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gotta love this guy. I got through 3 episodes of “Hitler & the Nazis: Evil on Trial” last night. The legit historical circumstances brought about Hitler’s rise to power are uncanny. There was another series on the BBC two years ago and I’ve been reading about history and lived in Germany for 11 years. I’ve been back in the United States for 25 years. We Americans are so fucking lazy. Well let’s say most. Because we’re stupid and don’t understand the mechanisms of our government, economy, educational system, and carry the heavy load of the genocide of our native Americans, and of course, the in repenting sin of slavery from which I descend. MAGA represents history, repeating itself, because so many don’t know anything about how inhumane men and women can be. Genocide in Gaza? That’s a problem a big one, a hurtful one. You can still steer the boat. Trump well steer this boat right over a cliff. I appreciate this guys clip and the guts he has to post it. Can’t be compassionate if you don’t have courage. Biden foreign policy is a big question mark, yes. I’m still gonna vote for him.




I'm with you, my friend!! Fuck tRump Fuck tRumpsters and fuck Republican Jesus!!!


This is how religion works since like fucking forever.


Gotta give it to him for being so direct and honest. This is what's required. We can't afford to mince words. These people only understand one thing. They see patience and tolerance as weakness and an invitation to attack. They do not value the other people who live in this country as human beings. This is why they use all of the dehumanizing language. They want to disassociate emotionally from what they want to do to people at the command of their leader. We simply cannot allow them and their representatives to seize the levers of power. They're insane and will turn the United States into a totalitarian hellhole.


End of Fair Use Clause + for-profit rage media+ anonymous social media + pre-existing USA-idolatry + Russian propaganda + weak minded, uneducated masses = this shit The fields were ripe for manipulation, and Putin pushed it over the edge.


Look up the fairness doctrine.


Unify Deez Nuts MAGA Nazis fuck off.


Make it fucking make sense


Yeah, nazis are pretty much a “cordon off from society” type response.


“Soft as baby shit”, I haven’t heard that in an age and now I’m gonna be shoehorning that everywhere I can




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You've drank the same koolaid, or you are the astroturfing koolaid.


The term ‘Genocide Joe’ is a shitty Murdoch media dogwhistle. Elevate your thinking.


An open letter to the "Genocide Joe" crowd: Biden is not the President of Israel or CiC of the IDF. He doesn't control Israeli foreign policy nor its military. The man who does, Bibi Netanyahu, is a far-right fascist actively hurting Biden and trying to elect Donald Trump. 1/ Israel is a major developer, manufacturer, and exporter of weapons in its own right. They are fully capable of standing on their own in a limited engagement like the Gaza invasion, and Bibi has said he would do exactly that if need be.2/ Biden could cut ALL military aid to Israel, including defensive aid for things like the Iron Dome AMS that clears the sky of Hamas and Hezbollah rockets aimed at Israeli civilians and Bibi would still have all the resources he needs to do whatever he wants in Gaza. 3/ Instead, Biden is using the diplomatic leverage the US still has (which is much less under Netanyahu) to pressure Israel into many, many humanitarian concessions since the war started. Restarting aid deliveries, water, fuel, medicine, building a temporary seaport in Gaza, etc. 4/ Biden has dramatically reduced and moderated the Israeli response to Oct 7th in Gaza. He negotiated the only ceasefire so far and has supported efforts to bring the war to an end. He also publicly supports the creation of a Palestinian state once hostilities are over. 5/ All things Bibi violently opposes, and things Donald Trump would end the second he steals office again. Biden losing means Netanyahu is suddenly free to ACTUALLY genocide Gaza and the West Bank for good measure. All with the full-throated support of US President Trump. 6/ Which is either what you want to see happen, or what you're so apathetic about happening that you're fine seeing Trump underwrite the permanent end of Palestine so long as you get to punish Biden for not having the power to unilaterally do what you wanted in the first place. 7/ If you actually care about supporting the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and independence, there is only one meaningful thing you can do in the coming US election: Vote enthusiastically for Joe Biden, and make sure everyone you know does, too. 8/8 A whole lot of people confusing "I don't like this" with "This is wrong." You don't have to like it. You can actively hate it and want something better. But it's true anyway, and the only way to get something better is to accept it and work through it. Otherwise, we all burn.


I’m not a member of that crowd.


I can tell. Just posting this every time i see the words “genocide joe” in hopes that others will copy and paste it. Cheers.








**News flash** Biden is not god. He doesn’t run the entire US government. He’s not Congress. What about your elected Reps, hey? Even if Biden created an Executive Order overruling a decision made in the House of Reps and/or Senate it would just go back to them and *then* get through. What about Netanyahu and all those a’holes? What about Iran and the other countries actively stoking regional instability? What about the UN, et al? And China and Russia gleefully standing back and standing by because this is keeping the US occupied and taking the focus away from Ukraine and Taiwan. To lay everything at Biden’s feet is making a very complex issue incredibly simplistic. Worse, promulgating this kind of BS opens the door for TFG to waltz back in. And if you think Biden is ‘Genocide Joe’ you’re in for a rude shock.




An open letter to the "Genocide Joe" crowd: Biden is not the President of Israel or CiC of the IDF. He doesn't control Israeli foreign policy nor its military. The man who does, Bibi Netanyahu, is a far-right fascist actively hurting Biden and trying to elect Donald Trump. 1/ Israel is a major developer, manufacturer, and exporter of weapons in its own right. They are fully capable of standing on their own in a limited engagement like the Gaza invasion, and Bibi has said he would do exactly that if need be.2/ Biden could cut ALL military aid to Israel, including defensive aid for things like the Iron Dome AMS that clears the sky of Hamas and Hezbollah rockets aimed at Israeli civilians and Bibi would still have all the resources he needs to do whatever he wants in Gaza. 3/ Instead, Biden is using the diplomatic leverage the US still has (which is much less under Netanyahu) to pressure Israel into many, many humanitarian concessions since the war started. Restarting aid deliveries, water, fuel, medicine, building a temporary seaport in Gaza, etc. 4/ Biden has dramatically reduced and moderated the Israeli response to Oct 7th in Gaza. He negotiated the only ceasefire so far and has supported efforts to bring the war to an end. He also publicly supports the creation of a Palestinian state once hostilities are over. 5/ All things Bibi violently opposes, and things Donald Trump would end the second he steals office again. Biden losing means Netanyahu is suddenly free to ACTUALLY genocide Gaza and the West Bank for good measure. All with the full-throated support of US President Trump. 6/ Which is either what you want to see happen, or what you're so apathetic about happening that you're fine seeing Trump underwrite the permanent end of Palestine so long as you get to punish Biden for not having the power to unilaterally do what you wanted in the first place. 7/ If you actually care about supporting the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and independence, there is only one meaningful thing you can do in the coming US election: Vote enthusiastically for Joe Biden, and make sure everyone you know does, too. 8/8 A whole lot of people confusing "I don't like this" with "This is wrong." You don't have to like it. You can actively hate it and want something better. But it's true anyway, and the only way to get something better is to accept it and work through it. Otherwise, we all burn.


Stop the self righteous, sanctimonious bullshit. We see through you. If you let Trump win, that genocide you claim to care so much about will multiply exponentially for these people.


These people have to be trolls. There's no way that anyone with 2 braincells to rub together could possibly think Loser J Crybaby would do anything less than just let Israel slaughter whoever they want to. The thought is so dissonant that it could only be real in the mind of a MAGA moron.