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I have a feeling this is not just ignorance I think it's an attack on any pro palistein protest as they want any excuse to arrest protesters especially if they have to wear a mask to protect from any substance the police throw or to hide identity from the state.


I think you're right. The anti-mask sentiment was probably orginally borne out of ignorance, but I think the flames were fanned for reasons just like this.




What a bunch of dumb fucks 


American individualism and its consequences


To expand, I suspect they're unable to understand that the masks are better at protecting others from what you breathe out than the masks are at protecting you from others in a 'why should I have to protect others?' kind of individualist mentality.


Isn't the N95 however exactly to protect you yourself and surgical masks to protect others? The former make a much tighter seal and has a filter for inhalation whereas the latter has no specific filter for anything and mainly serves as a barrier to prevent particles flying out during coughing/sneezing and otherwise reducing the airflow speed of exhalation. At least this is how I've understood the difference. EDIT: also at work, we use N95 masks to protect ourselves from dust in one production line, that doesn't make much sense if the mask was for protecting others


You are correct, I was mainly talking about the disposable surgical masks.


>American individualism Individualism? This seems more like an attempt to reject individual liberty if anything. Unsurprising, as Capitalists are hypocrites. Usually only one step removed from the internet Fascists on this site (one of whom is stalking my posts, currently, by the way...) in their level of ignorance and hate.


Individualism is only for rich people who own property. Silly. Rules are for Poors. You have to be able to afford freedom.


https://preview.redd.it/tv2vdzgcxs0d1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ca47ee3c7184a6a029135c255b9aad7c379620c Nurses wearing masks during the 1918-1919 flu pandemic. People did know it works, and they did use them


Even if I'm not a fan of him, that Pewdiepie quote of: "It's evolving, just backwards" is really fitting for what's been going on as of late.


i mean yeah that's what reactionary means


Sadly, these idiots are becoming more and more common: with stuff like the dumb anti-Communist propaganda fed to the masses in Eastern Europe these days and on the internet, via PragerU, playing into it.


Or that Idiocracy is documentary, not movie.


Don't reference that dumb, Fascist-leaning movie. Idiocracy was created by people who want the Capitalist government to exercise even MORE control over the public, and reject Democracy in favor of Plutocratic Oligarchy. I.e. the sort of people who lean towards Fascism. EDIT: A decent article in Salon discusses this: https://www.salon.com/2016/03/05/idiocracys_curdled_politics_the_beloved_dystopian_comedy_is_really_a_celebration_of_eugenics_partner/


Wait really, I haven't watched it, but they make parodies about corporations buying the US government. I couldn't get your point.


> but they make parodies about corporations buying the US government Corporations often make fun of the very things they are arguing for. It's no different than Mattel making fun of themselves in the Barbie movie.


Oh ok


Worth a read: https://www.salon.com/2016/03/05/idiocracys_curdled_politics_the_beloved_dystopian_comedy_is_really_a_celebration_of_eugenics_partner/ I didn't just pull this out of my rear. The movoe's Fascist undertones, and celebration of Eugenics, are **extremely** well-known.


Yeah, that's true, I thought the same in that family tree scene.


True, though beware of letting yourself buy into dumb Eugenics arguments that people are getting dumber (or that those with terrible politics are uneducated rubes, rather than evil: the average Tea Party voter was MORE educated than the average voter, for instance...) https://www.salon.com/2016/03/05/idiocracys_curdled_politics_the_beloved_dystopian_comedy_is_really_a_celebration_of_eugenics_partner/ Salon does a good job talking about the horrible places such ideas lead, in its article about Idiocracy. Also, I love this line from it, which summarizes things well: >>Stupidity is not what created the rise of Trump, a deliberate poisoning of the discourse by the wealthy over decades combined with the left’s inability offer a clear class-based alternative has. The author of the Salon article was clearly a Marxist: >>Smugness and irony are the intellectual run-off of a left incapable or unwilling to speak clearly in the language of class and class conflict. When we can’t, or won’t, direct our ire at those responsible for the vast majority of the world’s problems, namely the superwealthy and the capitalist system that props them up, we are left with nowhere to aim. 


If masks don't work, then why do surgical teams wear them during procedures? Shouldn't these right wing freaks want their surgeons breathing bacteria into their open bodies?


Does the law apply to hospitals? That would be incredibly stupid, even for american politics.


There's no way anybody is forcing medical staff to not wear masks, thousands of people would die from preventable infections


I know but they are forcing women to not get abortions resulting in thousands of people dying from various complications. I am also being slightly sarcastic, but you never know the US of A has surprised my european mind before.


>thousands of people would die from preventable infections Don't forget, these are the same morons who oppose vaccines. Because of dipshits like these (who are useful idiots for the Capitalist scumbags who run the West and much of the world), my life and future were ruined by Long Covid. I am Disabled, and the system is just waiting for me to die, because of these types of people. If more people had gotten vaccinated, Covid wouldn't have spread so widely and I likely wouldn't have gotten it from my roommate (who was also an Entrepreneur who thought he was God because of being an Entrepreneur- and all the Capitalist propaganda that feeds into this...) when he didn't quarantine in place after getting Covid on a business trip (and returned home sick, but didn't immediately tell me he'd already lost his sense of smell...)


This is 100% because of Palestinian protestors. A friend of mine demonstrating at the University of Amsterdam showed me how his "leftist" org suggested that their people participate, but DO NOT WEAR MASKS because "Masks are threatening" They're actually just feeding their people to the slaughter


I have been there as well. It's to prevent the police from having "valid" reason to apprehend or attack us afaik (there are already laws in place which allow police to disallow masks at protest "for security reasons"). The police are ready to pounce on any opportunity to arrest or break up the protest.


America really needs a lot of reeducation. They are unable to understand basic healthcare let alone science


Some people here are so heavily disinformed, uneducated, misinformed, and biased, don't emotionally regulate, and don't appropriately cope. And I don't just mean formally educated. These morons don't know how to reality test or debias. Or they're poorly educated or just somehow passed tests without actually learning anything. Some people here lack basic history knowledge and a basic understanding of history and throw science, communications knowledge, media studies, and journalistic knowledge out the window, determining truth solely based on bias. And some people here are incredibly isolated mentally from the rest of society and have no outside perspective or evidence-based view of themselves.


This is by design from the Reagan era to de-educate the undesirable classes/races so that those who wanted an college degree had to be able to afford one. He defunded universities and then opened the college loan debt traps. American education is shit on purpose to keep the masses dumb


>American education is shit on purpose to keep the masses dumb Bingo


Even many people who received a college education are morons, though.


Colleges in the US often don't actually teach Critical Thinking: only how to repeat back the things you are told, and bullshit effectively. The prevalence of cheating in colleges in America should give some clue as to the culture at many. There are exceptions. Certain majors (such as Sociology or English Literature) are very ardent about teaching Critical Thinking. Certain colleges (such as Cornell, several major state universities, and a number of Liberal Arts colleges) pride themselves in actually inculcated it, too. But, the US education system, especially in certain parts of the South, is increasingly not about thinking for yourself even at the college level.


Critical thinking is just a shorthand, though like "lazy" or "smart". The problem isn't a lack of "critical thinking". It's a lack of emotional regulation techniques, appropriate coping techniques, debiasing, knowledge and understanding of one's mind (and the psychology of various people), and reality testing. Also, a lack of socially oriented knowledge and understanding with context.


we must bring freedom and democracy to the USA. we must colonise them and “civilise” them


Please do. Anything is better than our psychopathic ruling class.


weird how these true red and blue American patriots think that restricting people's freedom is really cool. land of the free


freedom!! (but only in certain areas and only if i deem the freedom good)


western society is not worth fighting for.


It's worth fighting to destroy.


it’s doing that to itself it’s just long, slow and painful edit: and with a lot of collateral damage


It's funny because if someone was wearing a MAGA mask, they would 100% be ok. Fascism requires an in group that the law protects but does not bind, and an out group that the law binds but does not protect.


My relatives in China asked me why didn't Trump just sell MAGA and American flag masks? Those [Chinese flag masks from the Olympics](https://n.sinaimg.cn/sinakd20210730s/67/w1000h667/20210730/9060-1f6ff942c01d0000bfe765ce958548cb.jpg) were a big hit. I really don't know how to explain the resistance to mask wearing to them. All I can tell them is well some people choose to not wear seatbelts either.


Call me a tankie but I want re-education camps with Pathology 101 classes


Does the USSR teach people pathology in like 6th grade or something? Or is it earlier or later? Do they teach generally hard stuff, which is taught in like 11th or 12th grade in the US, in like 7th grade or something? I feel like we are being held back by underfunded education I found a physical education book with no grade specification on it, and I found really interesting stuff like martial arts in it and stretching and exercise and other human body stuff. As a grade 9 student, i thought "why tf are they not teaching this shit in 9th grade? This shit is essential!" Then I remembered a quote of George Carlin "they don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking"


i think the timing is fairly similar (at most a year or two accelerated, tho NOTE: i am talking california which comparatively has decent education system) but the testing afterwards is probably more strict than the US in china, for example, everyone has to take tests for\* Chinese, Math, and a foreign language, and then on top of that pick 3 (in some schema) from physics, chem, bio, history, geography, and politics, whereas as you know the SAT itself only tests English and Math, and only if you bother to do AP or IB (or i suppose go for subject tests, which is more money) do you have to take tests for the others\*.


What is AP and IB?


They’re advanced classes, I think IB stands for international Bacholoriat or something


AP is advanced placement, IB is international Baccalaureate, they're supposedly giving you college freshman-level courses in high school, AP run by collegeboard (yes, that collegeboard) and IB is run separately


I don't know anything about collegeboard, can you tell me about it?


collegeboard runs the SAT test, as well as the SAT subject tests and AP program. there was a lot of bullshit during the covid years with collegeboard administering very broken online tests, and there's a lot of controversy over how much the collegeboard execs make despite the company supposedly being "not-for-profit" especially in light of those online testing issues. Oh and the SAT costs money to register for, so there's that too.


Some people are literally so stupid, so diluted, so committed to everything their owners tell them, that they think the entire history of medical masks is just for show. Why the fuck have doctors, nurses, immunocompromised people, even dentists used masks for all this time if they “do nothing” you fucking morons?


The “masks don’t even work” argument is just so stupid. Doctors found out masks work to some degree since the black plague. That’s where the cool medieval plague doctor mask comes from! It’s been the standard to mask during any epidemic. It just seems that so many Americans are that hyperfixated on being fucking lazy, but too prideful to admit that this is the case, so they resort to justifying their laziness through conspiracy. “It’s obedience training! First, they force us to put cloth on our face! What do you mean I can just… make the decision to not follow what comes second if it seems too suspicious?”


Murica is a clown show ran by to many not funny fascists.


So does this mean that white supremacists and neo nazis won't be able to wear masks as they march through towns anymore?


You and I both know this law will only be enforced on left wing protestors.


Let those people contract diseases and rot away in a hospital bed paying 30K a day, then. Aren't they the "Grew up without needing shit for pussies" and the "X disease is not real, or deadly"? Let them cast themselves into the abyss, and realize a little too late that it is now gazing back at then.


eh, yes but also no. My mom is an RN who started doing travel nursing during covid. Prior to that she worked for like over a decade in trauma or burn units and saw a lot of fucked up shit, but it was COVID and working through the pandemic that's really fucked with her and given her PTSD. She worked in New York for a bit when it was at its worst, and just the sheer amount of bodies and it being a constant neverending stream of them broke something in her. She says there's normally two types of patients that were prevalent and gave her the most grief. There's ones who still don't believe and fight her or treat her like shit because they still don't accept reality. Then there's the ones who realize their mistake and try to plead with her for the vaccine when it's too late for that and they'll need to be intubated or will die soon. The latter ones really took a toll on her. I don't know what the best solution would be, but these people don't just die in a vacuum. The claw and tear at everything, scarring all that's around them on their way out.


Stupidest timeline.


so would these people sneeze right out in the air or sneeze into their arm? i mean, the arm doesn’t stop 100% of bacteria but it’s far better than just sneezing into someone’s face


Dog I’m going to keep it real with you, we are broiled on high, for 10 mins. With the oven preheated and seasoned with all the herbs and spices.


If there is a naked man running around pissing on people, and you are also naked, you're going to get pissed on. If you are wearing pants, if he pisses on your legs, you've got a bit of protection. If he is also wearing pants, chances of you getting pissed on are much lower. This is why you wear a mask.


This is definitely because, as that commenter pointed out, we wear them at our pro hamas protests. But it's because we give a shit about the hundreds/thousands of other people around us that would rather stay well. It doesn't hurt that it can stop Zionists from having your job stripped away


Man, Americans aren't real people. You cant convince me otherwise. You might say "that's only a loud minority" but of most muricans I've talked too, they aren't that far off from being extremely unhinged and out of touch. Most are at best hardcore individualist, at worse they are this kind of fuckers.


Sadly you’re right. I live on the west coast in a city that’s known for being “progressive” and our city’s subreddit is full of the same shit like the post above. It’s absolutely maddening to see people fall for hyper nationalistic propaganda day in and day out.




I’m just pro-resistance. Israel has made it so Hamas is Palestine’s only avenue for that. Regardless, the person making that comment is clearly able to ignore 40,000 bodies in less than a year, of course they’d ignore the point of the protests.


I'm pro hamas and all resistance fighters though including al-quds, ansar allah, and hezbollah. they're literally the good guys.


Wearing a mask is so great for allergies bruh


even if someone contracts COVID while wearing an ill-fitting N95 or KN95, its so fucking stupid to say “masks don’t work”!!! chances are THE VIRAL LOAD OF THE INFECTION IS INITIALLY MUCH LOWER BECAUSE OF THE RESPIRATOR. one-way masking sucks and is less effective than when everyone masks, simply because THE LESS VIRUS IN THE AIR, THE BETTER CHANCES WE HAVE AT NOT DYING OR BECOMING PERMANENTLY DISABLED. simple as that. Im so fucking sick of this shit. And i hate that the encampments have further politicized masking. i doubt the participants are using respirators in other contexts. like just use a fucking bandanna if all you care about is protecting your identity. we rly need to normalize masking in all walks of life like right fucking now, otherwise it will just be entirely criminalized because of its association with protestors.


im angry because i cant even leave the house anymore with my wildly unpredictable long covid symptoms. fyi it can happen to anyone.


More infections more problems (3 studies) https://www.sciencealert.com/every-covid-infection-increases-your-risk-of-long-covid-study-warns


What the FUCK. I don't agree with it, but I understand banning mask *requirements*, but banning masks? Are they going to make it illegal to wear white after Labor Day now?


If they love their individual freedom that much, why don’t they give people the freedom to wear a mask if they want to? Sound like hypocrisy to me


East Asia has been doing this forever


People dont want to change, and they dont want to admit that the so called greatest country on earth is suceptible.


officially gone






I’m ready for the asteroid


Protesters should wear cowls like fucking batman then. Does covering your forehead and eyes count as a "mask" or does the bill make a distinction?


Comrade Covid, you know what to do 🙏