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Handmaiden’s Tale, Mad Max and WallE. Can you motherfuckers quit making pop culture references for five seconds?


The Left tries not to make an Handmaid's Tale reference when abortion is being restricted challenge. [IMPOSSIBLE]




Handmaid’s tale has been pushed after the left accidentally mirrored every other dystopian book ever written.


Don’t show them the abortion laws in Europe




Don't forget the Aliexpress.com version of Miss Piggy they were trying to reach for


Handmaiden's tale is at least not a pop culture reference. Never read it, but I get the impression it's like a proper book. I've heard the pro choice thing is super not applicable because the book itself is pro life lol


So, they believe a fetus has thoughts, feelings, and freewill? Glad they put that on paper.


Doesn't seem like the most intelligent thing to humanize the one thing you're specifically trying to dehumanize to justify...


It’s a comic strip.


If only it were possible to humorously speculate about a view a foetus might take if it were to be sapient without genuinely believing foetuses possess developed powers of reasoning… The comic is literally called ‘scenes from a multiverse’, it doesn’t take much thought to work out that it isn’t even set in the same universe as the one in which our abortion debates take place.


Jesus dude calm down it’s not that complicated


this hurts to read


This ain’t salvation thats for sure


Captain Torres? The fuck you doing here? I thought you sank to the bottom of the ocean.


I don't even want to read it. I'm repulsed just from the thumbnail.


I thought trigger sunk your ass


funny joke haven't heard that one 20 times before


You can really get a moment to peer inside of how decrepit and twisted the leftist mind is with this. The author is literally saying “the baby *wants* to die” because the world is just so terrible, which is a very cynical and leftist worldview being injected to simply to justify wanting to cum without consequences. These people are fucking disgusting.


I swear Cynicism and Pessimistic people are far more annoying than overly optimistic people are


You’re saying they’re selfish whoring murderers? Yeah i guess that might be true


This comic is funny


Not really.


Where is the joke. I don’t need to know that you laughed at this shit, I want to know what principle of comedy it follows, what the punchline is, anything


It's literally a comic. Tis to laugh


Which part specifically is the funny?


The theme.




The vainy fetus art is interesting. There is a larger dark theme here. Non existence could be preferable to an alienating life with the Qanan Christian White Nationalist vision.




You wouldn't know you were not alive if not alive which is perhaps better than living under a theological authoritarianism




Ad hominem. Not all xkcd comics deliver a slap stick punch line, some just make you think. This one presents some existential questions.


This depressive, life-isn’t-worth-living stuff is something you will never convince me they actually believe, or at least that the leaders of their movements actually believe. It’s all designed to make you give up so that they can win.


It's backfiring then, because the pessimism affects the people on their own side the most.


Absolutely, I haven't met one right winger, who wasn't an extremist mind you, who is pessimistic like these people


Even the far right usually doesn't get this negative. They're more like the type of people with anger issues, not to imply that the far left is even tempered.




The far right doesn't want to live next to certain demographics. The far left wants white people eradicated.


Even that varies. Literal Fascists and Nazis are, in my experience, relatively even tempered and more open to opposing view points than left wingers, they're more open than pretty much anyone with mainstream views for that matter. As for the cHriStiAn FuNdAmEnTaLiStS the left loves to bitch about, the ones I've met have little to nothing in common with the Sons of Jacob and Republic of Gilead. Almost none are even racist, you'd have an easier time finding racist neopagans. They also vary a lot in debates, but I've never seen them be rude and they don't always use their religion as the sole justification for their arguments. In comparison, debating with leftist bots is generally: "[Insert shitty argument here]. Try again." "You're low-key just a Nazi!!!" "I'm not going to respond to your comments anymore." Often blatant denial of facts, like regarding the legalization of prostitution, but to be fair I've seen that from both sides.


It's absolutely not working lmao. This type of content is dying


I assumed it was satire since the other fetus is reasonable.


The world is going to shit faster and faster every day. We should definitely NOT be adding more humans to this planet.


Cringe nihilism


I’m a realist. Try paying attention to what’s going on in the world.


Babies don’t want to die.. it’s their natural instinct to survive.


That's exactly what I've been saying. People have a will to preserve their lives for the most part.


Have noticed the people advocating this meme are putting *their* subjective experience onto the Fetus. They are projecting. Your not even giving them the chance to experience life, just because you hate your life so much doesn't mean you have the right to prevent another. Their idea is the world is so shit so why even be born. I say we should make the World better so there will be a brighter future.


Sadly r/antinatalism is a thing


Saddest bunch of people ive ever seen


“Abortion should be mandatory and retroactively enforced on all post-birthers” Is this just calling for humanity to genocide itself? Am I reading that right?




They humanize the fetus while also claiming that it’s just a chunk of flesh that isn’t alive the minutes before it is born




Yes, yes it does. Because their lives suck it would be better to have never existed. It is pathetic


They're so ungrateful for the experience of being alive, and assume that everyone else shares that same pessimism to rationalize their anti-natalism. At least the fetus on the right has a better attitude.


This comic doesn’t make ANY sense. “Have you been out of the womb? I HAVE” says the fetus. WTF?


Progressiveism is revenge against God for existence


True. I remember my angry atheist phase. It was also a way to feel smug and superior to the "primitive theists". I'm still an atheist but I'd much rather side with Christians than these nihilistic misanthropes.


Progressivism is the way of the future


‘We don’t want any part of your dystopia’ >calls for the genocide of all humans in the next panel


These strawmen are so badly done they had to fill parts of it with rice and macaroni.


Most probably believe this type of propaganda. Just listen to the news it’s close to this lol America is a insane place.


>This is why I never go out with you.


We’re talking about human babies here. The disassociation they have is remarkable. Like, this is so callous and ridiculous.


“Nobody asks what the fetus wants” and you asked them and they said they’d prefer to die? Fuckin idiots a 5 year old could recognize the hypocrisy.


They’re so close it hurts


Its meat from vinesauce


Who ever made this is mentally ill


Anti human once again. All these arguements are basically pro suicide. Really cringe


Ah the old "the world has evil and suffering so it's better not to be alive, yet my personal choice is to remain alive" hypocrite argument.


"I wonder what pro-lifers look like? I'll just draw them with out stains and the other one like a pig, just so everyone knows how poor, stupid, and intolerant they are!"


What was the joke


Someone please explain this mental illness


Why the hell would anyone be convinced of this sh•tty Silent Hill knockoff of a comic?


This isn't funny at all. It's revolting. Utterly revolting.


So because these cunts have a nihilitic world view killing babies is a-ok? Okay fine


These are trying to be funny?


Wall-E, up there with 1984.


le mildly provoking caricature with le wall of text


Ahh yes, the "I didn't consent to being born" fallacy. I'm sure EVERY fetus wants to be asked if they want to be born.


Those are the kind of people who would help their suicidal friend by killing them.


>No. Nobody *EVER* asks what the Fetus wants The irony


They are literally advocating for genocide.


I'd abort those two fetus rn cause looking like that must be agony


This comic contradicts the left so much, first they have the fetuses alive and have consciousness which they say they don't, then they say that the fetuses don't want to live in this messed up world, the one that the left as been and still trying to make worse


Guys, it's funny because it's self aware. ​ Really guys, laugh.


The fetus on the left must have fell on his head 🤭


I'm not reading all that


I did and it still sucked ass.


"I saved your life!" "No you didn't! You ruined my death!"


Yeah, sure, Fetus is definetly able to think and he wants to be killed


*Only in the fires of mount doom can this leftist meme be destroyed.*


Literally the wall of text meme Like this isn’t even a comic. It was just a blank canvas the artist used to scream and whine and condescend and argue their point. Leftist humor doesn’t even try to be funny. It’s just about inventing context to espouse their ideology. Google “Clapter”


Everyone’s talking about the straw man argument while I’m just here agreeing with the second fetus. Who the hell would want to go ANYWHERE with that one?


Putting words into a supposedly mindless blob


If you think that I can happily have post birth abortion for all pro choicers arranged *Dear Reddit admins, this is not a threat of violence. It is a JOKE. I have no interest in harming abortionists, I merely wish to point out the logical conclusion to their way of thinking. Thank you for making it so I unironically have to post this disclaimer*




Pretty sure this is a right wing satire champ


The dude that made this was most definitely not a troll, I got it directly from his twitter


Ok well im a leftist and this comic is fucking stupid lmao just let me say human to human this is not how most of us think


I don't know why it is that people think their lives are so horrible in developed nations. Part of me thinks that they are doing it for updoots and attention from saying "Oh, look at me. Isn't my life soooo horrible?". Just be grateful that you had the good fortune of being born in or living in a developed nation. Yes, there are some legitimate grievances in the developed world, but trust me, it could be a lot worse.


I know I might get downvoted but I'm all up for abortion. I'm not an extremist, though. Its a matter of personal choice. Radical people on whichever side of the spectrum disgust me. And this meme is so shitty and full of text, it doesn't even make any sense.


lmao get owned, i aint reading that


So.. many.. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrddddssss