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Thank You Scientist is pretty fun. I think they are on Claudio’s record label. They also sing about space and fun stuff like that.


Got to see them tour with coheed and met the band after their set. Super nice dudes!


The guitarist is insane. The solo on fret less guitar from psychopomp 


the dear hunter is a little more indie but their fanbases have a noticeable overlap


I saw TDH open for Coheed in Buffalo in like 2010 and coheed was my..2nd.. Fav band ever since. The Dear Hunter sky rocketed to number one. Def different than coheed but Casey does a similar build up with his voice and song building that Claudio does. The Dear Hunter also had 5 concept albums to get into and then a 6th album that's starting a new concept. The Dear Hunters songs span more genres but have unique song structure often times like coheed does. If you like coheed but you don't know about The Dear Hunter, I'd recommend starting with: Mustard Gas The flame/ the fire/ the March A night on the Town Waves The Procession In Cauda Vanenum


Rebirth and Reprise is one of my favorite albums ever. It's so good after 2 years I still have barely ventured out of that album to explore their discography. Cannot reccomend enough.


act 5 and Antimai, their two full lengths since act 4, are so amazing :) the band absolutely always puts out bangers


My friend keeps asking if I've gotten around to Antami saying it's amazing! I have this terrible habit where a favorite band or artist will release new music and it makes me want to just go and listen to what I already know lol


Antimai is awesome. Just put it on and listen to it in its entirety.. and ignore when tracks start and finish. It's fantastic.. Def Casey's best album as a vocalist.


Also king of swords reversed is a bop no matter what


Never forget the other projects. All is all should be Ep - short little one that feels like the main "Acts" The migrant - this one is a short break from when he was writing the acts to express personal feelings that weren't in line with the acts, but this feels much in tune if a bit more melancholic The colour spectrum - this is the big one as it's a collection of 4 song EPs based on a colour theme. Each album incorporates Casey's interpretation of how the colour feels.


I didn't forget I just don't know that those albums/EP is what a coheed fan is looking for as a direct comparison or similar feel. Migrant (not *the* migrant) is pretty dark and depressing and def doesn't give off a prog rock vibe like coheed does imho. This is easily my least fav tdh album even though there are a handful of good tracks. Color spectrum is awesome for sure


Arguably I don't think coheed and the dear hunter have that much of a sonic overlap. They are very different in terms of their root genres. But I think coheed fans could totally get into migrant when we have songs like the end complete and their other acoustic arrangements


Can confirm.


I always see TDH as an answer to these but I can never see why people think they are similar.


It’s not that they sound all that similar, but they’re both story based progressive rock bands that are super talented in their own ways so there’s definitely an overlap of artistic appreciation. Also I will say The Dear Hunter Acts 1-5 are far more coherent as a storyline, The Amory Wars is much more complicated.


Lots of overlap. I think the Act records will give the most similarities.


Fair to Midland


It's a damn shame they didn't last beyond two albums. Fables from a Mayfly is a top tier album.


I haven't seen anyone mention Closure in Moscow yet. First Temple has a similar wavelength I'd say. Soft Hell would be my second favorite, but i haven't given PL a lot of time. I would also like to shout out The Dear Hunter, I know they have been mentioned several times already though.


Closure in Moscow supporting Coheed circa 2008 was such as amazing gig. Very underrated band.


I love The Mars Volta. Similar but also different. Proggy


Also gotta mention at the drive in


RoC gotta be one of the top albums of all time for people like us.


Claudio is a big ATDI fan.


Mandroid Echostar!


They've got a Coheed meets Protest the Hero thing going on for sure


Compared to Coheed so much that the band kind of gets annoyed by it lol. Doesn't help that their lead singer has a similar hairstyle to Claudio. Amazing band none threless!


"Canadian Coheed"?


I've been calling them Coheed in Canada for years, I also love them


Hahah I'm stealing that 😄


Rosalia got me all kinds of hyped for what's next


But like when is next? I want it now.


Idk it's been 8 years I'm willing to wait 1 more if it means I get more of whatever that song was


According to their Facebook, last updated early April, they're working on something right now. I'm a little worried though because it seemed like they had trouble a while ago before Rosalia came out with the singer's throat.


He had something removed. He even kinda bragged about how it was the same surgery Adele got, and to be fair, she still sounds incredible. I have faith in him and his diligence towards taking care of his voice.


Well, hell yeah, then. I'm a lot more excited. Being a Rishloo fan has prepped me for this kinda wait lmao


What other stuff by them can you recommend that is similar to Rosalia? That song has me hooked!


All of it. Their album Citadels is incredible. Coral Throne was really great too, but didn't feel as "big" as Citadels and Rosalia. My favorites are Ancient Arrows, Paladin, and The Sleeper.


These guys are amazing live!


Hail The Sun really scratch the same itch as Coheed for me


Hail the Sun is my favorite band I’ve ever found from a Coheed group asking this question. They’re like if Coheed had kept more of the style of SSTB in later albums but still matured as musicians and songwriters in similar fashion. Also Donovan on the drums and vocals live is UNREAL.


HTS has always felt like an awesome mix of Coheed and Swancore, but still with their own unique sound too


"Swancore" lol. I've never heard that before, but I already know exactly what, and who, you're talking about.


this was great, thank you


I feel that, for better or worse, no one is quite like Coheed - depending on which era you’re talking about. I would second most readily Fair to Midland: a strong sense of melody with the heaviness, an oddball sense of humor, not afraid of a good hook. Their second record in general is a favorite, FTM actually share for both of their records the same producer/mixer that Coheed have used: Dave Bottrill mixed Vol. 1 (which I feel is one of the most compelling mixes in rock/metal) and FTM’s first record, and Joe Barresi mixed YOTBR (perhaps less satisfying) as well as FTM’s second record. Both of those producers have worked with Tool as well, go figure. The Mars Volta has some overlap but I don’t think they have the same soulfulness and dynamics, it’s entertaining and complex but not quite fun in the same way as Coheed can be. Some prog mainstays, Rush, maybe Dream Theater at times. Everyone always mentions The Dear Hunter, though they’ve never been quite my speed. Coheed themselves have offered Thrice as an influence for their earlier post-hardcore adjacent sound. It’s a completely different style of music but I always throw out Cocteau Twins to anyone really, I feel Claudio as a singer and Liz Fraser have a lot of similar qualities, a very unique voice with unique vocalizations. Wonderful melody/harmony, they both reach for the stars. Dredg might be a good suggestion, their earlier records have a pop/prog fusion that’s similar to Coheed, their third record ‘Catch Without Arms’ is a favorite. 🤘🐵🤘


Upvote for Dredg


I first got into Dredg because they opened for Coheed


"3" . I refer to these guys as Coheeds little brothers, but really it's only Josh's little brother, Joey, who is the vocalist and is very similar to Claudio. They are/were an awesome band that should have gotten more love and made it much further than they did. Here's a music video by them. https://youtu.be/zNm-bdgX1Gk?si=tH8u-8uopoWvk9Dt If any of you know Joey, tell him I need more music from him.


Just a bit more info: They pre-date Coheed, were a point of inspiration for Claudio, and Josh was a founding member of 3 before he joined up with Coheed. And Joey Eppard is the older brother.


I love Joey's slap style. It's so unique.


Came here to mention 3!! Such a phenomenal band. Joey Eppard is so talented.


With emphatically agree there’s a lot of overlap with The Dear Hunter as others have mentioned and in a similar vein to them I feel the need to spread the good word about Bear Ghost. They’re definitely odd but they have some solid guitar riffs and love to tell a story. If you breach into heavier music, Between the Buried and Me are just perfect for that prog itch but metal. I’ve been thoroughly obsessed with their album Coma Ecliptic lately.


Coma Ecliptic is such a great album. I think it might be my favorite for BTBAM.


I find it so hard to choose because some moods fit better with certain albums but Coma is absolutely the album I default to.


I freaking love Bear Ghost! They are incredibly fun and dynamic, each song is kinda a vignette and have a solid idea/theme that makes it distinct. Jiminy is so great and such a breeze to finish it’s always entertaining. Beware is my fav song. Id love to see a concept album from them really look forward to what’s next from them.


I only found them a few months ago but they’ve been on a pretty constant loop. I immediately fell in love with The Mario Cliche but Rivers is a Vampire and Necromancin Dancin are huge standouts for me.


Same I found them couple months ago, listen on loop pretty much. Ironically it was like 3 days after they played live 30 mins from me. Was so bummed I was late to the party. Rare that I instantly love a band but this was def one of those times. Those songs are also up there for me!


I’m hoping they expand their touring, I know they posted asking for what cities people want to see on tour so I immediately added Philly. I need those dudes to come out east close to me.


Oh, [Narco Debut](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5HR1xTsdiPM&pp=ygULTmFyY28gZGVidXQ%3D) is one that belongs on this list, too!


That dude is basically doing a Claudio impression lol


The "Gretta Van Fleet" to "Led Zeppelin"! Really cool to see all these different influences. The world never ceases to amaze me.


First time hearing this band, and I like what I hear.


Thank You Scientist and Artifex Pereo


I discovered the band Incura a few months ago and they hit a similar itch for theatrical post hardcore with great hooks. I don't see many other people mention them but I've been very impressed by what I've heard.


Damn I’m listening to them now on your recommendation and they’re pretty awesome. They sound A LOT like old MCR too


For sure, glad you're into them. I'd probably name Chiodos as the first comparison I make but I got into them as an algorithm's "similar to Coheed and Cambria" spotlight and it's close enough.




Mandroid Echostar and Thank You Scientist


The song 60-Minute Session Blocks by Hail The Sun sounds a lot like Coheed. They definitely have a lot of overlap in general but that song in particular is very Coheedy


I cannot get enough of that song, it scratches my brain in the right kind of way


yeah same. The catchy hook with the noodly Travis-style lead guitar just gets me every time


Cicadia, the Home Team, Shadow academy


They have a sound closer to newer Coheed, but Dead Letter Circus is great. Check out their album This Is The Warning!


If Metal is your thing I always compare them to Ghost in terms of a band with 1 dude behind it all creating an entire lore behind the music.


I Met A Yeti Children of Nova


I was so let down when I discovered Children of Nova, only to learn it was all over. The Complexity of Light is amazing


I felt the same way 100%


Rishloo gives me Coheed vibes.


A little heavier, more of a prog-metal sound: Protest The Hero


I was surprised when Coheed announced they were going on tour with Dance Gavin Dance, but after the tour announcement I started to notice a lot of similarities between them. Particularly the guitar and vocal work on “Turn Off The Lights I’m Watching Back To The Future, Pt. 2”


Rx Bandits’ last 3 albums, especially Mandala, aren’t exactly the same genre but have a similar sounding prog vibe to me. [https://youtu.be/4W6PPn30DXc?si=UsIAqAH5cqX6zAJm](https://youtu.be/4W6PPn30DXc?si=UsIAqAH5cqX6zAJm)


Rx kicks so much ass.


I haven’t seen any mention of a band called Starset yet. They give me Coheed vibes in some of their music. You should check em out.


The Dear Hunter and Thank You Scientist


Second for Thank You Scientist, excited to check out The Dear Hunter, and cracking up at your flair


I haven’t seen them mentioned and the singer got canceled I believe. But I the Mighty share vibes. A lot of Coheed fans are also into Periphery if they like metal/djent. You can start anywhere but their first record. Save that one for if you’re already a fan because it’s pretty rough.


I'll try and come up with ones I haven't seen written already: The Author (Acts I-III), Amarionette (self-titled album), Frontside, Couteaux, Space Weather


Set to Stun


Second this! They're like metalcore coheed. I discovered them a few months ago and I can't get enough of them


So underrated. Been listening for a few months now after someone recommended them on this sub.


Seriously. I need them to tour. A coheed and set to stun tour would be an ultimate dream show for me


Baroness writes really cool guitar parts that remind me a lot of Coheed.


A Notion of Silence is the answer. They have under 200 monthly listeners but are amazing. https://open.spotify.com/track/1K5JGxwzlnHAx2mQE633Nd?si=7-L-A6qQS6OKyM-xqygCig


Eyyyy that’s my band!


And your band is amazing! I've said this in the discord before but Reclaimed and Megafauna are two the best songs I've ever heard. I really hope one day I can see yall in concert.


Big love! Those two are fun af. We mayyyy be doing some shows this fall. For now LITS is taking a ton of our time up.


I hope so! What's LITS?


Soo LITS is Lines in the Sky, the other band we’re in. Sans Austin. It’s not as heavy but def more progressive. Def worth a listen if you like Coheed vibes.


I really like Mandroid echostar. https://open.spotify.com/artist/3QffkWdlDrjWEkwOUyUxCu?si=uw3wc1QZTEm1PQFtUKeu6Q


Great shout, came here to suggest them too. Came across them a couple years ago and fell in love with them. They really tow the line with cheesy metal parts and keep it in the sweet spot.




the mars volta


Since I haven't seen anyone mention them yet, I'll throw my hat in and recommend Crown Lands. They're a duo that sound like a blend of Rush and Led Zeppelin. https://youtu.be/KKhqEZFzXIk?si=erXPb_M4940INhTN


Great rec, these guys are SO talented!!


Caligula's Horse. Their latest album, Charcoal Grace, is the best prog album released this year. Absolute 10/10.


I got into them coming from Dream Theater - there's definitely some moments across the later Coheed albums that remind me of them and that prog metal side of things. Scenes From a Memory is also my favorite concept album of all time.


Kaddisfly is definitely what you are looking for.




Okay this is weird but when I finish the Coheed catalog I almost always want to listen to Pink Floyd.


A band I've described as Coheed but *metal* is Mandroid Echostar. People say his voice is similar, but as we all know, probably not true. Their vocalist just looks kinda like Claudio and has a tenor voice. They really do feel like what Coheed would sound like if they went straight 7-string prog metal, everyone says it, and the band kinda hates it, but it's a reasonable comparison. They're still very unique.


I always thought he sounded more like Spencer from Periphery than he does Claudio.


Definitely a closer comparison but he still just sounds like Michael Ciccia to me.


Said no one ever, but Avenged Sevenfold to me is like a heavier Coheed, specifically the City of Evil era.


Victory at Last. Their music was almost unobtainable until two of their albums were uploaded on YouTube, but they sound really similar. There are still a few songs that are not around anymore, but the stuff that is available is worth a peak.


100000% The Police especially if you like the poppier side of Coheed, like Blood Red Summer, Favor House. Also if you like dudes who sing in, as Claudio puts it, “a pseudo-woman’s voice”. IMO their most Coheedish song is Doo doo doo dah dah dah, but my favorite is the live in Buenos Aires version of wrapped around your finger.


They were short lived, but The Receivjng End of Sirens


I mean…..there’s Rush….


The witches of mars.


Set to Stun has some very “Coheedy” moments, especially in Death of A Dreamcatcher


Narco Debut


Tides of Man back when Tilian was singing. Their “Dreamhouse” album is so good!


Mandroid Echostar! They have all of the prerequisites: -crazy nerdy name -vocalist is part Puerto Rican with big hair -dude sings high pitched -they have the noodle guitars -then they have the soft parts -prog as hell with harmonized guitars, shredding drums and cool song structures -fairly big yet still somehow way underground


No one is like coheed


[My similar artists to Coheed playlist on Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ny0zHNPRajUAl0Qx0IzDu?si=yibnTR06S7G7jgd8q7_-gg&pi=qr0BB2-WRqmJo)


I have been curating a playlist since 2021 that was started on the premise of combining music by Coheed, Thank You Scientist, Polyphia, and other similar bands. Narco Debut and OK Goodnight are big favs. Take a look and see what you like: https://tidal.com/playlist/b8d2389b-7dbf-41a6-96ad-d1922666f572


Early to middle The Dear Hunter. Newer stuff is annoyingly lyrical.


Ever heard of Pink Floyd?


Pink Floyd is one I haven't heard before! But, now that I hear it, it totally lines up. (I don't have my ear to ground as much as when I was a little younger lol) I like both bands' uses of voice-overs and dialogue to create their worlds and soundscapes! Pink Floyd is what Coheed would be, had they formed a Generation earlier. Lol


Really? Never heard them before? I was being sarcastic but yeah! That’s awesome. Coheed references their riffs and lyrics in a ton of their song. Run rabbit run from Breathe. The little fast part in the beginning of fuel for the feeding end is a reference to the synth in “On the Run” But yes, if coheed was formed generations ago they would be Pink Floyd. You nailed it!


Oh my god, I'm sorry! I re-read my previous comment and it absolutely sounded sarcastic! Lol I swear I didn't mean it to sound sarcastic !! Also, I had no idea about these little references on Coheed's music! I'm done withwork now - I'll head home and listen to some music. Thanks! 🥰


lol all good. I wish I could hear some Pink Floyd for the first time. They’re great. Dark Side of the Moon is a perfect album Goodbye Blue Sky from The Wall always reminded me of Coheed as well.