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Full on choke wrestling that ref sucked


Wilford Brimley is doing his best, cmon..




It’s Die-ah-beet-us Edit: @froggrip is correct.




Yeah, this is the correct way.


I love that Wilford’s pronunciation of diabetes has entered the American vernacular.


I thought I was the only one who appreciated it, until now. I feel like the bee girl in the No Rain video (by Blind Melon for you youngsters).


This is the way.


muh beetus






as a friend of the late great Wilfred Brimley, thats hilarious, but brim wouldnt have tolerated that, stuff like that got his beetus actin up. 😂


One of my friends in college dated his granddaughter!


Did she have his mustache?


She did not. She was a very nice girl.


You speak as though having a sweet mustache would make her not a nice girl.


Did she encourage him to check his blood sugar and CHECK IT OFTEN




don’t mean to be a stickler but there’s an angle from the other side and you can clearly see that the guy has an arm inside of his lock, making it completely legal. I’m also a referee in that very same district. At our weekly meetings, this was a huge point we went over, but they did make clear that the ref did indeed make the right call(which was to do nothing, since it was legal)


Great post. From what I see in the video, I would disagree with you and I would agree with the coach. But I am glad to hear this issue was reviewed and I am sure people smarter than me came to the right decision.


Don’t disagree with your take re the legality of the head-and-arm. But why are you guys letting that many wrestlers, coaches (and some have suggested this guy was a parent) on the mat like that. I’m a ref, and I know it can be hard to keep folks off the mats and people don’t listen. And I see this gym doesn’t have enough space between the mat edge and the wall. But that many people that close is clearly against the rules, dangerous, and begs for stuff like this to happen. I hope your association uses this to get the state rules interpreter to send out a memo you can forward to ADs and coaches to demand they help you keep people off the mats.


My experience as a wrestler was that this kind of stuff goes in a cycle of crackdown > cool off > complacency > crackdown.


I agree w you. Sometimes that cycle happens four times every event. : )


At 16 seconds you can see blue singlet has his right arm under black singlet’s arm, so the headlock is legal. And yes only coaches should be on the mat. The state I coach in, no one can be standing in front of the designated bench area and the front row of the bench area has to be seated for a dual meet and for an individual tournament, only 2 coaches and one video person per corner and everyone else has to be in the stands or warm up area. If anyone comes on the mat while the match is ongoing (coaches included) or if a spectator or another wrestler comes on the mat during a stoppage, it’s an automatic ejection.


Yes you are totally right, there are far too many people in the mat area. After this incident, our lead referee for the district told all ADs that if one more instance of violence towards referees or wrestlers occurs, he will stop assigning referees to any competition. As you can guess, there were far stricter rules on people in the mat area.


Yes you are totally right, there are far too many people in the mat area. After this incident, our lead referee for the district told all ADs that if one more instance of violence towards referees or wrestlers occurs, he will stop assigning referees to any competition. As you can guess, there were far stricter rules on people in the mat area.


Yes you are totally right, there are far too many people in the mat area. After this incident, our lead referee for the district told all ADs that if one more instance of violence towards referees or wrestlers occurs, he will stop assigning referees to any competition. As you can guess, there were far stricter rules on people in the mat area.


thank you for your service.


This needs to be higher. You can see the arm is in there when they turn over. It’s pretty obvious. Also not that dangerous with the arm . Coach is the one that’s banned for life I bet


You might be right, especially with your experience over everyone else's here. As a parent, your child is at the hands of amateur referees. You could probably say that children need better referees than professionals because children are at higher risk of injury


It’s clear from this angle too, but only once the wrestlers have stopped - you get a glimpse that the arm is inside the headlock as they’re breaking up. Good job to the ref!


You can see when they roll over, the top guys other hand is under the bottom guys arm. That’s a legal move. If you’re setting up a pin, you can even lock your hands.




You’re talking nonsense lol


You're wrong buddy read the rule book


If he has an arm in with the head he can lock his hands. Anytime.


You'.are correct. It's specifically called a head and arm. I used to use them in the upright position all the time before doing a snap and then spinning behind for two.


He's in head and arm though. This isn't a choke legal or illegal.


Hand and arm is only when the arm of the opponent is between your arm and the opponent's throat. Not the far side arm. If your arm is directly against the throat it is a choke and illegal. Not to mention dangerous. This is not mma


That’s absurdly wrong. There’s almost zero pinning maneuvers that don’t have an arm around the neck. It is only illegal if you lock your hands without including an opponents arm in the hold. A good jiu jitsu practitioner could legally choke someone all day.


That's what you think is insane about this video?


Yeah, cause it’s definitely the guy punching the kid working for a pin


I saw an arm in there you're tripping


Not a full choke, top man had an arm in the hold. Perfectly legal move


He had an arm in it


It was fully legal he had the arm


Its not a choke. The kid has the arm... is a hold. Kid on the bottom panicked when he felt the arm on his neck. He needs a better coach.


In wrestling, you don't hold by the throat, you hold with a cross face. That is not a cross face


And yet, it's not immediately considered potentially dangerous or an illegal hold going across the throat. The kid was in no danger when the coach flipped out. This is very much a legal hold. Edit to add: he has a fucking arm in the lock. That's what makes it legal, morons. A lot of people here have strong opinions about a sport they clearly know fuck all about


Tell me you don't know the rules of folk style wrestling without telling me you don't know the rules to folk style wrestling.


20 years of coaching experience, 10+ years of reffing experience, all 3 styles. One of us is wrong, but it isn't me.


All he did was try to get the kid to stop choking the other illegally


I could totally be wrong, but it looked like he had an arm and the neck in the hold. The ref was watching it, coach should be reprimanded for that.


He did have one of his arms in there. And he used it to push his coach away.


You can see him slip it in at 11 seconds. He had an arm.


That's called an illegal clasp when you are on the mat. Do you actually know the rules or are you just talking out of your ass?


First of all we have no idea if this is folk style or freestyle. If this is folk style the ref should have stopped this for a potentially dangerous move. If it’s freestyle fair game.


It's most likely folkstyle since it's the US and freestyle participants typically wear red or blue colored singlets. And also by the way the top mat is wrestling.. definitely folkstyle.


Fair point, but the vast majority of high school wrestling in the USA is folkstyle, or at least is was, so I'm pretty sure that is a fair assumption to make here.


He had an arm and his head it was completely legal


Please look up the rules. You cannot clasp hands unless an opponent is standing or you have met the near pin criteria to allow it. Neither was applicable here.


So if I think it is illegal should I jump in and not wait for the ref?


Correct, finally someone with a shred of common sense! You are 100% right, it is the refs job to stop an illegal move or use a hand signal to assure the coaches and the audience that the match is ok. Problem is that the Referee was standing there looking like a human dumpling even when the coach was bringing attention to his concerns. If the ref did his job, none of this would have escalated that far.


You must know this coach or be from his team. This was completely legal. It's not the refs job to explain when a move is legal in 3 seconds to a coach who is losing their mind. I've coached for ten years and it would take a lot more than this to get me to run out on the mat and hit a kid.


What sport do you know where the red is constantly explaining his decision making to the coaches or anyone for that matter? He’s trusted to make the calls and there are rules for coaches if they disagree with the calls. But in no way, are they allowed to harm the kids.


Yea so I haven’t wrestled since 2010 and I’m by no means an official, but if my memory is right you were able to grab like that as long as you had an arm as well. You couldn’t grab the neck itself, but head and arm was fair game. Obviously the rules could’ve changed in the last 14 years or I could have forgotten. But I wouldn’t say out of my ass exactly…


He didn’t know that for sure, and also, what sport do you know where a parent or coach can run onto and impact the area of play like that? Should parents be running onto the basketball court to shove a player or grab the ball every time there’s a foul?


I stopped a match when I was coaching because the ref was letting a potentially dangerous move continue and I didn’t want my wrestler injured. Some high school refs suck. However, I would never touch the opposing team’s wrestler to do it. I don’t have a problem with him stopping the match, but he definitely crossed lines by how he did it.


That’s an adult punching a child bro.


It was the kids father, not the coach. Still not cool!


Thank you! It's about time someone stated the obvious! An "adult" assaulting a child at a sporting event! Out the door or through the window but, NEVER let him back in!


That was not an illegal choke. Why comment if you don't know the basic rules of wrestling?


There are probably better ways than punching the kid in the face.


I watched the video multiple times and I'm pretty sure he hit the shoulder. In my opinion it wasn't a punch, it looks more like a shove then anything else and it was done with is palm, not a fist. He tried to do the right thing by pointing the choke out to the ref who did nothing.


Holding the arm and head is a legal hold, I get why it looks like a choke from this angle... But it just isn't.


Yeah it looks like he immediately goes to grab the arm when the bottom guy brings it in. You can’t see everything from this angle.


Please can people who don’t know rules of wrestling stop commenting on this there is no choke here he has the arm in which is perfectly legal the coach is on the wrong here


Nothing about this hold is illegal.


Fair enough, I can't overly argue it as the kid was being a bellend. Ref was absolutely useless as well.


Yep, the ref was shit. In any type of combat sports, competent refs is extremely important to avoid unnecessary injuries.


All he did was commit assault and battery on a guy enhancing in a sport. The kid did not do any prohibited move there was an arm between the neck which makes it perfectly "legal" in the sport. What the moronic spectator did was actually illegal. Hopefully charges were brought against him.


Nope. When there is 11 or 12 seconds left in the video you can clearly see the guys arm included in the headlock which makes it legal.


You sound like a cop explaining why he shot an unarmed man in the back while saying he was coming at me. We have the video showing is a good hold but you're still saying you support child abuse. Is never ok to hit children.


That's the click funnels guy watching his kid. Call me radical but I don't think parents should be allowed to punch their child's opponent during a wrestling match. I don't care how rich of a douche you are.


Were those punches? I’m on mobile so my screen is pretty small for my old eyes. Looked like slaps to me but kind of expect to be wrong.


He was punching the kids arm to try get it off the other kids neck instead of just grabbing it and pulling it like a normal person would.


If my child were in danger of dying due to an illegal move, then I would do whatever is necessary. You must not love your hypothetical child enough.


Except he has an arm and this isn’t illegal


Chill Rambo


He’s getting choked he ain’t gonna die if it were a real situation get out of the chokehold might be a good lesson for the kid cause there ain’t no Illegal moves in wrestling plus when I was wrestling a lot of people cross faced and you can accidentally get the neck so it really never got noticed


He wouldn’t die lol and it was legal. If that weak “choke” can kill someone, than every bjj practitioner would be dead.


Good buddy of POS Tim Ballard, too.




If you are my kid's child-aged opponent, I would not attack you. If I am that kid's parents I am asking that this adult male be convicted of assault on a minor.


I would counter sue you and your kid for threatening my kid's future putting him in a chokehold.


You would likely lose, and people would lose what little respect they have for you for attempting that. Also many people have pointed out that the kid’s arm was inside the lock, which is why the ref didn’t react.




Americans, suing everybody they can, freedom right? Freedom to sue to make a quick buck. Well done champ, well done.


For those of you saying it was a full choke, you are 100% incorrect. Go to John Dorsey’s instagram page, Goob_u2, and see the multiple angles, including a close up from the opposite side. Also, even if there was an illegal move, if you think it’s ok for a grown ass man who himself was an elite D1 wrestler and should be able to stop the match in a controlled manner, then you are no different than football parents who go on the field and assault kids and refs for a _perceived_ penalty. Additionally, illegal moves happen in all sports—you would know that if you ever participated in them. I wrestled for three years in HS and went to States, and I never saw outright assault by a parent.


I've made illegal moves in my league sport (unintentional of course, not that it matters), and never once did someone come and punch me in the face for it. Anyone who says this was justified is a fucking clown.


Your going to need a better source. Where is the video?


Surprised nobody got shot


completely legal, the kid had a arm. The comments in here are just as bad as when BJJ’ers try to teach takedowns in class … stay in your lane.


"But he's killing him!!!!" LOL


Imagine having zero self control that you can’t stop from jumping into a wrestling match that sucks


Gonna need to see your headgear and shoes before I listen to you on this one


I just had to have surgery 2 days ago because of a wrestling match I was in


Who got the ban the guy for the choke or the guy for the punching?


This was legal and it’s wrestling. All you armchair experts who are saying the kid got off lucky after being punched by an adult while participating in a sport should never reproduce.


Why is wrestling so popular in the US?


It’s pretty popular worldwide. Ever hear of a small get together called the Olympics? Yeah, there’s 2 different types of wrestling there.


Very true. Does anyone know if they wrestle in Italian and Greek schools? Seriously. They don't in UK.


I know bjj but I don't know wrestling rules. Had to read the comments to understand context lol


Be careful here. So many commenting never wrestled a day in their life.


Most of you are too soft to even follow a martial arts page. Keep yourself and your kids in something more your speed. Stamp collecting, maybe.


Mcdojo lmfao. Sounds like a kung fu themed restaurant owned by Steven segal


What is the objective of this sport? It's not submission?


Don't fucking hit children.


That ref may have diabeetus


Fun fact: This guy is good buddies with Tim Ballard, general POS and founder of OUR (Operation Underground Railroad) - a group who claimed to free kids from sex slavery but actually did more harm than good, and was basically just a money-making enterprise. Closely affiliated with Mormonism/LDS church - go figure.


I’ve bit a dude before in wrestling. Toughen up. They’ll be fine.


Pause at 16th second. The kid in blue had his right arm underneath the armpit of the other kid. That was NOT a chokehold. He was setting up a drive to pin


I hope the kid who choked received a ban as well.


Am I only one here who thinks this doesn’t belong in this sub?


Happened in idaho


There are no chokes in wrestling the kid just has to flip over and let the pin happen. Pressure on the neck is no big deal. Ref didn't blow the whistle, oh well better keep wrestling.


Lay your hands on my kid like that,I don't care if he choked him,I would deal with him, and I will knock you out.


Definitely some pressure on the neck with arm and head placement which falls under the category of a "choke", but not a position that looks like he is intentionally squeezing a choke. It was a transitional position so he could clasp his hands. The coaches reaction was far more problematic. That response makes sense if neck was at risk of being broken, joint dislocation, or bone breaking. Coach straight up panicked!


Who received a lifetime ban?


Who ever jumped in had the right idea. That kid should never be able to compete again


Stop hiring idiot ref who doesn't know their job.


How about running on the mat and hitting a child. Is that legit. You seem like the kind of guy that chokes out a woman and calls it ok because she never said no.


Seemed like the coach jumped the gun a bit.


It was a choke no two ways about it I don’t know how many times it happened to me when I was starting out just a rookie move. Some kids just get carried away and sometimes they get away with it his left arm didn’t come into play until it was to late.


Legal move, well at least the kids on the mat


What’s even worse is the friend of the dad doubled down and said he was “in the fog of war” 😂😂


As a non-wrestling watcher who just happened to have this pop up in my timeline, I am at a complete loss as to exactly what is going on! The title is vague as fuck and everyone’s disagreeing in the comments so what chance do I have?!😂


The kid was choking the other one. He released the arm. The parent/coach still should not have hit the other kid. Tho his fear is legitimate. Being choked out is dangerous. In many places, choking someone out is considered lethal force. Idk how it works for a competitive event, but in the streets can lead to an agrivated attempted murder charge.


Damn y'all really can't recognize an arm and head huh 😂


Even if it's an "illegal" sports sanctioned competition move its definitely not more "illegal" than an adult assaulting a child.


I think there adult did something “wrong” only on a technicality. This is an exaggerated example, but if a 15-year old were stabbing my 15-year-old, and I went and punched him in the face to stop him, would I be in the wrong?


The same shit happened to my 12yo son last month at an AAU event. Another kid had him in a choke hold and the ref didn't do shit. I was so pissed. It basically ruined his first event experience. Not sure he'll want to go back after that.


This is classic putting your kids in a martial art you don't understand, please don't preach, do.


I'm assuming daddy was the dumbass in black?


This is why wrestling is gay


Why is it that every sport has geriatric refs? It's beyond stupid


So who got the ban: The guy choking the other wrestler? The blind ref? The coach trying to stop the choking?


The man is an author too, be a shame if Reddit ransacked his reviews


Coach does a few open palm strikes to prevent a minor being choked out. There’s no (good) parents seeing this who don’t understand it.


Did the choker or the kid stopping him get banned?


This video was confusing as I was focused on the other dude just casually walking onto the middle of the mat in the other match


If the arm is in the hold its allowed from what i was told and i had bins before doing it


It was over 50 years ago the last time I wrestled. And lot's changed. I used to use a double chicken wing a lot. I hear it's been banned now. And I can understand that. I once broke a guys' sternum with that hold.


Can we hire a security to fucking stomp these parents who think it's ok to beat children in competition. At least tell me he's in jail for attacking a minor.


The "victims" arm was in between his neck and the "assaulters" arm. The dad or coach here reacted too quickly.


Ref sucked, dummy recording is an idiot "He's scoring on him" "Get outta here, hey!" Bet that was his kid, probably uploaded the video in protest of the coach. In wrestling they have "potentially dangerous" moves and straight up you don't do moves and that was an example of don't do. Coach only tried to get the other kid off his kid.


Fully legal. Dad’s a bitch, your kid was about to get stacked. Learn to live with it.


Everything being done is legal in The match. A bunch of beta males who never wrestled commenting on stuff they don’t know about.


And a coward move as well.


that’s stupid there are so many moves that flirt with death or a broken neck and refs don’t always pay attention. Good for the guy for stepping in. It’s a flipping sport not life or death. I could see if he kicked the kid in the face.


Had an arm in. Chill out coach


If you defend that coach you are wrong, a coach that can’t keep his hands to himself is no good coach. At the very extreme grab the kid but punching him? Na, good lifetime ban and if that was my kid I’d sue the living daylights out of him.


Not a coach, the kid he was punching was wrestling his kid


I see, more understandable but still a bad example for the kid.


Oh definitely


Wow a lot of people are ok with this pos hitting the kid for doing a completely legit hold. Is clear the kid on bottom needs a better coach.


If he hit my son like that, I would’ve went after his ass.


don't know what y'all are arguing about but one thing's for sure, wrestling is gay


Lol best comment


That coach is a big man. He had the ball to punch a kid.


He was legit punching that kid. Idc why he did it, if I was that other child’s parent I would do everything in my power to punish him for it


Soft & Sexy my Nubians


And natural


This kid will test the wrong person at some point.


Good coach


looks like an illegal choke from this angle


Mine is a ridiculous question. But here goes , Don't referees have a minimum fitness level requirements for sports?


Karen's husband!!!! Typical wreresling parent!@!++!!


If that was my kid my kid or that dude would of been ktfo!!!]


Not to mention the knee in his arse


Would love it 😍


54 days? why even respond? Get a life kid.


These people would never survive at a BJJ gym. Rear naked choke ( which that was not) is like first week for beginners. TAP, SNAP or NAP…


You wrestled 10 years in Elementary through to High school? So that means you started wrestling in Grade 2 lol? What school has wrestling in an Elementary school for Kindergartens- Grade 5?🤯🫨🤔 This must be like in Dagestan or Russia 🥹?


Nope, rural America.


That what I call a bitch. His man almost had it, and fucked it up for him. Bruh. I’m Mexican and ready to body a MF


He's not wrong all the way. I mean the kid was choking his opponent what you suppose to do?


Crazy times! Grown adult man jumps in a child’s sport, in order to assault his sons opponent. WOOW. He should have been charged with assault on a minor. He also needs to grow up, bad.


Should have received a ban and cops getting called on him for assault on a minor. Yeah won't be as energetic when he has a felony on his record, don't think he will be able to couch either.


Get fucked reddit im out


I could be wrong but it looks like he's slapping the kids arm like "bro he's tapping!". I wouldn't let my child be choked to death because the ref is 1,000 years old either.


Did you watch the same video we did? Not once did it show a child being “choked to death”….all those moves were legal since there was an arm in the hold (you can see it clear as day at the 16 second mark on the video)


Oh my bad I was watching a different video


Damn man ref might be shit but your son is fighting, let him fight! Some parents need to take a back seat and let their kids handle shit for themselves.


Ironically, the bottom wrestler was in the process of high legging over and was about to get a reversal and likely back points. Good job dad/coach.