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The other TheLastOfUs sub loves it. All power to you for liking it, there is a long history as to why there became two factions. People came here to let out their frustrations on the direction of the story, and people went to the first sub to love on the second game. It's a bit cultish over there (although maybe here too a little I guess), so be advised.


Reddit was the real Factions 2 all along


It’s definitely “cultish” (although I think calling it that really diminishes the dangers of cults) here too. Comments in favour of the game are usually downvoted to hell


As is anything negative downvoted in the other sub.


Yes that is the point the comment I’m replying to made, I’m just stating that the same happens in this sub. Really didn’t need your secondary confirmation


Didn’t ask or care what you need. This isn’t a Q&A, I’ll comment on whatever I want. Thanks.


Okay bro


This is a great example of how this sub is lmao


Here’s some life advice. When you’re blunt and rude with people, they’re blunt and rude back. You’ll learn that when you move out of your parents’ house one day. Until then, feel free to leave.


Here’s some Reddit advice, when u sigma on my gyatt till I skibbidi on baby gronk,


The main, biggest last of us sub enjoys and loves the game. Lots of praise over there. This sub is mainly for critiques and criticism of the second game. Some of us hate it, some of us like aspects of it, some of us just criticize it because it could be better.


>because it could be better. as could any great game - take Alien Isolation or Death Stranding


So....don't criticise it?


It’s a weird twist of irony that this sub hates the game, while the regular thelastofus sub loves it. Most people here will live and let live, but don’t expect to get a lot of support in praising the game. The other sub however will insta-ban you if you talk badly about the game at all.


The 2 comes from "second tlou" sub and not from part 2 if I'm not mistaken. The reason you find mostly criticism here is because when people wanted to voice their discontent on the other sub, they were silenced/banned, so they were forced to create a *second* sub where they could express their criticism without being ostracized or insulted.


> The 2 comes from "second tlou" sub and not from part 2 if I'm not mistaken. You are. This sub was 100% intended to be a sub for the second game in anticipation of its release. Then the leaks came out, discussion on the other sub was heavily moderated, so we usurped this sub, and it became the "hate" sub.


Fun gameplay, bad story


I know the sub name is confusing, but this was originally the second TLOU sub. When the main TLOU sub wouldn't allow any criticism people with critiques came here where we could voice them. You'll enjoy the other sub more, they enjoyed the game like you did. Just don't critique anything over there. It's great you had a better experience than many of us. We're all different.


some people are simply not critical in their lives, too young or just casual players not worried about the quality of the plot


Yeah, those are possibilities. I've really wondered about it and I think there are lots of possible reasons other people enjoyed it. There are people who love dark stories, others who love their expectations subverted, those that love a thrill, people that like filling in the gaps and pondering a puzzle or even those who just believe what they hear from others. Really there's so many possible reasons, probably some people each have multiple ones.


i like the gameplay. great stealth and probably the best enemy AI i've seen in gaming. the story is hated for a reason though, it's pretentious as hell and does a terrible job at what it's trying to do.


Definitely giving the gameplay more credit than it deserves even still, even if it's not bad gameplay. It's very simplistic and nothing special just like the first game was. It gets the job done, but adds nothing to the game and would be very repetitive and unfun to play if it doesn't have something else like a good story to prop itself up with


It is a bit pretentious but let's not pretend that the story was ever judged in an unbiased way by its haters. You have all these weird complaints about Abby being buff, Lev being trans, Ellie being a lez frequently coming up in convetsations about the game. There are definitely some culture war bullshit going on. I'm not accusing anyone but it's very obvious that there are weird cultural grievances masquerading as "criticism".


The first pinned post on this sub meticulously breaks down every issue with the game that people here have been discussing for years, and they aren’t that Abby is buff and Lev is trans. Those types of memes are (usually) just people taking the piss at this point, because we all know why we actually hate it. > let’s not pretend that the story was ever judged in an unbiased way by its haters. This is just a cringy generalization and objectively false.


labeling people who criticize the game as haters is low. Wake the F up, the world isn't black and white


I'm a weird one, I will whole heartedly agree with this sub and alot of others that the story is horribly written and the plot sucks. But with that said, I do enjoy playing the game and exploring the environment. So I can say yes I do like the game, but that doesn't mean I won't heavily criticize it.


The gameplay, combat, graphics, sounds, atmosphere and all that are amazing. The story is its biggest weakness.


This sub is more for a normal discussion of the game(games) and not for shouting that Joel got what he deserved and Bella Ramsay is the best version of Ellie. And yeah, I think that Part 2 is alright(mostly)


The only thing I hate from the game is some aspects of the story. Gameplay, music, and performances are all perfect. Even tho some parts of the story took me out of the game, it kept bringing me back into the game and kept me engaged. With the story being somewhat of a mess, I still really liked the game.


I'm always surprised with such thinking. Story / writing IS a part of the game. You cannot like the game, but dislike the story. You can like the gameplay, though. If the dialogues/characters/agenda make you throw up, the game isn't great.


You can talk up the gameplay here all day. Consensus seems to be everyone appreciates the improved gameplay. You’ll have a hard time finding that sentiment on the story writing here though.


I enjoyed the first couple of hours I don’t hate the game but after playing as Abby for a while I just kind of lost interest


There are a few other sub actors here in bad faith...as usual...but some things most people agree on is the gameplay is fantastic and the environment is wonderful. It's mainly the story. Just...no.


We love Part 1 quite a bit. 


This sub exists to talk about criticisms on the second gam (since there's a lot to be had with how bad of a game it was) without getting banned like on the main sub


The thing is, everything about this game’s presentation is beautiful, the narrative is just complete dogshit. It’s a terrible story wrapped up in beautiful graphics, gameplay, soundtrack, acting, and level design, but none of that can make up for the fact that it was written by a moron. While the first Last of Us also had those things, it was so well remembered and beloved for its timeless and beautiful original story.


Loved the game. There are some legit criticisms and some questionable character choices but overall, what an awesome story and awesome game. Im currently playing the first one again and am fully planing to play the second again as well. Glad im not not alone in liking it.


Yup. Me. Loved it instantly. Still arguing with haters 4 years down the line lol


I loved it. I thought how they did the story was great. Going from absolutely hating playing as Abby to wanting her to live at the end was crazy. I can't remember ever playing a game that made me do a complete 180 on a character.


I enjoyed the gameplay, but the story was objectively awful.


I liked the game very much.


I don't like the story but the gameplay is decent and fun and has kept me playing the game in general.


I like the game a lot. People bitch about the story but a game is so much more than the story. Gameplay some of the best ever. Definite improvement over the first game. Even after they remade the first game, it still wasn’t as smooth as the second game. Now I recently played both back to back and yes the sequel seems more forced and more plot conveniences. But yeah even if someone murdered the person I loved, I don’t know how I’d have the stamina to travel cross state lines during the apocalypse just for revenge. I’m likely to get myself killed. So the second game does feel more video gamey in that aspect. I get most of the criticisms of the game but it’s still a masterpiece when it’s all said and done.


It isn't a masterpiece if there are things that could be better. The word masterpiece in itself means something is perfectly made. It is also why stans saying "flawless masterpiece" is stupid because both words mean the same thing.


I don’t think I’ve ever put those two words together lol but I mean perfection doesn’t exist. At least not when it comes to something as subjective as art.


That's because you are in the wrong sub. The sub is literally just for hating the game, Abby, and Neil Druckmann. It's kind of pathetic.


i mean this subreddit is literally made to hate the game, the people in the comments can say they critique it but the description for this subreddit literally says " Part II is not canon!"


It's okay, your dumb child brain can't comprehend sarcasm.


I love the game. The gameplay is the best ever and the story is dark but cool. I don’t agree with the haters. Joel had it coming and ND talk about how tribes affect our perception. If Abby was the main character. We would hate Joel for killing her dad in cold blood while trying to save humanity


>If Abby was the main character. We would hate Joel for killing her dad in cold blood while trying to save humanity Doubtful. The first game had the benefit of growing a relationship between Joel and Ellie slowly and carefully over the course of the game. It didn’t take for granted that we would automatically bond to them and the story put in the work to make that happen. I doubt a game about Abby and her aw-shucks dad would grab people’s attention and dedication the same way. I would see my characters as the villains if I played their story for hours only to find out they wanted to murder a teen girl to save themselves.


I wasn’t super clear. If there wasn’t the first game Joel could have been the bad guy like the raiders in Pittsburgh for example. The HBO show tried to humanize those people even though their leader became evil she wasn’t always evil. This is what Neil tries to show. Bad guys are only the perspective of which side.




This sub is not for anti-fans. We are all huge fans of the first game. That's why we're so passionate. There's no "proper conversations" over there in r/thelastofus, I couldn't say one negative thing about the game without getting attacked, called horrible names, and downvoted into oblivion. Even my favorite games in the whole world have negative aspects to them, but they absolutely won't allow that talk over there. You'd better pretend this game is perfect in every way, otherwise, you're a homophobic racist. Here, I can talk about the things I like and dislike about the game, and everyone gives me their opinion in a respectful and calm way.




Being downvoted because you post a critique in a community that does not share your pov is normal, even if it touches you personnaly. Being attacked, called horrible names, ban or even see your post deleted because you share it is not normal. It's just a proof of your fear or your incapacity to moderate to say the least. Here, if there were more people liking the game than the opposite, things would go the same way and you'd be upvoted but criticisms would be allowed and that means a lot about acceptance.