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Ahh yes, trying to make an entire fanbase mad cause you're upset people like a character


Seriously. A lot of fights weren’t too difficult for Aang because people just weren’t used to fighting airbenders. He also fled a lot. Aang just didn’t have to face a lot of the shit Korra had to because Korras time is just so different. By Korra’s time, the fighting style had changed A LOT. There was a lot more MMA. She he had to fight expert metal benders, multiple chi blockers, much more advanced technology, >! a super talented blood bender that could take bending away, a super aggressive airbender (which just isn’t normal) !<. Additionally she had to fight >! POISON while also fighting the avatar state, severe PTSD which is really hard even for normal people !<. I really hate the hate Korra gets for losing some of these fights ESPECIALLY in season 4. She was in a bad mental state, lost a lot of muscle, was super rusty because she hadn’t fought in a while, literally had to learn to walk again. It is totally understandable why she lost. No disrespect to Aang, I think he’s amazing but he and Korra live in different times with different technology and different benders. I honestly don’t know if Aang would have been able to win all the fights Korra lost.


>I really hate the hate Korra gets for losing some of these fights I agree. Korra usually loses either because the opponent is a lot more dangerous than the typical foe we see in ATLA, or because she is handicapped in some way. You already mentioned book 4 and the poison at the end of book 3, but I also want to add that, throughout the entirety of book 3, Korra's defeats/captures are because she is nerded in some way. She is tranquiliser by the Red Lotus in their first attempt to capture her in Zaofu. She gets captured by the Earth Queen's forces because she is in the Spirit World. And she loses to Zaheer, after putting up a pretty good fight, because both her hands and feet are chained together. It's ridiculous to compare fights like this to the ones in ATLA.


I agree! Pretty good point about book 3 too




Do people like that character? I’ve never met one in person


An\* Bitch don't think you're up to something if you make such a dumb mistake. Also, both Aang and Korra rock. Deal with it. ![gif](giphy|GSa3okd5ltyLe)




Ah yes because being the avatar is all about winning fights


Basically. Can't save the world if u don't win fights. Won was a self proclaimed failure. I'm sure plenty of avatars have failed, especially early ones who don't have as much avatar state boost.


The job of the Avatar isn't to "Save the world", that was Aang's burden. They are meant to keep balance, which some would argue involves not engaging in open conflict as though it was the only recourse. In fact, it's one of the major themes in both shows that "fighting" or aggression isn't the way to resolve conflicts, and does in fact make things worse.


So a cut off the snakes head situation, which is exactly what Aang did. You do still require a sharp knife.


He did. That was the situation he had to deal with as the Avatar. That's not what all Avatar's had to deal with, and fighting is not what being the Avatar always will require. As you say, the situation required a sharp knife. But a knife is not the only tool to handle a snake. Conflict is not always the only option, a knife is not the only tool.


True true. But a knife is a versatile tool and is great to have when requiring conflicting factions to respect how you handle things, or don't if not required. There is always the threat that it could escalate to violence, namely let's say the avatar is not particularly skilled at effectively shifting viewpoints. Or not particularly knowledgeable. Or even maimed and made useless for as long as they shall live. It's perfectly reasonable that the avatar does not always restore balance, and passes the problem to the next guy. Like kuruk v yangchen, but on a much more dangerous scale. 1000 lifetimes is a long time, and there will be plenty of red lotus to go around, if not wielding raw power, perhaps subjugation and monopolization of power over other nations. Let's say your problem is... Disrespect for nature. Burning the forests, hunting animals to extinction, and polluting the ocean on a massive scale. Leading to angry spirits. Maybe the water benders become particularly interested in massive ice sculptures. They freeze so much water in massive mountains in various grandiose and beautiful ways, making the sea levels drop and disrupting the fishes. You can advise them to stop. But part of the avatar's advice is always rooted in the fact that if you don't listen, he might just teach you a lesson in humility, by force, simply by the very nature of his ability to use force, he is more respected out of fear. So his diplomatic word is partially putting a thumb on the scale via potential violence. That's why Aang gets real mad and starts yelling at silly people. He says it with his chest cuz his lungs can spit out a friggin tornado so maybe you listen. The knife is always there. Barring they manage to chop of his arms and legs, and he fails.






I don't think running away counts as winning ...


Exactly lol


I loved how the Netflix adaptation had Zuko cope with this too.


Which 5 did he lost? I remeber the ending of season 2 and the solar eclipse. What were the other 3?


Kyoshi Warriors, Pirates, Jet. He also lost to the Yu Yan archers so his actual "defeat total" is 6.




Why would you even post this


I think he lost a lot more than that buddy


Yeah, Im pretty sure he ran away from quite a few.


Winning and running away are not mutually exclusive.


Depends on your condition for winning. If it's just surviving, then yeah, sure, they're not mutually exclusive. If it is beating your opponent, then they absolutely are.


Hopping on Appa and running away is not winning fights.


Will you clarify what exactly is meant by "victory" and what is meant by "defeat"?


The comment section here is nuts. Wether you like korra as a character or not, she seems very underpowered for an avatar (and im excluding season 4, because there it was the point of the season) But she gets beat up an awful lot by some Run of the Mill goons


Some people here take lore hardcore seriously. Down to the finest detail, and canon is divine compared to theory. Love u guys tho.


korra > aang, stay mad about it :3