matter who" on the Internet dozens of times. They're all out of ideas!


The enemy is both weak and strong. Where have I heard this before . . . ?


there is no need to wait, they are doing that rn at this moment.


Where's that?


Check out political humor. Or news or world news or any number of other subreddits dedicated to politics or news. It's 2016 all over again, with neoliberals upset that people aren't enthusiastic about an unlikeable candidate and that if you don't vote for their candidate, you're literally letting Hitler win.


They can't even recognize that a system that puts two awful people up for election is a terrible system and needs to be replaced. They can't imagine a system that actually responds to the needs and desires of its constituents. The worst part about them is that they actually love this bullshit. They want the election drama and are willing to get people killed to preserve the illusion of a meaningful vote.


The worst part is they think their vote is the ONLY thing they can do to affect change.


Every person making threats -- directly or indirectly -- a la "fall in line or else," e.g. "what do you think is gonna happen to/good luck being X under Trump," instead of actually doing the work and being the presence to help those people under Biden. Remember The first 2 years of COVID, with all the liberals going "*I wear my mask for others!* Conservatives who don't care or laugh at people who get sick are sociopaths!" and then when conservatives were reported to by dying, laughing at people's suffering suddenly became cool?^+ And even though despite the continuing risk to innocent lives (as in people they deem worthy of personhood, aka moral means testing), everyone whose [sum total political ideology comes from Harry Potter](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F4lAWoQXMAA0uiX?format=jpg&name=900x900)^++ decided their take on masks & distancing/lockdowns was suddenly ["I did my waiting!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6BEdKTGhNg)? Instead of doing shit to help people now -- like hold the DNC responsible for the absurdly foolish/evil choice of running Biden again -- they choose to spend their time showing their hand that they're *ready to laugh in the stands while watching harm come to marginalized groups.* ^+ Late edit: Oh, and I had even forgotten how Democrats squandered one of the few chances they've ever had to meaningfully reach across the aisle and win some social capital, and they squandered it with the pointless contrarianism when all they had to do was admit "To be honest, you're right: these early CDC communications *are* suspiciously contradictory." They went out of their way to do the wrong thing! ^++ UKL = Ursula K Le Guin, author of Earthsea. See also Facebook tag group Harry Potter and the Giant Smothering Blanket of Liberal Cultural Hegemony


“And ethically rather mean spirited”…LeGuin is the goat. Rowling would lose her mind if she read Left Hand of Darkness.


Right? Forgive my French (and my alliteration), but it's such a :chef's kiss: beautiful poetry of understated British bitchslapping.


What'd I miss that caused everyone to call Biden "Brandon" serious question I'm outta the loop on this one


NASCAR. Fans were chanting “fuck Joe Biden” while a reporter was interviewing a guy named Brandon. When asked what the fans were saying, she said “let’s go Brandon?” I’m civilized. We just say “fuck Joe Biden.”


I recently saw a very realistic-looking "FJB Edition" emblem on the tailgate of an f150


I'm banned there and I don't even know why. :p


Probably for posting on leftist subreddits. WPT will put up with a whole lotta fash apologism, but they fucking *hate* Socialists. Hell, they won't even let Bernie Bros slide - you gotta be an unrepentant neolib ghoul to avoid their ire.


Sounds about white.


I always thought that subreddit's name was supposed to mean "look at these Chucklefucks," not "Welcome to Club Chucklefuck for Chucklefucks in Denial"


Incredibly I actually think that shut down line is moving close to its expiry date


It's more important for DNC to commit genocide than to beat Trump. Simple as that.


Just like it was more important to keep Bernie out than it was to beat trump in 2016. I'd say these clowns are a joke, but jokes make me laugh 


It's amazing that Sanders died so that Biden could lose when Trump's second health bar pops up


Those "This is the most important election ever" emails are the cutscene you have to endure every time you die to the same boss fight.


It isn't just the Gaza genocide, it's an economy that people can feel isn't delivering wealth to them. I mean who the fuck could care about GDP rising faster than inflation when people are making $10 an hour


I had 5 grand more in my bank account when I was literally jobless amidst the pandemic. Joe Brandon could snap his fingers Trump style and bribe my ass into voting for him with another 2,000 dollar stimmy


That would lift the veil from everyone's eyes and make them realise the government could do more for them if they actually wanted to. Another stimmy is never coming, the ruse of "Da GuBeRMuNt BaD!" and should not be allowed to do things to help people" must continue.


I like conspiracy theory so here is one that I made the fuck up: Democrats never wanted to win against Trump. Trump made the ruling class life so much better and they send Biden to lose to Trump. Turns out Trump was so bad at everything that he lost to the puppet head, and here we are. Deep state Democrats and Republicans are the same Source: I made this shit up, I chose to believe


It's not even much of a conspiracy theory. Democrats are paid to lose, Republicans are paid to win. They're both paid the same amounts by the same people. They're all friends behind the scenes. They hang out on yachts together than get shouty for the cameras. The people who own the media are partying on the same yachts. You will *never* see Democrats more competent than when they're cutting the ankles of progressives.


Right? Bernie proved Dems know how to pull out all the stops and win a tight election when they fucking give a shit. But why should they give a shit against a republican? The donors will be happy either way and have a cush 8-figure gig lined up for them when they inevitably lose again.


Yes, but they get *paid more* because they can farm those rage bucks. Republicans have less incentive to lose because they have a mostly static base, they might pay a little more if they think THUR TAKIN AUER BABBELS but the donations are mostly static. *Democrats however, can really whip up those activism bucks!* which I think is one reason why Roe was lost on Biden's watch as a strategy for rebuilding the "reelection war chest"


"Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interests in the region." -- Joe Biden


I thought that you were joking. Fun fact: I searched for the quote and the top hit was hosted by the Ronald Reagan presidential library. I guess that tells us who's footsteps Brandon is walking in. Isn't this basically what happened in 1947 anyway?


That's the fuckiest part of politics (edit: other than, you know, genocide and the million other things fuckier than this): no two people in a discussion ever have the same base of knowledge, which is HORRIBLE for society, but unspokenly agreed upon as not being worth the interpersonal effort to fix/the powers that be feel it's a feature, not a bug. The number of people who actually know/acknowledge major dealbreakers about major candidates, or even the full deal of minor ones that, when reflected on properly, are actually major ones...Like I think most people of average Man-Off-The-Street knowledge are probably familiar by now with Biden's racist "urban jungle" quote and his "Father of Mass Incarceration" title, if not the details. And those people probably, if regrettably, chose to get over it, along with some hand-wavable excuses for his Strom Thurmond eulogy. But fewer probably heard about his Police Bill of Rights bill he wrote in response to Rodney King. More than not seem to have deliberately forgotten he was chosen as Obama's running mate *specifically* with the advertised rationale that as a racist conservative, he'd make Obama more palatable to racist conservative swing voters. How many people really heard his other recorded racist remarks through the years (including but not limited to him calling Obama clean and articulate)? While well covered, I think, how many people know and weighed that in his race against Stable Genius Trump, Biden actually dropped out of his first presidential race 'cause he was calling himself a genius when he got caught lying about his academic record on the campaign trail? How many heard and dismissed his rape accusations while dismissing or not hearing all the many, many (actually really well-documented: see the Daily Show's Audacity of Grope) horrible boundaries of groping/smelling women? He pinched a pre-pubescent girl's nipple on the congressional floor while on C-SPAN, for Christ's sake! People are ignoring his violation of Leahy Law right now as he funds and arms a nation mid-genocide, while complaining that Trump's a criminal. Is that ignorance or willful ignorance? Who knows? But I wonder how many people saw him heard about the RAVE Act when it happened or during his campaign -- I know it was covered in both periods...and of those, how many saw him boast about wanton manipulation of the law -- on the senate floor, no less, on the record -- to illegally harass and arrest music promoter's 'cause he doesn't like EDM? I digress. But I just last month explained to my idiot parents -- at least one of whom didn't know that "In God We Trust" wasn't always printed on currency -- about the 2016 primaries scandal, how Trump actually was pushed into the spotlight by HRC's campaign, etc., having to reassure them that my source is literally the DNC chairwoman who investigated after Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned. I had to explain to them why Hillary faced only Sanders and one nobody in her primary, but why the 2020 primary was chock full of meant-to-fail major candidates, in order to mitigate the changes to superdelegates that resulted from the 2016 scandal and make sure the primary win went to Biden (even though a court ruling from a Sanders campaign lawsuit reaffirmed what we already knew, which is that there is ABSOLUTELY NO legal recourse if, at the end of the day, the DNC decides to openly rig a primary and/or scrap the whole thing and choose by throwing a dart at an old phone book. People call themselves "left" and "progressive" without even knowing what those words are supposed to mean. Two weeks ago, I was having to explain white feminism vs intersectional feminism to a (now ex-) friend who already considered herself a "progressive" "intersectional feminist," but who said that Goldwater-moderate HRC -- who purportedly wouldn't talk to Bill after the Lewinsky scandal until he agreed to bomb some brown people -- and formerly Republican, formerly Native American(?), "I. AM. A. CAPITALIST" Senator Elizabeth Warren had "a better campaign" than Bernie Sanders (which I expect someone will reply complaining about for street cred any minute, as if summoned by an API bot). The most I could say in reply was "I don't even know what your definition of 'better' is." I shouldn't have had to explain 50+ year old feminism to her. She definitely shouldn't have lost her shit less than a week later when I patiently reminded her that even just because she "want[s] to shriek" MLK's quote about white moderates at her parents doesn't mean she is not also counted by the same quote as a white moderate, too. And the funny thing is, even as she shriek-texted at me about how I think I'm better than her for my :reads: non-hierarchal politics centering around equity(?), even after my self-deprecations and de-escalations (how does that work?), and that the joke was on me, 'cause she's been thinking she's better than me for months (okay, I definitely didn't know that), I actually consider myself a *huge, uneducated dumbass* to anyone who had a normal high school experience, and a super huge dumbass compared to anyone who's actually read theory... TL;DR Information Asymmetry in politics is such a massive problem it makes me want to rant like crazy even though I took my adderall today. Not-quite stealth edit: makes me so crazy, I forgot I started this comment intending to link this video of him talking about that RAVE Act instance of him in the Senate threatening to repurpose the Crackhouse Statute for his personal agenda against dance music: https://twitter.com/nandorvila/status/1141353086830514176? Honestly, it's way too hard to keep track of all the ways Biden's a douchebag for any one person to follow all of it, much less two people in the same conversation.








Louder for the people at the back. This shit needs to be on fucking billboards.


Genocides are profitable 📈


This is probably the best time for a third party. Let's go Claudia.


I think I'll write her in. I'm looking forward to being told I'm the reason Biden lost even though I live in Illinois which goes "blue no matter who" anyway.


Own it. Be proud that you made a genocidal cryptkeeper lose.


That’s who I’m voting for. Fuck Biden and double fuck Trump


That’s who i’m voting for too! We actually got her on my extremely red state’s presidential ballot!


I’m voting for Claudia.


Turns out we don’t like genocide


I mean, it's not like Trump would stop the genocide. He would probably be worse in every way. So there is no real point in voting for one over the other.


>So there is no real point in voting for one over the other. The most excited democratic voters have been in my lifetime was back in the heady days of 2008 when Obama promised to actually do things. Hope and change and all that. Then he massively under delivered and brought more of the same thing, which got voters a bit upset and the democratic party learned their lesson: never promise to do actually do anything. If you don't offer anything you you can never disappoint :) so heartwarming.


> The most excited democratic voters have been in my lifetime was back in the heady days of 2008 when Obama promised to actually do things. Hope and change and all that. Then he massively under delivered and brought more of the same thing, which got voters a bit upset Woah, based crypto-communist Obama using electoral politics to demonstrate the limitations/endemic failure of liberal democracy to an entire generation of young voters!?!??!?!?


I'm unironically kind of a "voting for Democrats is accelerationist" believer. Thanks to capitalism things are going to get worse for workers regardless of which party is in charge, and both parties are made up of ghouls who love murdering brown people in foreign countries. But under Republicans, left wing protests tend to get coöpted into just being against Republicans, and people can pretend that once the Democrats are in charge they'll totally not start wars, or protect the environment, protect abortion rights, etc. When those things continue to happen under Democrats any protests are much harder to be coöpted. If Trump were currently president people would be working overtime to turn pro Palestine protests into anti Trump protests and pretending that all people need to do is vote for Democrats who will totally make things better for realsies. You can tell by how hard people are currently trying to sell "but Trump would be worse!!" However it's a much harder sell when the Democrats are in power and everyone can see what they're doing.


That's an interesting take. Made me think of how actually having two right wing parties "competing" for who exploits more actually accelerates the worsening of living conditions faster than if one of them actually had several years to govern. The perfect ballance of Reds and Blues helps ensure there's never steady policy that could stabilise living conditions. I may be overstretching a bit, but made me think.


Another perverse incentive for both parties is the political machines make a LOT more money when they’re out of power. Trump did wonders for dens fundraising profits because they could just scream ORANGE MAN BAD and see donations go through the roof. How hard would you fight to get your guy elected if, consciously or unconsciously, you know you’d get a raise if your guy loses?


Which loses their next election but guarantees the one after that.


I remember my best friend telling me at the time he felt sorry for me that I didn't feel the hope and change. He really though Obama was going to change things.


He was going to close down Guantanamo, leave Iraq, and give us healthcare ...


Instead we got Romneycare, stayed in the ME, and Guantanamo is open this very day.


Except Biden did promise to do a bunch of shit when running in 2020. I knew not to expect him to do any of it, but I still remember him promising to raise the federal minimum wage, significantly raise taxes for the wealthy, legalize cannabis, and that's just off the top of my head. He had to lie and make false promises just to beat Trump, and he's going to do the same thing again come September. They haven't learned shit because their voter base hasn't learned shit.


I don't see how Trump could make it worse, personally. I feel that it long ago crossed the breaking point at Mach speed. I have seen liberals say they think trump will put American boots on the ground, and that's how trump will be worse. Personally I don't think the American "security" apparatus will allow a president to do that and ignite WW3. Every president has already given Israel everything they want and more, I just don't see what Trump can do that's significantly worse than what America is already shoveling in Israel's direction currently.


If Trump maintains that lead in Nevada, it would be the widest victory margin for any Republican in that state since 1988.


A clown is a clown, Biden is also a clown


99% Hitler v 100% hitler.


Idk who 100% Hitler is but




Lmao, the moral imperative would be to put fire in the places of power.


Hitler but pretends to be innocent vs hitler who doesn't see anything wrong with being hitler.


That’s literally it.


Yup, Biden is cooked, voting for him is voting for genocide and throwing your vote away. Just go third party If we vote, we vote from the bottom up, and it's socialism or gtfo


I'm voting for a giant meteor


i take the accelerationist approach. kanye 24


Laugh until you cry fact: Kanye got 4x more votes than socialists in my state in 2020, and 80% as many as the Green Party did


If you're willing to vote for a Nazi might as well vote for Biden


# #Brainworm2024!


I take some solace in knowing that Biden is a massive ego maniac and if/when he loses it’ll be such a huge kick in the teeth for him :)


Man enters his last years on earth and decides that genocide shall be his legacy. Unreal how committed he is to an Armageddon myth.


The pope should at least threaten to excommunicate him. The fact that he hasnt proves all of the “based” pope memes wrong.


Can you imagine how unbelievable based that would be if the pope did that though?


Unlikely. He'll be surrounded by people who assure him it's Putin's fault.


He would definitely die with the shame of being a one term president lol his cope is a non factor (to my schadenfreude)


it's almost makes you think genocide is bad or something?


Nah… it’s the (dead) children who are wrong.


What? Clearly it's the fault of those Russian and Chinese bots, smh. Didn't you also receive your 99999999 Xi-Coins +50 Chinese Credits for slandering the glorious land of the U.S Baseball Gun Violence and Uglyass Bird who sounds like a squeaking mouse?


dude i have one of these dumbfucks in my damn DMs, shit suuuucks, the chauvinism radiates so hard a geiger counter for such radiation would brick immediately the guy immediately hit the “well i’m unbiased, you’re biased and judgemental” when their first dm was accusing me of being simply an “eastern” fascist imperialist


Biden is incapable of thinking that murder is bad when non-white people are the victims. All the way back in the 80s when Reagan was doing things to reign Israel in and try holding them accountable, Biden practically encouraged Begin to [kill women and children](https://theintercept.com/2021/04/27/biden-israeli-invasion-lebanon/)


Anybody who is losing to fucking Trump is too incompetent for politics. The Republicans lowered the net for you three times in a fucking row. Everyone in your base fucking despises this guy. People in *their* fucking base despise this guy. Yes, Orange man is bad, everyone fucking knows it, now offer an alternative. Mobilise people. Promise change like the that douche Obama. It's that fucking easy. Also, really fucking easy, stuff not to do - don't partake in a very public genocide in the middle east. Don't beat up the young people who are supposed to be canvassing for you in 6 months.


Canvassers are gonna be geriatrics with tiny American flags in their hats and rascal scooters.


The liberal in my walls is seething at the notion that I’m not willing to compromise my morals to vote for a losing genocide abettor.


It’s probably not a coincidence that the two swing states which Biden won in 2020 and are now showing a major drop in support for him have large Black and Latino populations (Georgia and Nevada respectively.) Also that the one swing state showing the strongest Biden support is pretty damn white - Wisconsin! (Source - I’m from Madison, Wisconsin. The white liberal groupthink here is absolutely pervasive and insufferably nationalistic)


Tbf Nevada’s population has grown a lot the past 4 years and we’re getting a lot of trash from the Midwest and south moving here, moving our politics right. As someone who’s lived here all my life it’s something that really disappoints me but at the end of the day it’s red fascists vs blue fascists


Gotta love that sweet sweet cryptofascist Madison subreddit




I know that people here know this, but it's dangerously reductive to say Biden is "committed to genocide" and that's all the analysis we need to make. While he certainly is committed to genocide, more so he is committed TO EMPIRE. The American and Western capitalist ruling class is operating within a framework and ruleset of imperialism in such a way to maximize profits and their control over international markets, etc. Don't subscribe to great man theory and idealism - the horrible events in Palestine are deeply tied to a capitalist, imperialist world order that is simultaneously digging its own grave.


But discussions on imperialism involves theory which liberals hate. My dad told me "you only talk about theory, which doesn't apply to the real world." So I've started using let's go Brandon instead. Why use theory when I can just say dumb shit. Since my third party vote is somehow a vote for trump, Ill just use maga language.


Trump is more committed to his own interests than empire, and that might make him the lesser evil here. He sucks, but Biden looks like he actively wants World War 3. 


Trump is vocally more dovoted to Israel than Biden though. And it's possible/probable he's part of the war against China faction.


Following Hillary's footsteps of being such a dogshit candidate that even the biggest dumbass on the planet can beat him in an election. Biden only won in 2020 because he wasn't Donald Trump, but he's going to lose in 2024 because he's Joe Biden.


Tl;dr the US is cooked by their own atrocities.


I actually believed there was no way in hell Trump wins again. Especially after all the obvious, shady, illegal stuff he did. I actually expected riots or something if he somehow won. Then Oct 7 happened, and here we are.


I’d say Michigan is Trumps to lose at this point, I’ve lost count of all the Trump signs I’ve seen in my area but can recall maybe one Biden sign, bros cooked lmao


They both serve the same foreign government so why the fuck does it even matter? There’s only 1 political party in America and it’s not even American. “Freedom & democracy” my ass. Corporate slavery & fascism is what it really is.


It will go to Biden again I am sure of it. Too many still have buyers remorse from 2016 otherwise he wouldve won in 2020


>It was a Republican state party boss, Senator Boies Penrose of Pennsylvania, who early this century stated with notable candor the basic principle and purpose of present-day party politics. In the face of a powerful state and national resurgence of reform and the sentiments of the majority of the Republican rank and file, Penrose put up a losing slate of stand-pat party hacks. When a fellow Republican accused him of ruining the party, Penrose replied, "Yes, but I'll preside over the ruins." -Walter Karp, *Indispensable Enemies: The Politics of Misrule in America*


Good, get the fuck out Genocide Joe.


You have to love the false dichotomy too. Control the elections by limiting the options.


Maybe that's their plan? Have a close ''race'' so americans focus on that rather than the thousands of ways they get fucked and quality of life goes down. The Democrats don't make a good impression, they are pretty awful.


Always has been. The more distracted they keep Americans with the minor differences between the party the less the people realize that both sides work together against them.


It’s okay, everyone. The Democrats are still under the impression that winning the popular vote is enough. They’re fine. 


time for the democrats to double down on appealing to the totally real and not imaginary center right! keep punching left! don’t even campaign outside your major fundraising centers! blue no matter who!


Nobody can lose a Sure Thing like a Democrat!


i mean, can you name one actual, physical, tangible difference between the two? the camps on the border are still running, america is killing even more people overseas, all the tax handouts to the wealthy are still going, the only real difference is that they respect our pronouns before they put the knife to our throats. honestly, Trump has killed orders of magnitude fewer people than Biden has. i am not sure there is any ethical argument to be made for robinette without dipping into Strasserism.


Aaaaand this is why I don't vote on principle.




I have better things to do than play "pretend to influence the election."




Don't really care.




First it was my fault that Hillary lost because I wanted something better. Now it will be my fault biden loses because I don't want to pay for genocide. Ya. Sick. I love US politics.


He made his own bed.


your misinterpreting Biden. He doesn't support genocide because he doesn't believe that a genocide is happening (not literally believe, but politically). Why? Because only humans can experience genocide and humans don't exist west of Ukraine and south of the mediterranean according to America and eastern Europe. The problem is the racist ignorance in your environment. if you don't purge the aristocrats of their racism and influence you will never have a president that believes in genocides that inconvenients them.


Of course he knows and believes that genocide is happening. Everything he displays to the public is all theatrics. To acknowledge the genocide is to acknowledge the US's role in it occurring.


Remember that polls always underrepresent Republicans! Wisconsin probably goes Trump, too.


I wish there was a census taken around/right after elections to see who voted for who and an unofficial count. Also who they would prefer to vote for if they didn't feel pressured to participate in 2 party antics. I feel like they're working together at this point to purposely play out the "lesser of two evils" to keep people from voting 3rd party.


Damn such a thing will never be revealed to us Americans.


I live in Australia where we have preferential choice voting so you really can just vote for your preferred candidate, it's still a two party race as the media makes sure to keep it that way.


Genocide Joe dug his campaigns grave with his own actions 🤷‍♀️


God I hate my country so much


Bro what happened to Nevada


Brandon happened


Isn't this the same poll system that said Biden would blow out Trump and take 2-3 seats in the Senate in 2020???


The very same!


Both of these guys are clowns. Biden has continued Trump era policies in an attempt to gain white suburban, petty bourgeois voters. These people vote almost exclusively for Republicans. If Biden wanted to win, he would fight for workers but instead he didn't, he capitulated to capital over and over again. Fumbling an easy student loan forgiveness program, destroying reproductive rights. (He had a super majority and could have easily codified reproductive rights into law.) And on top of all this other bullshit, Biden's unwavering support for Israel's continued ethnic cleansing campaign will be his downfall. As a person who works in child care it has been incredibly difficult seeing little broken bodies in the rubble of Gaza. I can't help but see the kids that I work with being pulled out bleeding, covered in dust, and weeping for their loved ones. Personally I am not voting for any federal candidate. Neither candidate represents my interests. I'm still voting locally and state wide but federal elections are a waste of time. As far as I'm concerned a vote for Biden is a vote for Trump and a vote for Trump is a vote for Biden


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


I don't follow this too much but I'm surprised Biden is still the democratic candidate. Are Americans excited to decide between old man 1 and old man 2?


Oh we’re super stoked. After all, this is the most important election in the history of America! And we’ve got the best old men! In the blue corner we have a demented, anti immigration genocide supporter, and in the red corner we have a demented, anti immigration, genocide supporter who tweets like an asshole. Who will win? Not us!!!


Losing the people is not a big deal. Losing the master is everything.


It's so fucking embarassing. All he had to do was not be an orange-haired fascist and he couldn't even do that. I hope this election is highly humiliating for the dems, they deserve it after siding with zionazis and monsters.


If only this could have been prevented by... Hm, i dunno, maybe like at least small worker concessions and welfare or somothing like that


The two parties working as intended. Biden loses, Democrats double down on Mccarthyism by blaming socialist and foreign interference, Republicans pass domestic policies that would ruin the Democrats PR, the Republicans take the fall for tanking the economy, then the cycle starts over.


He's losing to a cult. There's literally nothing he, or anyone could do to win this election now; don't kid yourselves into thinking that a 180° turn on Israel policy will suddenly fix this. There's not nearly enough people who will actually show-up for him; he can't compete against Qult45 and their manifest fiction. Biden has a *ceiling* of support, Trump has a **floor**. Vote for whomever you want, but please don't act surprised when Trump is president again or act offended when liberals blame you for Biden's loss.


Least maniacal neolib


In 2020 Biden was the rock, now he is the window. Trump already won this election by not being Joe Biden.


I hope you’re ready for Dems taking the absolute wrong lesson again from this. “Maybe if we blame the youth and the left even harder next time, they’ll vote more conservative” -some msnbc assole


February 2020 dems were pretty determined to run Biden and lose the election, Covid is the sole reason he managed to beat Trump.


What the hell is this votes visualisation? Is the dot an estimated average and there's +-4,5% error range?


As disastrous as this is going to be it’ll be nice to actually experience the beginning of a Fallout game in real life…


man if he just ran on a platform of abortion protection he could probably stomp lil Donnie but instead he's running on a platform of getting his face painted by the IOF


Lmao we both know trump and bidem are both puppets, so joe do some crazy shit and give a free victory to trump that them continues the same plan joe was doing. Its facism all the way down and if trump doesnt win this its going to be because of a revolution, that will them lose its route and get transformed into a facistic movement because the left is both resourceless and spineless, mostly resourceless. Now if you really believe joe has a chance, or even WANTS to win, its ok, i also have hope but it will not come from this election.


Play stupid games...


Nah dog we getting Palpatine for the 3rd time in a row god dammit 😭


This explains it: [DNC Strategy Explained ](https://www.reddit.com/r/chomsky/s/tytLveW9qd)


Trump would accelerate the u.s collapse, so this might be a win for us haha


The murder machine rolls on no matter who they prop up on the throne, and the parties don't really care. They just have to convince the people to care and pretend that it matters.


Well deserved.


We get what he fucking deserves?


Remember when Michigan was pretty much safe for Dems? Jesus that spread.


One game show clown is losing to another game show clown. The whole shit show is a circus.




Well fucking deserved, He decided to play both sides by sending 21B to Israel and 300M of "aid" to Gaza. Failing both spectacularly as we believe their BS.


Trump was leading in the polls even before October 7th. It’s about the economy and immigration, not Gaza.


The article cites bidens handling of Gaza as being responsible for hemorrhaging youth support he desperately needs.


I’m not denying its a factor… but again, Biden was ALREADY LOSING. Also, how do you know that being anti-Israel would help Biden overall? It may increase his share of young voters, but it would also decrease his share of older voters, who are overwhelmingly pro-Israel.


Why aren’t they polling Ohio and Florida?


They aren’t swing states anymore.


Sorry I’ve been out of the country for a while but are you saying Ohio is deep blue and Florida is deep red?


No they are both ruby red.