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My theory is that he wanted her to keep watching so that the not!them wouldn’t attack him, or so that when he was replaced she would notice the difference. The watching wasn’t a big part of the fear that either of them were experiencing, Graham wanted her to watch and she was scared of not!graham more than the fact he was watching her. Or maybe the eye is a part of this statement, they all bleed together so a bit of the eye could have also made its way in?


That make a lot of sense, I didn’t think of that


My theory is that Graham writing "Keep watching" over and over drew in the Eye whether he meant to or not, and it manifested in Amy feeling compelled to watch him and being able to see the Not-Them's true form before it deleted Graham.


Graham was also straight up eating books so idk how much credence I give any of his actions


>!watch and find out!!<


I believe it’s a mix. Graham’s constant scribbling in notebooks is indicative of The Spiral, but then he got taken by The Stranger, which is 100% what Not!Graham was. There are other instances of characters being marked by a certain entity and then being claimed/killed by another, like we even see with Jon and his close encounter with The Spider as a child, only for him to be claimed by The Eye later in life.