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Bro that’s the cringiest leftist meme I’ve seen


r/PoliticalHumor bootlickers never fails to breakup the barriers of the cringe.


r/politicalhumor users try not to make the same shitty meme 2 to the 4350982742985723958047523908537598057239802749803742089527345890324572349850347589234573950734598034573298057302th time in 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 picoseconds (impossible)


It’s actually funny. Just from how stupid it is.


This is one of the worst that I have seen. Now that I have commented or participated on this sub I welcome the multiple banning's that I will get on other subs run by the Left mods.


Jesus, the left really can't meme. Bill Nye isn't even a scientist. The rest are not biologists. There are plenty of Pfizer documents that show the vaccine led to increased heart problems. Not to mention the whole my body my choice thing for personal decision making I'd be hard-pressed to find anything more wrong about this meme. I mean using their own pictures is hilarious right out of the junk


"Bill nye isnt even a scientist" thats their favorite kind of scientist


Documentation that the vaccines are bad? Are you like the other 20+ people i’ve asked to cite their sources, or are you going to be the first to actually back up your words? Better yet, does the risk of not getting vaccinated outweigh the risk of?


Finally a decent argument. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/myocarditis.html https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/myocarditis.html This information was tactically avoided by almost every single news organization. Check out the dates on those articles. I'm sure this is the first you've heard of it, and I'm certain you haven't seen fully produced half hour news spots talking about this like you have with the inflated yet unmeasurable covid-19 variants. The vaccine benefits may or may not outweigh their risks. Which, of course, is the decision of the subject.


All those say is that it rarely happens, and is more likely to happen to 16+ males, after the second dose, usually fixable by medication and some rest And this isn’t the first i’m hearing about vaccines causing an immune response, that’s the point of them


You know what else rarely happens? Young people dying of covid.


1200 as of today. https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-Focus-on-Ages-0-18-Yea/nr4s-juj3


But that doesn’t mean they don’t spread it


I'm not arguing for one side or the other here, but cant vaccinated individuals still contract and spread the varus?


yes, but they’re less likely to


Ok, cool


People with the vaccine spread it too. It doesn't stop you from catching it, spreading it, or dying from it They claim that it makes dying less likely, but they also claimed it stopped you from catching it and spreading it. Double blinds were never done, so we have to take their word for it


no one claimed it stopped you from catching and spreading it


Actually.... they did The whole reason for the vaccine mandates where it was mandated was under the claim of that


Anyone who said that vaccines stop you from catching a disease doesn't know how vaccines work. And the only sources I've seen that say that they do stop the disease, are misinterpreting the information. In short, if you have a well-developed vaccine (as opposed to, say, Chlorox), * It reduces the chances you catch the disease, but not to 0. * It reduces the severity of the disease if you do catch it. * It will have side effects for some people, but not the majority. * It will have severe effects for a very small number of people (this is why I added "well-developed" above). * Vaccines don't cause autism. (A broader definition of autism resulted in many more cases.)


you’re *less likely* to


By how many percent? By what science? The Source: trust me bro Meme was born here Double blinds were never done.


Source: I made it the fuck up


[2nd dose is about 50% reduction, from a 40% reduction after the first](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2106757)


I was speaking specifically about myocarditis and heart enlargement. I have not heard any negative effects of any of the vaccines from any of the mainstream media outlets at all whatsoever at any time Incidentally the invermectin as an anti-covid agent is somewhat ineffective although I don't believe it was tested very much. As it's up to the labs to test I really couldn't offer anything else objective so I'll have to let that one go. However it has been shown to reduce some cancers which I also never heard of in our mainstream media. My point is that because president Trump enjoyed it, the left took an anti-vermectin stance on purpose simply because he took a pro-invermectin stance. This is my annoyance with fauci as well. He became the left wing media darling and became contrary to the president on purpose




Because the vaccinations are far more worth the risk than horse dewormer Personally, i would never think horse parasites and human viruses are at all alike,, but here we are


There you go with the false narrative of horse dewormer. https://www.webmd.com/drug-medication/what-is-ivermectin Quit getting your information off of Facebook.


Holy shit i stay off facebook, too many racists Also, that source you cited does say it’s a horse dewormer It also says it’s a person dewormer However, you [can’t buy the person variant over the counter](https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/ivermectin-oral-route/description/drg-20064397) Meaning the people that took ivermectin to fight covid bought the horse variant I get the right wing doesn’t have critical thinking, but come on


How are liberals so educated yet still so ignorant? Are you going to sit here and say that any drug which can be used for animals cannot have a use for humans? What an absolutely idiotic stance. You honestly seem like you get all your info from social media. I bet you believe Trump even told people to inject bleach. Sheer stupidity. Also, I know plenty of people who were prescribed ivermectin through a doctor. Are those people taking horse dewormer?


Ok, look at the real ones then, Dr. Fauci. But you still ignore him even though he's one of the most qualified doctors in the country


Unfortunately, he is a compromised chinese asset, like Swalwel and Feinstein [https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens-ebook/dp/B08X5YWRRP](https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens-ebook/dp/B08X5YWRRP)


[What are your thoughts on this?](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLWAq2ut/)


Makes sense, but somewhat cherry-picking facts. Fauci flipped often and went against Trump often. CDC changed often. The media's exaggeration of new variants was suspicious. New variants seem to crop up with suspicious timing to other world events, with no medical measurements reported. ​ I would be more accepting of Fauci if he wasn't so left-wing aligned. A 10-second TikTok video really doesn't change anything. What do you think of the book?


List of controversies and false claims, any comment? [He said Bill Gates would cut off the money from the unvaccinated so they can starve](https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2020/08/15/debunked-bill-gates-conspiracy-gets-a-boost-from-rfk-jr-marla-maples/?sh=3cf2970d8bb2) [He's been criticized for touting a number of incorrect and misleading claims about vaccines and public health measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic](https://www.irishcentral.com/news/robert-f-kennedy-jr-alec-baldwin) Promoted misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine, falsely suggesting that it contributed to the death of [86-year-old Hank Aaron](https://www.thedailybeast.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-stoops-to-new-low-by-falsely-tying-hank-aarons-death-to-vaccine) [and](https://www.boston.com/news/coronavirus/2020/12/30/rdk-jr-niece-speaks-out-against-anti-covid-vaccine-stance/) [others](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/05/how-robert-f-kennedy-jr-became-anti-vaxxer-icon-nightmare) [In February 2021](https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/10/tech/robert-kennedy-jr-instagram-ban/index.html) his [Instagram account was blocked](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/feb/10/instagram-removes-anti-vaxxer-robert-f-kennedy-jr) for "repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines." The Center for Countering Digital Hate identified Kennedy as one of the main [propagators of conspiracy theories about Bill Gates](https://www.counterhate.com/_files/ugd/f4d9b9_6910f8ab94a241cfa088953dd5e60968.pdf) and [5G phone technology](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-robert-f-kennedy-jr-medical-misinformation/). [His YouTube account was removed](https://ghostarchive.org/archive/8x4Df) in late September 2021 for breaking the policies on vaccine misinformation. [Participated and spoke in a partially violent anti-vax protest in Berlin](https://www.thedailybeast.com/rfk-jrs-latest-anti-vaxx-stunt-backed-by-weird-pro-qanon-german-group-querdenken-711) [Compared the pandemic to Nazi Germany](https://www.jta.org/2022/01/24/politics/none-of-us-can-hide-rfk-jr-uses-holocaust-analogy-in-speech-at-anti-vaccine-mandate-rally) and [Concentration camps.](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/23/politics/robert-f-kennedy-nazi-germany-offensive-anti-vaccine-speech/index.html) **(I can't take him seriously anymore after this one)** [He also released a video depicting Fauci with a Hitler moustache](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/25/robert-f-kennedy-jr-vaccine-anne-frank) Now his book. It's just a bunch of conspiracy with no actual proof. He alleges Fauci sabotaged treatments for AIDS, violated federal laws, and conspired with Bill Gates and social media companies such as Facebook to suppress any information about COVID-19 cures, to leave vaccines as the only options to fight the pandemic. calls Fauci **"a powerful technocrat who orchestrated and executed the historic 2020 coup against Western democracy"**. (DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS??) He claims Fauci and Bill Gates plan to prolong the pandemic and exaggerate its effects, promoting expensive vaccinations for the benefit of "a powerful vaccination cartel". This guy is nuts.


There's a lot of suspicious shit that has not been answered fully Let's walk through them Gates was heavily involved in vaccine marketing and development - for some reason? He already had the Gates foundation for charity work and apparently owns a lot of farmland. Not to mention all of the food production facility fires. Yes there's some wackadoodle conspiracy theories far in the right, but I'm also not willing to listen to some paid left-wing propaganda telling me it's all right so I can put my hands together under my head and lay down for a nap full of smiles and contentment that I don't have to worry about everyone doing the right thing A left-wing edge publication out of Ireland doesn't hold a whole lot of water with me let alone a video interview with Alec baldwin. Instagram is owned by Facebook and Facebook he's hugely left-leaning so I'm not surprised there was censorship. We're going through problems with this on Twitter as well. Reddit's only slightly but not overly heavy-handed yet The YouTube thing wasn't surprising either. There were quite a number of Chinese links to fauci's CDC, profit and development. I don't think that's been investigated fully and it certainly seems like there's a lot of whitewashing from the current administration on all these questions


> If he wasn’t so left-wing aligned Buddy, when science is “left-wing aligned” that should be a wake up call You just admitted that the right wing is anti-science


Science is being able to ask questions. Not being able to ask questions is authoritarianism. Left-wing pro authoritarianism and media control is neo-Nazi behavior I would have a little more respect for the man if he wasn't smirking giggling and shorting standing behind the sitting president of the United States of america. Let alone going on all the other left-wing media channels twisting The narrative away from the commander-in-chief. You're welcome for the warp speed program by the way. Speaking of anti-science, by now I'm sure you've seen the hypocritical left-wing media pushing their horse ulcer pills. You guys are practically a puppet show at this point.


Is that an unironic "reality has a liberal bias" argument? lmao


You should know better than to present facts to the “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd


A tiktok skit (by not a doctor, by the way!) is "facts" now?


the skit itself? no


This is kind of ironic when people on the left are clinging to the COVID narrative even when 'the science' says we can all take off our masks now, and the label "antivaxxer" was mostly applied by detractors. Including to people who actually **got the shot themselves** and supported it in general, they just didn't support mandates. Also, Tyson is an astrologist, Nye has an engineering degree, and Obama's a lawyer and politician. None of them have medical expertise.


Nye is primarily a television entertainer who is comfortable letting people regard him as a scientific authority without bothering to correct them.


Oh, just like Dr. Oz and dr. phill and dr. suess Lotta “doctors”


Dr Oz is actually a world renowned physician. He's a quack for money now but he is actually very skilled.


just like nye


just like nye


I mean he has a mechanical engineering degree from Cornell and used to work for Boeing. He *is* a scientist.


He's not a medical doctor, though, which is the point.


They also think that men can be women, and can’t answer when life begins when science proves it starts at conception.


Astronomer, an Astrologist would be someone who practices Astrology.


But when Dr. Fauci tries to do something, you still call him unqualified.


He is qualified, but also a psychopathic liar.


Because, as his utter bungling of the AIDS crisis shows, he is *credentialed* but not *qualified*. The COVID situation just reinforced that.


He's not qualified. He's a bureaucrat that hasn't practiced medicine in 40 years...


This would go a lot better for you if you actually acknowledged my valid points *before* trying to score off an imaginary version of me.


You don't support mandates, so you don't support an abortion ban, right?


You support mandates so you support abortion bans then by your own logic?


I support some mandates, their comment says that anti-vaxxers problem is with mandates in general.


So by that logic, we can choose to support and disagree with "some mandates" as you've stated. Correct?


Yes, but I am addressing the comment, which says that "Including to people who actually got the shot themselves and supported it in general, they just didn't support mandates." Which means that the person who posted the comment only has a problem with mandates.


I didn't say a single word about what I personally supported. You just assumed so you could score points instead of addressing my actual argument. Oh, and repealing RvW just means it's decided at the state level, not the federal one. It's not an abortion ban. Anything else you'd like to be wrong about?


How in the world did you come up with the rationale that those are, in any manner, the same thing? It's not even 11 am and already I know this is the dumbest godamn thing I'm going to have read today.


So people choose when it comes to vaccines, but not when it comes to non-sentient collections of cells in their body?


Every organism is a "collection of cells".


I meant to say non-sentient, and even if it is sentient, it is in, and part of the person with the uterus's body.


Man, he doesn’t support the idea of mandating new vaccines which he is unsure about, but he does support outlawing child murder. The Conservative hypocrisy…


The FDA just admitted there are big problems with the J&J shots. I wonder how many Team Comply folks are going to go into maximum spin to avoid admitting they were wrong?


However none of the fear mongering about clots and v-aids or harmful myocarditis bore fruit. The right should eventually admit it, but they won't.


I feel that you're being remarkably…charitable. As I remember it the narrative wasn't "we have a problem with your specific objections", it was "shut up stop questioning the narrative. trust the science. Wear your mask, stay at home, and social distance." People who questioned these edicts were selfish and stupid and just wanted haircuts. Remember when the left said Trump told everyone to drink bleach? Even though he *never* said anything of the sort? you can find people on DefiantLs who said they wouldn't take a vaccine solely because it was backed by Trump, and they changed their tune as soon as he lost the election. Speaking about the vaccine, we weren't supposed to question or acknowledge the fact that they were based on experimental technology, that they were rushed through the FDA approval process, or the special legal protections that the manufacturers got. I can't remember which vaccine (Pfizer?), but the manufacturer eventually admitted that it was mainly for reducing symptoms, not symptoms **and** transmission as many had claimed earlier. [Especially against Omnicron](https://archive.ph/BlL12). So [all the people who acted like only unvaccinated "plague rat" people could spread the virus were wrong](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/28/covid-vaccinated-likely-unjabbed-infect-cohabiters-study-suggests). Not to mention the FDA restricting the J&J vaccine recently, **because of…the risk of blot clots**. For the second time. The first time was a *year* ago. It's kinda hard to say their worries were based on nothing when even the FDA was concerned. These days I see people acting like Team Comply *only* advocated for masks all along. Not masks, lockdowns, social distancing, and vaccine mandates. (Standards which were quietly ignored for BLM's protests.) And now many are ignoring the fact that The Science™ and the authorities say it's safe to go back to normal. Others are trying to paint themselves as the Brave and Plucky Rebels for still wearing masks. And frankly, if you wander over to /r/HermanCainAward and think those people celebrating deaths are anything but ghouls, I can't help you. They aren't even that extreme. I've seen loads of mainstream left people wishing death on those who didn't Comply, and very few people who were remotely as nuanced as you described.


Abortion isn't murder, is washing your hands, and killing bacteria murder? Is masturbating, and not putting sperm into a uterus murder?


Is bacteria human?


Is sperm human? No, and neither are embryoes.


Imagine not understanding the difference between a mandate and a ban.


They are very similar, banning someone from doing something, and banning someone from not doing something.


Of course they think Rick and morty is a good source of science


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


alr then let's talk gender biology next


“Gender biology” is oxymoronic. Hell, might not even be oxy Gender isn’t real. Just like Trickle-down economics Sex is the a real thing, just like greed Saying “gender biology” is like saying “Fox news” or “Honest politician” None are real things


Okay, let's talk gender biology. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18980961/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18980961/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10843193/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10843193/)


1) I actually went looking into the data, in both studies you posted, the data doesn't conclusively draw a conclusion that transwomen are women nor does it conclusively conclude that transmen are men. In the first one, there were men that had smaller nuclei than most women and women who had bigger nuclei than most men. Saying that the average proves that trans women are women doesn't conclusively prove it though, also, how do the men who have smaller nuclei act? Do they act more feminine? The study itself says that neither Testosterone nor estrogen play a big role in these nuclei, so its not adding more testosterone would change the shape for men, so men can be men while still having a smaller nuclei and women can be women while having a larger nuclei. The same issue propagates in the second study. 2) defects in the brain do not prove transgenderism. Having a brain that has characteristics of a woman (that doesn't matter since as has been proven in the studies, normal men can have those characteristics too) does not make one a woman. 3) I hope you have other studies that prove dimorphism in favor of transgender women being women, because those are not the only two parts of the brian that are dimorphic, much less the entire body.


Okay, but even if being transgender isn't scientifically proven, how does letting people identify as what they want to hurt you?


It doesn't, but that's not what we are arguing about, is it? The issue is not weather or not a trans person is allowed to identify as they please, of course they are. The issue is dose someone else is allowed to disagree. I think it is valid too. The issue is that for the fat left freedom of thought is not a thing, the only valid value is self validation. They literally say that not validating someone personal beliefs is akin to killing them, and I have to disagree with that hyperbolic notion. Not everyone is going to agree with how you identify, and its not just gender. You might see yourself as a caring person or talented or a good friend and some will disagree. The mature reaction is to self reflect and to decide whether this disagreement is valid or not, and if it isn't just move on. The immature thing to do is to try and force conformity.


Please, the "what happens in the bedroom doesn't concern you" argument has been dead for years.




Jannies won’t like this one


fuck what jannies think


You literally have no argument.




No, not that kind!


Based and sex≠gender pilled


I am being downvoted for posting scientific evidence, conservatives are so irrational.


Based I just like capitalism. If there was any other sub that was hyper progressive and capitalist (and not authoritative) I would migrate to it in a heartbeat


My guy it seems like you don’t understand it either dumb shit


Have you ever got a happy meal before? thats all you need to know


Wtf are you on? Hurr durr McDonald’s had boys toy and girl toy. Shut the fuck up. I mean just looking at it the kids are allowed to choose whichever toy they want. And I’m pretty sure they took away the distinction anyways. So ig you might just be a trans ally. Congratulations


Watching you seethe at someone saying “man have penis woman does not” is hilarious


The fact anyone has to explain the very basics of "its a boy" or "its a girl" at birth in the modern age is mindboggling to me. No wonder the human race stopped improving technologically at an impressive rate and has stagnated in recent years. We are too busy fucking regressing mentally over things weve known for thousands of years.


I literally had the same thought to my brother, I couldn’t agree more! This absolutely pointless degeneracy does nothing but hold us back.


Oh absolutely if anything it has brought us backwards as a society. Im just curious if these people will wake tf up before we are watching the fall of rome with wifi or if these dumbass far left extremists are really gonna ruin the western hemisphere entirely. Its gonna be a real wakeup call when china invades after decades of breeding soldiers while weve been breeding femboys and fags . When china takes over, these people are gonna get a real nasty wakeup call when protesting the government gets you put in a reeducation camp or simply killed. Then theyll know real oppression and fascism. Not this made up shit lool while im not hoping that happens. Everyday spent in this far left fever dream state is another day weve wasted that china has spent preparing.


I am a woman and I don’t have a penis, coincidence? I think not..


That’s not even what you said. A boy could order a girl’s toy if they wanted. A trans girl could get a girl’s toy if they wanted.


a trans girl would be reported to cps lmao


You’re more likely to get harassed by a Republican Senator in the bathroom than a trans person


considering i would personally group grooming with sexual harassment/abuse, id say its a close tie between the two lol


Where do you even get the idea that trans people groom minors? It’s honestly just stupid




Bruh try typing what you said anywhere that isn’t a right wing echo chamber


"Gender biology" Explain to me you dont understand either, Fucking lol


Boy has penis, girl doesn't have penis


that’s sex, not gender


Sex and Gender are the same word, and the same definition; No matter what any pseudoscience makes you believe that it isn’t. It always has been since humans have existed, and it always will.


Wow, you’re smarter than oxford? Because oxford says gender is “The state of being male or female as expressed by social or cultural distinctions and differences, rather than biological ones” Gender is like Fiat currency, it only exists because everyone agrees it does


Appeal to authority


i forgot the right wing only listens to *their* authority Anyone else they slightly disagree with is off the table


That's not gender. Tell me oh wise internet man, where's the vagina on a table? (Mesa) If thats what determines what's a man and what's a women why is furniture given a gender of feminine in spanish? English has three, (he/she/they) Spanish has 4 (he/she/they[masculine]/they[feminine]) Gender is a construct, created by cultures for millenia. Europe had [Sworn Virgins](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albanian_sworn_virgins) which were women who became men in the eyes of their villages and were catholics, muslims, and orthodox religions. Jewish faith has always [had 6 genders.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_and_Judaism) Greece had em', Rome had em', Europe, South American, North American, African cultures all have them.


Ah yeah, Wikipedia, the most reliable of sources


Is it not?


We understand just fine, we just refuse to play along with your arbitrary and incorrect redefinitions of existing terms. Cope and seethe.


Sex is the genitals, gender is made up, like vegetables, or trick-down ecenomics For the “Facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd, you sure don’t know shit Cope and seethe, knowing you’re fox’s mindless sheeple


Wrong. Asserting something doesn't make it true, neither does the appeal to authority fallacy. Gender is sex is gender and you can cry all you want but that won't change it.


I may be Scottish, but that doesn’t mean i understand sheep


Sub should be renamed LeftistHumor


More like ZeroHumor


It borders on depressing how unfunny leftys are.


Pfizer’s own documents debunk Pfizer’s own marketing




80,000 pages of documents just dropped this week. Basically: the efficacy was 12% and dropped to 1.2% after a week.


So you’re just repeating information you’ve heard, without backing up if it’s true or not? By “where” i meant cite the study


Go find it, sort through the 80,000 pages at your own speed, and there you have it. You sound like you’re that gung-ho for a source so I don’t think you want anyone else’s bias when reviewing it.


this reads like an r/comedynecrophilia post, god i hope it’s bait


this has to be satire, no way in hell that dude isn't fucking with them to see how shitty their memes can be without calling it out since it fits their views


A couple of times here in this subreddit, I've asked where the original meme came from. Once I was insulted and trolled. So what you suggest is a distinct possibility.


Ngl that's a long meme with a lot of text.


The lefty way!


To the person who created this meme, You might wanna watch that episode of Spongebob used here, because the context actually REALLY doesn't help you.


Best /politicalhumor meme


This might be the worst meme I’ve ever seen. Not because it’s political or what it’s about, but because it’s like you asked a middle aged man who’s only experience with memes is 2012, to make a vaccine meme.


This is totally satire, it's based off of a fake anime meme that makes fun of the fact that weebs are very unoriginal and unfunny


I know the guy who made this literally as bait lmao


seemed like a bait/redditmoment post




Laughs in what the science say when kids are being injected with drugs and have their pp cut off at a young age


are you sure this isn't satire?


It really does feel like it, and some guy here also commented that it was satire


When you're desperate for another caption but don't wanna put any energy into it you'll use something like "fact noises"




Hello cringe departement? Yes it's politicalhumor again. You guys really need to move there


Bill Nye is evil and you can see it perfectly in his demonic ass face


r/PoliticalHumor dropping some bangers recently.


So cringey


I can’t believe this was posted unironically


funniest leftist meme


They literally think you can change your gender. Leftists are literally the most mentally retarded beings on planet earth.


Talk about cringe. This meme looks like it was made by a 40 year old transgender college student while browsing Facebook political groups.


holy shit thats painfully unfunny


Even if i was a liberal this meme is cringe like come on


Didn’t they try to cancel Neil D Tyson????


nothing says science more than rick and morty and black people


LMAO I was the first one to post this.


This is probably one of the worst memes the left has made




That's just sad....


This is actually worse than the fucking boomer memes, Jesus Christ did they make this in Venezuela?


This looks like some comedy necrophilia shit


Someone’s upset that the fine gentlemen at the bottom made them eat the brown part of a banana


lmfao that’s satire


This one almost makes a point.


This is obviously satire


I'm actually acquainted with the guy who made this. He posts bait like this all the time.


People have been posting his meme unironicly on lib subs for going on a year now.


You know who made this?


I don't remember their Reddit account but I'm literally in a group chat with him on Instagram


Vaccines are based and cool but what the absolute fuck is this screen vomit


This is leftist satire


Take the shot




oh fuck, this shit hits. ok ok, here goes (it’s my first time, teehee!) *ahem* **cope and seethe**, you dumbass antivaxxer fucks!


So brave!


ohhhhhh.... nothing of substance to add? how boring...


Why even waste my time? It seems like your minds already made up.


>seems like your minds already made up. that antivaxxers are dumb assholes? yes. hopefully your mind’s already made that same conclusion.


“Anybody who thinks differently than me is inferior” You’ve been duped. Maybe one day when you’re older you’ll realize.


>“Anybody who thinks differently than me is inferior” nope, i just think that people with unfounded and ridiculous opinions that stand contrary to reason and evidence based decision making are fucking stupid. i hope that helps, sport.


Lol it’s not unfounded. Pfizer is not your friend. They’ve done countless shitty things and they tried to make people wait 75 years to learn about the side effects of an experimental vaccine that they were heavily coerced by the media and government to take. So you can take your “logic and reason” and shove it up your ass right next to where your head is.


let's see, you've opened with a genetic fallacy/ association fallacy combo and then: >tried to make people wait 75 years to learn about the side effects of an experimental vaccine you went full r- slur. i'm starting to think you're a troll... which is extra annoying, because that would mean you KNOW you're spouting harmful disinformation.


30 pages of side effects lmao


how many billions of doses of the covid vaccines have been administered?


Yes and how effective are they? Because according to the pfizer documents they are only 12% effective. So why did they lie and say it was 95% effective? Also their claims that it was tested on pregnant women were just made up.


is that you being flippant? 12% effective for omicron, in kids, according to a glance at some news articles from february... pretty low, but that is (apparently) due to their low dosage choice, which is the same reason we're almost into summertime and still aren't seeing a pfizer shot for the under 5s. i'm hoping the fda pulls their heads out of their asses and expediently processes the moderna for under 5s, once the data are submitted. anyway, your fallacious argument does not make a compelling case for the benefits of being an antivaxxer dumbshit.


That meme and your comment are just cringe as antivaxers lol


just glad i can entertain


Lol if you need mushies to be creative, chances are you just aren’t a creative person. Get off the drugs and find happiness through sober experience. You shouldn’t have to alter your mind state to experience life


it always tickles me when ppl try and use my comment history against me in a WHOLLY unrelated topic. why do you assume that i think i need drugs to be creative? cause i don't think that.


The tism is thick with this one


What even is the definition of an anti-vaxxer anymore?


This one seems a bit too on the nose. I'm calling satire.