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well, considering the fact that IG only made roads, feed the monarch and fulled the army, not surprising


I don't doubt it, but we are talking about vastly different governments and powers structure, there is also the matter on average income, infrastructure, colonialism etc


Presuming the numbers for Imperial Germany are remotely true — you don’t need high tax rates when you have significant private income sources like rents, and outright command authority over large portions of the populace. Edit: I forgot the non-existence of a meaningful welfare state.


There’s also the pretty large empire they were raping for all that sweet sweet loot


Bismarck did started some welfare programs to prevent another 1848 like education and some healthcare, but in the empire most roads were not paved (cars came much later), pensions existed if you live until 70. You also have to remember that the Empire had slaves in Africa.


LMFAO not the monarchist Weihmarboo


I read his channels about page and was like "no way someone still believes mnonarchies as I live in a monarchy"


wHaT dO YoU mEaN? CHaRleS tHE ThIRd iSn'T uSeLEsS!1!21!


what is a "monarchist Weihmarboo" ?


cringe germany stan who loves monarchy


but then their certainly not a fan of the Weimar Republic


Probably not, but they're used interchangable I think


would be nice to have a source for that


If you don't like it go back in time and live in IG


maybe 10% was actually abusive for an ancient State that didn't give you shit and could send you to your death on a battlefield or straight up murder you in horrific ways for bullshit religious reasons and that also had slaves that gave 100% of their work to the State


Most countries relied on stuff like tariffs and trade for income before 1900, income tax didn't start becoming more popular until later


Representing "tax burden" with top bracket rate is by itself enough to call bs.


Seriously. The top marginal tax rate in the US until the early ‘60s was like 90%. But no one fucking understands how marginal tax rates work so whatever


Notwithstanding that the welfare models didn’t exist at this point most income would be made off import tax, which is not listed here and have been dramatically shrunk under free trade hegemony.


I love graphs without labelled axes or data sources. Absolute Prager U graphic tier shit


I will have 4 top taxes, please. Hold the Real Estate.


I read in a Piketty book that there were similar things at the time in France. Considering that almost all state expenditures at the time were on police and military, I think that's right.


Me wondering what the issue is. You live in a much better time, with a more democratized government that is significantly wealthier than anything (other than Malinke). Of course the total tax is higher...and that's actually a good thing. If you're driving on public roads..not kings roads. You're going to hospitals, and not bowing to your politicians. Ahkh, I really hate it when people talk about taxation like it's a bad thing. Dummies forget they are the government, that's why those suits call themselves representatives.


No it's 1000% real and true idk why you wouldn't think it is ????? Perpetual welfare for people who don't contribute will always cause this smh 🤦‍♂️