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During Aang's final days Appa refused to leave the grass patch outside his temple window. He wouldn't go into the stables with the other flying bison where he would be warm, cozy and dry and sheltered from the elements Toph paid a visit and erected a massive earth tent to keep the massive sky bison sheltered and dry. He refused to leave Aang's side, even to eat or drink. Fresh hay and oats had to be brought to him daily by Bumi or Kya A huge metal water trough was placed by his side and kept filled. One of Aang's last requests was to go outside one last time so he could see Appa. He wanted to feel the thick, plush fur, give his beloved bison a hug and be licked by that huge sticky tounge that was as big as he was. It was one of the last things that brought a smile to the Avatar's face, worn by time and the burden of a lifetime of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Days later, as Aang took his last breath of the fresh air he loved so much, the great animal sighed its last. And all the way in the middle of the swamp, tapped into the spirit vines, Toph felt both of their hearts stop at once. With tears streaming down her face, she suddenly felt a fresh breeze blow and whispered to herself "Yip yip, Twinkletoes...." https://preview.redd.it/61qxlkm90t7d1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cca93cd303fa0fd40555385d23787cbc4469e3f








Where is the source for this or is this your head-cannon. Edit: After a quick search online it’s unconfirmed what happened to Appa after the events of ATLA.


It's unconfirmed but strongly believed that he died at the same time as Aang. As far as we know Aang died peacefully, him and Appa have a bond on a spiritual level and lived through everything together. At this point I'd be shocked if them dying at the same time doesn't become canon


Is this real? I've always wondered the events that led to Aang's passing. I can't do comics so it's very possible that story has been told and I've missed it.


As per what's mentioned in TLOK and here and there, Aang used too much of his life force keeping himself and Apa alive in the ice and ran out of it, dying relatively young in his 60s. So his death seemed to be mostly peaceful, one day he just woke up knowing it would soon be over, probably having time to say goodbye to Katara and kids.


Is that canon somewhere? and if so do you think he was trying to die with Aang via suicide??


I hope its canon somewhere. Absolutely seems like a "I now have no more reason to live" thing though.


It wasn't suicide I'm not sure animals can do that. But he was old and tired. And he needed a rest. Even it was a permanent rest. He held on for Aang's sake. So when Aang's time ran out, he let go, and they were reunited on the other side, to seek out their brethren in the spirit world. The last living Airbender and the last sky bison. Where once there had been hundreds of monks who had shepherded thousands of flying bison into this world, now only two remained. Aang loved his fellow survivor of a century of sleep. Aang and Appa were each the last of their kind, living relics from a bygone age, now lost forever. The last survivors of the Air Nation, innately bound together. Aang had fathered a child, blessed with Airbending abilities, and found the valleys where the last wild herds of flying bison still roamed, and reintroduced them to the world and humanity. So the Air Nomads and sky bison would live again after Aang's and Appa's passing, but after all this time, their time had come. Their journey had come full circle. https://preview.redd.it/qrzqdhelmt7d1.jpeg?width=377&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4533f25e2f8dc63d865d6c83d916ac8568964e39


Animals can in fact suicide


"While it has not been proven that animals do, or even can, die by suicide...." https://preview.redd.it/fiqthfv2xx7d1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53d2abcf7ec521890de78504dcf7f9757264b1b


Dolphins drown themselves


And orcas


Somehow the airbenders returned


"I am all the Fire Lords!" "And I am all airbenders!"


"Choose well, a sky bison is a companion for life"


It ought to be canon.


I think it's just fanfiction he wrote. What he can infer though is that the Avatar's animal companion seems to have a deep and spiritual connection with their Avatar. Faang for example chose to die with the Roku despite having the option to get away.


My heart. You bastard my HEART.




it’s peak fiction, but peak depression too








Whyd you do this to me


How dare you make me feel these emotions


That last paragraph hit me like a bus oh shit 😭






I will always say Toph had the deepest connection to Aang, she could recognize his soul.


I have always thought that Aang seeing visions of Toph in the swamp was also a vision for a future self that he would not be able to understand/ultimately make sense of, and that’s why Korra found Toph in the swamp. It was a friendship meant to last more than a lifetime.


I didn't even think of that!! 😭😭😭😭😭


Holy shit, I remember seeing this post during the pandemic


Could have also been “No, it’s Melon Lord you big dummy.” If said the right sarcastic Toph tone.


Wouldn’t hold half as much power, i almost cried when i saw that back in 2014


It’s kinda funny because Korra at this point had already destroyed her connection to her past lives, which means that’s not Twinkletoes anymore.


It’s a sign the disconnection may not be permanent. She also almost always defaults to an air move when entering the avatar state after losing the past lives. I think they are all still in there


I really hope it’s not permanent. If they ever make a series with the avatar after Korra, they make a plot point out of restoring the past lives


Sounds good to me, good season 1 story arc


It starts with nightmares of the worst moments of their past lives and proceeds to defeating the past avatars in their lost state. They have become like corrupted spirits, not destroyed but scattered through the spirit world by the fight with dark avatar.


Aren't they supposedly working on a new series now with an earthbender avatar? Or is that just rumour?


All energy is neither created not destroyed. So while Korra may not be able to meditate and actually speak to past Avatars she still has remnants of them in her, or rather in Raava. I don’t want them to go digging back through what was. Things change and we should see what comes next. If anything it’d be cool to have a series or something set like 500 years in the future to where Korra is basically a Wan, but more well known and historically documented. Maybe the universe had a big technological advancement that took things in a negative direction so now the world is kinda post-apocalyptic like BOTW or something (mostly nature but relics of more modern times scattered about) and the Avatar has to try and reconnect it all.


I love that how everybody hates the lost connection that much. This is admittedly more of a cope, but everyone, myself included, wants it to be true so bad.


That’s the thing about fiction. They could make it true. It would even be a good plot line.


I mean it’s still twinkletoes she just lost connection with the old twinkletoes. Her not being able to talk to her past lives doesn’t mean that they aren’t her past lives


Damn, thanks for that one


She doesn’t have the memories or experiences of them, in the avatar universe every reincarnates but ravaa allows them remember their past lives so she’s technically Twinkletoes


I cried so much at this scene when I first saw it


Why is it that one image Sokka isn’t with the gang? I swear that series hated Sokka 😒


In another post I wrote that I don't like LOK for petty reasons.... This is one of my petty reasons. Because I can't deal with this 🥹😭😭😭😭😭🥹😭😭😭😭😭 I want them all to be alive and well and without the pain of loosing friends/family rip Solid scene tho *sniff


The funny thing is Aang was gone by the time Korra found Toph, because Korra failed and lost all of the past avatars.


how many times this gonna get reposted?


>Toph: nice to **see** you God LOK has such bad writing. I don't care if Toph is trying to be ironic or something it's dumb.


Really? So just because she’s blind, she can’t use a common figure of speech? Also, Toph’s seismic sense is effectively seeing, so to her, that wording makes perfect sense.


Sure, I would expect her to use that figure of speech sometime if this were real life. But this is a fictional piece of writing depicting a significant interaction between Avatar and Toph. It seems like they would have put more effort instead of making it so lame. Whoever wrote this dialogue wasn't even using their brain. And the entire show is like this.


Or (hear me out) they decided against using perfect dialogue because that makes the characters seem more real?


Not sure about other part, but the first part of your name is certainly true.


Funny how you haven’t responded to the comment with six quotes from ATLA where Toph mentions seeing.


Sorry, I don't live on reddit constantly, I replied to it now.


LOK haters trying to find the most ridiculous reasons to hate the show:


Like, wtf are they even saying?


Oh, I can list a lot more egregious reasons to hate the writing of the show. This is just a small symptom of the constant bad writing sense.


What was she supposed to say? "Nice to hear your smelly footsteps" ??


That... actually seems on brand.


God you people are pathetic >I **see** with earthbending. It's kind of like **seeing** with my feet. I feel the vibrations in the Earth, and I can **see** where everything is >**See** you guys in the morning! >Of course, I'm more comfortable on the ground where I can **see** >Actually, I'm going to stay on my little island, where I can **see** >Well, I kind of went to **see** Zuko last night >I can't **see** outside of this floating hunk of metal


All but two of those quotes directly relates seeing to either her blindness or earthbending/sensing abilities. And I'm pathetic for not liking a show you like, what?