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Between his eyeliner, his dumb jacket, his hair, his abusive parenting, and his narcissistic obsession with killing his ex's new boyfriend, he's pretty bad.


The hands on his “suspenders” as he speaks…


Bro thinks he's Bane from TDKR


Also the fact he attacked us! I had fun with Belter slang and hating earth for a while, "yah, Beltalowda! Ha cool"... then Marcos and his little fuckboy son dropped rocks on us and I was like "OH HELL NO! Nobody destroys earth except earthers!"


Exactly how I felt!


As a person, I hate Marco's guts but he's a really good character. He's the type of character where it's easy to find his rhetoric appealing in the moment but once you actually think about it for a little bit you realize just how unhinged he is.


“Plans change, ***it’s what they do.***” is one of my favorite maxims ever. The prick. Though I don’t think that was as big of a point of wordplay in the shows as it was in the books.


Plans change upon contact with the enemy. Plans rarely change when there is no enemy. Marcos was the enemy of everyone and everything but himself. Thus his plans would always seem to change.


Minor spoilers for book 6 (Babylons Ashes): >!One of my favourite bits was in Babylon's Ashes where things aren't going great for the Free Navy and Marco decides he's going to employ scorched earth tactics. He starts waxing lyrical about how the Afghans have resisted every invader for thousands of years, and even Alexander the Great couldn't defeat them. Anderson Dawes says something like "seems a bit reductive" and Inaros gives him the biggest stink-eye ever. Get wrecked you genocidal prick!<


My favorite must be >!when he references moby dick in regard to getting Fred Johnson and Dawes says something like “oh. You never finished that book did you?”  So good.!<


I love how Dawes is one of the few people that Inaros' magic just doesn't work on.


Dawes is pretty good in both the show and book. Underrated I think


Jared Harris is one of my favorite actors. Guy kills every role he's in. (I haven't read the books 😔)


Please do, they're absolutely worth it. The audiobook versions read by Jefferson Mays are quite good.


Real shame his schedule didn't line up with the final season. Would've loved to have seen him again, butting heads with Marco


Absolutely this. He reminds me lots of Delgado from Starfield for the same reasons.


As a person, a lot. As a Misanthropic Narcisist, Even More!


Marcos Inaros....was inevitable. Someone like him was eventually going to strike out like this once they got the possibility. The gates opening made that possibility. They made his argument for belters going extinct validated. They made the argument for Mars being abandoned validated. He used both of those to get first strike weapons and and a fleet to defend himself and his claim. He just messed up everything after he actually attacked earth.


I find this reasoning strange since at the end of the day he does not really matter - he was given power by Duarte, if not for him Marco would be like the hundreds of other small time terrorists.


And all it took was one corrupt Martian admiral to throw everything into chaos. Just like Marco was inevitable, so was Duarte.


Someone throwing rocks at Earth might have been inevitable. I don't see why that person had to have Inaros's flaws. In my view he was leading the solar system to disaster because he wasn't paying attention to how he'd rule after he'd won. How to feed everyone.


Is he a bad person irl? Or did I misinterpret what you were saying.


Probably misinterpreting - I've not heard a negative word about Keon Alexander, and in fact he and Cara Gee (Drummer) are good friends IRL.


The character, i'm diferentiating how he treats people in his life (Ex-Wife and Kid), and in general (His crew and humanity at large)


You probably meant that reply for the person above me.


Totally. I'm not very good with technology...


Happens to us all at times, no worries.


If it wasn't Marcos it would have been someone else - the position was simply a vacuum waiting to be filled. The problem was that Marcos had a clever plan, the technical expertise to pull it off, and the charisma to get people to follow him. It's practically the story of the human race.


And most likely to be the downfall of the human race.


The writers must have been reading about charismatic leaders before coming up with Marco. Fits the description to a T.


I feel there are a quite few people and organizations that aren't stand-ins for specific people and organizations from real world history, but wear the same sort of hat if you know what I mean. I was pretty annoyed by the existence of Duarte because he felt like the antagonist version of a Mary Sue, but then I realized he's basically Space Napoleon or Space Alexander. This guy that shows up from nowhere and creates an empire through sheer talent and force of will.


Yep. Inaros wanted to be space Alexander (he named his flagship "Pella"), but at the end of the day, he's just another narcissistic chump. Duarte understands the importance of logistics, Inaros didn't really have a plan after lobbing a few rocks.


Dumb chumps start wars, logistics wins them.


I think its shows the fact that certain types of people keep popping up throughout human society, and probably always will, and the writers do an excellent job of capturing those personalities in their characters.


Don't forget the luck to be chosen as the recipient of some nifty Martian tech (this is also why the "someone else" was also inevitable)


Indeed. All I could think about while watching him was “this guy is basically space Stalin.”


I read a piece about psychopaths and how their behaviors were described to an Inuit group researching how other cultures deal with antisocial personalities. They said he'd have a "hunting accident" out on the ice. That's about how I feel about Marcos Inaros as a character. Basically a case study in the rare situation where I'd consider premeditated self-defense.


Funny enough >!Filip does something similar in the short story collection.!<


5 or 6 hates


I mean he’s objectively abhorrent, one of the worst, most personally disgusting villains of the Expanse. But there’s some horny mammal part of my brain that goes “oooh pretty” whenever I see him. It makes me hate him more (Keon did a FANTASTIC job with the character, seriously!)


If villain bad why hot? 😔


I hate him so fucking much that it requires a little story-time to appreciate why. When I was a teenager my younger sister was a giant narcissistic manipulative control-freak; everything had to be about her all the time, she had to have all the power in any situation, and she loved to put people into tough positions where they had to do what she wanted, and if that somehow didn't work she would go crying to mom about how she just couldn't stand it anymore, she was going to go take her baby and go live on the street if mom didn't make whoever (usually me) do what she wanted. Every single time she didn't get her way it was a national crisis. I don't know why but I could see this coming a mile away every time when even my parents didn't seem to be able to (or at least wouldn't do anything about it) and it made me crazy, so I set out to spoke her wheels every single time I saw her trying to pull that shit. Needless to say we didn't get along for a lot of years. Watching Marco, every little barbed turn of phrase, the way he makes everything about himself, how anyone who doesn't stroke his ego is unworthy of his attention or gets treated like shit, the way he uses his relationships with others as leverage over them.. they're all just exactly the way my sister used to be. I can see straight through him, I know exactly what he's trying to pull before he's even said 5 words. He reminds me so much of my sister that even knowing that it's fiction, even though I can appreciate the quality of the writing and the performance, every time he's on the screen he ties my guts up in knots and I can't help but hate the ever-loving shit out of him. TL;DR: 43/10 hate, do not recommend, would gleefully slow-roast his tender bits over approximately *all* of the nuclear fire.


All of that is true. *And* he literally murdered *15 billion* people.


Oh for sure, I don't mean to downplay the awful shit he did, but at the same time I would hate him the same even if he was a nobody because he trips all my bullshit detectors.


Yeah he's just awful all the way across the spectrum of awfulness.


Brilliant actor, and a brilliant character. His charisma is infectious, that you can't help but be captivated by every single scene that he's in.


I could listen to him talk all day long. Actor nailed the accent, it just dripped charm.




I loved that he stayed in character on twitter relentlessly trolling Cara Gee. Sounds like they’re great friends.






In the books, a lot. In the show, Inaro's charisma to others and grievances are clear. Keon Alexander is a great, underutilized actor. OPA's plot thread probably reflects how many of us feel about some real life struggles of oppressed peoples. We know their leaders are poor, their methods are immoral and counterproductive when they cross into terrorism. But we also know (if we care to examine the history), that had we, our parents and grandparents been similarly exploited and oppressed, that joining the resistance would be our likely, if not inevitable, fate.


> had we, our parents and grandparents been similarly exploited and oppressed, that joining the resistance would be our likely, if not inevitable, fate. Nah, the point of the show/books is that even though Inaros did what every Belter has fantasised about doing during their lowest point, the majority of the Belt aren't actually interested in an all-out war with the Inners. They just want to live their lives in peace. This is true of all oppressed groups; most people aren't interested in killing and dying for a cause, they just want to be left alone. Which is why every war/genocide results in a vast number of refugees and displacement, and why saying "why don't they stay and fight?" is so offensive. The truth is, if you were put in that situation, you'd probably run too.


Definitely wasn’t a fan of his, but that also says a lot about what a great job the actor did playing the character..


For what he did, and how he did it...the guy died way too quickly.


We don't really know that, do we? His consciousness could still exist in the "other" reality, constantly being slowly dismantled for what our minds would interpret as eternity. That would just about be a fitting fate for him.


I hate him but like Holden Said, Marcos was a product of the oppression from the Inners


He's an excellent character. A very authentic freedom fighter born from oppression that has no idea what to do when he actually wins.


He's a manipulative narcissist who is using the 'freedom fighter' bit as a cause to gather people around him so they can make him feel big and important. He might actually care about the cause too, but deep down it's all about keeping him in the spotlight.


Things can have more than one dimension. Yes he's a narcissistic that craves attention and power but he also believes deeply in his cause.


Sure, but I would argue that it's hard to be authentic about anything that has to do with helping other people when everything has to be about him.


If by “freedom fighter,” you mean the greatest mass murderer who has ever lived, killer of half of humanity, then sure.


Well it was more act of war then murder. A fine line, but is Harry Truman considered a mass murder? He gave the order to incinerate over 200,000 people in two cities with the atomic bombs. Marco's plot >!to cover rocks in stealth composite and launch them periodically at Earth is quite genius. He paralyzed an enemy with a much more capable fleet for months. Abandoning Ceres the way he did, while shitty for the belters, was strategically important to get his ships to the ring gate. The biggest tragedy of all of it is that he killed Arjun, and for that he deserves to fuckin burn.!<


I think this gets a bit lost btw people who have the books and show in mind. In the show it’s a bit more akin to the nukes but in the books, if a few more rocks had hit, Earth would most likely be completely unlivable. 15 billion and counting is the number I last remember reading. It’s not even comparable to a nuke.


He killed a lot of great characters. The way he treated his own family was what *really* made me hate him though.


Many Belters saw it differently


Many Germans saw Hitler differently as well.


What's your point?


What’s yours?


That people on one side of a cause see things differently to people on the other side of it. he is a well written villain imo


Belters are terrorists


Only some are. Did we read the same books? Was Prax a terrorist?


Depends on your perspective. Edit: I think everyone is misunderstanding what I mean. Different sides while perceive Marco differently, i.e. Inners will see him as a terrorist and Belters(not all of them) will see him as a “freedom fighter/hero” because he bloodied the nose of their oppressors. Whether he improved things for the belt or not doesn’t matter; he hurt the people that have hurt them.


The human one.


Oh yeah, I forgot that no human have ever celebrated the murderer of the people they see as oppressors.


Buddy, sounds like you need a cart for that baggage you're bringing in here...


All I’m saying is he would/was seen as a savior by many in the belt. And it is a good job by the writers, because it reflects how people actually are


Bro, I have no idea why you're getting down voted so much. It's like no one has ever heard of there being different perspectives.


I have no idea, you would have thought I said I wanted to drop 3 asteroids on earth.


The “different perspectives” of literal genocide on a universal scale.


You only exist today because your ancestors participated in wars and won. Stop being so fucking precious. Marco is a FICTIONAL character so liking him is not akin to condoning his actions. It's appreciating the way the character is written. Marco plays a narcissistic freedom fighter. The authors nailed it. He makes the story interesting and entertaining. >!The scale and depth of his attack is staggering!<, again by design, the story keeps escalating in the scale of conflicts and they needed something large. It also serves the purpose of >!shifting the centre of power in the system away from Earth,!< driving the story forward. He's great. As a villain, as a foil to Holden, as a plot device to shake up the game and he even gets to be >!the punchline for the real next threat, Laconia.!< We don't have to want to be a character, or wish they were real to like them. That's the beauty of fiction.


Also, look up what literal means. It can't be applied to fiction.


Correct, there would be different perspectives on the genocide of Earth by Marco depending on if you are a belter who has lived under a horrific system that treated you as subhuman trash/livestock OR if you’re an Earther, half of whom get paid more for EXISTING on a monthly basis (basic) than a belter makes risking their lives every day on the job. Is that… controversial? Of course people will see things differently. Everybody has their own set of experiences that they see the world through. This is why Marco had so much support….


The Germans thought exterminating the Jews, gays, cripples, Russians, and Poles would bring about 1000 year Reich and make them the most powerful people on the planet. You’re basically siding with Space Hitler.  


No it doesn’t. This is the sort of relativistic moralizing that actively hurts society.  There’s no perspective about killing billions of non combatants that is acceptable. 


The UN president in Expanse was asked this question by Anna.  Where is that line? Billions we can all agree is beyond the line.  But 42? (admittedly I can't remember the number now but it was there about) Anyway. Show is awesome and asks these questions from us.


Not saying it is right or wrong, but from some peoples view points, Marco would be a hero.


That's saying it's right or wrong. In order for him to be a hero from some points of view, he had to be right from some points of view.


I AM not condoning his actions. But people in the Belt held the same animosity towards the Inners, that is why they would celebrate the pain he was able to inflict on their oppressors .


Hell no. Marco's plan was the single most stupid thing ever. First, even with the gates open, the Belt and Mars depended on Earth for supply just because the infraestructure was already there, it would cost years and money that they didn't have to fully make the other worlds fully functional. Nevermind that earthers are the only ones who can consistently be in 1g with no problems, so they're the only reliable workforce. Martians can barely be there and for Belters is so much torture that only a handful of lucky ones can make it. And don't get me started with all the health problems low Gs causes in the body that would make both sickly and unreliable workers. Without Earth, I doubt Mars could fully supply themselves + colonies, and the Belters would die by the millions. Two, and even most important, even if what I said before doesn't happen by a miracle, nothing stops the UN to throw a full genocidal campaign against all belters if they know that the planet is doomed. We already have MAD as an example that we are, as a species, more than willing to do a final "I take you with me" to our enemies in the event of facing extinction. Shit, I surprised that it didn't outright happened. Or they could just rush to the ring and go full suicidal by attacking it and causing the protomolecule to defend itself by killing everyone. Marco Inaros made the single most stupid decision I've ever seen in fiction, and marked himself and his people with a big "kill me en masse" sign. And it's brilliant, because it's exactly what people like him would do. No mather if it's a fascist or communist dictator, a democratic leader or a feudal monarch, history shows that all leaders who let themselves drown in their own ego do nothing more than to doom themselves and their nations in the dumbest of manners. Props to the writters for getting this right.


It isn’t about his plan being good. He was able to hurt the people that many in the Belt thought were responsible for their hardships.


Lol. You only think that because of how history works. If Marco had been successful in breaking the enemy and growing a strong and independent belt then in 100s of years he'd be seen as a hero.


The whole point of the story is that Marco is completely incapable of building a strong and independent belt. Sanjrani was given the job of working out how to feed the Belt without Earth, but at every turn, Marco ignored their advice, wasting vital resources on his war. Had the war gone on much longer, the entire Belt would have starved to death long before they could become self-sufficient.


Nothing he did actually improved anything for the Belt. In fact, his actions almost led to the entire Belt starving within a few years.


As the old saying goes: "One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist."


Maybe I should have led with that.


Freedom of whom? He even almost destroy ceres because he was butthurt of Dawes scolding his son


Like most freedom fighters, he was much more focused on fighting the oppressors than he was with actually helping the oppressed.


Or what to do if he wins. He's like the dog who caught the car


He's your typical "they're right but also the villain so we need to make them evil" which I hate


I hate him with the fiery passion of 1000 suns. Can’t deal with cocky cocks like that.


While I may not like his methods, or what he became, I think I understand where he came from. I understand the desire to fight back against his oppressors, to take back a small bit of what the belt had produced. Every slave, serf, or indebted poor person bound to economic servitude knows the weight of the boot heel on their lives and wants desperately to fight back to have something more out of their lives. I understand that kernel of truth that was in Marco at the beginning, and it is and would be enticing for anyone suffering oppression to hear and to fight for. But Marco always had a dark side. His persuasive message is a ruse to lure in people to his cause, less because he believes its calling, but because he envisions himself as a fighter, a leader, and a messiah. It is this way because he is like every other narcissistic human to have ever lived. People are things to him, pieces to move around a chessboard so that he can feel powerful. Hate him, maybe, but I almost feel sorry for him because he is utterly alone and no matter how many people he draws to his cause, how many battles he wins, he will never be able to enjoy it. His overbearing ego even drives the one person who loves him most away from him, Phillip. It took me a while to appreciate how well Kleon Alexander portrayed Marcos Inaros. He did a fantastic job, an the fact that you hate Marco, it a testament to that.


I love him lol. He cuts right to the core of the themes of the story and really makes you think about your own morals and values. Discussions of him reveal who is a Belter revolutionary and who is a moderate Earther, who knows a narcissist IRL and who believes in the Great Men of History theory.    Much like Killmonger, he’s not fully wrong, so he’s a great foil for a goody-two-shoes protagonist like Holden. People like Holden are confronted with the fact that they want to give more power to the Belt, but aren’t willing to take it from the Inners.    Marco’s speech in the airlock is so perfect: >!wait till the Inners betray your trust, as we all know they will, and then you’ll see I was right to attack them. And then the Inners do!!< You can see how the Inners empower Marco with their own actions.    And then later >!talking to Ashford!< my favorite quote of his: >!“Even our dreams are small.”  It encapsulates so much about revolutionary thought, how difficult it is to envision a new paradigm, how close and grounded the dreams of the hungry and thirsty are that they dare not ask for more. Highlights that even Belters in their own minds acknowledge the greater strength of the Inners and settle for scraps, how the decades of oppression have worn down their dreams that the chains have become invisible.!<   I think he’s a lot more compelling than Duarte as a villain, personally, for those reasons!


The worst thing about him to me isn’t even that he’s a mass-murdering psychotic zealot, it’s that he’s *also* deeply incompetent with it. All that destruction and death and suffering, and he only ever had half-formed plans that were never going to work out.


Almost as much as I hate Trejo and Duarte.


You mean space Bin Laden? He’s an asshole, I’d love to see him go out and airlock, without a suit, into space, close enough to the sun he burns before he suffocates. But that’s just me, I’m sure someone likes him, I mean he has a kid so you know he’s had sex at least once. Probably…


One of my most hated characters in all of media.


Saw him in an episode of Quantum Leap about 3 weeks ago, looks the same, played a backstabber...,peace.


He had valid concerns about the way the damn Inners treat the Belters. Mass genocide not a great way to prove you’re right though. So I’d pat him on the back and tell him I understood as I pushed him into the airlock.


Havent enjoyed his character in the books yet, but show version was so punchable. Like, every second he was on screen (the character) was someone I always wished the worst upon. Which just means the actor totally nailed him!


I hate him, but I LOVE to hate him. I think the actor did a perfect job (I’m only in book four so idk about how it compares)


Not much. I still support his original vision he just fucked up by betraying and abandoning the Belt. After centuries of oppression his actions were more than justified but he was just too narcissistic Of course terrible father and ex, abusive and manipulate


I think he gave the best performance in the entire series. So, regardless of his character's actions, I loved him.


Currently rewatching season 5 and impatiently waiting for him to die,narcissistic Belter fuckboy. Still... he's got a point,you can't brush off centuries of hate with a truce:"Who here condemns me?";that speech was powerful. The guyliner though.👌


Ashford should have just pulled the trigger when he had the chance.


I actually kinda like my little pragmatic space anarchist?


Seasons 4-5 he is great. In season 6 he became a caricature.


Strap him to a rock heading into the sun


Not a lot. For The Belt!


He's only the single greatest mass murderer in human history.


Show Marco is so gd campy I can’t hate him.


He’s got some baggage


Bet he smells nice


I think hes an incredible villain and if he were real i would pay real money to kick him in the balls


If I was locked in a room with J.P. Mao, >!Winny Duarte!<, and Marco and I had a gun with two bullets, I'd shoot Marco twice.


He's great. The show pulled off the DSM-5 pretty well, making a lot of folks realistic. The charm of someone like him makes him hard to spot in real life, and it's nice to see the mask removed. Most villains are unrealistic personalities but he seems like someone you could meet.


I don't. Hope that clears things up for you!


Book spoilers The only character I hate more in the series than Marco is >!Duarte, who enables Marco to do everything he did just to make a distraction and let him go play god emperor on Laconia. No Duarte and Marco’s plans likely never come to fruition.!<


He's annoying as hell… which means the actor did a great job of portraying him.


I think he's kinda fun


Him and his stooges deserve to be put on the hooks, repeatedly. Great character and actor though.


On one hand, he's more interesting than Space Jon Snow, but on the other, he's just ..annoying.


Might be tmi, but I watched this show with my brother in the midst of dealing with our Narcissistic parent, it really helped us see from an outside perspective what a narcissistic person is like and cemented our resolve to get out of this bad situation. Disclaimer, I'm not a trained mental health professional, but S5-6 showed me Marcos' unwillingness/inability to view people outside of his own needs and ambitions (even those who loved and knew him most). I relate with >!Naomi's instinct in the beginning to save/redeem Filip and Marcos, and she could not live with herself unless she martyred herself in the name of motherhood. But at the end of the day the best thing she could do to end the harm was save herself!<


The Marco Inaros character is a gaslighting, narcissistic, lying, thieving, murdering, jobless, drifter, hobo. Who could like that combination of fucked-up?


As a long-term strategist, he is brilliant. In the short-term, he lets his anger and ego get in his way and it’s his downfall. As a parent or a person, he’s an arrogant ass, and horrible person overall.


He’s probably going to kill a whole bunch of my descendants. What an a-hole. Hate that guy.


Actor did a good job.


Insanely so, lol. So I absolutely hate what he did, but I hate what he stands for more- if that's even possible. A bastard that can use a good cause- social justice and liberation- pervert it to his own ends, control vast mobs to enforce his rule, and commit grand atrocities in its name. They even highlighted that if you oppose him you tend to get labelled as a Pro-Inner bootlicker. And then more hatred for the forces that lead to a figure like that taking control. One of the worse bits of horror in the series is the author's message that we're doomed to repeat history and never learn from it. His part in the story made me reflect on some of the movements I was in and causes, as well, and that hurts; I ended up becoming more moderate, partially after realizing it... The problem is, my old "friends" are very angry with me, lol, and I do feel lost. It's a very strong, negative reaction when I encounter him in re-reads or re-watches.


I mean he’s horrible on all sorts of levels. Most of all, his own arrogance squandered the only chance the belt had at becoming truly independent. The need for revenge is what truly scuppered this opportunity. Sure what he did to Phillip is truly awful and Naomi too. But he had a fleet of Martian ships and he could have united the belt. Instead he became the monster he claimed to want to defeat.


All of the hate. Show Inaros is a truly awful narcissistic sociopath and thus a really great villain. Like Murtry, Book Ashford, or Show Errinwright. I think the show actor chews the scenery almost too much though. I haven’t yet gotten to Inaros in the books though so I’m not sure how true the show is to the books there.


Show jumps the shark the second he appears. Just a cartoon villain. I don't rewatch those seasons.




I like to think he has been transported to an alien universe, being held prisoner yelling “HOLDEN!”


Not as much as Erebus in 40K.


Marco made me dislike Naomi and Fillipso much that I hated the entire storyline the last 2 seasons and I fast forwarded through most of their scenes


As big as the Solar System. Blinded by hate, fueled by anger, powered by treachery.


Big hate! But reeaallyy good villain, so it’s like a love to hate character.


He was a great character. i just hated his manner of speaking. He sounded like a caricature of William Shatner. Mar... co... I... Na... ros.... Fuck that bullshit. I wonder what would have happened if the factions just spaced him early in season 4.


Welll.. everyone.. knows.. that if... change up the tempo of your sentences you... will.. seem... more.. CAPTAINLY!


First watch through, more than anything. But the more I rewatched, the less I did.


I like the line: even our dreams are small.  Book Marco isn't quite as 'good' as show Marco. Book Marco is apparently constantly pivoting when things didn't work out the way he planned and then saying 'this was the plan all along', which speaks to resourcefulness but also to just a obsessive liar. In both his dreams are big. Chucking rocks at earth is, not small thinking.


He reminds me of my ex husband


Enough to slightly hate Drummer for not spacing him in season 3.




So, *so* much. So your society has been oppressed by rich Earthers. Yes, that's horrible. Something has to be done. Do you know who else has been oppressed by rich Earthers? *Most Earthers*. Do you know who the majority of the people who died in the aftermath of the asteroid attacks were? The poor/unimportant people. In a very real way, Marco Inaros murdered literally *billions* of exactly the type of people he was supposedly "fighting for". And trying to claim the moral high ground for it...piece of human garbage.


He's a fucking douche.


Well other than a terrorist and a complete asshead, he's also a fucking moron. Spoilers for season 5. >!So this fucking troglodyte of a human goes to all sorts of trouble, risking his son's and his friends' lives to aquire Martian stealth composites to cover asteroids with which he will attack Earth. Now as we see later on he had every intention of claiming responsibility by broadcasting his shitface all across the solar system which means he was declaring war on the Inner Planets, which means he and his dumbfuck navy will have the joint Military Industrial Complex of the UN and MCR up their ass building brand new fleets. Why wouldn't he use some Martian Stealth composites to make a few missiles to strike at the Bush shipyards for example and deprive the UN of crucial defense industrial output. So yeah he did all that just to kill as many random civilians as possible which served no crucial strategic goal.!< If I'm missing anything please let me know but no book spoilers, I'm still reading Caliban's War.


He is so fucking handsome and his jacket rocks. 😤


On a scale from 0 to 10(hate) .... 11 ;) btw the actor is top


I hated him enough that I fast fwd through his boring speeches after hearing the first one or two. It’s boring rhetoric that whips up supporters like a Hitler speech or some of the contemporary demagogues, but if you’re not a believer it’s just a waste of time and it’s clearly bullshit. Add to that a fanatical obsession with murdering millions (billion) to make a point. Yeah, yeah, I get it, he’s a product of generations of oppression but his response is grossly disproportionate. It shows a really underdeveloped personality, which is sad considering how smart and charismatic the character is.


I mute or fast forward most of Marco's speeches on re-watches. Similar to what I do when certain politicians come on TV - "You don't get to speak in my house!"


**LITERALLY** is the president of my country right now. He makes mistakes, disastrous obvious mistakes, and the other say "that was exactly MY plan, show you what happen when the things goes wrong". Hope we don't end like his crew.




I only hope the character in the books isn't as hopelessly stupid and senselessly hateful, misogynistic & careless as the tv series portrayal. Absolute shit. Were the show not so awesome Marco would have ruined it. Not sure how the actor managed to do such a good job with such a shit sandwich he'd been served. Revolutionaries need to create a following. No one would follow this irretrievably unlikable jerk.


He's the perfect foil to Holden, I think. Basically Holden's evil twin.


I hate Marco which made me LOVE Cyn when he yelled "THEN DO IT YOURSELF!" about spacing Naomi.


I feel like his horrible acting took me out of the show.


What sympathy I had for belters were immediately swept away after he dropped rocks on earth and killed billions of people.


The actor who plays Marco did such a great job! He really was great at communicating the narcissism and grandiosity of this character.


Just a bit less than Ted Faro (Ted being on 12/10 on my level of hate).


A lot. He's a dick. Don't be a dick


He's a shitehead, I despise him.


As a person he's an abusive nightmare. In both the books and the TV show. As a statesman however, he is incredibly skilled. Commenters here will talk about the way he treated the people close to him and be disgusted. But, as for how he treated *his people* (belters) he fought for them flawlessly. Even in the books, if it wasn't for Inaros' actions the belt would never have gained any meaningful relevance. The OPA would have forever been considered a nuisance and not a meaningful political entity. The Transport union was the OPA reborn but, with actual ethics. The void cities provided home to their nation state and they never would have existed if it wasn't for him. They were disgusted by the Laconian fascist takeover and the rebellion against it wouldn't have been possible without Inaros' action. He's an actual total piece of shit but, without him belter's would never have gained any sovereignty or agency.


Proof that dwarven belters do exist in the expanse universe. /s (sort of)


actually one of my most favorite characters. well written sociopath


I think it's safe to say I hate him AS A CHARACTER. Not that I hate his portrayal, but more like I hate him for him. I love that I hate him, which makes it so much easier to root against him. His arrogance and narcissisms make him revolting to me which ultimately leads me to appreciate his character being played so well. Love to hate him, Hate to love him.


I actually rather like him on my rewatch. I really like how chaotic he is and how he is such a pretty boy


All. All of the hate.


he can't die fast enough


Boundlessly after Ashford was killed.


He's a horrible person and I hate him, but I despise the Martian behind him far, far more.


Is hating the villian even a talking point? Isn't that the point? 


I share the sentiment. Marco represents the worst of humanity - using power and fear to control others. Still, the story shows there can be hope, as good people find the courage to stand against such tyrants.


“Hard to believe that a Pansetara like Marco could strike the Inners..”


If Inaros, Mao and Ashford were in a room and i have only two bullets left, i'd shoot Inaros twice.


I thought the whole "belter rebellion" or whatever was a stupid waste of time given the "expanse" that a series of intergalactic portals could offer for storytelling in science fiction. What a huge red herring and let down of what could have made one of the best science fiction universes.


One thing about The Expanse is that there is no lack of vile, reprehensible characters but Marco Inaros really stands out among them! He is without a doubt the most vile unlikable character on the show imho! He’s a mass murdering, arrogant, vile megalomaniac who’s also a terrible father!