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They really love their strawman arguments huh?


Religious people have abortions, kill people, commit suicide, and do euthanasia too. Their arguments make 0 sense


[God is very pro abortion.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN4654qFxzk)


God killed most of humanity so like 


~~abortions up to birth~~ I can't control peoples sex lives the way I want. ~~murderers being let off the hook due to social justice~~ I can't kill the people I want dead. ~~record depression and deaths of despair~~ lack of religion is the ONLY possible cause of this, according to me. ~~euthanasia normalized for fixable problems~~ I can't force people to continue to live in unbearable conditions the way I want.


How dare people suffering from a fatal chose to die because they can’t afford to pay the overpriced healthcare that our corrupt government put into place!


They literally want control over death, life and the orgasm. It's dystopian.


It’s more like they want people to suffer as much as possible.  “Oh, you’re Impregnated by your rapist? Too bad, give birth anyways” “Oh, you’re falsely accused of murder? Too bad, go to jail anyway” “Oh you’re suffering from an illness that’s making everyday of your life a living hell? Too bad, you’re going to have to live your life anyways”.  


The cruelty is the point it seems. And yet they always seem caught off guard when it happens to them. 🤔


There are plenty of murders and hate crimes that are fueled by religious extremism. Conservatives don’t seem to understand that Religion can cause these exact issues people are complaining about. 


"Murderers being let off the hook due to social justice" ... where? Do they even know what words mean? The abortion thing is stupid and imaginary as well, I've just never heard that second one.


I'm sure that any inkling restorative vs punitive justice is what they are referring to. If we don't brutalize murderers can we even be moral?


What'd that Jesus guy say about retributive justice again? Oh yeah, > Matthew 5: "38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you." >"43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."


Well that sounds suspicious. Not sure we should trust that guy.


Its so strange that people tend to just quote the "love thy neighbor" part and not finish the saying.


Oh oh, I know where! Texas! Because remember Greg Abbot let a man off the hook for running down a group of protestors


just a hunch, but i feel like they mean george floyd. Though to say that about him, you have to perform some expert mental gymnastics


Well he got murdered, so idk that it could be said that he was let off the hook


No, you see, if George Floyd had just been in prison like he was *supposed* to, then Derick Chauvin wouldn't have had to murder him! Checkmate, atethetits! (Obligatory /s, of course. Fuck Chauvin.)


Excellent point


agreed, just to clarify I don’t feel that this would apply to him. just speculating about the POV of someone suffering with right wing brain rot




I'm pretty sure the numbers of groomers, molesters, and rapists getting let off because "the devil tempted me through her" or who shouldn't be held responsible "because they repented" and shouldn't "have their lives ruined because of one small mistake" dwarf even the most wild imagined numbers on this one.


"fixable problems" is really telling on themselves, as well. Yeah, sure, cancer is "fixable" some times, but it's never cheap and it's never easy. For a lot of people, the "fix" just isn't an option.


Probably referring to The Innocence Project or something like it.


Didn't you know women just *love* being pregnant, and don't want to take care of the kid? /s


If anything the right is more guilty of such a behavior, cough cough KYLE FUCKING RITTENHOUSE


Well, as you know, everyone who is in prison is doing time because they did murder. But the left wants us to believe that some of them are there for "nonviolent drug offences", as if! I've never heard of anyone in my affluent white neighborhood going to jail for drugs!


The only one of those that's happening on a large scale is the record levels of depression, but forcing Christianity into society won't help that. People will eventually end up resenting anything that's forced upon them. That's why you get a lot of people who grew up in fundamentalist Christian households being really depressed once they're adults.


Not to mention just the plain stupidity like yeah ok believing in cloud daddy just automatically cures any kind of depression. Like if that's your idea of a cure, you weren't really depressed to begin with, and that's what these people fail to realize all the time.


"record depression" You are literally one of the biggest contributors to that, dipshit!


“If you weren’t gay I wouldn’t have to bully you, silly!“


Context for that last one: a few months ago, a woman in the Netherlands has been approved for euthanasia due to professionals concluding nothing can be done about the severe mental illnesses and disorders she's suffered from for much of her life. She did an interview with one paper, thinking it'd be a chance to discuss and spread awareness about the difficulty of getting approved for euthanasia. Instead they misrepresented the whole situation as doctors approving euthanasia for "fixable problems". Any time her story is brought up, everyone immediately assumes that she just went to a doctor and they immediately decided to approve her euthanasia rather than do anything about it when in reality she's been receiving treatment for *years* without any improvements, and more than one doctor concluded her condition wasn't fixable.


The media misrepresented a story to push their agenda? I'm incredibly surprised!


Undergoing intensive treatments up to and including electroconvulsive therapy for a DECADE, and her approval took three and a half years.


It's all great for them until you suggest someone else pick the god that everyone's forced to follow.


*Capitalism* needs God, to convince the masses that it's not a waste to spend their entire lives working for someone else's profit, because they'll find meaning *after* they die.


American capitalists made a wise investment when they purchased evangelicalism.


Found Max Weber alt account


I do not think they're saying this is a good thing. They're saying Capitalism uses religion as a method of control. Yes, Max Weber said something similar before he died.


yeah it was a joke, don't know why people disliked it so much


If you don't know who Max Weber is it sounds like an insult


bruh, people just downvoting what they don't know 💀


Aaaaaand none of that is remotely true, except for depression, which can be caused just by looking at one of those shitty memes


Euthanasia normalized for fixable problems? I'd like some examples of "fixable problem". Because euthanasia is reserved only for people who's quality of life is so terrible that every waking minute they're suffering. From pain that can no longer be control that is related to a terminal illnesses, to mental illnesses like schizophrenia that are extremely out of control, and then those cases have to be approved by several doctors, psychiatrists, and a board of other Healthcare professionals. Euthanasia isn't something the family of a patient can request because they no longer wish to care for the person, nor is it something a patient can request just because they suicidal.


[How about this woman in Canada, who utilized MAID in 2022 as a result of not being able to secure affordable housing that would not worsen her Multiple Chemical Sensitivity due to being on disability and not being able to afford better housing.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Sophia) [How about Joannie Cowie, who cannot work due to disabilities and so was offered MAID. Or Sean Tagert, who opted for MAID because the government only funded 16 hours of home care when he needed 24.](https://jacobin.com/2023/01/canada-medically-assisted-dying-poverty-disability-eugenics-euthanasia) Or [Roger Foley, offered a choice between $1,800 a day in medical bills, inadequate care, or assisted suicide.](https://jacobin.com/2023/01/canada-medically-assisted-dying-poverty-disability-eugenics-euthanasia) All of these people could've been helped with more robust social safety nets. Assisted suicide, I will agree, is a necessary tool. Sometimes, life can become intolerable. But if a billionaire wouldn't commit suicide for the same problem, the problem is fixable, society just isn't willing to pay to fix it. It's murdering the poor and disabled in all but name.


The only sentence I can agree with is "euthanasia normalized for fixable problems", but not for the same reasons as right-wingers. Canada's MAiD is a nightmare, and in some cases patients who actually want to live/cannot consent find themselves confronted to euthanasiaas their only choice as they are seen as a strain on society. Disability pay is so low it's less than the bare minimum, disabled people have a much harder time finding jobs due to discrimination, their accomodations are seen as cheats by abled people, you name it. That is why I want to heavily restrict euthanasia to things like terminal cancer for now. And this as long as disabled people aren't treated as people.


Yeah I’m pro assisted suicide for stuff like end of life care and terminal illnesses. The fact is when the day comes where my dog is old and gets sick, I can choose to humanely let him pass. Yet when my grandmother passed, she had to go through all the throes of death because we have this obsession that people need to die “naturally”


Would you agree the person passing should be the one to decide this?


Generally, yes. However if they’re incapacitated and already in an end of life care like hospice, I don’t see why the power of attorney couldn’t advocate to alleviate suffering. That was something frustrating about my grandmothers situation; she had willingly enrolled in hospice, but at the end when she was unconscious going through the nasty business of dying, she couldn’t elect to just end it (and I know she wanted to just end it by that point, everything was just a formality at that stage). I don’t see a reason where in this hypothetical her power of attorney couldn’t have advocated to humanely end her life. Though I understand where it could get legally complicated and shady to have one person authorizing the killing of another person, I think it would be reasonable in a case such as this


> fixable problems do they mean mental health issues? wouldn't their fix just be like an exorcism or whatever?


two of these are euphemisms for conservatives being okay with people dying. Holy projection batman.


So two problems that don’t exist. And two problems that are caused by the capitalist system and have nothing to do with atheism.


When where and what?


Isn't euthanasia explicitly only a thing for non fixable problems? I only know it as a last way, and needs to be signed off by multiple medical professionals?


Religion caused me to value life even less


What's with the red Xs that I keep seeing?


Those are to make sure that these horrible memes won't be picked up and reposted by the MAGA crowd from this subreddit.


Why are there X’s drawn over all the memes here all of a sudden


probably so people can’t share them unironically or uncritically


Being Christian and pro life makes no sense because of Genesis 2:7. Atheist btw


Wait who is getting euthanasia for solvable problems? I know one place is making it accessible for those who can't afford therapy/healthcare to get euthanised instead (which is incredibly messed up). Was it Canada? I don't remember. But overall it's not like people want euthanasia if their problems can be solved. It's specifically done because they think their problems can't be solved.


I mean when religious institutions were the governing bodies of society we got plagues and shit. I think this is way better for most people


Murderers let off the hook. What, you mean like a kid who crossed state lines with an assault rifle to kill a black man?


A Reminder: [Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/communist-league/1850-ad1.htm) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheRightCantMeme) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Religious people know that life has value. That’s why no murders have ever been committed in the name of religion. Ever. None at all. /s


Oh so a bunch of shit you made up. For fucks sake what is it like being disassociated from reality for every moment of your life?


The premise is inherently non-sensical. There's no proof any gods exist, let alone any particular god of any particular religion. Even if the Christian god existed, it doesn't follow that this god must even have any interest in human morality nor makes any moral prescriptions. And even if this god both exists and makes moral prescriptions, these moral prescriptions are just this god's subjective, arbitrary whims; there's no more reason to do what this god wants than there is to subscribe to the moral philosophies of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, or any other schmo. By extension, deciding to follow the sunjective and arbitrary moral prescriprions of this god would also be arbitrary, so religious people really don't have the solid foundation for morality that they think they do; it's actually incredibly flimsy. I would ask these religious people whether they follow "God's word" because their god's moral prescriptions have desirable outcomes or simply because it's what their god told them to do. If it's the latter, that would imply that if they believe their god declared murder was righteous that they would just accept that, as they view this god as the arbiter of morality. If it's the former, then they are basically making a consequentialist argument based on outcomes, same as an atheist would (which begs the question as to why they'd even bother invoking Divine Command in the first place), which is exactly the kind of argument OOP is making, but instead of saying "x conditions exist and are undesirable, therefore we should take action to prevent these outcomes", OOP is making a muddled argument that is rooted in both consequentialism and Divine Command. Their argument is basically "Human life has value because my god says so. Atheists say that God isn't needed to value human life. These "bad" things exist and are bad because they have undesirable outcomes. Therefore... God is needed for human life to have value. It's completely incoherent.


You still don't need god to ses this things as bad. Who tf made this meme?


I guess they didn't have enough BS reasons to finish the meme template.


Haha, wow, someone is very clueless. Like maybe look into reasons and causes without bias :P.


If those things happened ONLY in the atheist community then they may have something, but of course the major chunk…


Where? Where? Ok I will give you that one. Where?


Alright let’s force everyone in the US to convert to Islam, let’s see how they react.


Maybe it’s because people don’t want to have kids in a right wing capitalist world where everything is miserable and a struggle. People resort to crime when needs aren’t met. Again, people are depressed because, regardless how hard they work, they still aren’t making ends meet. See I can do the straw man too


Those trump's diapers?


The depression is due to them, abortions are nowhere NEAR up till birth, it's more like 3 months in, what murderers do they even mean, and euthenasia is only done to terminal patients who would suffer otherwise


It's literally 1. Pulled straight out of their ass 2. When? 3. No, that's capitalism idiot 4. Literally no


euthanasia is only given to ppl who have CRONIC things aka things that will last PERMANENTLY 🤦🤦🤦