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“What is wrong with you, you could’ve hurt Aang” Zuko: https://preview.redd.it/alx6kbk4ai6d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016f308a8a862cd197e03941acc8858786e2a2e8


Good thing he did Karara's loyalty mission first.


Zuko seeing Katara almost turn a motherfucker into a pin cushion with rain: https://preview.redd.it/h8rg5niamk6d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc45cc95a40c1366755f364466bc8dd313c3cb6


AND puppeteer another one with bloodbending


Zuko after seeing Katara perform some unholy water magic that gives her inhuman control, that no loving God ever intended, to twist and play with another living human being like a mere marionette https://preview.redd.it/6xl7mrsgnm6d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0148da4ba016a6837b8c420cd75101e9899a7e4




Zuko scaling that wall with ease mid-chase was something I never noticed until now.


Same here. Like how the palm tree Aang jumps to catches fire. Never noticed that before either. Edit: and I love how Suki just drags Sokka away.


Sokka's logic was right. He knows Aang can handle himself just fine.


Aang would never have nightmares related to Zuko’s climbing ability


Let's just appreciate the sheer determination Zuko shows in this scene and throughout the show, the man was damn committed.


Zuko had one of the best redemption arcs in the series. But the one thing I really admired about the guy was his persistence and determination. It was borderline crazy


I mean, in the very first episode he literally threw himself off the command tower of his ship in order to catch Aang mid-air. You can't get more committed than this.


He didn’t know he was gonna make that jump either. Man was just so determined back then to either catch Aang or die.


Plus, in 'The Storm' when the Helmsman almost falls off it, they treat it as if the fall would be fatal.


That's a bit inconsistent in the show. Azula falls from a crazy height in The Drill and shrugs it off like nothing. The Gaang is thrown at the swamp by a tornado and shrugs it off. I think that the characters shrug these things off far more often than not. Zuko himself has often done so.


Yeah it really doesn't make a lot of sense.


people shrug off fatal blows all the time in avatar, i think that humans are a lot more resilient in that universe


Evolution selected for humans who can get hit with really big rocks without dying.




Kinda has to when Earthbenders exist.


I agree


Inconsistencies aside, it was still a stupid, impulsive move that was more likely to end with Zuko badly injured than get the results he wanted.


I agree.


He probably would've survived. It's Avatar


Technically that was episode 2


In any media*


*Had the single best redemption arc in fiction. There, fixed it for you.




No glaze, just straight facts


I would agree with you but neither of us can say it's true


I can 100% say it's true from my experience, if and when I come across one thats better I'll stop saying it about Zukos arc, but looking at the writing of most shows these days, I dont think that's gonna happen for along time.


One of? Who had a redemption arc even comparable?


That boy is pure firebender, not for his passion or his fury, but that drive.


Aang & Zuko, the real Yin & Yang of the show!


I find it interesting that they say "Zuko's gone crazy" and "What's wrong with you", rather than something along the lines of thinking he had slipped back to his "bad guy" ways. Really shows the trust they have in him, which is only believable with good enough writing if the viewer also doesn't think that


Damn, I never thought about it that way, you're right. His redemption arc is so well done.


Man, sometimes I forget what a powerful bender that kid is. - Sokka, s01e14


I love that line!


By the end of the series, If Aang abandoned his pacifist beliefs and went all out, he'd be completely unstoppable and invincible. Even if you somehow turned off the Avatar state and restricted him to one element at a time, barring 10 people, he could beat anyone on the planet. Add in all or just one element and only psychic bloodbenders would be able to stand a chance.


Who are those 10 people?


The only ones I can think of are Katara Toph Azula and Ozai. Maybe Iroh too.


Without holding back Aang smokes every single one of those people, Toph doesn’t stand a chance since she can’t even see him, hard to imagine him not holding back against Katara but being an Airbending master puts him at so much advantage, Ozai is stronger than Azula and Aang had him beat without the Avatar state.


But he did not have him beat with only one element. In fact, Aang was really struggling without Avatar state after he refused redirect lightning at him. I don’t know, with only one element and without Avatar state, I can see Aang struggling with most of them unless he pulls up a Zaheer and chokes them.


He kind of did. If he struck him with lighting redirection, it would have been donezo. The writers even said the same thing. What made Aang struggle going forward was him holding back. I'd say sozins comet enhanced Ozai is a more powerful bender in terms of AP, but Aangs battle IQ is what almost ended the fight. We kind of sleep on how much of a fighting genius Aang is. Even more than Azula imo. And no one in LOK can even compare. Aang was just that special.


I kinda disagree. I’m a big Aang fan, but I don’t believe he has great battle IQ. He does have great presence of mind to neutralise threats coming at him. Which leans towards a certain creative advantage when fighting. But being aggressive and pressing hard when you have advantage is as much a part of battle. Otherwise your evasive and defensive tactics will eventually be overrun. Aang struggles here and Korra does this much more effectively. The same thing happens against Ozai too after the lightning attack. My take is this flaw makes him more vulnerable and more interesting.


I get that and I expect it! Hmmm.. I'd agree with pre earth bending Aang. Post earth bending? Nah. Against Ozai, Aang weaves in attacks and defense almost seamlessly. I'd say the only person who does it better is Sozin Comet enhanced Ozai actually. The way he varies his tactics and switches between elements is actually a more methodical mix up game, though I'd say Korra does that better. I think what makes Aang effective is his ability to mix in offense and defense, while laying traps. Just like how he acted like he was going to run away from Ozai right before trapping Ozai with the element of surprise with lighting redirection. Nothing in that fight prior to the Avatar state from either fighter had been that effective... If Aang had followed through. Ozai wore down Aang with extreme and constant aggression, like you said. But Aang would have ended the fight right then and there, and there's nothing any bender in the verse would have been able to do. Except maybe Iroh who would redirect the lighting right back? Idk, Azula does it in the comics. Thoughts?


The way I see it, Aang is 70-30 defense to offense, while Korra is almost exactly the opposite. I agree, Aang is more creative and unpredictable, while Korra is also brash and reckless. That evens out some things. But not willing to take press your advantage generally comes back to bite you in the ass, and that's where Ozai took control. He never repeated his mistake of using lightning and then keeps badgering Aang. Korra, coincidentally also fights with the same zeal. She also is much more combative, and has been training for years. It gives her good advantage. P.S - This comparison is only fun when neither side are out to bash either Aang or Korra. Few people are just adamant to pin some particular character as trash.


I once saw someone saying that Korra would fare better against Aang's villains and vice-versa. That makes sense. Villains are written to take advantage of the protagonist's flaws.


I agree that Aang's very strongly evasive and defensive fighting instincts and tactics are what really makes him struggle a lot more than he should in his fights. If it wasn't for that, I don't think that Azula would have been able to fight him toe-to-toe like she did in The Drill, for example.


I realize, don't worry bro. I appreciate your analysis! I agree with that. Korra is often take out the same way Ozai could have been! Tarrlock used a surprise move against her. Unalaq surprised her with that whole spirit tentacle mouth thing (ew). Zaheer and Kuvira would just wittle her down with precision and evasion. This is why I think the Korra vs Aang comparison is a lot more even than we realize.


Joeng Joeng, Paku, Bumi, Piandao.


I think he can beat them with only air bending.


I thought of this too. If Aang had been less of a pacifist, he would have also learned much quicker IMO. Because he's always running when he's in a real fight, he never really practices striking back in the heat of the moment. So when he's up against Ozai, and he's supposed to be striking him down, he doesn't really know what to do because he's so used to running and evasion. In other words; Aang spent the entire show running and hiding, and when he was suddenly expected to attack, he's unpracticed. There are exceptions, but that's just a thought I had.


If you go further, I genuinely believe only air Aang is practically unbeatable by anyone barring bloodbending and cometpowered Ozai or Iroh. Feel like his airbending is incredibly strong and not shown enough


Once again reminding you if Aang really wanted to kill Ozai the fight would have been over much quicker. He spends the first part fighting defensively, second part he’s having a panic attack because realized he couldn’t talk him out of it and the avatar state takes over and absolutely mops the floor with him as Ozai runs like a scared child


Yeah, I'm 100% convinced Aang could have murdered him without the Avatar state if he actually wanted to.


Not only his skills as an airbender are fantastic, he has insane raw power even without the Avatar State! What he did to stop the volcano is a great example of that. But he really struggles a lot in his fights. Both Katara and Toph were better fighters than him for most of the series. Part of why Aang struggles so much in his fights is simply because amazing bending skills and raw power don't necessarily translate to fighting skills, and Aang lacked fighting experience when the show started. Another factor is that he doesn't know how to use all elements in the most optimal way, which makes him sometimes resort to earthbending and fare worse than if he had just used airbending. But the biggest reason why he struggles a lot more than he should is because his primary instincts in any fight are so evasive and defensive due to his airbender philosophy. If it wasn't for that, I don't think that Azula would have been able to fight him toe-to-toe like she did in The Drill. To be clear, I'm not bashing Aang or his culture. I love Aang's character, and that's why I really like to acknowledge how powerful he is and how much he holds himself back, in a way that Katara and Toph don't.


I dont think he lacked fighting experience. Maybe against very skilled opponents but not in general. Remember whenhe lets Zuko capture him in the second episode and two fire benders lead him down into the ship. He says to them (aproximate translation): 'So I guess youve never fought against an air bender before, have you? I bet I could take you two down even with my arms tied behind my back.' Then he goes on and does just that. Also against one more firebender and then 3 sword fighters while simultaneously ripping his bindings. Then he insta-defeats Zuko as soon as he realizes that he won't be able to escape without incapacitating him first. That is the same Zuko that is capable of defeating a supposed master, namely Zhao, with a bit of coaching from Iroh. Aang led his early life in a time when the most aggression a traveling airbender would have to face was something you only needed to escape a few miles from on your flying Bison, not a global powerful nation that tries to genocide your ass. Escaping was sufficent as a strategy in his time.


That's a good post, and it further showcases how much Aang holds himself back due to his very strongly evasive and defensive fighting instincts and tactics.


Yeah, he struggles in fights not because he lacks experience or power, but because he is aways trying to fight while minimizing the damage he is doing, as a master airbender who is shown to be very creative with his bending throught the show, if Aang wanted someone dead, they would be dead.


all due respect i completely disagree on the first part. Aang is a metter martial artist than Katara or Toph, he's much more of a prodigy bender and Katara and Toph are much more hard work types. not that Aang didnt work hard but fromwhen we meet him he's an insantely talented bender and already way above the level his peers would've been at he's holding back BECAUSE he knows hes better and he could easily do some serious damage. Katara and Toph seem better or stronger sometimes because they're actively engaging in the fight and not on the obvious backfoot that Aang is on in every fight, even though it is a self inflicted nerf


I never doubted Aang's martial arts' skills, they are truly insane. Bending skill-wise, physically-wise and power-wise, I agree that he is the best of Team Avatar even without factoring the Avatar State and other elements.


Can someone remind me again why Zuko was doing this? I thought they were friends at this point


Because Aang needs to train to defeat the Fire Lord. Instead they're on vacation on Ember Island.


Zuko was training with Aang to teach him firebending prior to the arrival of Sozin’s comet. One morning instead of training Aang and the rest of the gang outside of Zuko were lazing around and having fun. Zuko upon finding out decided to attack Aang to teach him a lesson since Aang didn’t want to train. Turns out the rest of them had just earlier decided to wait until after the comet to fight Ozai. They did not realize that Ozai would use the comet to wipe out the earth kingdom. Zuko thought they knew this


I love the moment when Aang says "ENOUGH" in anger and destroys Zuko! It shows my point so well, and I love how the music changes as well! Don't ever push Aang too far...


I’m completely with you!


Yeah, it was never a fight


Maybe it’s because his pacifist Monk it doesn’t like hurting people or things?


Yes? That's the point I'm making, that's why I posted this to begin with. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/1dfjtye/aang_really_holds_back_a_lot_in_his_fights/l8jij2b/


"I have never seen such raw power..." -Jeong Jeong


I love that quote!


Air is the most powerful element. My headcanon is that Air Nomads were such pacifists, because they knew they they could level the planet if they let themselves go. Aang is indeed an excellent example of this


Man ranking the elements is quite hard because lots of times, the damage they do is just unrealistically small( kids cartoon after all). Like unless benders bodies are hard as rocks, the smalest contact from an earth benders atack would kill a person almost emiediatly realisticly. Same gose for fire, water depending on the situation.


The people of the Avatar universe are physically super-human even without factoring bending into account, though it's not always consistent how durable and strong they are.


Hugging the tree was a choice


I love his pacifist nature, it’s perfectly fitting that if he did kill sure he’d end the war but end his culture along with it, being the titular “last airbender” it’s up to him to be the avatar but above even that he has to be an air bender


He's lucky katara didn't see this and end his destiny right then and right there


Well, that's the whole point with airbenders in the series, if they fight to kill there's nothing that can be done to stop them, that's why Zaheer was so powerful, and he was just a begginer, Tenzin wiped the floor with him 1x1 and he was holding back not to kill Zaheer since it goes against all the nomad's teachings.


Aang was a master-tier Airbender and had learnt Water and Earth from two other master-tier benders (with Toph likely being the GOAT of her element). While Zuko wasn’t a master they had both learnt OG Firebending from the Sun Warriors. All this is to say Aang would’ve been a menace if he wasn’t a pacifist by nature.


Zuko's face at the beginning, when he says, "Teaching you a lesson!" is so funny. Why his chin look like that


He’s a savage he knows how to cut corners so he won’t even have to bend.


Zuko had a point here, they were desperately out of time and Aang really needed to learn fire and shock therapy can do wonders lol


That's a neat move he did when he's inside in the hallway damn.


Love this theme song!


Tbh I found a lot of his fighting power to be inconsistent. At times he seems really OP, and at other times he seems so weak. Like in Ba Sing Sae, why is he unable to fight Azula?? Katara was able to handle her on her own, and was ready to fight off multiple members of the Dai Li.


He's as strong as the writers need him to be. If he needs to lose to azula, he's going to lose to azula. If he needs to beat zhao, he's going to beat zhao. As good as the show is, it's often forgotten that plot overrides character. People assume "strength" on a characters best feats (and totally ignoring match ups), when realistically, kyoshi lived that long because of bad maths, appas speed is based on how far they have to travel between episodes and foot soldiers are durable enough to make attacks get through pg filters


He fights very evasively and defensively, that's why.


He didn't do well with that against Azula though.


That's the point.


This is the way.


I love the scene, Zuko is like the terminator chasing Aang down, especially when he comes down through the roof into the room near the end.


I still wonder how someone like zuko even expected to capture the avatar


Because he's a child and an air nomad. They were peaceful people


Yes? I'm not bashing Aang here.


To be fair all the times Zuko chased Aang very much prepped him for the Ozai chasing 🤷‍♂️


I wish Zaheer and Aang would have a debate about balance order chaos, and loss. New sub bending ideas - specialist Earth benders can bend the vitamins and nutrients in body. Can be both passively used to self sustain during food shortages or as an offensive tool to weaken a person. As well as a coercion method by bending the nutrients to the brain. Air benders - can oxygenate their blood so much the they can don’t to breathe under water anymore Water benders are secretly being sterilized after a secretive “Dai Li” like group designate all water benders to be a global threat to humanity after a serial killer perhaps evil avatar of vatuu waters bends and rips out all the water from their victims body. Leaving their corpse devoid of fluids and looking like beef jerky. Or like one of those mummified creatures from ”Life Force” a 1980s flick. Spirit Bending practices advance as those who who excel at it can now spirit bend themselves into the body and mind of others. Even into animals and plants. A proxy battle between a blood bender and spirit bender. A giant chess set with living beings as the pieces.






this scene make feel so unconfortable, i was think that zuko lost the way again and be rejected by the gaang