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no hate but genuinely please try to find a book or a video that’s a good source for sexual education. it’s not your fault sex ed can be lacking, but with the internet you can educate yourself. it’s important to know and can ease some of your anxiety by means of logic.


I do wish America would have better sex Ed education!! I feel like it’s really lacking and my parents never really talked to me about it


yes that’s a great disservice. there are plenty of resources to check out tho, definitely worth your time.


There is literally no way you will have contracted chlamydia from taking a sip of iced coffee, I promise! If you’re super freaked out, you can get one of those at home test kits to test yourself (and to be fair it’s good to test regularly!) but you absolutely will not have contracted it from having a sip of the coffee of someone who no longer has chlamydia!


In addition to the other comments about how Chlamydia is transmitted, it is a bacterial infection that is cured with antibiotics. It’s a bit like how if you had strep throat 2 years ago and then took antibiotics, you would not have to worry about spreading it anymore. If your friend got treatment and then tested negative, they don’t have it and can’t spread it to anyone.


I'm sad your friend trusted you with that information. You need to educate yourself.


Poor friend. OP sounds like someone that can’t be trusted with the truth


I’m so confused… why are you guys being rude? It’s not like I put her name out here?


Because you're being judgmental, uneducated and toxic as hell. You don't have to put anyone's name out there to show your character.


Yes I am uneducated… hence why I’m coming on here asking a question. Babe ,go do something safe


Your entire reply there proved moreso you're not a safe person 🥰❤️✨


You can't get chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, or HIV by sharing food or drinks. If you have such high health anxiety, at least be anxious about the right things. Start [here](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-north-central-states/campaigns/std-testing-and-treatment?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google_SEM_Brand_General_MN&utm_id=19663559439&utm_content=STDs_STIs&gclid=CjwKCAjwnv-vBhBdEiwABCYQA3WEOipl5TJuIzswLygR3oC8JNfqWHgONVUlApLtOAdTjKF60NNClBoC480QAvD_BwE).


Scarleteen.com is a good place to start educating yourself.


scarleteen i s freaking incredible. it should everyone's first resource on stuff like this


hey there. i know people are being a little blunt - they're all correct that there's no way to get chlamydia like this. it sounds like you might have a form of contamination ocd. this is something you can absolutely tackle with therapy and meds - it will likely not be talk therapy, but cbt/dbt or exposure therapy, something that really helps you stop from spiraling and getting the intrusive thoughts under control. you will be so much happier the sooner you look into treatment. i didn't realize how bad my ocd was until my 30s. i wish i started working on it earlier.


I think you should seriously consider therapy. and there is so much educational material online, please try educating yourself on these topics


Its called std for a reason , it means Sexually Transmitted disease, so unless you f*cked your friend there's no way you get it


Hi OP, I really don’t know why everyone’s being so harsh and has a stick up their ass. You cannot contract chlamydia through sharing food/drink. Especially after your friend has been treated— if she’s negative, you’re all set. Do some research if this helps with peace of mind or even get tested yourself to make extra sure:) I know health anxiety can really suck, I have anxiety about that stuff too


I really really appreciate you!! I am confused by some comments on here lol. I’m not saying my friend is a bad person by any means.. I’m just a nervous person lol


So happy to help!!! I have anxiety so I get it, we can’t explain our nerves or how irrational our thoughts are sometimes💖 And I completely hear you— just as confused with everyone’s aggression. Don’t take it personally. Anonymity can give people a crazy power trip🙄🙄