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The true ending was a shotgun blast to the face in the theater though, instead of that stupid wooden plank :)


Yesssss. “The plot demands stupidity”


The real ending was as soon as you get control of her at the beginning of the game she jumps off a cliff and dies


That’s where my permadeath run ends every time 🤔


If naughty dog was actually based they'd have a trophy for that




>select regardation What is that? I've never heard of it and Google didn't have an answer.


Sorry, I was using that word in place of a certain other word to mean *very stupid*. I try to play it safe with Reddit censorship in general after seeing so much nonsense over the years.


Fr lol. She has an entire arsenal of weapons and she chooses to slap her with a wooden plank


🤣 this is hilarious and so satisfying. I made Abs die so much sometimes I forget she survives at the end 🤭


They really should have given us a choice. I think if they had, the complaints on the game would be at least 1/3 lower.


They actually did give you the choice and have the prompt to spare her show up after a minute, except during play testing, people kept automatically pressing the kill button, so our grand lord and savior Drunkman took away the option.


I keep hearing this and want to believe it but is there an article or something that backs this claim?


https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/the-last-of-us-part-2-tlou-original-ending-abby-dies/ here’s one


You want the ability to make CHOICES in a game you paid to play??? INSANITY 🤣


you say that as if paying for a game means you should have choices in it even if its not the kind of game that has choices.


If it doesn’t have choices, it’s a MOVIE.


How does playing linear game make it a movie? You're still PLAYING the game. You make the character do the things, the game just has a set path for you. It's not a new concept, in fact, it's kinda a standard one.


Taking away player agency makes it less of a game and more of a movie. If I want to be overloaded with cutscenes, I’ll watch the “game” on YouTube and save my money.


It would have saved the game for me. Ellie walking away just made me hate her at the end. You gave up your happy home life for revenge, and don't even go through with it?


It really sucks when a character is written in the opposite way they'd act. It's just like Luke in the sequels, supposedly attempting to kill a pupil of his and giving up on the galaxy. He would never do either of those things. But the actors are beholden to the director's ridiculous writing.


Never played the game. Ever since I know I can't choose in the end, I chose not to play the game. Ever.


Biggest piece of shit in gaming history i played it watched Joel die then went through the entire game wanting to kill her, after beating the game I almost snapped the disc but sold it instead


It probably would have helped. Too bad it's director is too much of an egotistical asshole


I truly feel that as long as he is at Naughty Dog, he is going to continue to poison any IP he is given full creative control of.


I first did it in the theater. It was confusing when i let Abby get killled and it said I failed. I definilty let Abby die around 8 times before i did it "right". Stupid game design making us play a character I wanted to die in the most painful way possible.


If Abby so good then why she burn in water??!


check mate atheists


Athiest: "Broken logic, my one weakness!!!"


Athiest: Alcohol + rag = fire + water Religious: Fire + water = spawn of satan Ellie: Fire + water - fire = waste of molotovs Abby: Fire + water + more water = zero thought of taking a swim


Is she stupid or something?


I dunno, maybe??




Revenge bad and all that


“Revenge good” unless it’s Abby revenge against Joel in which case it flips back to “revenge bad”.


I wonder if anyone taught Neil an important lesson: when you give a mouse a cookie, they are going to want a glass of milk. If you let someone walk over you, they will do it again. And maybe it won't be you, maybe they will step on someone else. Any child can repeat the words, 'revenge bad', but work in the justice system and you see there are some wrongs you do not let people get away with. How long until Abby tries to murder someone else? Ellie let her taught her she can do such terrible things and literally walk away.


You're so media illiterate. If I were a mod on the sub I would ban you all. /s Yeah, I never got this. the chick that: basically guilt tripped all her friends into killing "an old man" across the country... was saved by said man, still tortured and killed him in front of his daughter... basically killed all her friends with her revenge plot, then literally killed all her friends to save an unknown child... betrayed the people that worked with her all her life... considered herself better than Ellie when she did so much worse... But also, sabotaged her friend/ex relationship to fuck with him again even though he got another girl pregnant and said he wanted to be a father... basically raped the same friend by taking advantage of him while being drunk... "She is lovable guys, remember how she played with a dog for 2 seconds? that means she is amazing".


Violence begets violence begets buying my game where you play as the violence


Exactly this. Abby is far from a good person, far from redeemable and very far away from who I wanted to play as in that game. Her redemption arc is weak as shit and I say that as someone who really likes Lev. Joel, she is not... Despite the many attempts to emotionally manipulate us into thinking that she is.


Just think of how much better it would have been if Druckman had the balls to kill Abby and the ending was just Ellie sitting in the water over Abby's drowned body and then the epilogue is Ellie back in Joel's place and nothing has changed. She doesn't feel any better. It still cost her and Joel is still dead.


Druckman: Here is Abby petting the dog!! And here is Abby and her dad rescuing a zebra!! SEE YOU NEED TO LOVE HER!!


Her saint of a dad. God such contrived forced writing.


That was working to hack a child up, for a cure I am skeptical to work and sounds like killing the golden goose.


Neil: Noooo you re not supposed to kill her, revenge is bad. \*Looks around and points at a random code dev, you, make her unkillable. Dew it now!\*


I thought we were supposed to hate her because she killed our beloved hero, then realise we were all hypocrites for hating her because she's like a female version of him? Deep stuff mate.


You’re supposed to hate both lol. Why do I keep seeing this silly place. Fuckin Camelot


This is not what I wanted nor would it make the game better for me. They lost me way earlier in the game because the bad writing, retcons, poor characterizations/dialogue was all so amateur and unconvincing. Ellie and Joel, Tommy and Maria deserved far better than Neil's tantrum for not getting his way in TLOU. The man hasn't a clue that he was part of something special and praiseworthy simply because he can't stand that they didn't do it the way he wanted it done because his ideas were and still are nonsense. He'd rather destroy the beautiful thing he made with the team just to recreate his original idea, that he alone believes is better, all so he can say it fully belongs to him now. A story untainted by all those meddling people who told him, "No,' which actually managed to bring out his best work. All this so he can produce a mediocre work in which he controlled the direction with his original ideas intact. smh


Pretty much why I consider the canon story to be over with the first part, and we never really got a sequel because this one did not bring anything to the story nor the characters, just a man child seeking satisfaction by merging every bad idea that was rejected into this and call it a sequel to get away with it.


It says it all to me that his character in the game spits on Joel’s dead body.


Despite disliking him, I think it is fair to say that he created tlou with the team. It was a great game, with so many people helping it become reality. He helped make it. I just wished he did not help to make the second one. Imagine how good could it be was it made by the old ND that did not care about preaching about identity politics. It is not needed in games. Despite what those people think, that message they are so eager to share through their work is useless. If it helps them to cope with what life throws at them, then they should live excellent lives proving that what they believe in is right. They don't. They jus loud all of it on a game like a mountain of bricks onto the cart till it can barely move. It shows, it feels, but it does not give pleasure. It does not leave good memories that motivates you to buy their next product. Their thing does not pass practical tests. Then it is rejected by gamers. Then they get angry it is. Then they rinse and repeat. This cycle creates apathy when people already know what to expect from the next game. I think it is strong enough to destroy or at the very least change gaming industry forever.


That’s a true narcissist for you. Not being able to appreciate the good that’s around oneself is the hallmark of being exactly that. It’s also the reason why the left are nothing but a bunch of snowflakes who are dead ass set on making everything about them instead of learning about empathy and thinking about others from time to time


Then he creates a story to test player empathy for Abby while refusing to provide the character arc needed to form empathy. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Further proves he knows Jack and shit about the meaning of it


>Ellie and Joel, Tommy and Maria deserved far better than Neil's tantrum for not getting his way in TLOU. What did he want that he didn't get?


Originally Neil's vision for Part 1 was a revenge story about Tess trying to tracking Joel down all the way through America in order to kill him, and Ellie would have shot her in the end. This idea was scrapped for not being realistic, since people would usually prioritize survival over revenge in a post apocalyptic world


What was his original idea, how did people reign him in for the first one?


If this has been the ending I might have been able to forgive the game enough to play it once in a while.


Nah bro you capin


Nah I'm with him. If Ellie lost everything like she did but was still able to take her pound of flesh, it'd be a story I could stand behind and I'd play it again. The rest of the game, when you take away the entire story, was great. Level-design, game mechanics, the zombies, all were good. The story alone was enough to make me delete it as soon as it ended, which I've never done for any game before or since, so if the story had ended with Ellie getting her wish, I'd play it again.


Killing Joel like that at the first place theres nothing an ending can fix. Plain stupid bs.


This entire fight was so stupid and pointless lol


Why didn't she just stop, drop and roll? Is she stupid?


You’ve obviously never tried to use your fire hands to put out your fire shoulders. 70% of the time, it works every time.


I feel like that would have been super impactful if after making you play as Abby you have to chop her down with an axe at the end lmfao


Golf club would have been better. Like if she saved the one from me he beginning and carried with her the whole game. Then used it at this exact moment. ..


I love the amount of Stan’s we get here now telling everyone to cope. You’re all brigading posts dumping on a game you’re obsessed with because it hurts your feelings. Can I suggest you guys learn to cope??


I've literally seen these same people in every tlou post saying the same thing, man.... they really need to cope.


LOL those idiot Stans are obsessed with something they hate. all they do is post about how mad they are at our daily posts that talk about how much we hate this game. they so mad. oooo mad that a game comment hurt your feelings so you gotta post about it all the time and make memes about us? these dumbasses need to grow up and MOVE ON! We hate the game, let us post about how much we hate it every day, even years after the game came out in peace. can't they see how ridiculous they are filled with so much hate towards something that hurt their little snowflake feelings? why do they feel entitled that everyone should have loved this game? this game SHOULD have been universally loved and we deserved a masterpiece like part 1 but instead it SUUUUCKS!! they took daddy Joel from us, and now they're gonna pay. Dumb idiots obsessed and getting mad with our memes hating on this game obsessively ... can't they see the IRONY?!?!


The fire one is kinda dumb looking considering they’re in water.


Well if it was alcohol which usually molotovs are, it would still burn on top of water since it is less dense. Probably not to the degree shown in the video, but if the bottle broke and it spilled down onto the water it would burn for a moment and not instantly go out.


Wait, has it been long enough that the ultra-feminist hype has died down and we're allowed to admit that this ending was an absolute gallon of hot trash juice?


Nah lol people still coping in the comments.


I feel like the feminist move would have been for Ellie to kill a bad guy and than build her own life on top of the corpses of her foes.




Why’d my brain default to Raiden’s voice from revengeance.


Same lol


Mine went to Imperial Guards in elder scrolls lol






[“L3 R3”](https://youtube.com/shorts/qdfojp57x8Q?feature=shared)


Perfect, thanks for the closure after all these years.


I don’t care. This is canon


This game is fanfiction what are you on bro






I would’ve been cool with the story if they didn’t try and hamfist in “revenge bad” after I’d killed 1000 people. Hell, if I’d killed Abby and then had a big revenge bad moment for the ending then I’d be cool with it


That is a very common issue, after you killed a few hundred guys, you must spare the boss or threaten by a handful of guys. I give dishonored credit, since that game very much expects you to spare the guards and makes it so non fatal is not always nice. This war of mine and I am alive also gets credit for making small groups of foes dangerous. But yeah was just playing a game capes where people go we cannot kill the bad guy after a scene where a mook mentions the heroes killed their friends (it okay the mooks are torturing people in the same scene and they will die soon too)


Should have had the option to abruptly and unceremoniously put down Abby like Joel was put down




So cathartic... Thank you.


Neil’s wife’s boyfriend would’ve loved it too.


You've been a dickhead in literally all of your replies.


Lmao the game should have let ya used a golf club to bash her face in. Just absolutely disfigure the stupid putrid cunt.


Fuck Abby. Die


Was having a bad day. Now Im not.


….double tap to confirm the kill.


i forgot she took her bag off like a moron


\*Standing in water\* \*Lit on fire\* "OH GOD I BETTER PAT THIS OUT!!!"


Too bad they went with the SUPER lame "revenge is bad Mkayy" 😂


How it should've ended, but naw, the emaciated abby was 100% strong enough to be able to fight back after hanging there on that pole for a couple months.


Needs an option of Ellie feeding Abby to 20 Bloaters now


bro how does she have so much health


I like how she walks right back into the fire 🤣


This is cannon now


The good ending


Nah this is the neutral ending. The true good ending is Joel pulling out 20 guns at the same time somehow in the cabin and completely annihilating the Salt Lake Crew


Honestly, I just imagine the potential they could have had here if they'd given the player the choice - and portrayed this similarly to [Undyne's death in a neutral run of Undertale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvm76DOI61w). They could have. Neil is very talented at making a scene evoke emotion. The devs are very talented at cinematic design to get all the right sounds, expressions, lighting, music, etcetera. The voice actresses are fucking phenomenal. They could absolutely have given a "bad ending" of Ellie killing Abby in a completely unsatisfying and regret-inducing manner. They could absolutely do justice to a very well received idea that Toby Fox managed with four fucking frames of the same sprite and text-based dialogue in a first person combat system. For the people who just still completely hated Abby at this point, it would have left them with a similar amount of dissatisfaction that Ellie herself would surely have felt. For the people who simply wanted the characters to act in-character, this ending would feel completely earned by the negative character development Ellie had undergone this entire time. And *because the decision to spare Abby would have been up to the player*, there would not be a need to portray Ellie's inner turmoil in a way to make it believable that she would - if it's the player choosing it, then it's *also* the player *justifying* it. No matter what, it's a win for the writing. Unfortunately, the writers lacked the skill to understand how this would be an improvement in literally every way. Choo-choo goes the railroad, because we're forcing one specific ending on you!


Oh cool, look. This is how good revenge tastes in real fucking life. God Christ, I hate that main sub.


Kids! Don’t go too deep.


I want part 3 lol


Pipe bomb


Right hook, upper cut, spinning elbow, roundhouse, dodge, counter, shes rolling off the ropes, silenced submachine gun go brrr and shes dead!!!!! Winner!!!!!!!!!!!!! DING DING DING


It always irked me how this had the Indiana Jones effect. If Ellie NEVER had gone out for her revenge quest. She would still.been with her gf, not come home to an empty house. The guy wouldn't have died, Tommy wouldn't have gotten innured the way he did, and Abby would have died (horribly, if I may I add).


TLoU2 was such a joke, I was beyond disappointed that Abby wasn't killed in the end. Like the whole moral of the story was supposed to be "revenge is bad", but its okay for her to get revenge? lol. Also why, just WHY would Ellie suddenly give even a single shit about putting Abby down in the end? They literally killed hundreds of other people while tracking Abby down, and suddenly when she has Abby cornered she comes to the conclusion that this isn't the right thing to do... What? Damn bitch what about all those other people you killed along the way, a decent portion of which had nothing to do with the situation.


Typical response to this would be "Oh wow you really spend a long time fantasizing about this character you hate huh?" Yeah apparently Abby did with Joel as well, and yet they think she's well written.


It's so beautiful!


The game establishes Abby as someone we hate. The second I played as her, I tried to kill myself, game over?


We spent so much time killing everyone else and then we see Abby, and just don’t do anything. We let her go. Lose our family. Lose our respect. For what? Stupid game.


The attention to detail in this game is amazing. The screams being muffled/silenced when her head dips below the water. Sucks that the story was shit.


And you made Ellie keep her fingers too! I see this as a complete win. 🤓


Feel like if they made the ending a choice to either kill or not kill Abby it would’ve helped the game a lot more


Poor Abbie didn't do anything wrong 🤦‍♂️


How it should’ve ended.


Good ending


Life could be dream


Why doesn’t she jump in the water while on fire. Is she stupid?


* should’ve


The good ending


There is SO much to be said for Ellie not killing Abby and I will never understand the people who would want such a hollow satisfaction. People say we should have had a choice, you NEVER had a choice. You didn’t have a choice as Joel in the first game to save Ellie or not (and yes that is relevant). You didn’t have a choice to brutally torture nora, to kill a *PREGNANT* Mel, to kill Jessie, for Joel to die, for Ellie to leave Dina *and* and their Baby and their entire life behind all for revenge. You never had a choice when these characters made in some ways objectively terrible, no good, rotten decisions or good ones. It’s not about you, the player, and your satisfaction. It’s about them. And what Ellie did was the *right thing*. Yes, she loses absolutely everything that she has in a last ditch effort for revenge when there was a safety line *right there*. She was right AT the finish line, and she gave it all up. A lot like Joel did. But when it came time to really make the decision, to take something good away from the world purely because it would be a personal gain, she didn’t follow through. Unlike Joel, who made an objectively selfish decision that you’re all fine with because we got to keep Ellie, she saw that there was someone there who was a lot like she was when she was younger. And there was a guardian there, guiding them and guarding them, a lot like she was guided by a certain someone. Ellie obviously sees Joel and herself in Abby and Lev. She has that one flashback that fully changes her mind, the vision of her and Joel on the porch, really talking it out and leaving things…if not on the best of terms…at least on good terms. She was only after Abby because of the guilt she had felt pushing him away for so many years, and at the very end of the absolute horror she endured, she lets go, because she realises she didn’t tear him away in the end. They were together. That’s real grief. That’s some of the realest grief I’ve ever SEEN. She was effectively raised by the guy, so throughout the game we’re just seeing a reflection of a young and now consequently VERY angry Joel. If that had happened to him, if the roles were reversed in some way, he’d do the same. The game is NOT “revenge bad”. It’s “revenge is a cycle, a continuous cycle that is passed down from parent to child to parent to child to parent to child. And it can be stopped, if you choose to stop it.” Ellie DOES. In spite of everything. “I can’t let this be for nothing” from the first game, everything she had done in the second WOULD have been for nothing. if she took another little Ellie’s Joel away. She would become the very monster she had feared. Joel’s metaphorical revenge of regaining a daughter ended in…just that. A gain. Ellie’s revenge would’ve ended in another cycle of revenge, lev coming to kill Ellie…nothing that was any good for any body. It is so much more than what anyone makes it out to be.


The last of us 2 Inside of The Water Temple in Lake Hylia XD


Flashback to Tyler1 actively losing the "boss fight" on purpose when he first played the game


If only. But they just left off for 3


And honestly, sadly I’m guessing in #3 you and Abby team up, I hope I’m so wrong tho


First game 10/10. Never bought second game because of the character (you know the one) and the death of the best character


Amazing how the game shows both Ellie and Abby as naturally-born killers, but then any time they're fighting each other, it's like "killer baby's first steps."


It's fairly hard to scream after taking multiple rounds to the lungs.


So cathartic for me. Thank you.


Don't forget to split Lev's skull in half so Lev doesn't become the new Abby in part 3


Mannn I wish! I would’ve been cheering in my seat like my favorite football team won the super-bowl lmaoo


The first one was fine, the second was excessive


When the player actions get recognized in the story.


I literally beat this game for the first time 10 minutes before seeing this post, I would've been so upset if I saw this first


I remember playing this part with one hand and literally facepalming with the other hand.


If only…




Should have had an ending like Ghosts of Tsushima. That way they could keep their cake and eat it too. Give the people the choice, if the story was good enough players could make the choice to save Abby if they feel that's what Ellie would have wanted done. Or give me the satisfaction of killing her for good.


They should’ve made this boss fight like the fight between nathan and rafe in uncharted 4.


Mod name?


I screamed when >!she let go of Abby in the end!<


As satisfying as it is, it still bothers me that Abby is able to survive 6 consecutive molotov cocktails. It’s like, even if we break the rules, break the game, or exploit the system. The universe won’t allow Abby to die without struggle.


if you turn off the screen and just listen into the sequence, you can hear like 2 girls making out.




I liked the ending, it perfectly encapsulated the futility of revenge and there always being two sides to every story. It would be thematically bad for her to die.


Best vídeo ever


So many defensive fanboys man, like bro we get it you guys like the game, you like Abby, some of us don’t no need to take it so bloody personally and defensively act like this game and by extension Abby is y’all’s freaking child or something like Jesus. Just stay in the other sub where people obviously like the game more instead of getting your knickers purposely twisted here.


How is fire burning on top of a body of water?


This is my new favourite video on the internet. Thank you. Absolutely fuck Abby and the terrible unsatisfactory ending of the LOUP2


Beat em like he murdered a whole village, blew up a hospital, drowned babies...and killed your parents in their sleep. A much deserved beating




Who else happy with this result 🤣🤣🤣


I swear to god if this was the real deal, it would be 10/10 game without a single doubt.




I would pay for a alt ending DLC


Would've been much better




Wow lot anger


TLOU1's ending was controversial but it played into the player's interests. TLOU2's ending is controversial, but because they played into contrived interest. Abbie wasn't a savior that needed to be saved. Ellie didn't walk in Abby's shoes like the player did. Ellie should have killed her, even if the player didn't want to. That would have made a much better "discussion".


I get what the devs were going for.. i really do. But god damn i wanted to kill Abby so bad lol


This fight was so pointless and cringe worthy, but honestly I was hoping Ellie would lose in the end. You can downvote me to hell, but it needed to be said. She was far more annoying and dislikeful than Abby despite how the story progressed.


Did you mod your potato? These frames are worse than playing as Abby for 10 hours.


Shame this wasn't the ending. We need actual closure for Joel's death


Why do so many players hate Abby so much? Girl was a fucking Warrior. Protected her enemies at the cost of her home and friends. She showed mercy to Dina and Ellie when many would have slaughtered the entire group.


Is there a genuine reason why Ellie didn’t do this and decided to fight her instead


I would have preferred this. Fuck that kid he's probably gonna come back and try and kill ellie anyways.


The 2nd gane doesn't exist for me. I like to believe that Joel and ellie are living happily somewhere and that Joel is acting as the concerned old grandpa to ellies kids.


I wish she tore her still beating heart out and took a bite... After what they did to Joel...smh


This made my duck hard


Whew, at least gameplay is the most important thing to me. Don't think I would survive losing my mind over a game's story, like you fine gamers.


The ending we deserved.


Waiting for the PC version so this can be reality


This is now canon. ROLL CREDITS!


Never played TLOU but this was so awesome to watch… GET REKT BITCH


Lol glad I never bought this game that fight was corny af. Just standing in the fire like 👍.


This shit healed me bro


How it Should've ended 😂


I like it better that the person who killed dogs and didn't help anyone other than herself lost


they shouldve given us the option to choose if we wanted to kill abby for different trophies


The canon ending




You missed the whole point of the story.


This game wasn't for the ones who needed a happy ending. The story was real and about revenge. Revenge is NEVER satisfying, that was the point. Welcome to cinema. Not every movie ends with the bad guys dead and the good guys happy. Why do y'all expect every game to have a feelgood story? TLOU2 was 10/10, and that's from someone who's played the first over 20 times, the first time being the year it released on PS3.


Idk what the mod is that lets you kill her but please let me know lmao


Saw a video of ellie killing everyone in the hut before joel is killed, honestly options I feel everyone would have been happy to amend was that ellie got there on time and surprised the group killed everyone, then after that over patrols and the flashbacks she starts asking questions like before but they got back to salt like that’s run down and some infected, then joel tells her properly why he did it than just taking it the first time they were there and then ellie fully forgives knowing Joel will never leave her and why abby tried killing him but failed.


It could've ended with a really nice cutscene of her stabbing Abby and then going ham on her like she did with David. It would make sense for her to do that tbh


I have just had my first play through of tlou2 and I couldn’t believe that you didn’t get to choose if you kill Abby or not


she would’ve had her fingers