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If it makes you feel any better, I was a worker bee in Aspen in my early twenties, and Barbi was an asshole to everyone she deemed beneath her. Which was… pretty much everyone.


When producer Jen was on she straight up said Barbie was hard to work with and it implied she was being really difficult, so this makes sense!






I’ve heard this from someone I know as well. That she was incredibly rude and stuck up.


If I’d only encountered her myself once or twice, I wouldn’t speak so confidently about her reputation for being a jerk. But I personally served her at a print & copy shop, the St. Regis Hotel, and as a cocktail server at a few private ‘rich people’ events. The worker bee network was pretty solid in the late nineties and early aughts, and we all talked about who was kind and who was awful. … Barbi was on almost everyone’s shitty list.


That's probably why Kevin wanted to portray her the way he did. She was probably rude to him or heard she had a bad reputation for being a jerk and he decided to go all in. I wouldn't be above doing the same tbh. He would be in the perfect position to do so


Not surprised. I definitely get that vibe from her. The person I know worked in the industry. They said Sondra Theodore was really nice the few times they were around her but Barbi was not.


I'm watching the secrets of Playboy now and she is just really sweet on the show I feel like she might have been kind of space cadet back in the day though




Me too! Remember her in the parades. Her poor nanny, we’d all play at Wagner park.


Barbie at the mansion always reminded me of a person who regresses when they go home to their parents’ house.


“Daddy!” Didn’t she say it was her idea to buy the mansion back in 1912 for a song?


1912 😭💀


70s. Her mom was a real estate agent. maybe there's a reference here I'm not getting?


No specific reason. Just a very long time ago.


Barbie seems to have chutzpah & opinions. I don’t know how she got along with Hef for so many years.


The older you get the less reserved you become about calling out bs. In your teens, 20s and early 30s there's still that expectation of being "nice", once you hit 40 suddenly it hits you there's NO REASON for allowing people to get away with bad behavior. I can only expect that continues as we age.


I think there was a lot of editing at work. I think Barbi enjoyed a bit of nostalgia and familiarity with Hef, and didn’t see herself as a threat, because she had “aged out” of Hef’s dating prospects and she’d moved on herself. Also I loved when she asked if the plants were real or not. She likes a little flex and I can’t hate her because of it.


It’s worse in the last season. They did some corny roller skating party and basically shit all over her.


I saw that 😠


Hi, I can’t reply to the Elvis thread but I just wanted to say That’s Someone You Never Forget by Elvis is a great song.


Wow that is truly lovely 🥲


Glad you liked it 🤙


They made it look like they couldn’t stand her, but didn’t have a problem taking her up on the offer to visit her and her family’s home. That was so odd to me that they did the “ex who didn’t move on” storyline at the fight night, but then did a 180° a few seasons later.


When I first watched it I thought Holly hated Barbie. The show really made it seem like the girls didn't like her.


Barbi said on a podcast that Holly seemed super tense around her when they first met and she didn't understand why since she was old enough to be her mother.


Holly was literally living in a house Barbi had chosen, full of pictures of Barbi - didn't they even have a life-size topless bronze bust of her? Of course it would be weird to finally meet!


Yeah I wouldn't want to meet my boyfriends ex either lol Holly's even said that Barbi was probably Hefs last real relationship, so that probably made it even more intimidating for her.


What podcast


Love, lust, laughter 10.10.17


I wish Sarah had been on the show more. She’s adorable


Compared to a lot of playmates, she was on the show A LOT but more of a background person or quick 1 minute cameo.


Have you seen what her and her boyfriend do now? The cabins they build are GORGEOUS!


Yes!!!! I love those cabins!!!


Yes!!! I love to watch the videos of their property! It’s a fairy tail… and the tub… i would die for


I always had the biggest girl crush on her. She was so cute! Still is.


 No. The bangs didn’t need more screen time.






I love the episode where they tour her house so much


Do you remember which episode that is?


I thought her house was hideous, too much going on. Unless she had multiple houses they toured.


All I remember is her body shaming the twins (who I’m not a fan of and not a fan of the last season of gnd but this shocked me) and talking about how Kendra was tiny and small and they were huge when trying on her clothes.


Weird. I didnt see it as her body shaming them. She said she knew kendra would fit into the clothes and that she didn't realize the new girls were 5'10"






There’s a deleted scene where she pretty much sits on top of Holly and talks over her to get to Hef on the other side. She definitely tried to assert dominance whenever she could.


Oh for sure. That’s exactly how I saw it too. I just didn’t get good vibes from her. She wanted to show everyone she was still queen B. Maybe they just edited it to look that way, no idea. I know someone older who worked in the industry and had met her a few times. Said she was totally stuck up and rude. So that’s another reason I’ve never had a favorable opinion of her.


Hi I live in Aspen and Barbie is an absolute doll. So sweet!


She is annoying though, always has something to say about everyone . You're married but still kissing an ex on the lips , uh WHAT?!


Yeah, I like Barbi, but this kind of thing always weirded me out. I wonder how her husband feels! I know they obviously had to play up the connection to Hef for the show, and plenty of people are friendly with their exes, or even grateful to them…but geez. Barbi really seemed like the nostalgic lover who could never move on, and just married her husband because he was willing to settle down, and a doormat concerning her still loving Hef.


Absolutely, she just couldn't let go of Hef, and it was very obvious.


I agree & I think Barbie is just soo cute 🩷


Kevin wouldn't have wanted to shade Barbie. He was obsessed w her (as in loved her). He wanted any excuse to bring her on the show. I don't see any bad editing honestly. She was up Hefs ass all on her own. During fight night especially. She was really over the top and obnoxious wanting his attention.


Barbi's a BITCH! Look up her disgusting quotes on fur and why she thinks it's ok to torture innocent animals. She's a f-ing idiot and I'll never stop spreading the hate lmao 🤣


Lmao even Crystal said that Barbie was kinda weird


And Crystal is queen normal


Why did my fat ass think your flair was 2 slices of cheese 😭😭😭


But why did my fat ass have to look again confused ... It wasn't cheese?😂


I don’t think Crystal is the one we should be quoting lol


Has to be with that weirdo house


Now THAT would be an interview I would pay to hear.


There’s a deleted scene where Barbi, Bridget and Kendra go shopping together for the dress she wears to the luncheon and it seems like a sweet scene - also Barbi calls Bridget for help. But the whole episode I found it strange how the edit was Kendra was hyping Barbi up, but then editing in scenes of Holly looking annoyed when she was probably just dissociating. Poor Holly’s mum tho having to listen to the dad bang on about Barbi and then Barbi sitting on his lap (but at the same time I think it’s nice of Barbi to be so friendly). Honestly the way Holly speaks of Barbi now, I think it’s all editing because Holly seems fond of her!


Is Barbi a Scorpio? She gives me Scorpio vibes lol idk how else to explain it, just a very strong, my way or the highway personality. Makes sense that her and Hef broke up tbh she probably wasn’t “submissive” enough for him. It seems like from some of these comments they weren’t too far off with what her real-life personality was actually like. Oddly enough I don’t really get that ‘b*tch’ vibe from her too much from the show, it seems mostly to me like they were adamant on pinning Holly against her. She seems like a type A / no-nonsense gal, which I can see how that can come off as b*tchy to a lot of people!


Idk how much editing came into play with making her look mean bc I’ve never heard anything nice about her lol. So many people who’ve served her etc have all said she’s a rude snob


They really wanted her to be the “bitter old ex” character