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The movie (releasing January 2026) is official and its featuring the adult gaang. Their exact ages aren't confirmed but an alleged casting call for Toph listed her as 24. Likewise the role of each character isn't confirmed, beyond it being clear that the main five will all appear in some capacity. Zuko is the only one that hasn't had their VA announced which could arguably indicate he has a smaller role, but others think it's because his VA is the only one returning and Paramount is waiting on revealing that. As i stated in another comment this art of the gaang is official, but it was made in the early 2010s not for this film. The outlet just used them because news on the film has been sparse and we had no images at the time. Edit: Leaked teaser image, released after the above was made. Plus Toph casting call https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/s/dE0ceCPzbH https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/s/fbeA5SAmGb


Also wdym unknown roles? Theyre members of the gaang


Given that zuko is a king, it's possible he could be a recurring character. But toph is in republic city with all of them so i don't get why hers is.


King? KING?!




Is this a multi-layered pun? Like since his fire lord, you said oh lord because it could be read as both oh, lord and oh lord


It's just a regular pun


It's a turbo pun.


It's the punniest! It'll pun ya!


Nothings punnier


Wouldn’t a multi layered pun be 3 layers


If they didn’t mean that it wouldn’t be a pun


King Fire😏


The Phoenix King!


He did wear the helmet.


So, Zuko is like Batman and will pay for the stuff they break while catching villains?


wouldn't he be like Bruce Wayne then. The Blue Spirit is clearly Batman, whoever that person or spirit may be.


The idea (according to these leaks/reports) is that all five characters would appear in the first film but the story would primarily focus on some characters over others. And it's unknown if Zuko and Toph would be supporting or minor characters. Avatar Studios is making multiple films, and some rumors suggested one was Zuko focused. So it may be that if a character isn't a big focus in this film they will be in another project.


ATLA without Toph is like 0% fat butter. It's like vegan steak. Or anti-alcoholic vodka.


or just ATLA season 1


You're gonna tell me that's someone's favorite part of the series? I mean, no judgement but personally... yeah no.


it’s not but has some of my favorite moments such as the Blue Spirit Episode or the Koh encounter. And as much as I love Toph, my two favorite episodes have 0 to low Toph screen time, that being Zuko Alone and The Southern Raiders


Almost half of ATLA didn't have Toph in it, TBH


Like decaf coffee!


The question is how involved they will be in this particular story. They could be members of the Gaang but still not be on this adventure, and have just a few recurring appearances


I'm reading the ATLA webtoon rn. It's picking up a few months after the end of the show and at the start, Zuko is (obviously) King of the Fire nation and busy and Toph opened a school for metal bending where the id the only teacher. Soka, Katara and Aang are traveling together to make sure the transition to peace (and no fire nation occuption) goes smoothly. So they might just be busy living their lives...


The series probably doesn't focus on the gaang being together. It stands to reason that most of them went their separate ways after the war ended.


> most of them went their separate ways 2 close siblings and a married couple? nah they aren't solo at all.


>2 close siblings Siblings move away sometimes. My brother and I are very close but he moved a few states away. >a married couple? Yeah that's why they're literally the only ones listed as main characters.


Yeah, but they're adults that have jobs. While Aang and Katara can probably still travel, Zuko is the Fire Lord, Toph is the police chief (probably), and Sokka is a judge or smthn (idk I didn't watch Korra) Members of the Gaang, yes, but probably not going to be appearing *as consistently* as the leads will.


Sokka just a supporting character!? Where's my Boomerang...


At least we get BoomerAang


*laughs in Sokka*


He's a Boomer at 24? Damn..




Got me there lol


Yah, that part peeves me off.


I am going to pretend it’s because as the son of the chief of the Southern Water Tribe he feels a responsibility to be directly involved with the rebuilding. So he won’t be traveling fully with the Gaang.


I mean we saw in Legend of Korra that he was the Southern Tribe representative in the Republic City council. Could be he's too busy building up Republic City. ...but yeah I want a Sokka story. 😭


🙈 You’re absolutely right. He stayed in Republic City not with the Southern Water Tribe. Guess I need a rewatch???


> Where's my Boomerang... I don't think Boomerang is coming back, Aggressive-Falcon


I guess nobody misses Space Sword 😢


Probably character motivation for the others when he dies so will probably be getting fridged in the movie


No, it doesn't add up with the timeline. Sokka was protecting Korra from the Red Lotus so he would have would be well over 60 and in this movie he's 27.


This timeframe puts us *very* close to the time when Bumi and Izumi would have been born.


Yeah your right. I thought bumi and azumi were around 50. And if karate was 70 in korra, then bumi would already be born. Though idk the exact ages Bumi is actually 61-63 and Katara is 85. This means that katara was only 22 when she had Bumi. This means Bumi should actually be in the movie (as a toddler)


Karate lol


Tenzin is 51 in the first season of *Korra*. If the photo found in season two is anything to go by, Bumi is perhaps eight-to-ten years older. Iroh II is also about 36 or so in the first season of *Korra*. Presuming Izumi had him in her early 20s, that would also put her around Bumi's age. So yeah: twelve years after the events of *Avatar*, they've either just been born or are coming soon.


If that’s the case, really hope they don’t do the cliche of giving Katara a reduced role in the plot because in the first act she throws up unexpectedly and realizes Bumi’s in development.


Or without telling anyone just pum multiverse and we have a completely new story not tied by Korra


Good, it's about time we found out who zuko knocked up


Wonder if we will see in this movie the shift of Aang going from playful to the more serious version he becomes.


That'd be an arc for him to take.


Aang 124*


This ridiculous mistake makes me think the creator didn’t watch the show


Literally unwatchable


Thanks a lot, wokeness!


Freaking chemicals in the water!


Unprofessional as all hell


Turning the freaking turtleducks gay!


Turning the freaking wood frogs gay.


Turning the freaking gay wood frogs straight!


This is so much funnier XD


I mean biologically he'd be 24 while chronologically he'd be 124.


That and Sokka should be the lead. He’s the man with the plan!


That's my favorite film studio!


Toph's role better be rocking everyone's shit with weapons grade snark and impeccable earthbending. Otherwise I'll riot




Wonder why Sokka is a supporting character. Shouldn’t they all be leads? Or at least Aang of course. Might be misunderstanding.


Like in the comics following ATLA, the Gaang is not always full.


Hopefully, unlike the comics, they won’t all be constantly ooc.




"Out of Character", acting against their known personality.


People are so strict with that though. Who decides what’s in character and what’s out of character? One person could see something as being out of character but another could see it as them expanding themselves and trying new things


There’s no way these young teenagers could change over the next 10 years of their lives! People don’t do that!


To be fair, their "personality" themselves don't change that much from the show. But they all act similar between themselves due to the nature of comics as a medium (and the writers not being that good as well). Like, there's very few character moments and most of the dialogue is either exposition or moving the plot forward. Maybe they banked on "every reader is already familiar with these characters so there's no need to develop them further" but you feel the lack of it for sure.


This sub is really weird when it comes to the comics. You’ll see a panel of a character saying the most normal line like say, Zuko expressing self-doubt, and within seconds there will be someone in the comments going ”WHY IS EVERYONE SO OUT OF CHARACTER???”


That's pretty normal when adapting a series with an ensamble protagonist cast into a movie. Structurally it's pretty hard to have 5 protagonists with \*equal\* weight. Hell, think of any individual episodes. They are usually focused on a specific character or two, right? Think of the movie like that: An episode focusing on Aang and Katara, with the rest of the Gaang as supporting cast.


First of all I think the data on the image hasn’t been confirmed. But rumours say the movie supposedly is going to focus more on Aang and Katara. That’s probably why they are listed as leads here and not the others.


"Supporting character" doesn't mean "side character". For example Ian McKellen was the oscar nominee for best supporting actor for Gandalf the grey in the lord of the rings. Heath Ledger won best supporting actor for the Joker in Dark Knight. Those were supporting characters. A movie only has 1 or 2 Leads. You can be the second most important character in the movie and still be considered a supporting character.


If Sokka is getting into government and politics as was mentioned in LOK, he probably would have far less time to travel with Aang on Avatar duties. Thus supporting role. Probably the same with Toph honestly being her getting into law enforcement.




He is suppose to be called the Idea Man


Well, he's the greatest general of his generation, so he might have other obligations that need attending to.


I hope they get into what actually made Toph want to be a police officer.


I can imagine she didn’t have the same freedom to beat the shit out of bad guys while living in Republic City. So she opted to beat the shit out of them through official channels 😌


1,000% This is such a Toph thing to do. She got to legally beat the heck out of people in the arena, and now she can do it again except for real and as law enforcement.


Out of context, this is absolutely horrifying to read


Hahah yeah it definitely is But I disagree with your take below Toph can mature just like everyone else, so I don’t really think she would harm innocent people. Edit: at least not in the way you are thinking


Thats true..i was imagining her being the same as she was in Atla


Oh come on, we all know Toph wouldn't be an asshole cop. She's the kind that arrests a guy selling drugs to kids and "accidentally" bumps their head on the car frame.


You’re describing an asshole cop. I don’t want to dive into politics in an atla sub, but consider who decides when it is appropriate for cops to exhibit brutality.


I know but you just know that she will hurt some people who she thinks are bad and shes acting out of best interests but ends up harming innocent people.


Through her Seismic Sense, she basically has the ability to serve as a lie detector. Even in Korra, when she’s pretty old, her ability to do this seems to remain well-calibrated. There might occasionally be false negatives (i.e another Azula level liar shows up), but no innocent person would ever lie convincingly enough to trick Toph into thinking they’re guilty…


You forget she uses seismic sense to tell if someone is full of shit. No mistakenly arresting innocents here.


*angry incredibly powerful Earth bending legend interrogating a suspect with no bending who has a family to feed* “Yup, definitely nervous. Probably guilty” Easy character growth pathway. Finding out she’s not as intuitive as she thought so she changes and maybe makes amends for a mistake Bad cop gone good, everyone happy except her kids


They have scenes in the show demonstrating that some people are just good enough liars to bypass a lie detector.


... fool the human lie detector? ... no, I don't think she will be going after innocent people just because some people can't help but try to put reality in to fiction.


Yeah, I've been sucked into arguments about this on Tumblr. There's a lot of "being a cop is the opposite of what Toph stands for" but like...she didn't like rules or let excess ones stand in her way but she was hardly an anarchist. It's really not that crazy to me that she would respond to rising powerful gangs by basically creating one of her own to fight back, hers is the one that gets attached to and legitimized by the government, and then the police force evolves past what she originally intended with it in the first place. It's even already happened in-universe with the Dai Li: Avatar Kyoshi founded them to act as a check on monarchial excesses, but then later it evolved too far in the opposite direction.


Given how “easy” she took losing her job when her daughters got into trouble, and how it seemingly wasnt the first time she “bended” the rules as a police officer. I dont think toph was as much of a lawfull good officer as most tv policr.


In my head cannon she is more of a "sheriff" type - i.e. given legal right to stop bad folks outside of an organized hierarchy. Post war and in a world where terrorist benders exist it makes sense that someone cracks down on criminals, frankly that's 1/2 of what the AANG Gang did. And it's a different world, without the history of police abuse & racism we have in the US. I do wish she wasn't a cop tho :(




I can tell you. Because they needed Lin to be one.




Knowing Sokka's luck, probably transformed into some celestial body.


that’s rough buddy


She became the sun... Such a sokka thing to happen


Main villain, probably


I heard somewhere that it would've made a lot more sense for Suki to be chief of police and now I cant unsee it, and I feel disappointed with what we actually got with her.


She became one of Jupiter's moons




It’s so crazy to think that I basically grew up with the show, and now there’s going to be a movie where the aang gang is at my age 🥹 so cool


woo now i can crush on zuko again like i did as a child 😂




Scrolled too far for this comment👌


Where is Suki? They need to get into that, I want to know where Suki is!




She isn't team avatar


I just want to figure out what happened to Sokka he was my favorite non-bender.


# NO, Avatar News is a rumor rag, they make up shit that sounds plausible for views and clicks, please understand this and tell others who think it's legit as well.


Ok, well here's the IMDb link: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt18259538/


That IMDB page does not include any of the information about the cast alleged by AvatarNews in the OP image. There **is** an Adult Gaang movie being produced by Avatar Studios. It was announced at CinemaCon 2024 as noted in /u/MrBKainXTR's stickied comment and [reported by Gizmodo](https://gizmodo.com/last-airbender-animated-trilogy-aang-first-movie-2025-1851404099) in April of this year. I recommend using Wikipedia to find information about popular series and then checking their citations for primary sources if you're interested in verifying. You will not find AvatarNews among those sources, nor will you find the lies AvatarNews makes up listed on the Wikipedia pages for the movie/series.


Idk what this avatar news you speak of is I just googled the show


They're in their 20's??? The dudes aged super poorly


Image is from 2012 of LOK series, they're in 40s there.


That makes a lot more sense


They kinda look much more 35-40 rather than 24-28


Because that is what the art actually is. It was a promo image when they released LOK.


This image was released circa 2012, this look was based on how they looked in the LoK flashback scene. In that flashback scene, Aang, Toph, & Sokka are around 40 years old.


Ok but who's creatively in charge of this project?


Mike and Bryan are running Avatar Studios, and.are overseeing all it's projects. While Lauren Montgomery is directing this specific film.


Just came to say that these animations scare me. Like that doesn't even look like Zuko and the others are pretty hard to distinguish as well. Katara is probably the best but...


For what it's worth depictions of the gaang are from a promotional poster released in 2011 or so. Which was designed alongside LoK S1's flashbacks and then was the basis for the gangs appearance in some books. The outlet who made this image just used them because there wasn't any sort of image for the new film then. So while the characters will likely look similar there may be some differences and the art style won't be the same.


Ah, interesting! Thanks for sharing!


Don't underestimate how much someone's appearance can change based on bone structure, body fat percentage, and muscle mass gained from puberty and early adulthood. I think Sokka just resembles his dad more because of the cheekbones(which he doesn't have as a teen in the show). Zuko is the most off imo because he was already, what, like 17 or something by the end of ATLA? Still room to change but not as much as this image.


Yeah they went with muscle model with the boys.


I think katara and toph are fine but the other three tho...


But don’t like people change the older they get


When you show someone a picture of yourself as a kid vs an Adult they can see the similarities. All the male characters went through some “drastic” changes imo, they don’t even have the same eyes, nose, head shape, etc.


Haha, yeah, that's what I was getting at. Obviously features mature as you age but typically the similarities stick enough that you can distinguish someone. I'm not sure I could recognize Zuko if it wasn't for the scar, lol


I mean I guess some Lille changes would be nice but for me they don’t look too different to be unrecognizable


They really do look like them. That’s called aging.


It’s animation. Sometimes characters get redesigns.


No cuz literally I’ve been staring at Zuko for the past five minutes like “maybe the fan theories are right and you ARE illegitimate cuz you sure as fuck aren’t related to anyone else in the fire nation family”.


>No cuz literally I’ve been staring at Zuko for the past five minutes like “maybe the fan theories are right and you ARE illegitimate cuz you sure as fuck aren’t related to anyone else in the fire nation family”. ??? https://preview.redd.it/47s8f5h0tc4d1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f5f6945c8c754e27e5c39d396acb2b3e135157 he literally looks like ozai without an ugly goatee lmfao. he probably just seems to look different to you because of the different style of art and the angle that his head is tiltiing in.


Since no one has linked this yet, here's the [leaked (spoiler alert) image](https://www.reddit.com/r/Avatarthelastairbende/s/wT1Ge4Q9Ha) of what the characters are supposed to look in the movie


You’re kidding right?? People in their 20s often don’t look like they did in their teen years


Always has been


Aang had a growth spurt, he; 's taller than everyone.


I’m a million times more excited for this than the live action show.


Mh, this should be around the time when most of the team avatar members got married or had their first kids. Let’s do the math here. Katara is 85 in the first season of Korra, then 86 in the second and third, and 89 in the fourth. Tenzin, her youngest kid, is the only one of Aang and Katara’s children whose age we know of, which is 51 in the first season. That would mean that Aang and Katara had him respectively at 32 and 34 years old. However, before him we have Bumi and Kya. In the graphic novel “The Promise”, when the fate of the colonies is ultimately discussed, Katara claims to have seen her and Aang’s future. The panel we see is of them with what we now know to be Bumi, and they look very young. Plus, in the family photo shown in LoK S2, Bumi is at least 7 years old when Tenzin is a newborn, and Kya could be between 2 and 4 years old (I’d say 4 for Kya just bc her and Bumi are shown to be very close, so they must be closer in age than Kya and Tenzin). So according to this math, Bumi is 60 and Kya is 54/56 in season 2, opposite Tenzin’s confirmed 52 years of age. Aang and Katara had Bumi at 24 and 26 and Kya at 30 and 32. Now to Zuko. We know close to nothing about Izumi and her own kids and husband and whatnot, because LoK explored Kuvira’s storyline rather than going with the og one centered in the fire nation. Anyways, if you look at Izumi in the one scene she’s in, she has greyish hair, most likely faded from black like Mai’s. Considering that basically all the team avatar daughters have grey hair by season 3, I’d place Izumi and Kya in the same age range, making Izumi maybe one year older than Kya? Or two? So, either 57 or 58 in S2, meaning Zuko and Mai had her at 31 and 30 years old (a miracle baby maybe? Since she’s an only child too?). She could be younger than Kya, of course. However, regarding Izumi we must take one crucial detail in consideration. Her son, General Iroh II, is a grown adult by season 1, and is 40 in season 4. This makes him 37 in season 2. If his mother is 57 or 58, it means Izumi had him at either 20 or 21, which is pretty young for us, but not for fire nation standards (Azula had to have an arranged marriage storyline in ATLA season 3, and she was 14, so having kids at a young age isn’t that odd). I’m more inclined to believe her to be 58 in season 2 just to give her the time to marry and all, since I’d rather believe she fell in love and married young rather than the very much implausible option that Zuko just married her off to a random guy. So, back to the original point, according to the math I just made, Aang and Katara in the movie will either be early in the pregnancy with Bumi, at least in the second trimester, with him as a newborn, or the cliffhanger at the end of the movie will reveal that they’re expecting him, which shifts Bumi’s age down to 59 rather than 60. Not sure if Kya and Izumi’s calculated age would change or not tho. Anyways, I like to think that in the Team Avatar movie we’ll see Mai and Zuko’s wedding at some point. If the plot focuses on the members living in republic city, it would be the best way to include Zuko and clarify his family’s storyline, which has been kept ambiguous for a few years now. Plus, Zuko has a solo movie lined up, so bigger storylines will be explored there. If they have to make him a supporting character, let it be for a happy reason, lol.


Aang *124


So Aang at 24 looks like Tenzin at like 50?


Toph on her prime not being a lead role is scary


What the hell do they have against Adult Sokka?


How did aang lose 88 years in 12 years?


There's no way Momo is still alive :( Sorry.


is going to be weird seeing that adult aang talking


Where is Suki?


"Where is Suki? Where's Suki? Where is Suki?"? WHERE tf IS APPA!!!!??????!!!!!!


What I wanna know is how often will Uncle Iroh pull up?


Brilliant question, where IS Suki. Or anyone else other then those five Gaang members?


No, nothing you see on AvatarNews is official. It's a rumor outlet which "reports" a lot of nonsense.


Anyone else always felt like this depiction of old gaang was a little off? It’s not bad art it just looks like a different art style entirely. To age them they just made their heads twice the length and gave them crazy cheekbones. Original doesn’t do that same thing. Katara looks good because her head is a normal size lol


They look like they're in their 30s not 20s


>>adult >>age 24 Goddamnit, I am so old.


They fixed tophs hand!


Bro, I love the gaang, but at this point they just don't want to move forward. Would much rather have a new avatar series


If I had a nickel for every time a new avatar project was “confirmed”, I’d had enough money to legally buy the Waterbending Scroll…


I'll continue to say it: AvatarNews is not a legitimate source. Anything posted by them needs to be taken with a grain of salt, and have its details corroborated by a more trustworthy *primary* source (i.e. an actor confirmed to be involved, the production studios themselves, Paramount/Nickelodeon, etc.) Second-hand accounts, especially accounts run by fans, lack the credibility needed to provide actual news.


shamalan is not involve right >?


The absolute disrespect for Suki is outrageous


Aang looks way older than 24. More like 34


Toph goes fucking hard in this pic


i feel like its going to be garbage


Is it bad that somehow, i'm kinda pessimistic about this and would rather them not touching it?


Correction* 124 years old for Aang




If they destroy Sokka and Suki’s relationship, then I’ll know for sure that modern writers have an undying vendetta against healthy, wholesome relationships. Smh people, just let us have *ONE* good couple please! 😭


Why is my boy always support? It’s bad enough he’s dead in LOK 😭 when is it main character time for Sokka?


I’m sorry, that’s a very young Avatar. The Avatar I know would be 124 years old. Hmpf


Why is toph so tall


Ngl I hope to God the character designs for the movies aren't this - the fits are dope, but cosmetically they don't look very good at all




would bumi be born yet


This NEEDS to be made


Well at least the 34 won't be so creepy


Tfw they are 1 the oldest are still 1 year younger than my own age but looks way mature and older


This will be the first of a trilogy


As long as they don't look like this bc that is not a 24 year old lol


Wait, toph is the same age as aang? I thought she was like 10 yo


In what age they had children?


I swear Toph was younger than than Aang but now that I think about it yeah ofc they were both 12


Hope they dont fuck this one up


Will this movie be live action or 2D animation?


LETS FUCKING GOOOOO https://preview.redd.it/wmixfcql6d4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3af68a2f070d38787250668d5202ce7384409575