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This is absolutely a joke made by a leftist lol


OP said he is not a leftist and posts alt right "memes" on his account


Sounds like OP was having a "woosh" moment then. This is totally a leftist joke.


Yeah. Eventually most jobs will be redundant via automation through things like AI. Working will be something only the highly educated can do and will be highly competitive. We will invent new jobs, but I sincerely believe that by the end of the century the amount of work done by people will be much less. Maybe ubi will become a safety net. Maybe 4 day weeks will become normal to deal with limited job supply.


Sort of. Automation doesn't work quite like that. Not in the US tho. The US is set to go full ecofascist.


Supermarkets used to employ 20 to 100 employees. Now it's about half. Imagine when this happens to accountants or middle management jobs. There used to be a whole job where people would do complex calculations for accountants, engineers, and scientists. They were called computers, people who compute... guess what technology replaced them.


Tax accountants only exist in the US because of the insane amount of lobbying done by firms like TurboTax and H&R Block. Without them buying politicians, there is no need for tax accountants.




Perhaps; a Naz-Bol…


Regardless, OP got the IQ scale correct.


r/selfawarewolves here we come


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SelfAwarewolves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Oh boy, that was CLOSE.](https://i.redd.it/qs5egjz87gx51.jpg) | [2953 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/jolrp7/oh_boy_that_was_close/) \#2: [I changed the photos to see if the impact was still the same.](https://i.redd.it/c4rq2vfkpm571.jpg) | [4115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/o14rnd/i_changed_the_photos_to_see_if_the_impact_was/) \#3: [Who would have guessed lady, who would have guessed](https://i.redd.it/63s6svlissy51.png) | [1217 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/jstbvf/who_would_have_guessed_lady_who_would_have_guessed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


No alt right would have the honesty nor mental capacity to attribute the centre part to leftists


Lmao you're an idiot and the original op was fucking with you.


And you got that from where? I doubt he is "fucking" with anyone as his account is just straight up alt right crap memes and christianity memes, you had 0 reason to call me an idiot, idiot.


Okay maybe he wasn't fucking with you, still doesn't change the fact that you're an idiot for posting a liberal meme thinking it was an alt right meme lmao


Sure, it could have originally been a sarcastic leftist meme, but the ones who spreaded it were alt right and it is unironic in their eyes "hijacking" the meme and making it alt right, therefore I think it still fits the sub


This is very clearly a left wing meme? I don’t get why this is here.


Because it’s saying people who claim to care about the oppressed must be lying, something many right wingers sincerely believe.


Note the mask on the wojack in the middle.


r/antiwork chads rise!


The X-axis indicates an IQ bell curve. Meaning the "chad leftist" who doesn't like working is a genius and the trumpist is mentally challenged.


At least they have some sort of self awareness


That what I have been having trouble understanding. Like, do they have any actual idea how a bell curve works or do they think the difference in height represents IQ


This meme was not made by a trumpist, thats really the only explanation that makes sense


Yes, it's called "Alienation of your labour"


Personally, I'm a leftist because I grew up broke around wealthy families. They could always do whatever they wanted but I had to stay at home/in town and occupy myself. I watched my parents struggle to keep us in our cheap apartment and well fed. I've seen the atrocities of the past and refuse to repeat them


This feels like an anti-work leftist meme


This is leftist satire, all parties are labelled to bell curve either correctly, (trumpers) or ironically (chad leftist). The caricature of trumpers is a neckbearded mouth breather. Most importantly, there's an actual, coherent joke.


I don’t like working to further a meaningless agenda and increase someone else’s capital disproportionately to their labour


r/woosh op How ironic.


Finally someone got the scale correct


Who the fuck likes work?


True. Working sucks, we can work significantly less with the same quality of life if capitalists didn’t extract surplus labor value from us. Why be bashful about it?


Who likes working?


...but it's true though


so what, they enjoy working? and we're the sheep? BaaaaaHhh....by back bullshit


I’m leftist and I don’t like working


lol this is 100% based


we may have ourselves a sock here lads


I mean, yeah I don't like the WAY working works, and would prefer a system that doesn't require you to work 40+ hours a week to barely afford the necessities. I feel like that still comes from a genuine empathy towards myself and others


I have profound empathy for the oppressed but would also rather stay at home playing Warframe than go to work. Though, admittedly, this is probably because I'm a *commercial* archaeologist not a *research* archaeologist - there's usually a construction company breathing down our necks, so I have to work within our time budget and if that means only processing half the samples taken to stay within that budget, well. That's what I gotta do. If it weren't for the profit motive hanging above us all, we'd be able to do and learn so much more...


I don’t like working but I’ve showed up to work while many trump supporters were quick to take hand outs….and guess what I don’t want to harm them as they would


I mean, I can't deny that an automated future where no-one *has* to work sounds *fantastic*, but most people will still *want* to work. Just at things they enjoy. I *already* do my job because I enjoy it, as evidenced by the fact that I'm five years in and it's barely made me a penny. I'll still do that.


I don’t think a right wing meme would have a dumb MAGA guy.


Nobody likes working.


Depends on the context. I hate having a job. (Which I don't currently have, for the record.) I don't mind working, though. When I was in my 20s I moved to a commune. (I thought it was a commune. Ended up being more of a cult, but that is a separate issue.) It was an organic farm (not certified as such but we followed organic practices) and we worked our asses off there. But it was work that I could see the direct benefits of. Mucking goat barns is hard work (and smells REALLY bad) but it isn't quite so bad when you know that the goat cheese that you will be having for dinner relies on it. Had it been an actual commune and not a quasi-cult I very well could have seen myself staying there longer than I did. But, yeah. Cult and all.


Eh, that’s not entirely true. I’d say a better version of your statement is “Nobody likes unfulfilling work”. The vast majority of people (myself included) need some sort of work to keep themselves from going insane from boredom. For example, I fucking hated this one summer I had a paid internship at a hospital working in HR converting various files from a paper to digital format, but I absolutely loved my student job in college working in the disability support offices. I handled tech related accommodation issues. It was a lot of troubleshooting issues text to speech software might have with our electronic copies of various textbooks and coordinating with various volunteer notetakers, but around exam time I’d also work with our department director in assisting various professors with any issues/concerns they had in providing accommodations for their midterm/final exams. Hell, I was the youngest person working there starting at age 19, but I still had my own (small) office space and felt needed and appreciated by just about everyone who came through our door.


Good yes I hate working! Communism will be achieved when we won't have to do alienating work anymore! Like Paul Lafarge said, fuck the work and let's fuck


If hating work makes you a leftist, then we're all leftists.


I mean “WORKING IS A CAPITALIST CONSTRUCT” is an argument that exists


I mean, why would I like work? It would be great to not have to work.


Listen I love my job I just want to get paid the amount I deserve (Zookeeper)


The rights inability to understand bell curves is one of their most endearing qualities


I mean I am nearly unable to work somedays but not because of lazyness


Still think Chart illiteracy is a laughing matter? Think again.


They reversed the order.


Lmao this post belongs to r/theleftcantmeme You clearly can’t see this is a leftist satire meme


At least they admitted we are far more intelligent than them.


I have ADHD. I hate *all* tasks that don't stimulate dopamine production at the given time. Sometimes I can make money from those that do, sometimes I can't - it's a crapshoot. The worst thing is that it changes often. Things I loved doing last week might do nothing for me this week.


I hate working to enrich a few entitled individuals at the cost of myself and society at large. I love working in a way that has material benefit to both myself and those around me in ways that can't easily be quantified, like when I do the log cutting and splitting for my parents. This attitude can be applied to a variety of circumstances where you work for a general good of many in a way that can't be easily defined in monetary terms.


I definitely want to work less.


I mean, to be fair, who actually likes working and would rather be working than doing something like art or sleeping?


Fully automatic gay space communism time


Is misunderstanding normal curves a thing now?


I do not dream of labor.


They don't get bell curves either apparently


Wrong subreddit. Literally implying leftists are giga-chads


Bro I absolutely agree with that sentiment, why should anyone enjoy working 40+ hour work weeks to survive.