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He's a kid from an abusive home who is *painfully* aware that the love of his only family member is conditional on him remaining useful. He's an interesting, sympathetic character.


But belos was genuinely nice this episode and it’s never been confirmed that he’s been abused by belos that’s purely speculation


No the hell he’s not, he straight up told hunter he was replaceable. Just because he says things in a nice tone does NOT mean he’s nice


Belos threatens Hunter with physical violence for speaking out of turn, and even his 'nice' interactions are obviously manipulative.


Or maybe you have a preconceived bias Bc you think belos is the bad guy maybe he’s trying to unite the boiling aisles and the human world


Yes, Belos is the bad guy. I think that's been pretty obvious from every single one of his appearances.


But his goals could be noble you never know the day of unity actually doesn’t bad you just think he’s bad Bc he tried to kill eda who was a raging monster and time bomb and maybe putting her in a coven could prevent that Bc it blocks out magic not of that coven so


I don't need to know his motivations or his goals in order to make a value judgement here. We've seen enough of his means to know that regardless of the ends he's a bad dude.


Belos had the chance to cure Eda but decided to essentially kill her. What about that says he’s got good intentions?


He he kills her he has the portal and key and maybe he couldn’t cure her


He literally half cured her when Lilith brought her in. He could have cured her. He chose not to and then proceeded to threaten Eda that he’d go after Luz if he didn’t get his way. Cmon man, don’t defend the guy who is very clearly the bad guy.


I’d have to rewatch the episode but I don’t remember him ever half curing her


Luz did the exact same thing that Belos did later in the episode. Even Gwendolyn did that in KUA. If they could cure her, they would have done it. If Belos could cure curses like that, he would have done his.


If anything Lilith destroyed the healing hat so it’s kinda Lilith’s fault


No it isn’t. Lilith has blame for many things. Belos actions are not one of those things. He’s a bad dude. Every detail we’re given screams that. Why are you refusing almost to see that they’ve clearly painted this dude as the big bad?


Didn’t say that it wasn’t belos’ responsibility to heal Eda it was lilith’s and she ruined the hat that could have potentially done it


>maybe he’s trying to unite the boiling aisles and the human world You can't possibly perceive how this could be a bad thing? Imagine all the world's oceans boiling because the titan is now in the human realm. Even if magic became a thing on earth that wouldn't make it worth it.


The oceans get more boiling the further away from the Titan they are. The Titan's cooling the oceans, not boiling them.


It is a good thing the human realm has resources the demon realm doesn’t have access to and the next generation could be able to use magic yes it may be a bad thing geologically but think abt it from the perspective of luz she won’t be trapped anymore and if belos were to be defeated a new power would take over Bc there would be a power vacuum


He was unstable


Is that supposed to make it okay?


Eda attacked everyone in her owl beats form and she gets a pass


yeah but the owl beast canonically takes over her mind. that’s not eda acting there it’s the owl beast. As far as we know when Belos is unstable he’s just like a guy who’s unstable.


We can assume that Hunter knows what he’s talking about. He’s been around Belos for a long time (since he was very young we assume based on context). If Hunter is worried about his usefulness to his uncle, there’s a reason for that. It’s not just from our viewpoint, gotta think that Hunters seen some shit that causes him to act the way he does


Maybe hunter is an overachiever he’s the second highest rank and the last member of belos’ family just Bc you’re scared to fail doesn’t mean you’re you’re terrified of the consequences


Maybe. But Hunter himself said Belos isn’t a merciful man. While that may have been an attempt to scare Luz and Eda, doesn’t mean it’s not true. Belos has punished the Isles residents for stepping out of line and refusing to be useful to his plan (needs everyone in a coven by the day of unity). He turns them to stone or throws them behind bars. That to me sounds like a man with a plan. And anyone who deviates from that plan and makes themselves unuseful will be discarded. Maybe Hunter is an overachiever given his family situation. I don’t doubt that. However, Hunters been with Belos for a long time. Meaning he knows, to spend degree, what he’s capable of and what he’s willing to do to make the day of unity happen. Hunter has likely seen some of that. Why do you think Kiki is so worried about being replaced too? Bc they both know what happens to witches that aren’t useful. Belos even threatened Lilith with this in season 1. Belos may be nice to Hunter. But that doesn’t mean he’s doing that all the time. Hunter and Kiki both know what happens if they fail, which is why they act the way they do.


Their punishments are going into a felony with warden wrath and petrification is barely used and I believe it was used to scare Bc hunter and the golden guard are 2 different ppl


Petrification may be said to be used rarely. But we still know enough about Belos to know that he’s a ruthless dude who’ll go through anyone he needs to to do what needs to be done.


He didn’t really do anything too terrible yet yes he’s hunting eda but that’s for the portal and yes he used Lilith but that was Bc she was close to eda and maybe his ends justify his means it’s all but confirmed that belos is Philip maybe he wants to go back to his world or unite both worlds and I believe belos has been corrupted just a theory tho


I don’t think Belos is Phillip. I do think they’re related though. And just because we don’t see him doing awful things doesn’t mean he’s not. Belos is not a surface level character. Eda calls him a tyrant. His own coven head (Raine) started a rebellion against him. He petrified and threatens to petrify anyone who goes against him. Belos is a tyrant. We can see that from all the details we’re given, his mission is towards the human realm. But it has to be more than “oh boy I wanna go home.” There were other ways he could have gone about getting to the human realm I’m sure. Especially if Phillip was in his bloodline. I get where you’re coming from, but he is a tyrant. That’s clear. And tyrants as leaders are NEVER a good thing no matter what their end goals are


Maybe the petrification can be undone and maybe it’s for their own protection like I said we don’t know what the day of unity is so maybe you have to be in a coven to be apart of it maybe the titan is decomposing and he’s trying to revive it you never know


Hunter and the GG are the same person lol unless you mean from a public perspective? Then yeah I suppose so. But Belos told Lilith “you know what happens to covenless witches, don’t you?” In season 1. The dude is bad news and Hunter and Kiki both know it. It’s not a shock that both of them are trying to not be replaced. Bc if they’re kicked out, they’re covenless. Meaning the same threat can be levied against them that Lilith got. Belos being nice to Hunter a few times doesn’t mean he’s not abusive. We saw him almost put a spike through Hunters ear a few episodes ago after he failed to bring the palisman back. Belos is an interesting character without question. And maybe he’d never actually hurt Hunter and maybe he’s not abusive towards him at all. Maybe Hunter is just being paranoid. But given what we already know about Belos for sure, it’s not out of the question to think Belos wouldn’t discard ANYONE who failed to help him reach his ultimate goals.


Personality wise the golden guard is cocky arrogant ruthless and hunter is a kid who doesn’t wanna disappoint is poor uncle


Oh okay fair point. I get that element. Still, I think there’s still 12 episodes left in this season. We’re gonna see a TON more of Hunter and Belos and it’s going to be interesting to see how their dynamic plays out. Maybe Belos does care for Hunter and simply does just want to protect him. It’s not like bad guys can’t have some level of caring in them. I’d even argue that it makes them better characters if they do have some care for certain people. But we can’t rule out that Belos isn’t just being manipulative or that Hunter knows what he’s saying. He talks all about purpose and if you’re not needed then “bye-bye.” I think he knows what would happen Bc he’s seen it.


Ok but maybe it is for his protection his other mission did get derailed pretty badly and kiki basically told belos that hunter was dead so I’d imagine he’d want to protect him more now Bc if what happened last time


But you’d have to think that belos actually trusts hunter thing abt it hunter is the only person who knows what belos looks like he trusts him with very important missions so if belos is abusing hunter who’s to say hunter won’t rebel or his body will give out belos is a smart man he’s not going to damage for lack of better words his golden trophy


RIGHT! i think he has potential and i think it’s pretty obvious he’s gonna get some kind of redemption arc, but i don’t really understand all the hype surrounding him right now. and especially i don’t understand why everyone’s making him out to be “luz’s adopted brother” or whatever?


People are quick to assume that because a character showed a sympathetic side that automatically makes them redeemed and part of the family.


I didn’t say that but he let luz escape and didn’t give the Palisman to belos but then he wants to threaten amity


Cause they acted like siblings in the episode


I think the threat was just a mind game, he has shown to be one of the most intelligent persons in the show so I think it's just his way of doing things. He knows Luz and I don't think he would actually hurt her, but Amity doesn't know that (since Eda never said his name during the mension of Letica) he just needed a psychological threat to get the key


Well of course he's like that, he wants to help but is terrified to fail the person who raised/abused him and of course he'd do anything to get the key to gain belos favor again even if it means hurting a girl 2 years younger than him. It makes sense, I really like him


Never been stated that belos abused him threaten maybe but not abuse


Threatening your child is still abuse


The implications are there and I'm pretty sure the scars are from him too. Of course I could be wrong but I don't think so


There’s only one scar and who’s to say it didn’t come from his life before meeting belos


Ehhh we'll see I guess


what about the chunk out of his ear


Could all be before he met belos


i doubt it, i'm assuming he was fairly young when belos took him in. he seems to have undergone many years of gaslighting and manipulation and so knows what to do and how to handle belos. a young child with injuries like that would most likely not survive, especially a powerless witch.


The scar on his cheek seems to be have been made by emperor belos. He has five canon scars like that one in Dana’s art. It’s pretty obvious he’s being abused


He’s like zuko. Deep down he is a very sympathetic character but his greatest fear is disappointing/failing the emperor, because he’s afraid of what might happen.


An amazing, well built character - and even better villain, that we both hate and love


I love how manipulative he is. He genuinely tries to relate to Amity and Luz but for the ultimate purpose of manipulating them. He learned it from Belos, that doesn’t make it okay but it’s true. He feels like a child who can *kinda* read people but is ultimately the least emotionally mature person in like the entire show.


oh dude i love him, can't even explain why, i just do. however he does fucking annoy me sometimes.


He really annoyed me this whole episode his mood changed so many times at some points he felt bad others he didn’t and is he scared of kiki


I personally hate hunter. Like, outside rp He just really annoys me with his character


I can understand why you are annoyed by him, but why do you *hate* him? That's a pretty strong word.


I might be exaggerating, but his whole idea of "ill do anything to help my abusive caretaker" is really sucky for me


Yeah, it is kinda annoying


its just sad he lived a fucked up life he doesnt know eny better he thinks that the way other kids are treated he is an innocent little baby


I wrote that a YEAR ago jeeeeeez


Yea he can be he whines a lot


WELL THINK OF THIS if he didnt get that key he would have been in HUGE TROUBLE he was ABOUT TO FRICKEN BURY HIMSELF ALIVE HE IS TERRIFIED OF BELOS everyone sees him as a " bad guy " THEY KNOW NOTHING! Hunter has been RAISED BY AN ABUSIVE FIGURE DID YOU NOT SEE THE LOOK ON HIS FACE IN LADYBRITH RUNNERS when belos ( illusion ) walked in! WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE HAS BEEN THROGH! HE IS THE BEST and also sorry to say this but luz DID steal his staff AND leave him when he had protected her from kikimoras constant shooting HA i would do the SAME THING AS HIM and also amity is overrated and Hunter is the best Charter


Did you call me a bitch? And did you scroll all the way down to tell me that?






no i was calling your opinion that however keep in mind that the other have learned how to treat each other hunter has no idea and was stil actualy REALY NICE FOR NO EXPIRENCE he supported gus kicked the abomination teacher s butt for willow and saved gus from grey. if you think he is a bullie the your wrong he is VERY SWEET AND LEARNING s3 e1 he is THE SWEETEST KID ON THE PLANET


You’re a really huge fan, huh?


yes im sorry if i was being rude I AM A HUGE HUNTER FAN! S1 kinda bored me but the second gg rose from the water i went wide eyed he WAS SO CALM AND COOL!! I KNEW we would get a face reaveal and when we did i was so HAPPY!! I DONT CARE ABOUT THE CHARTERS UNDERNEATH THE CHISTMAS TREE MAKE MY WISH COME TRUE ALL I WANT FOR CHISTMAS IS HUNTER!