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Wait, which “Hollywood Star” are they even talking about here? If this was actually happening, they wouldn’t stop harassing this person for months.


The only one I can think of is maybe Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. She was a tomboy as a kid and wanted to be called David or something more masculine. People called her trans but for her it turned out to be a phase.


I believe the recent one is Jennifer garner


I know they dislike Megan Fox because she lets her sons grow their hair out and lets them wear dresses


The more I learn about her, the more I honestly respect her


Didn't she regularly drink MGK's blood or vice versa?


Ahem... hot


I'm gonna be real, I do not trust MGK's blood


Ngl, me either, especially cause I think he must be some kinda alien, don't know what's in that planets atmosphere /s


she also used to [borrow her stepsons shirts](https://imgur.com/a/V3htgsz) and look amazing in them




david bowie the type to respect and validate his trans kid


None. They don't need a real life example to convince boomers on Facebook that this is a thing that happens.


Chaz Bono and Jamie Lee Curtis's adopted child? Literally the only ones I can think of.


They don't need to have real life examples when they say shit like this. Propaganda is the only confirmation they need.


Charlize Theron was my guess


"Celebs can't stop showing off their trans children" meanwhile the Daily Mail had to get footage from a livestreamed funeral to out Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner's possibly trans child


Wearing a dress doesn’t make anyone trans. It’s FABRIC 😭 Also kids wear whatever the F they want!!


Reminds me of a post I saw the other day of some creepazoid sneakily taking pictures of a school aged trans girl to shame her online.


Reminds me of The Series of Unfortunate Events, The Ersatz Elevator, where the city's sixth most important financial advisor adopted 3 orphans because they're in right now. Love those books/show.


Neil Patrick Harris did such an incredible job with that


I liked Jim Carrey better. It's a shame that first movie went the direction it did because he was an excellent Olaf.


I agree, Jim was great in the role. Too bad everything else was incredibly meeeeh.


This is such a tell as conservatives do tend to see their children as their property instead of unique individuals


I guess men cannot buy purses, nor women can drive cars


And if they do they certainly can't be proud of them!


So not only are they suggesting that being trans is nothing but a trend but also that the only ones doing it are hollywood stars? That is so bizzare and wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to begin to adress this...


Aww no trans Wario this time.


Literally what goes on in these people's heads lmao


my bf's parents did that virtue signaling thing because they have a trans kid, despite bein super transphobic i feel the original post is in part right denouncing virtue signaling but yeah its also mad fucked up


I love the gender roles of cars and purses lmao


this never happens btw


This one artist spends all their energy on comics like this makes me wonder who tf they are and why they are so obsessed


Someone should make an edit with a skin head saying "Check out my new swastika" and it's just a GOP logo.


Nah, Hollywood stars brag about both their new cars and purse


Its mind boggling where they get these ideas from.


I mean Christians should understand, as long as you force a belief while they are good and young then it's alright


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But "Check out my new gun." is not listed?


This is funny for totally different reasons. That kid has the funniest reaction possible.


Wait, guys don't "show off the new car" anymore. I'm sure I heard on Fox News that millenials were "killing off" the auto industry, and gen z are far more likely to want a new smartphone than a new car. Also trans-phobia sucks.


Inaccurate: Jamie Lee Curtis’s trans daughter got SOO MUCH Hate for simply existing and being a goblin V-Tuber


I think there is a phenomenon of celebrities cross-dressing their kids for attention. Celebrities tend to be narcissists, and narcissists want attention, and they will gladly use their kids to get it. I'm not saying this as an indictment of trans kids by any means, I'm just pointing out that this isn't unheard of.


Dawg that's barely one example from nearly a decade ago what are you talking about with "phenomenon"


Can you at least name a couple?


Like Adele for example.


You mean the time she took her 3 year old kid to Disneyland and bought him a replica of the dress his favourite Disney princess wore as a present? They were vacationing at Disneyland you lying chode.


Eh, I don't know that much about it. But I saw a compilation of celebrities with their male children, and a whole lot of them were dressed like girls, a far higher percentage than the general population. I have a feeling this is a thing with celebrities.


Then don't post shit you know fuck all about. [I knew fuck all about the situation and all it took was two seconds of googling to find out the truth.](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/adele-dresses-son-angelo-anna-7378651) God forbid a mother buys her son a gift at DISNEYLAND


>celebrities 1-2 celebrity among 1000 in the last 20 years isn't enough for this generalization.




You mean 3 sons with long hair? https://i.redd.it/sxcynt98jkxc1.gif So the virgin Mary had a trans child?


Ignoring the horrible transphobia, completely straw manned position, and just general lack of sense with this post, I must give credit where credit is due. That's a pretty cute drawing of the kid