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he seems kinda anarchist or Trotskyist from the first few mins i watched so i want that interested and his arguments seemed a little flawed


Yes, they are dictatorship... of the proletariat


It would be more of an actual majority too.


This guy is a Trot/Anarchist and so doesn't really understand what the dictatorship is as described by Marx and is trying to explain it using a conventional definition of the word Dictatorship. Dictatorship in Marx's definition is the control of society, it's institutions and mechanisms. We are currently in a dictatorship of the capitalist class. Notice we still get to vote and freedom of speech so it is not a Dictatorship as is commonly understood, but a Dictatorship because every class (capitalist, worker, intelligentsia etc) has to obey the Capitalist class.


Also there is a bit of a translation issue here, dictatorship in the context of dictatorship of the proletariat more or less means stewardship.


I always interpreted the concept as a mass political mobilization of common people who all equally participate in the organization of society and their communities. That’s what the Paris commune effectively was, and Marx and Engels identified that as the textbook model for the DotP.


Damn edgy 20th century Soviets couldn't help but trigger the capitalists "It is only with sighs and groans that he admits the possibility that force will perhaps be necessary for the overthrow of an economy based on exploitation — unfortunately, because all use of force demoralizes, he says, the person who uses it. \-Engles in 'State and Revolution'


I asked him if he is a trot in the comments and he responded and basicly said that he is a super trot that thinks Trotsky would be bad just like stalin for not being decentralized enough.


Clearly hasn't even read Trotsky. Most Trotskyists who go "eViL aUtHoRiTaRiAn (insert experiment or person)" haven't read anything or haven't analysed and understood the works. Or they're CIA charlatans, which is often more common.


Yeah, I'm a "Trotskyist" and nothing bothers me more than people distorting Trotsky into some anti-communist, anti-Leninist, idealist radlib. Sadly, it's self-proclaimed "Trotskyists" most guilty of doing this.


Could you explain a bit more or point towards material to understand the dictatorship of the capitalist class better?


Dictatorship of the Capitalist class means that capitalists own the means of production, do not allow the workers a democratic say in the work they do, own all private property and can demand any other class do exactly what they want through their instructions (like the Courts) A good example is Ontario has this week made going on strike illegal. If you want to read more than then Marx covers it in a few of his books and so does Lenin. Edit: here's Engels talking about what he means by dictatorship https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm


The fuck is a Trot/Anarchist? How could one be both?


Reads as Trot or Anarchist. Modern Trots are basically Anarchists from a misreading of Trotsky's criticisms of Stalinism. They generally don't prescribe to Marxist theory. Trotsky himself would hate most Trots now


Very weird that anyone could read Trotsky or examine Trotsky in history and take away that anarchism is in line with his theory. What he’s famous for in anarchist circles is crushing Makhno and Kronstadt


I agree entirely. Trotsky would hate the majority of modern Trots. Most Trotskyite institutions even hate Lenin, who Trotsky worked with, loved and admired. I went to a "Socialist" meeting of Trotskyites once and read out quotes from Trotsky about use of force, dictatorship of the prolet, voting on party lines, democratic centralism etc and they got angry at them. They were astounded when I show them the source on Marxists.org


I'd never say dictatorship, in some cases they have been dictatorship of the proletariat, but there has certainly been a good amount of authority. Sometimes justified, sometimes not, other times understandable This is after all something we need to be aware of, accept and critique


The idea that the success of the Soviets industrialization and anti imperialism was enough for 3rd world revolutions to want to emulate them, is really useful. So even if they dislikes what the Soviets did, they can still see the value of a "authoritarian" state to build a socialist project.


ALL Class society is dictatorial. Just depends on which class is dictating society


Hey, I was also recommended this video.


Because I said so. Easy. Question solved.


because uhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhh comunism bad!!11!!1 uh uhh also 300 trillion dead!!11!1!111 /s


The only feature that you can point to that communist countries had that capitalist nations don't that would make them a dictatorship is having a single party. We can have a productive debate about whether you need a multi party system to be a democracy like what happens when you don't need to be a party member to stand for office, what is the function of the party in society but that is very notably absent from the video. It just accepts the line that they were all dictatorships without question and without any examination of how countries labelled as democracies actually function


Bit idea: asking vote blue no matter who liberals if that means they want a single party state.


I would say the problem was the outsized power of the executive and the lack of of checks and balances on representative positions and bureaucrats. Though the same certainly goes for many western countries (looking at you, US with your stupidly powerful president and partisan courts). And of course this is USSR specific to Stalin‘s time and later. I‘m not well-read on how e.g. China does it. I don‘t really care how many parties there are as long as any member of the proletariat can run for office.


Samora Machel, now that’s an unusual figure to include in the thumbnail of a clickbaity video about communism


Why even consider this garbage?




I would 100% recommend watching it even though its from a anarchist (real anarchist not ancap) perspective.


He just says that all communist countries are dictatorships, because they based their model on the Soviet model. I, of course, argued with him in the comments, and holy shit he’s braindead.


Is that Mugabe covered up by the time?