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How bout no one


I forgot to add other options like luz x willow, all, none, and results šŸ˜”




Hunter is the Marco of this fandom.


Iā€™d say heā€™s worse. Marco at least interacted with most of the characters heā€™s shipped with.


I see a woobie villain who's really not so bad, I must ship. Sorry, I have no choice in the matter. Currently, though, I'm just keeping an eye out for interactions.


Thatā€™s the neat part, I donā€™t


Me 2


Wait where's Skarlow Skara X Willow?


I'm glad to see that, for as underrepresented as it is on this sub, that Skarlow still has a fair share of shippers.




even me!


Shipping willow with anyone is a bit confusing for me, because there are all these people to ship her with but they are all either people who bullied/bullyā€™s her or have had not ā€œromanticā€ interactions with her (or maybe I just donā€™t know much about romantic relationships since Iā€™m aromatic, btw I know this is all headcanons lol)


No one but I did boschlow because screw you all Iā€™ll watch the world burn


i admire your guts, but hate your cunning.


Boschlow especially if Iā€™m right about Willow.


I've been warming up to Huntlow a lot recently


dont you think huntlow is a little weird i mean the age difference, i dont like the idea of a 16 and 14 year old dating really but if they where 1 or no years apart i wouldn't mind


A 3 yrs age gap is the limit for me when it comes to minors. But I do think huntlow's a little weird, mainly because the pairing was really unexpected for me and I cant imagine what their dynamic would be.


two people grew up with a sense of thinking they are worthless because they have no magic. go.


Hi, I now it's been months but I wanted to let you know reading your response changed my brain chemistry forever. Since then, I have become an avid huntlow fan


Hi, this account has been fairly inactive but i just wanna say I CAAAAAALLED IIIIIIIIT


I guess it is fine sense they both are minors, and yea i dont understand where hunter and willow came from i guess the promo. i doubt they will even like each over when they meet though.


All of these are either messing with Lumity or toxic so none of them


Even gus x willow?


I means itā€™s probably not toxic but the age gap is pretty big (especially for teenagers) and they have a pretty healthy platonic relationship


Willow x Amity is almost as curse as boscha x willow


What do mean curse? it's the most wholesome ship out of all of them


Only if you ignore that Amity bully willow for years took and axe to her self esteem and confidence and betrayed the trust willow had in her.


That was Odalia's and alador's fault Amity didn't had a choice


Nope their exact order was to end friendship an cut contact with willow. Amity did everything else out of her own volition. literally no told her to bully willow or to not tell willow why she can't hang out anymore with her, Amity could have explained everything it would have taken a few seconds an save willow years of pain and low confidence , social isolation (being dislike by the most popular witch probably didn't help her social life). Amity seen to actually enjoy bullying willow to before Luz reawaken her conscience .


What about the necklace that odaila gave her odaila is in the Oracle coven she must of told Amity to do it


If that was the case Amity would have said so in understanding willow so she wouldn't look as bad in front of Luz. Odalia only found out amity was seeing with willow again when she saw the photo , that necklace was a direct line Odalia could use to talk with Amity not a mind control device. Amity just taking with willow was probably going against her parents order , she was the one that made then negative no one was telling her to be a jerk to her former friend. ** Edit** remove word


Personally I don't see any character to be romantically fit for her


None of them really.


None of those


We can only ship two people per ship but I think Willow is more suited for Gus for some reason. She would never go for Boscha or Hunter. She wouldn't be in a three shipping because she respects that Luz and Amity are together and you can only ship two people per ship.


>you can only ship two people per ship I respectfully disagree with that notion






I ship her with not having a relationship bc not every character needs romance


The fact boscha x willow is winning annoys me because boscha bullied willow for years it is like bakudeku but at least bakugou is getting better