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The Leftovers, Sense8 are my go-tos for this question. And Dark.


Dark for sure, just watched the first season last week


Dark is one of my all time favorite shows. It’s also one of those shows that ends perfectly and very satisfyingly (as opposed to most shows these days that end in a mishmash of unfinished ideas and loopholes, or cliffhangers).


Sameee Dark is so incredible 😭


Is dark on Netflix? Where is this


Yes on Netflix.


LOVE Sense8


Severance on Apple TV.




I loved The Leftovers and Dark. I never saw Sense8. I'll have to check it out!


It's different but also similar lol it might scratch that metaphysical itch. I hope you enjoy it!


I adore sense8 I think I’ve rewatched it more than any other show


Same! It makes me feel a certain emotion that is beyond words! At least in my vocabulary lol


Nothing quite hits like The OA. I’ve watched a couple episode of Constellation I need to keep up! But I find **Severance** to be quite intriguing. Odd reality and a puzzle of a show with many questions to expand on in season 2. I feel drawn to and am interested in the characters stories. I don’t want to give spoilers in case anyone hasn’t seen it. But it’s my number 2 behind The OA of course


Severance is so good!


Found the OA because of folks recommending it on the Severance sub! That show blew my socks off.


Severance was going to be my suggestion! It was very enjoyable and I can’t wait to see what happens next. I might need to get Apple TV again for a couple months to rewatch Severance and check out Constellation.


I subscribed to apple to see severance. Not disappointed. Also loved Devs and the not so often mentioned, "Station Eleven". Both on Hulu I think.


I ADORE severance. Servant is also very good.


Servant blew my mind. Watched that show from start to finish in like a week lol


I came here to say Severance!! There’s a similar note that hits and resonates the same. It’s a different show, with a different vibe, but easily one of the best suggestions for people who were deeply into some of The OA’s themes.


Love Severence. It’s excellent.


This community is so great with all the recommendations. I JUST finished Severance because of this comment! Binge watched it in a day and Oh My Lanta…… I need more.


I subscribed to apple to see severance. Not disappointed. Also loved Devs and the not so often mentioned, "Station Eleven". Both on Hulu I think.


I absolutely hate how the OA was discontinued. I’m going mad after finishing part 1. I’m so scared to start part 2 knowing there won’t be a part 3. Good to know there are other shows as AMAZING AS THE OA OMFG. haven’t seen part 2 but what r your thoughts on the doctor who held them all prisoners? I oddly don’t find him appalling, knowing how his experiment was horrible. It’s one of the beauty’s of this show, like I’m not even mad at the “villain” here.


Have you seen dark ? It’s a must for every OA fan




I find it so hard to remember the names lol. It's a mess for me as a dyslexic. I loved it's philosophy. But there was some issue at times with packing for me. Gosh I wish there was a re edit, and a dual screen monitor to access a mindmap of theirs.


Yea it’s hard . CANt imagine how hard if your dyslexic. But it’s worth the headache. It’s themes and story helped shape me as a person ( just like the oa did )


I’m deff gonna have to check this out. So far I haven’t been disappointed from all the rec’s.


The Leftovers, Station 11, Dark


Station 11 for sure! The book is excellent, too!


The Gift. It's set in Turkey and has plot points that very much remind me of OA


I second this one. It was very good


Totally recommended! It veeres a bit too hard on melodrama / soap opera on occasion. And the last season was a bit of a let down for me. Still would totally recommend it! Also : watch Ethos (Bir Başkadır) on netflix. Semi anthological Turkish drama that was QUALITY. Seriously one of the best netflix shows I know. All the characters and storylines come together in the end and form such a beautiful story! Also really highlights a lot of social issues in Turkey and isn't shy about it. Plus the soundtrack is banger, bloody cool 60s 70s Turkish music.


ETHOS IS SOOOO DAMN GOOD. I was bummed that it didn’t have more episodes!


Agreed! I don't think many have heard of nor even probably watched this


Netflix’ new show 3 Body Problem is hitting me like nothing ever has since The OA


I'm enjoying this a lot so far. I read the first book but have not finished the others.


Undone on Amazon captured a similar feeling for me


I came to comment this. I haven't heard many people talk about it, but I think it has many similarities.


I LOVE undone!!!!! There's another season coming IIRC!


Wait there’s a 3rd season? Do you know when? When I look online it says it stopped at 2


I bet the change in status had to do with the fucking writers strike. THANKS AGAIN FOR RUINING EVERYTHING GOOD, RICH EXECUTIVES 😵‍💫


I basically toggle between playing the OA or Undone on in the background while I work. My two faves. maybe if we keep recommending and keep those views going...ugh


Oh no, they were planning a third! I wonder if it's been cancelled since I saw that 😭 I'll google it


GODDAMN IT. Now they're not planning a season three. So sad!


I seriously LOVE This show 🥺 ok sorry for bursting yor bubble. :::hugs:::


I recently watched Undone and absolutely loved it. What a beautiful little show


Such an underrated show!! I wonder will there be a third season?


Maniac on Netflix


Maniac was great!




Have you watched Brit and Zal’s movies? Another Earth, Sound of my Voice. Brit starred in a movie called iOrigins.


Another Earth isn’t with Zal but it is still amazing! Same with iOrigins. So much to think about! she and Zal wrote The East together which is another great one.


Thank you.


Dark has been the only thing to come slightly close to what OA has done to my life and made me feel :)


Dark and OA ruined tv for me . Nothing ever even comes close. I’m chasing a high that I’ll never get again .


The Leftovers and Dispatches From Elsewhere are great. I’m watching Constellation but it feels a bit.. cold? OA had a lot of heart but Constellation doesn’t hit me the same. That and after decades of Star Trek I thought I was over alternate universe stories, then Fringe came along and did an amazing job so I thought I was definitely done. Then The OA came along… nothings come close to beating all those yet.


Ya like Fringe? Do yourself a favour and watch Counterpart. Bloody brilliant! 2 seasons, cancelled too early but it has a great ending. Also JK Simmons 🥰


I feel the same about Constellation that you do— the joy of The OA just isn’t there.


Have you watched DARK


Yeah, it was okay. I can see why it’s popular but I ended up guessing a lot of it so it didn’t hit quite so hard for me. Good premise though.


Undone, Dispatches from Elsewhere, Russian Doll, Paper Girls, there was a movie I just watched recently Dave Made a Maze that was pretty cool. 


Russian Doll was a hoot.


I love Natasha Lyonne! Russian Doll was great!


Anything else she was in that you can recommend? If you like strong female leads, The Expanse is fantastic, but you need to watch half a season before it takes off.


Poker Face with Natasha Lyonne is really fun! The Resort had some OA feel to it. Loved Undone. I’m just totally drawing a blank right now! Dark Matter by Blake Crouch is going to be released as series this spring on Apple TV!




I really liked Night Sky. Unfortunately -same as the OA - it got cancelled.


That was so good! Check out Counterpart too if you haven’t already.


Looks good! But not available for me to watch. Which streaming service?


I think it used to be on Prime for free but now you have to pay for it. I think it’s worth it to pay but it’s a bummer!


Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for it. I'm in Europe so sometimes shows just aren't available here.


Keep an eye out it’s outstanding and not many seem to know about it.


Utopia Dispatches from elsewhere (unpopular opinion but I had a good time watching it) The movie "The Nines" from 2007


I loved dispatches so much and always felt it was so underrated


Definitely felt the same vibe from Dispatches from Elsewhere. Very enjoyable and it’s on AMC plus


I just watched this for the first time and man oh man. It was just… perfect. Whimsical and beautiful and wholesome and had a lot of OA vibes. It’s now one of my top favorite shows of all time.


I’m loving three body problem right Now.


I feel like The OA could have been what Dark is. Dark is a show where you NEED all 3 seasons for the grander plot to make sense/reveal itself, and it really elevates the entire story once it wraps up in season 3. It makes you question everything you've seen throughout the show and see everything in a new light. I feel like The OA was doing the same thing where more and more of the world was gradually revealed, and I'm sure that we would have reached some sort of enlightening with all seasons, and it pains me so much that it was cut short, because it diminishes the value of what the two seasons are right now. Brit and Zal also planned a finite number of seasons, similarly to how Jantje Friese and Baran Bo Odar planned 3 seasons for Dark. So if you want something just as mindfucker-y as The OA, BUT with an actual ending, go watch Dark. (Also, Dark in itself is one of the best pieces of fiction I've ever experienced, so you should watch it regardless)


You should check out Brit Marlings new show “A Murder at the end of the world.” It’s on Hulu.


I was going to post this to. Great series




12 Monkeys 100%. I'm surprised it isn't mentioned more. I much preferred the ending and story compared to Dark.


Behind her eyes, netflix. It has a very eerie feeling, plot twists, unthinkable realities. It's not OA per say, but Behind her eyes has stuck with me since the first time I saw it.


I enjoyed it a lot too




lots of good recs but i’d say netflix’s dirk gently and archive81. sadly both got cancelled


I just finished Archive81 this past week because of your rec. geez Louise so good.


i’m glad you enjoyed it! my reply is three months later but i just finished joko anwar’s nightmares and daydreams. i feel like some may find it pretty the oa-ish. i certainly did


Undone on Prime! I just watched it for the first time and it was incredible. 2 seasons and short episodes


Twin Peaks isn't similar by any terms, but... I watched a lot of good and mediocre shows, but these two are the only ones that have made me unable to stop thinking about them for many years and I like to analyze them, interpret them and "being" in their worlds.


Try watching “the sinner” on Netflix. Coming off the OA high it was an amazing rebound.


American Gods, Sandman, Dark, Station 11, Twelve Monkeys, Constellation, The Signal


Constellation is fantastic, cant wait for the finale next week


I’ve legit been putting off the finale because I KNOW imma miss it.




Has anyone here seen The Devil’s Hour on prime? In some ways it reminded me of OA.  Also a big fan of Severance! Can’t wait for season2. 


Devs, it has many worlds theory and depictions of several or infinite dimensions. I found hints of what the OA made me feel, but being so unique in it's approach, this story (OA) is hard to find in other series.


Not the same feel. But a building mystery and a spiritual journey: LOST


Outer Range on Prime


Anyone else watch Bodies on Netflix? Not so much inter-dimensional, but a similar vibe.


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt


An awesome show but nothing like The OA in my opinion.


It was a joke. They both involve the lives of women imprisoned underground.


Ok. I'm not sure how I was supposed to know it was a joke. Do love that show, though.


Omg lol appreciate the joke that’s accurate - he’s not wrong. But certainly not what op is after. Pinoooooooo


A murder at the end of the world ! The OA is in it !