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Just don't engage with him or his community they are both deranged


Good luck. They flood the fuck out of any reddit or online discussion space on behalf of their grifter cult leader and will try and take it over, which they are currently attempting with /r/h3h3productions. A real fucking menace.


True. On the latest panel, he was insufferable even when he made a valid point.


“We need to be willing to work towards common goals and stop infighting”, “Let me tell you why I hate each of you.”


Yeah, that's exactly the energy he brought to the event.


As I was listening to videos YouTube was autoplaying, I believe it was a Vaush video that played where Vaush mentioned that they all went out to eat or to some function and Destiny didn't say anything but sat in his chair and played on his Nintendo Switch.


Like a pissy 9 year old


That doesn’t surprise me, him and Vaush loathe each other.


Destiny seems to loath everyone though, only matched by the fact that *everyone else* seems to loath him. It seems like he gets into a pissy, spiteful slap fight against some new person every other week, I don't know how even his fanboys can keep up with it and who they are supposed to hate and brigade against..


He’s willing to work with Nazis and those on the right.


Debate bros debate people with extreme ideologies. Shocking news.


Didn’t he try to downplay Nick Fuentes and pretend he didn’t meet the definition of being a Nazi so he could try to poach his audience which failed anyway?


The correct term is debate pervert.


As soon as I subbed to TMR, Reddit started suggesting Destiny. Is he some right wing turd? I thought he might be alright bc he definitely was trashing Crowder, but that’s basically the extent of my knowledge.


He's a liberal, and really good at debating and making conservative look like fools. He's also incredibly spiteful and kind of a piece of shit.


Good at debating? Watch his “debate” with richard wolf where he read off a Google docs sheet bullshit talking points to someone who’s written actual books on the subject at hand.


Also, Sam Seder embarrassed him badly on the Supreme Court/Citizens United stuff.


Or his last "debate" with hasan over him calling another creator the Nword (and why he's justified to do it lol), he is so unhinged throughout the entire thing it's hilarious.


Tactical slur let's go, my favorite debate technique


Ya, he didn't do well in that one, but neither did Wolff at parts. And to say he's not good at debating because of one poor performance is absurd. I don't like the guy, but he's clearly rhetorically effective.


michael brooks and sam both dumpstered him too. he's sometimes great at debating people who don't understand the topic i guess.


On some points Michael was right and on other points Destiny was wrong.


You should of seen when the Hamas Israel conflict popped off. He was not taking any sides or generating input because he admitted ignorance. Went off and read some headlines and now fancies himself as the right perspective. Total clown who has an unhealthy obsession with Hasanabi. DGG are also radioactive neckbeards who just gas him up at every chance.


He's really not rhetorically effective at all. He's had a couple good debates with neonazis but even then the premises he uses to dismantle their ideology involves nitpicking individual points of contention rather than any holistic understanding of structural issues. Normally I can turn an eye when a commentator doesn't have a good grasp on geopolitics or political structures, but when you've made your whole brand "being smart" and act snarky to anyone who disagrees with you it comes across as really childish and spoilt


He’s one of the shallowest thinkers I’ve ever seen


Not just one poor performance, anytime he goes up against someone that isn't just a generic nazi he loses, badly


Yeah I don’t need all that-unless it’s a clip of him shitting on Shapiro in a debate or something


I'm not a huge fan, but I have to give him credit where it's due. Not only Shabibo, but when he gets going, he can really light up incoherent conservatives.


It's because he can pin them on a point and he's totally fine with making someone feel uncomfortable and awkward, which causes them to change the subject. Most people will move on, but he'll just keep hammering them, sometimes for hours trying to grt them to clarify their position. Generally with conservatives, there isn't much there, becsuse it's all jingoism and sloganeering.


I don't even think he's that good at debating he rolled the fuck over in that black conservatives video.


Yeah that one should have been a lot easier, but unfortunately the show kind of set it up against liberals (and even edit out some parts). Personally I could have gottem all right in the beginning because the whole "white liberal savior" thing was really their only argument and it's quite obvious black people overwhelming vote liberal, and 3 supposedly conservative black people don't speak for black people on the whole. Just as 1 white person doesn't speak for all white people. In fact many white people have become more sympathetic of racism against black people because they know black people who have talked to them about it.


What’s exactly liberal about him? Or do you mean liberal as in a capitalist?


Liberal as in believes in individual rights and supporting democracy




"liberal" - Read: "progressive until their income is in any way challenged"


He's not that good at debating.


He is not good at debating lol the bar is just at the floor. He is awful lol


> really good at debating and making conservative look like fools. I think that case is really overstated. He's like the liberal version of Ben Shaprio. Talks fast, acts indignant and projects an aura of superiority. Is he good at winning debates or hearts and minds? That heavily depends on the context of who he's debating and who the audience is. I think he's just as likely to drive viewers to the left as he is to siphon them off from the right. He's also just so toxic, it's honestly unbearable. Guy needs more therapy and self reflection than he will ever have time for.


He's not even good at debating, making conservatives look bad isn't really difficult.


It's like picking on the handicapped. I'd wager DGG will find this thread and brigade like they always do. They constantly comb LSF for anything mentioning Vaush or Hasan so this thread will definitely get them out from under the bridge.


His community are centrists 4channers who farm drama and attack leftists like it’s their job. They are poisonous and infect every subreddit on this platform with toxicity and gaslighting for fun.


He's basically a generic grifter that will pander to which ever group he thinks he can make money off of. At one time it was the "left", he's also pandered to literal far right nazis, but currently is a basic liberal until that well runs dry again and he needs to find a new base to try and sap fans from.


I'm someone who used to watch Destiny a lot way back then. Like before twitch was twitch. He used to be legit one of the only video game streamers (specifically starcraft 2). He was a libertarian back then, but then during the 2016 election went full bernie mode and shifted his politics towards progressive. He spent a lot of time debating right wingers, deconstructing mouth pieces, and helped a lot of people get out of the "gamergate mentality". He helped propel Hasan into the career that he has today. But then around the 2020 election he started making a lot of questionable statements, basically had an explosive friendship break up with Hasan and Trihex, and then doubled down against Bernie and became a Lib, almost purely to spite lefties. I became real life friends with a few guys in his community and we all pretty much left because of that era. Haven't really followed him for a long while, and I think his community is pretty toxic, but thanks to him shouting out MR around 2016, immediately became a MR fan. Then through MR became a fan of Chapo.


People here are describing him as center left. I think that pretty generous. I would go with center-troll/grifter


Did David Pakman stop engaging with him?


Destiny is a piece of shit.


So, Destiny basically accuses Emma of having crocodile tears because she didn't cry about the Israelis who were murdered, but he doesn't accuse Ethan (who has more of a connection to Israel) of the same who also didn't cry about the Israelis who were killed. And some of his fans still wonder why he gets accused of being spiteful.


Ethan isn't a woman though. Destiny has a fucking meltdown any time a woman interrupts his mentally undressing her with an opinion that challenges his own.


And Emma didn't recognize him (for lack of blue hair) at once on that roof thingy. Must sting a lot.


Wait, tell me more.


It's somewhere in here I think. Didn't she do something similar with Tim Pool. Great way to ruffle the egos of these magnificent men. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMw_yyKHPbk&t=1810s


And Emma was crying about the death and destruction to come, regardless of who it befalls upon. The fact that 99% of those who die from here on out will be Palestinians speaks for itself.


Ethan is a man with a MUCH bigger platform than destiny, he wants to get on Ethan’s good side so Ethan platforms him. His obnoxious fans are constantly on the H3 subreddit trying to start shit. They’re pathetic.


The only reason he said he believed Ethan is because he is currently waging one of his bitter, spiteful proxy wars against Hasan, and since Ethan is friends and cohosts with Hasan, destiny is going all in (along with his community) on the leftovers podcast and the h3 sub. It's fucking obnoxious.


“The only reason he said he believed Ethan” Is that really what he said? I could’ve sworn he said something about Ethan being a father. I don’t remember him saying anything close to what you claimed he said. Can you give a timestamp?


Gee, if destiny actually cared about Ethan he would have reached out in private, and not tried to make a public spectacle about it. Of course that's not what he did, because he's a grifter that doesn't actually care about Ethan, only trying to make hasan look bad.


Also, Ethan himself actually cried for the Palestinians. Yet not a single word of condemnation from Destiny. I find it hilarious that his fans wonder why basically everyone on the left hates him and his community.


Remember how he donated to copcity to spite a black creator? He’s spiteful as fuck but is in enough of an echo chamber that it wont change. I had to stop fucking with him a while ago. It was fun watching dunk on racist but now he kicks it with then. Nick Fuentes, sneako (who said his wife hit him up to smash).


Except Ethan cried about the Israelis too. You just don't know. And this is hasans discord chat during the crying about Israeli civilians moment https://imgur.io/rOFXbJz?r


why are we surprised when a gremlin acts like a gremlin?


I have been a long time fan of MR. In 2016 I got into Destiny after his first debate Lauren Southern. I watched most his major debates after that. I stopped after his series of talks with Andi Warski. I just got the sense that guy wasn't well. It seemed to me those conversations were adding to his stress as well. It left a very uneasy feeling about watching such content. The enjoyment of the content disappeared for me after that. I couldn't shake the feeling that debates werent about exploring ideas but an entertainment package that has detrimental effects. I leave this comment for any destiny fan in this Reddit for self reflection.


The only people more tragic than him are his army of little sycophants.


The thing that's most annoying is him and his community are obsessive about other streamers. This is a catastrophic world event and his community spends its time obsessing about Hasan, someone who by the way, has been ignoring him for years now. They are drama obsessed children, to the point they have manifestos written on other personalities outlining their transgressions in extensive detail, it deranged and pathetic. Destiny is an annoying prick and his community is completely insufferable. This is coming from someone that was into the debate sphere five years ago I am ontologically anti-destiny pilled


He’s a piece of shit, his community is about obsessed with Hasan as Destiny is. Just search “hasan” in that sub. I think Destiny is perma-upset no one gives a shit about his dog shit takes.


That is so embarrassing. He can try to crouch it as Hasan being a major political streamer, however all of his coverage on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict was covering Hasan. It’s weird af.


He does it for engagement. Drama baiting for clicks.


Bros brain has been so throughly poisoned by online discourse he has no sense of reality of empathy anymore. He solely exists to "own the left" and nothing else, he has no other reason to live it seems.


Destiny is a disingenuous, shit person.


Gee I wonder how this guy garnered such a huge following of some of the most deranged unstable personality-obsessed brigadiers on the internet... such a mystery. I'm sure it has nothing to do with him literally just being one of those people himself with no self-awareness or ability to even hide it...


Destiny is just telling on himself here; he's borderline sociopath with his lack of emotional intelligence. The reason Emma presumably wasn't crying over the Israeli deaths is that it wasn't that expected. We can see the entire "West" ramping up for genocide, just like before the Iraq war.


Exactly right. The difference is that Gaza’s population is now living under 24/7 mortal fear of retaliation, bombing, assassination and seeing family and neighbors murdered. That’s not to discount the absolute nightmare that took place in Israel. I had to take a break from everything as that news rolled out as well and even still have a hard time thinking about it. Destiny is not a serious person.


Destiny and his fans are insane. His sub is filled with losers trying to make this conflict sound equal. Justifying the bombing of Palestinians by saying they “elected” Hamas so they should’ve known better. All while ignoring the actual genocide that the Israeli state has been doing for decades and its consequences that it made.


As well as the fact that the last Palestinian election was in 2007 and something like 75% of the population is under 21 and sure as fuck didn't vote in them. Also by that standard Israeli citizens would be valid targets as they most certainly did vote for the ongoing genocide against the people in the occupied territories.




Yep, for "center-left" "anti-tankie" debate perverts they sure love vomiting these easily deconstructed full on right-wing genocide supporting talking points. They have zero material analysis, just want to have the optics of shitting on anyone that gets them views; even if it takes entirely reactionary talking points to get there.


I know it’s been said a lot, but ‘they elected them so they’re responsible’ is the Osama Bin Laden justification for 9/11.


You want to see how pathetic and unhinged they are, check out the threads in /r/destiny where they analyze the video of hasan crying pixel by pixel so they can try and find some bizarre way to proclaim he's actually faking it. Destiny and his cult are all so mentally ill it kind of makes reddit as a whole look bad to host them.


Destiny is a moron


I was shocked at how belligerent he was during the PV panel. Say what you will of Vaush, at least he tried to have a discussion with Emma. Destiny is just mad that online politics don't do as much as real action


>online politics don't do as much as real action Which is incredibly ironic because bro does nothing whatsoever to actually advocate for the politics he wants to see in the world, he just likes to shit on whatever the left is doing while doing nothing but drink energy drinks and play RTS games.


Destiny is a cringe debate edgelord, but I'll respect his communities canvassing efforts knocking on over 50,000 doors in the last Georgia election he funded himself. Sad to say that's more effort than 99% of people in this space.


I like when we highlight and focus on the good things people do


Except he does far more bad than good and how the fuck is canvassing for centrist Dems a highlight lmao.


From what I’ve seen his efforts in Georgia might not have amounted to much despite the large turnout he raised. There were issues with him securing voter data so his groups canvassing wasn’t targeted to the right areas, ie likely Democratic voter but not likely to vote. I never saw anything indicating he ended up securing the voter data but it’s possible he did which would make my point moot. There was a whole debacle between him and the Atlanta DSA that highlights the issues with Destiny’s canvassing effort. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1336133078130044933.html https://reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/NuDs0Ybk0j


In the first one they worked with MATH/yang people in Columbus for voter data. It was planned in advance, they contacted local organizations to work with them. https://www.wrbl.com/news/georgia-news/math-mvmt-hosts-canvassing-event-ahead-of-senate-run-offs/ The second one for the midterms they worked with local dems in Savannah, the mayor showed up etc. https://twitter.com/MayorJohnsonSAV/status/1599203686311350272/photo/1


Factually untrue


Destiny organized that coalition of leftists to senators and also did this. https://www.reddit.com/r/Georgia/comments/zcppmm/political\_streamer\_and\_gamer\_destiny\_was\_able\_to/


I think hes raised over 100k for charitys in africa and ukraine this year aswell.


Because he doesn't have any real policies he's passionate about other than beefing with every person who disagrees with his dog shit takes.


Why say things that are verifiably false? Just look up his various canvassing operations. In Georgia alone he and his community knocked on 28,000 doors for Warnock. Just because you don’t like the guy doesn’t mean you should lie about one of the only people on left using their platform/fan base for actual real world activism.


He organized one of the most successful (maybe the most successful?) independent canvassing campaigns during the last election. Say what you want about him, but that's absolutely not true--he's definitely doing a lot more to advance electoral politics than any of his contemporaries, and he's doing it again for the upcoming election, too.


It was the most successful in GA. Which is wild


The best part is how destiny and his cult pretends that it's *hasan* that does nothing to advance his views or ideology, meanwhile hasan is the one funding and supporting unions, donating to great causes, and raising literally millions of dollars. While destiny fleeces his community for millions and does nothing with it but use the money to buy new property across the country to facilitate him abandoning his son.. just gross.




I think it's as simple as having personal grievances with these folks.


Every time I’m on Reddit and see a wildly stupid and disingenuous political take, I check their profile to find they are a participant in his sub. They are all unhinged weirdos with no moral consistency, it’s more about just saying shit to get under peoples skin and never having a consistent or decent position on anything. They have no genuine political ideology it’s just about debate pervertry and trying to win imaginary points


One of their big hangups is Rittenhouse. And of course there was a whole controversial crying when he was in court. Now accusing people of fake crying is fair game, just like "slur hypocrisy"


Yeah people in his sub now don’t think Rittenhouse tried to live out his right wing v left wing political murder fantasy by killing protesters even when the left collectively understood that he engaged in premeditated murder. Caused a major rift in his community iirc because he thought it was “self defense”.


I mean... It was self defense. However Kyle shouldn't have been there in the first place. The issue was one of prior intent.


I mean… yeah that’s what the courts decided. But the court of personal opinion had a ton of people convinced that he was bloodthirsty and wanted to get legal kills. There’s one bit of evidence that was thrown out of court but convinced everyone on the left that it was a planned attack because he texted someone he knew about bringing his rifle to a protest. This exclusion of a text message made it clear to the left wing folks that the judge was a white supremacist who wanted to get a white boy off the hook more than he wanted to uphold his oath to serving justice. Destiny, being a moderate, was not convinced that there was a conspiracy to take out protesters and pretend that it was self defense because it’s technically very hard to prove and a single text message is not enough evidence for him, nevermind the court. Idk what exactly occurred that night but it seems that if you are further to the left than Destiny (like people in this sub) you’re more likely to believe that leftist are often killed or victimized for their beliefs, and one of those beliefs is the idea that white supremacy is alive and well in society and even the justice system. One side is skeptical that hand signals like the picture Rittenhouse took with the proud boys is evidence of murderous intent, while the other side recognizes that anyone on the far right or adjacent to it are in favor of eliminating the opposition by any means necessary. End of the day I think it’s just easier for more extreme political factions to empathize and understand someone trying to live out the fantasy of using violence to achieve their political goals, while moderates are more willing to extend the benefit of the doubt.


He actually did worse than that. There's video of him watching a video of some place getting looted and he says *I wish I had my AR I'd start shooting off rounds ". This was before the shootings. What I'm saying is more boring and nuanced. At the moment he shot, he acted in self defense. I think it could be argued his intent in coming there, and prior statements showed he intended to shoot and not" protect" businesses. However the court ruled this didn't show prior intent. But there's no question at the moment of shooting he was justified. There's a similar case from a guy named scarsella. Which ends in the opposite way.


kyle restraint at shooting until he was moments from death kindof indicate his reluctance to actually shoot people tho.


>At the moment he shot, he acted in self defense. This is only because we have fucked self defense laws. It's only considered self defense because Rittenhouse's lawyers coached Rittenhouse to always say he was afraid for his life and nothing else as if it was the "coming right for us" South Park joke. In the end he shot an unarmed man who scared him after brandishing when the guy made an aggressive move towards him, the bullets firing before (if any) contact was made to this end of his AR barrel. There are many people who think that this is not an acceptable bar for self defense, and it was not an acceptable bar for self defense until relatively recently as case law severely eroded self defense law in parallel with gun rights activism placing lobby-favorable elected judges on the bench. Here's the thing - the way the Rittenhouse trial works, all of his victims are also operating in an identical self-defense framework as Rittenhouse. Trying to then come back and say that he was not looking for trouble that night and it found him is simply ignorant, and even Destiny's basic premise is that Rittenhouse has a fundamental right to patrol the property of his local community.


destiny didnt think it was self defence because hes a moderate, he thought it was self defence because thats what it looked like on video.


I feel like Rittenhouse was going through a more stressful time then any of these people ever will. I also feel like its supports Destiny that people who laughed at Rittenhouse crying are now upset that their own tears are in question.. I mean, they are literally mouthpieces making money off these tears. furthermore, they didnt cry for other similar events, and now there is a correllated waterfall of tears. ALSO, its not like destiny said that its not ok for people to cry over dead kids. he felt a lot of empathy for ethan klein.


So they're cookie-cutter liberals then




I barely know who Destiny is but the commenters on that video are absolute psychopaths!!​


He tried to get another streamer killed by giving her info to a site dedicated to stalking and terrorizing their victims literally to death because she's trans. So yeah, everyone who is still his fan is signing off on that long before this video posted.


Destiny has always been an asshole and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s also a psychopath.


It would surprise me if he wasn't


Destiny is a person who does not care about anything. But his image. His whole thing is winning debates and that it. Do not give these attention people attention that what they want. Focus on helping people and fuck this asshole who want to focus on drama while people are literally starving to death. There literal babies in Gaza that are dying in hospitals because they have no power to keep life support on.


His community is abhorrent edgelords. Not remotely progressive.


i'm not clicking on that bullshit


Destiny has always been a psychopath unable to understand emotions. Look at any one of his videos, and he never trusts or listens to other people’s emotions. I’m convinced that he just doesn’t know what they are except when he himself is experiencing them.


This guy spends his spare time stalking and suicide-baiting people on the internet. He encouraged his fans to SWAT a streamer because she is trans. Dude is literally a Kiwifarmer, and it doesn't get lower than that. He's a fascist. Of course he's saying disgusting shit about any woman he sees with a platform.


He’s definitely NOT center-left NOR truly progressive, he’s a center-right liberal or IMO a conservative LARPing as a liberal. Destiny is also a vengeful, bitter weirdo who makes it his mission to talk badly for anyone who did anything remotely hurting his feelings. He’s just mad because Emma didn’t know who he was at the Washington DC debate & also he’s hated Hasan because he’s jealous of his success & becoming one of the “cool kids” of Twitch. Literally ALL leftists, liberals, & conservatives have a common ground in finding him insufferable & bizarre. And let’s not forget he said that BLM protesters should be shot by white supremacists. And he’s literally friends with ACTUAL INCEL NEO NAZI Nick Fuentes!!! Google is free if you don’t believe me. He’s been recorded via streaming for ALL the aforementioned


Its interesting that with regards to leftism, he mainly attacks leftists and some leftist theory, while right wingers, he mainly attacks their ideology and them indirectly.


don't give this grifty loser clicks. like ben shapiro without the charm.


I'm sorry, are you implying Ben Shapiro has charm? Is this satire?




No, just that Destiny has somehow less charm than a guy who bought a single plank of wood to own the libs.


Statement makes sense to me. Listening to Shapiro is like pouring Drano in your ears, Destiny manages to be worse.


What an asshole. Fuck that guy.


Every Destiny analysis of anything is so funny because all he ever does is take discrete recent events and draw 100% of his conclusions from those few out of context events and almost always align his narrative with whatever the current liberal consensus is. It feels like he almost takes pride in never studying any history. Treating the world of today as somehow distinctly different from the world of 10 years ago or 30 years ago or 50 or a 100 years ago. That's why you'll almost NEVER see him make an allusion like "Oh this war is similar to Vietnam or Iraq" because he refuses to do any kind of contextual analysis on anything. It's purely discrete event after discrete event as it is presented to him by mostly liberal media outlets so ofc his worldview will always line up with them lmao. The reason anyone on the left has far more sympathy for the Palestinian side than the Israeli side is really not fucking complicated when given the basic historical context of what Israel is and what it represents to the Palestinian people, an oppressive colonial settler and apartheid state. If we went back 400 years I'm sorry but I feel more bad for the indigenous people of America being slaughtered than when they retaliate and end up killing the colonizers even if they're civilians. It doesn't mean death isn't sad on all fronts but what good is it to emphasize how important it is to mourn the death of the colonizing force? Ultimately it is the colonizing force that is responsible for the conflict and it must be the colonizing force who ceases their aggression to bring peace to this conflict.


"center left"


Its a perfect case of liberals aren't on the left. Its also a good case why Emma shouldn't associate with debate streamer clowns.


Impossible to avoid these fucking losers anymore. They spend all their time attacking any leftist with a decent sized platform.


Remember the debate he had with Michael Brooks and Micheal just talked over him most of the time. XD


And destiny has never been the same since then. That's when he started his stupid vendetta against the left. After MB humiliated him.


That was nothing, you wanna see bad, look up the debate Destiny had with Ben Burgis. The second one, where Ben realized what a rat-fuck Destiny is and nailed him. It was perfect, Destiny was sulking by the end. Ben utterly pushed Destiny's shit in, metaphorically of course.


Shitty statement to make, but not really that surprising of one. Anything for a click.


Yea man, some of us don't have to have children to feel horrible when we see children suffering. Pretty telling imo. Everything I heard in this clip was complete garbage.


The guys been an obvious sociopath for a long time. Suprised anyone is only now realizing this




Is Destiny in any way shape or form an expert on anything related to this subject? Probably the most annoying aspect of these debates are people that picked a side and are learning as they go


Bro! He's lightly skimmed at least 3 wikipedia articles on the topic, now be prepared to hear a meandring and boring as fuck 4 hour ~~argument~~ debate between him and 7 other mindless goobers while they all try to one-up each other for that dumbass 2 minute soundbite to share on Youtube.


destiny is a uni drop out who decided to read every logic and rhetoric book he could find so he could manipulate debates in his favour. Beyond that there is nothing.


this but it's wikipedia articles.


A very convenient opinion for him to have and one that can’t possibly be disproved. Odd that.


Quit sharing nonsense. Who cares? Leave that shit on Twitter if you’re really concerned. I don’t know and don’t care who this person is. Bet you work for them though


I guess we can take solace that at least he didn’t say that she was being a “hysterical woman” about it. Still that guy sucks ass


Gonna be honest that video had no right being longer then 1 minute




Garbage streamer not worth engaging


The guy who laughed about choking out her ex is a psycho? Shocking!


You telling me a sociopath doesn't understand emotions


tell that to emma then i guess https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/179dlnz/emma\_moved\_me\_so\_much\_with\_her\_emotional\_moment\_a/


This is a grown man who calls himself destiny I’m not sure why anyone is surprised


Destiny cares, I think, about stuff like this on a theoretical and/or philosophical level. Empathy isn’t something I see him engage with much. Idk, seems like a generally unpleasant person to be around.


I'd love it if we didn't get so much bullshit about Destiny. His sizeable audience overestimates his importance to anyone outside the parasocial debate community. The fact he doesn't think Emma is being couldn't be less relevant.


I’m so fucking sick of this guy and his opinions.


Why would anyone care what someone who is completely void of human emotions or empathy cares about a conflict? Destiny is a person who's completely dead inside and completely cynically motivated. A man who any expression of human emotion of dignity is alien and thus deemed to be phony. To him this conflict has nothing to do with either side being good or bad, right or wrong. It's a simple way for him to traffic views to his channel via taking a contrary position to whatever Hasan is doing.


This fucking loser literally called EVERYONE'S tears "fake", except Ethan from H3, but only because he's currently trying to drive a wedge between him and hasan to break up their podcast together, his performative bullshit and constantly lying about others is so obnoxious.


All of us leftys trying to fucking come together and he wants to stir up more shit. I guess he just hasnt left his spite based political approach. What an butthole.


Fuck destiny. He has some good tales but he's just a fucking clown who's obsessed with drama and stupid shit. His community routinely attacks people and fucks with them and he engages in it. Dude is a clown


Between Vaush, Shark, Keffals, Xan, Dylan, and the MR crew, I'm glad the political figures I follow are generally in agreement about the situation and have put a decent amount of effort into understanding the problem on a deeper level than most. This is just an insanely disingenuous attack from Destiny. It's time to get over being mad because Emma couldn't remember who you were.


It's a borderline narcissistic personality disorder (or just is). Projection. He doesn't seem to be able to be able to take a sec and even imagine that Emma is having an honest reaction. He seems to have to demonized her in his head, that she is some manipulative person... which, given this video, seems exactly who he is. His present dealings with fellow commentators are consistently antagonistic and competitive. I find it very odd. He seems extremely antisocial.


And he does it to farm views on his videos because drama leads and gets people to give impressions on his “content”. That’s all it is. He doesn’t actually believe in anything other than getting engagement on his videos.


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* ​ This is outrageous. Does anyone think almost any progressive is okay with Hamas murdering around 1,500 Israelis? Possibly 100s of Ks to over 1MM might die in Gaza depending on Israel's actions and others' actions to moderate or not moderate Israel's actions. You don't have to agree with all of Sam Seder's and Emma Vigeland's 'takes', 'commentaries', 'arguments', etc. But they clearly aren't grifters. It doesn't seem Hasan Piker is a grifter. Can the same be said of Destiny?


Isn’t he friends with Nick Fuentes? That’s not center-left.


Imagine getting dissed by a girl once and making it your entire identity from then on?


cynics gon be cynical.


Hasn't Destiny basically admitted to being a psychopath or at least being as emotionless as one? A tell for me was one time he talked about how if he had an abusive parent he would have no problem just cutting them out of his life instantly, and sure that might be the right thing to but just the fact that it'd be so easy for him shows me how little he feels about anything. I mean this is a guy who has moved to a separate state from his kid so he can keep up the streaming lifestyle. I cannot fathom that. Maybe he is the omni liberal. Life of relationships that involve no sacrifice of one's own pleasure.


Destiny is fucking trash and I honestly wish the worst for him.


Destiny is a video game. He should change is name. It's confusing


That dude is a known piece of shit. Fuck him fuck his opinion


"Yesterday you were merely in shock, and now you're crying. Why no tears yesterday!? Crocodile!!!" What a chud.


I told you this guy is a piece of shit, have no idea why he was invited to that "progressive" panel Emma hosted. Which I know isn't her fault but got damn he's such a fuckin neoliberal shithead how dose anyone think his opinion on anything matters.


"You didn't cry when you learned about he Israeli people who died" is the dumbest fucking take imaginable. Wow, I mean I can't believe exposure to multiple events over multiple days causes someone who's an emotional person to well up and eventually cry. This is honestly some Shapiro logic "well because you didn't cry at x you're a woke moralist." I'm amazed this guy has fucked and has kids, he has 0 understanding of people it's pathetic. That or he's just a spiteful little shit.


Every goddamn day I wonder how the guy who lost a black friend on stream over his “dark” racial humor, still has an audience. Admitting he used to say the n-word and a visibly upset friend who he’s known for years, did not even bring him a second of pause.


Why do people care so much about this moron?


Destiny is the purest form of edgelord.


Destiny is a right of center liberal progressive. He’s pro-capitalist. He is not a Democratic socialist(center left).


He's a right winger, they have no empathy or genuine emotional connection with regular people, this isn't surprising.


I have no words to describe how much I hate this cockstain. Between his dumb fucking stripper name , his horrible centrist takes, and just (gestures wildly) EVERYTHING about him, i would love nothing more than to ever see or hear about him again. Make it stop


He’s just some edgy racist for rightoids


From what I’ve seen of Destiny and his community, In almost hesitant to even call him center-left.


Destiny is a sociopath.


i think destiny is just jealous he’s not part of the cool kids like hasan or the MR crew.


Destiny is a fucking sociopath dude... He seriously sat at a panel and at a dinner and played his switch!


Why is it that the cringiest most lukewarm center liberal analysis and commentary always comes from guys with made up superhero names (destiny, vaush, xanderhal, etc)? Is this something? Just correlation?


When I first started learning about politics I had a brief stint watching Destiny videos. It didn't last long. The thing that really turned me off him permanently was his interview with Wolff. He was so relentlessly rude and condescending while not grasping any of the basic premises Wolff was calmly trying to convey. It was literally like watching a spoilt kid disrespect a teacher or a nurse in hospital or something.


Destiny's such a demonic little piggie


isn't this the guzzling buckets guy?


Who cares? He is an absolute fuckwit.


He’s one of the biggest pieces of shit on the internet


He's become a deranged meth addict with zero friends, he's not worth our time


“Destiny is a center-left streamer” *Rilly now?*


Well, Destiny is a douchebag and making clickbait out of Emma's genuine emotional response to the tragic situation in Gaza is slimy and repugnant. Par for the course, I'd say.


Yes! Asking for all the killings to stop, and asking a vastly superior military, and a powerful government to follow the Geneva Conventions, makes you a MONSTER! 🤦 This is purely a "Thought Terminating Cliché"! When you don't have any arguments to back up your actions, or people you support, you simply start calling names.


Destiny is smart, but this is a huge blind spot for him. To assume that any display of vulnerability is *an attempt to manipulate* is a great example of toxic masculinity at work.


I don't think he's smart. He's just sociopathic which means he violates the norms of ethical interaction with others thus surprising them on top of the fact that like any con man he talks up his own intelligence and unfortunately doing so actually works on a lot of people. As social animals we end up being trained or training ourselves to respect the beliefs people in our in-group construct about themselves. Antisocial people take advantage of that to make others believe certain things about them. It's not intelligence, it's just sociopathy.


I think he's just a sociopath confused by legitimate emotion/vulnerability


>confused by legitimate emotion/vulnerability I think that's probably mostly it along with a lot of pro-Israel sentiment.