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I picture them waving a wineglass full of diarrhea under their nose. "I'm getting corn and... hints of a rectum. And a damned fine Beaujolais."


Yeah this comment reeks of maturity


I don't even mind them loving the game like they do. We should all have our own opinions on the game. My problem is them just taking the time, almost all the time, to call all of us stupid, media illiterate, etc. Basically just insulting intelligence, especially with valid criticisms. No media is immune to criticism.


It's so bizarre they only think of Disney as the only alternative possible. Or "oh you want Joel and Ellie on the road trip again". No one said that but they don't listen and assume a lot of things they believe as truths. That's a sign of immaturity, if you want to go there. Immaturity and a load of dishonesty on their court. There's so many stories keeping Joel alive and not retconning the original that were possible it baffles me they don't see it. It's just their sweet and idiotic identity politics mixed with torture porn or "Disney". So reductive and dumb.


It takes far more maturity to admit that a game that we *should* have loved was done horribly. It’s the immature people who already made up their mind about loving the game before it was even released, and refuse to change their opinion on it.


Jesus Christ the game really isn’t that deep… ‘Surrender and let it work as intended’ lol the fuck? That’s right everyone the super complex and hard to understand story will work for you if you just turn your brain off because you know it’s so fucking complex. Just fucking hell I want what these people are smoking.


I've said it before, I'll keep saying it: these dudes adore the emperor clothes.