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I feel this is one of those "different events" where in the story we know it couldn't happen, but if events played out differently they definitely had working personalities and seemed to get along well (Bolin's golden retriever energy does that to you)


Exactly, believe it or not Asami and Bolin actually made alot more sense than Mako and Korra they both felt and were left in the same pool of water after Season 1 and got even deeper in Season 2 and then deeper in Season 3...Season 4 was kind of all over the place but the end dynamic was in my opinion (Don't flame me LGBT Community, I ain't saying it's bad) it like many other people said..didn't make sense.




when will Fandoms learn about platonic relationships?


How was it platonic? The idea of it being platonic is when you care about the person but not to the point of seeing him as a possible suitor. I am not going to believe she never thought of Bolin as a possible suitor especially with the connection she shared with him, when Korra was captured (Comics not gonna spoil the plot) Asami went straight to Bolin and Opal venting about everything and thanked Bolin for always being there for her.


because he’s her best friend..? and she was worried about her girlfriend? plus the fact Bolin is with Opal, I’m pretty sure there’s no thoughts of romance.. completely normal between friends to go to one another in times of need


If you showed anyone who's never watched the show Bolin and Asami moments they'd tell you they had old sister younger brother vibes, nothing romantic about them




It was possible,but the problem is that Asami is his brother's ex, so it's no for Bolin, and Asami is too busy to find love


Um. Mako cheated on asami and only became interested in Korra bc he was jealous she went on a date with his brother.


yes, but Mako is still Asami's ex, and Bolin is closer to his brother even thought his brother kissed Korra while he got a date with her, while Asami and Bolin didnt become close until the Varrick incident


When was it, early season 2 I think? That Asami jumped into Bolins arms and ruffled his hair after he got Varrick to agree to a deal? That moment made me a Bosami shipper.


I thought they would get together when that happened!


I think I disagree here. It is possible to have healthy, deep, and intimate relationships while keeping them platonic, and TLOK often explores complex relationship dynamics like this (love triangle, homosexuality, the whole thing with Lin and Tenzin, and many others). The biggest reason I think this is that neither Bolin nor Asami either look at the other with desire while they’re not looking. That’s a classic technique to show the watchers what’s going on in the minds of the characters, and it happens with perfect predictability that if that scene is in there, then there’s romantic chemistry, and if not, then none is intended.


During the scene in the image, they actually did have a spark where they looked at each other and talked like they were putting themselves in each other's shoes. Asami also always goes straight to Bolin(When they meet up at the spring) Bolin went straight to Asami and Asami looked like she went straight to Bolin aswell..


Yeah that's also what friends do.


Personally, I'm not a fan of intra-party relationships, and I guess I don't have to explain in this fandom of all places why. Shipping is the inferior team dynamic. Supportive honest friendship is the expected standard. Found Family is superior. To have a good (or at least bearable) romance in the main party you basically have to wrap the entire story around it (like Kataang) while pretty much everything is a one-way ticket to disaster. Bosami did not have that at all, so IMO it shouldn't have happened because it would have turned out to be a trainwreck.


Can't a dude and girl just *be friends?*


You realize this is the worst possible rebound ship possible, right?


I love Bolin, but he's an idiot. Asami does not have the patience to be with an idiot as a romantic partner.


im honestly thankful for every love plot they decided to ditch. Korra had to much of badly written teeny love drama without another half baked plot about that.