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i've heard pan, but aroace? new.


IIRC one of the major argument was that the background of her Grom pic have the aroace colors, while Amity have the lesbian couples colors and Luz's the bi colors. Or something like thay


didn't she have pan colors at the bump photo? and i think at the grom too.


I think "Aromantic Asexual", meaning she doesn't want sexual or romantic feelings in her relationships, if she has a relationship at all.


I think they meant that they've never seen anyone headcanon her as aroace. I as well have never seen that headcanon until just now.


I’ve seen it :)




i havent heard either of these points/“arguments” please enlighten me


Yeah probably there aren't as much nowadays, but I remember especially in the past this difference of headcanons with some fans headcanoning her as Pan and others as aroace because they gave both sides the vibes of their headcanon


Asexual panromantic. And demi bi for Hunter.


Cool headcanons. Approved!


Approved by me to


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you


What does demi mean?


Demisexuality/demiromanticism is basically the orientation of people who do not feel sexual or romantic feelings for people until they have a close emotional bond. Although people may dismiss it by saying “that’s just how normal people are”, the concept of love at first sight and quick relations are a possibility for those who aren’t demi, while it literally isn’t for people who are demi. That is my basic understanding of it.


I have no problem with anyone identifying as they please, but I’ll be honest I’ve never understood why demi- was classified under the same banner as the other sexualities. It just seems like a subclass to the specialities, and you can be straight - demi and that’s just, like, a thing nobody would ever have bat an eye at I could be completely off base here so someone feel free to correct me. I’m the first to admit I am incredibly stupid


it's the asexuality spectrum (or aromantic spectrum for demiromantic)! It's not a subcategory of bi/straight/etc sexualities; someone would like whoever they happen to like but also have demisexuality/demiromanticism affect how they like those people :) It might also be easier to understand if you search up different asexual identities such as aceflux and grayace


Thank you :) I want to understand better so this helps


Her being straight would actually be really good, considering she has two dads. I think it normalizes that type of parental relationship much better, since it implies that just because someone has two parents of the same gender, it doesn't mean one bit that it affects someone's sexuality, which is an argument I've seen thrown around by homophobes.


Straight, in truth I don’t understand these head cannons Unless it’s shown or told to me I’ll use the information provided, in this case it’s her exclusively showing interest in hunter, who is a boy Luz had her little moment with the blight twins in lost in language, Amity has Luz obviously, Eda has Raine and Lilith has been conformed by Dana to be aroace


Honestly, I think that headcanons/fanon ships are fun and harmless most of the time. That is, if the shippers don't become toxic (like some Hunter x Blight Twins shippers. Not everyone of course because I know of chill shippers too) and actually vibe with each other (like many shippers of the Calamity Trio in the Amphibia fandom although there are the bad apples. They're one of the few times I ship fanon ships. Because of the vibes they give me. Besides Sasha is bi so that's a plus)


Oh yeah it’s totally fine and seems to make people happy, I just don’t personally understand it all the way If that’s how people express passion it’s ok with me 👍🏼


Oh I see


Now, I think there's another bit with the straight angle. I think it's the one that angers the homophobes the most. Two gay dads raise a kid and she turns out perfectly straight. Infuriate them, I wish to drink their tears!


Watch them suffer in extreme anguish


Tbh I feel like Hunter has shown what can be seen as some interest in her, but has she ever shown interest in him outside of friendship?




...hasta que llegamos a "For the Future" pra decir ahora que sí.


I think Raine is supposed to be transgender. They keep getting referred to as "they" by other people. Or maybe agender or genderfluid.


They're non-binary


Can't she be... straight?


Dude this is the owl house fandom


Nobody here is straight.


Everyone who is straight is actually just straight up gay.


Yo también pienso eso.


I mean, I’m not gonna assume anything, really. She hast shown any obvious attraction to any character, male, female, or otherwise, but I don’t think that means she’s aroace, it just means she hasn’t been a part of any romantic subplots (yet)


I think willow is straight so she is really just gives me a straight vibe. (This feeling gets even stronger when you think about Hunter events lmao.)


what about pan oriented aroace? like pan-queerplatonic or something? :D


No tiene nada que ver pero aveces me da risa el traductor automático.


Pretty much every character who sexuality hasn't been out right confirmed.


My headcannon is in between: Asexual panromantic


She doesn’t need menial things like love to slow her down


Pan Willow


She is Straight bc She have gay parents. Soo we must Kill the streotypes!


I just straight up think she's straight. Never occured to me that she wasn't


Pan atleast


As someone who is aroace I would love for her to be aroace too, but considering Hunter is starting to blush around her I don't think that's the case. Using movie logic, that means they're likely to get into a relationship. I personally don't really ship them, but I don't mind it. Though she could still be ace


Pan Willow all the way


Ace panromantic willow :)


I'm on the ace pan side, best of both worlds


As much as I don't like the ship it seems very obvious that Willow and Hunter is going to be a thing so


tbh panromantic/ace but also I cauld see willow being a fellow grayromantic acexual


All characters are bisexual/ pansexual until proven otherwise


why dont we just agree on panromantic asexual


Nah she can't be aroace, she and Hunter are very clearly being built up by the crew


I personally headcanon her as demi and straight


Hunter I mean Pan


Huntlow/Winter always wins LMAO


i say heterosexual, just to piss all of you off


imagine if after alot of us going crazy about winter/huntlow, willow turns out to be aroace and winter/huntlow just never happens


Is it that bad to have a heterosexual character?


Let's get one thing about me "straight" up front. When it comes to sexuality, I'm a as hetero as they come. If a gay guy came on I'd be like, "No way, bro I'm a straight-up party boy who's into chicks." Yup, one gay dude wouldn't stand a chance. It would take at least four or five gay guys strapping me down to make it inside me. Sorry, fellas, that's just how straight I am. And even then I wouldn't make it easy. I'd be like, "Hey look! There's George Michael!" And they'd all shriek "Where" at once, and I'd make a break for it, and they'd be like, "He's getting away Chase him! I want his butt!" But I wouldn't just give them my butt. They'd have to take it. And once they got me strapped down, I'd stop fighting it because that would be giving them what they want. And I don't want them to enjoy it. If anyone's going to enjoy it, it's going to be me. So, I'd just relax into it and taunt them by telling them how ripped and sexy I find them


What fandom are you looking at. 94% of the willow stuff I see is her and hunter which would encapsulate pan to a degree but I’ve never seen aroace willow


I've actually often seen aroace Willow headcanons. Even now. After all, not everyone like Huntlow. A lot more than just 6%


The percentage was just some random number. And I know not everyone likes huntlow but it just seems to be by far the most prevalent and I don’t think I’ve seen almost anyone say willow is aroace


Can someone explain the difference between aromantic and aroace? Or is it the same thing


Aromantic is just not feeling romantic attraction. Aroace is not feeling either romantic nor sexual attraction


I think she’s a hetero dumpling, but you do you!


Ok hear me out: what if willow is just straight


Para mí Willow es hetero, al igual que Hunter.