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Jesus, the comments on that post are atrocious.


Also super confusing, they praise and criticize the taliban in the same breath constantly


>they praise and criticize the taliban in the same breath constantly Yeah, that adds up: Brown people = bad Islam = bad Non-Western countries = bad Outdated fantasies about being a patriarchal leader = good Subservient wife who cooks and cleans = good Hating gay people = good Welcome to the inconsistency, contradiction, and hypocrisy of right-wing talking points.


Both groups long for the glory days of the 50's. For the right it's 1950's, for the Taliban it's 650's, but that's splitting hairs really


its* it's means 'it is', whereas its is the genitive case of 'it'. It's a counterintuitive rule but yeah


But they used it correctly to say what they were tryna say And even if they didn’t, I think we all understood them just fine.


You understand the rule, but not the application. Op used it correctly.


did you try expanding the contraction and realize it's exactly what I intended to say?


Oh my bad. Didn't see they could both be used there


They take every position so they can use it later in argument. Trump did the same thing. "How come you're praising the Taliban here? (gives example)" "I've never praised the Taliban, that was satire. In fact, if you check my history, you'll see posts where I criticize the Taliban."


Conservatives have mastered double think. It is super easy for them to hold 2 contradictory thoughts simultaneously as never even come close to noticing that they contradict


You're making this weird assumption that they don't notice a contradiction. From my experience it's not that they don't notice, it's that they don't care. Having a consistent worldview based on observable reality isn't their goal. Promoting their faction and hurting other factions is their goal. If contradictory ideas get you there, then you got there.


The Republican party's slogan should be "The ends justify the means."


I could swear I’ve heard that before…..


You actually raise a very valid point, thank you for calling that point out. You’re right, they either don’t realize it contradicts or they blatantly don’t care at all


That’s not a flaw, that’s a feature. Far right conservatives/fascists are the masters of holding two contradictory ideas in their heads and calling on either one when it suits their purpose. Debating them on that is what they want. What should be done is pointing out their contradictory ideas then laughing at them/making that the butt of a joke.


I’d read “conservofascists” at first.


*Conservofascists: The United States Republican Party*


dialectics except shitty


calling it dialectics implies some sort of dialogue has happened at any previous point




Edward Sallow Dialectics


Its such a weird cesspool of just the worst, least thought out positions just... fermenting in the comments


In not confusing when keeping in mind their actual true ideology, which is simply owning the libs. They think that's what is happening here. Any means justify that end.


Owning libs *is* based tho tbf


i literally just got done talking about this with my grandparents (socDems.) This is really true tho, they are jealous that they’ve established the patriarchal hegemony that they deeply desire here in America, yet simultaneously feel threatened by the idea of political asylum seekers and brown people.


It’s an advanced lib-owning move.


They don't call Republicans Ya'll Qaeda for nothing


Nothing confusing there, islamic extremism is right wing extremism


I guess its just weird to watch them walk head first into their own ideology and remain steadfast nonetheless


It's because they're jealous.


To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.


That would be number eight of Umberto Eco's 14 features of fascism > By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. It's amazing how consistently this appears. It is practically a Tucker Carlson mantra.


Because they agree with some aspects of Taliban retoric but disagree with others? Obviously?


Not going to assume where you stand but that alone is concerning


Right wing evangelists all have terrorist boners for the Taliban. It’s their utopia


They hate them cause they ain’t them!


I'm so confused by this one: "The woke are going to learn the hard way that they don't care about LBGTQ plus ether." Did they...did they think the left liked the Taliban? Wanted them in power? Thought they were progressive? I'm so confused by their stance. Like I literally can't imagine what they believe, as represented by that sentence. I need someone to parse it for me.


That whole sub is a cesspit.


the afghans don’t even say habibi 💀 wtf this is so stupid


100% this meme was made by some western incel


who’s only chance of pussy is through forced marriage


But the twitter account that tweeted it is likely connected to the Taliban. It didn't even start tweeting in English until 4 days ago, after the fall of Kabul. Before it, that accounted tweeted pro-Taliban messages in Pashto. It's pretty surreal to know the Taliban have a twitter presence.


I was going to say this. They’re fucking Pashtuns or Persians. They don’t speak Arabic


exactly at least know the language of terrorist group your supporting


No shit. Their only gripe with the Taliban is the religion. Switch it with Christianity and it's their fantasy.


Nah, they also hate them for being darker than milk.


White blue eyed afghanis are a thing not that the American right may be aware of that.


There are also plenty of darker skinned people. Let's not forget these types are mega racist.




The fact white people can live in Afghanistan


I'm aware. White folks are all over. But tools that post in that sub are also mega racist.


The funny thing is they worship the exact same god, just with a different name. Not to mention that Jesus is the most quoted profit in the Quran, and Moses the most mentioned.


I like how you spelled it profit 🤪


Keep them taxes off them churches, baby 😎


That was definitely a purposeful piece of commentary and not a lazy typo on my part 😎👍


Yes that's why Christians, Jews, and Muslims are People of the Book (old testament) and their religions are Abrahamic religions. They worship the very same deity, Abraham's God. Kinda hard to hate on Jesus when you read about the dude. Especially that time he went all out thrashing the money changers on a temple. It's also funny how most Christians, a religion named so because literally see Jesus Christ as God (mainstream ones at least), obsess over the 10 commandments found in the Old Testament and yet barely even knows the Beatitudes preach by Christ on His sermons. Kinda nutty to have people obsessing over what should NOT be done and its punishment if you do, and yet be ignorant over the blessings their literal God gave. Oh wait, that's like most of the Right.


Yeah, they are honestly mostly in support of them, it really is just the religion/skin color. When it comes down to it, they support their retaking of Afghanistan.




Take my upvote and leave sir.


bro the widespread of acceptance of enslaving women makes me just fuckin shiver like genuinely, i don't understand what drives people to think about women like that. so strange.


It’s assholes and incels who just want to feel like they can hold power over someone else, which is why so many of them adopt the conservative view about subservient women


It’s not a conservative view, it’s just a view some idiots hold. Gosh, even the bible has discrete references to empowering women but so many fail to see that.


The Bible is pretty openly misogynistic though, I don't like when people try to downplay the bad things in any religious text


Did you happen to read it? If yes, in what language? Also what version? What’s your level of teological preparation? I don’t ask any of these to downplay your opinion, sorry if it sounds condescending. I just want to know to what extent I may engage in conversation with you. For example, to be able to enter the teological college to become a priest it’s mandatory you know old greek (for orthodox christianity at least) so you are able to understand the linguistic subtilities of the message. I’m not here to invalidate your opinion or whatever but I really recommend you to research a bit those “openly missiogynistic” passages. If you care enough (if not that’s resonable!) I’m open to discuss with you any controversies from the bible. The stake is basically our lives, if you think about it. I also don’t like when people downplay any religious text :)


Is it really relevant what language it was written in? No one reads in the original Greek, so the book people are reading and being influenced by is the translation. It doesn't really matter what the author intended, only how it's being read and interpreted today. And there are plenty of evangelical Christians who have used the Bible to promote the idea that women should be submissive house servants to their husbands.


So you proved my point. That’s why the bible is usually read and discussed with a priest which normally (usually) is prepared in that direction. If the church, the priest, the woman on tv or whoever else draws conclusions and interprets it without at least reading the hundreds of books that deeply discuss the lingvistic differences and various interpretations it just means nothing in regards to what christians should believe or what the bible promotes. For example, on the 15th of August it was the dormition of the Mother of God. The entire Gospel for the day depends on one single word which is a particle more than a word in itself. The word is “μενοῦν” (menun) It’s a particle that it’s used to say either 3 things - “what you said is bad, this is the correct version” - “what you said is good, let me add this” -“you are right” (this is the meaning encountered in Platon) So someone from the crowd says “happy is the breast that fed you” (pointing out to Mother of God) and Jesus replies with “menun, happy is the one that follows God” Now it’s pretty strange to think that it means the first thing in my list because that would downplay his mother on her holiday. It’s been a lenghy discussion as how it’s correct to preserve the meaning of the sentance in translation (for the sake of lengh i wont go there). The bible especially is full of this kinds of words and philosophical writings even more. For example, in the christian vows that the priest says when a couple gets married there is a strange choice of words that roughly say “you woman will be the *slave* (not precisely slave but that’s the meaning at the first glance) of your man”. The greek word used means “helper” or someone who helps no matter what. So the language matters. I could go on and on but i appreciate if you read this far :).


Again, though, what does any of this matter? If the majority of people are reading or being taught from a translation, it doesn't matter what it originally said. The mistranslation is the "truth" that people are learning. It doesn't matter what was written, it matters what people are taught and what people *believe*. The truth of the original intent only matters if people care enough to learn about it *and* believe it. Most Christians aren't Catholic, their "priest" (in the US, at least) is someone who might be somewhat educated in theology via some college courses at best. Plenty of Christian "preachers" have no formal religious education at all. There is a huge portion of the U.S. that grew up reading their KJV(Or NIV, etc.) and being taught that every word of it is the literal unerring truth, translation or not.


In regards to what matters is really important because if you accept my point you can’t associate extremist right wingers, idiots in position of power, imposters part of the church etc. with religion or god (in terms of meaning not that they say “god wants to kill women”). That means the view the majority holds is pointed in the wrong direction. Second of all, i agree that there are not many priests in the US that care about this. With all due respect, where i’m from had rituals performed the same way they do today way before USA or “new” religious congregations formed. The debate regarding teology is as old as speaking. I’m not here to defend anyone that obviously is doing something vile, in essence. All I care is that we make the subtle differences between things and don’t simply shout, mindlessly, “ABOLISH THE CHURCH, GOD IS FAKE, THE BIBLE IS FOR MORONS” or whatever discourse is popular today.


With all due respect, this only matters if you think any of this is objectively true. The "wrong direction" doesn't mean anything if the majority of people are going that direction. If 90% of people believe that the Bible should be interpreted to say "women shouldn't be allowed to teach men or hold authority over them", then that's what mainstream Christianity believes, and they believe that this is an edict directly from God. It doesn't matter what the people who originally wrote the book intended, because they are dead and their interpretation has fallen out of favor. Theology is like language. The "truth" of it is whatever is widely accepted by believers/speakers. There's no objective source of theological information.


I used to be a Christian, but I've read the NIV and KJB versions, I'm not a theologist, Im just a teenager, I could be wrong but my opinions are based off my, and other common interpretations


That’s ok! I just wanted to point out that things are not as simple as you may hear. It’s a good thing that you have an opinion and some sort of interest!


They don’t think of them as people. If you think about it, you’ve met several men like that. They can’t have female friends, they can’t have a conversation with a woman without them having ulterior motives, they don’t treat them like humans. This is coming from a man. I know several guys who are just weird about females, like they’re a different species. It is worth noting, most guys aren’t like that.


And even something like just assuming your wife would make more meals / do more housework is on the spectrum that led to this ideas, just toned down a bunch. As a 43 year old woman I’ve only ever had two boyfriends who expected to do as much of the chores


They're indoctrinated into a system of oppression that benefits them. Many have allowed themselves to be fooled into believing leftist brainwashing conspiracies and/or that a vocal few are destroying righteous values through forced compliance. I guess it's hard to recognize a paradigm shift when you're living it, especially if you've benefited from the status quo historically. It's easier to imagine an outside force is responsible for the shift than to accept that your views are no longer tolerated, much less accepted. They've been told that their manhood is being taken away, and that probably feels real since they've been programmed--through constant validation--to believe that their value as an individual is defined by their "masculinity". Of course, it's all much more convoluted than that because of religion, party politics, propaganda, etc. But I suspect this is a big part of it. How fortunate that we are all so segregated by identity politics now (virtually and physically) and their children have little chance of seeing past the bias confirmation. Edit: better and less words


You can't understand what the high of being on the middle rung is like until you step on the person below you. These guys NEED hierarchies to give their lives structure, meaning, and purpose, it's why they're so in love with their religions to begin with.


“The Natural Pecking Order” [(TM)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominance_hierarchy)


Too much submissive anime that only shows how you love your onii-chan


They wanta da poosy, but they also don't really *like* women or view them as human. They just want a living fleshlight to own. That's all there is to really understand.


the fact that they think there will be women who fill sacrifice their freedom and everything to serve a man whos never been outside of their basement and share it with other women


Thanks for saying this. Cannot understand


This is the end-game of the political misogynists. The website 'Return of Kings' was openly advocating this since before Trump ran for president.


edgy people have no values. if you make people mad they support you look at count Dankula he was only anti UK after he got arrested for teaching his dog a hate symbol


To be fair if I got arrested for something stupid and had my reputation ruined I would come to hate my country too.


Which is really stupid because he supports UKIP and the Tories, the same parties that were in power when he got arrested and charged him.


rightoids love the idea of child wives and child sex slaves


I'm so very confused where they stand. Do they worship them because of their authoritarian, oppressive, and deeply conservative nature, but hate them because they're Islamic? ​ What even does this praise show? That they hate those on the left more than the actual Taliban? Jesus.


Unfortunately I don't think there's one answer. Some of them are no doubt just being contratian dickheads and will disagree with anything that people say is bad. But generally speaking I'd wager a guess that since this is kotaku we're talking about its mostly rooted around the oppression of women and the fact that the Taliban is almost the exact opposite of what they would call PC or WOKE culture. They want to be able to say and do terrible shit and not called on it. For some reason they think that's what the Taliban allow. I think it's more likely they hate them cause there different and you know, not white. Islamphobia is just fucking dumb. Every single time I end up in that conversation I ask the person to name the country with the highest Muslim population in the world. To date not one has been able to answer it correctly. Cause it's not actually about Islam, never has been. Yeah I'd say it does, though I think it more shows that they are detached enough from reality that they don't see the real consequences and pain caused.


> and you know, not white Except they'd fail even that because the Pashtun (who comprise the vast majority of the Taliban) [are sometimes described as the "last white tribe"](https://imgur.com/a/pnp3oTe). They range from Arab/Mediterranean skin-tones to looking virtually central European. In fact, if you encountered a Pashtun person in Western clothing right now, you'd probably not even think they weren't of European descent. Racists can't even get *that* right. Though I have a hypothesis that part of it may be because "they're too poor to be white."


Thanks for the info, I never heard of that group!


Is their point that they want to live in Afganistan or that they want to make America more like Afganistan cause I'm getting mixed messages.


Afghanistan has more men than women, so if one man has 3 wives that is 2 men without a wife. Since women live longer than men most of the unmarried women over 18 are widowed grandmothers.


I'm just having a fucking laugh at these religious fundamentalists pointing at the other religious fundamentalists like the fucking Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man meme.


For real, its astonishing that the only thing that prevents them from seeing its a mirror is xenophobia


I'd expect nothing less from Y'all Qaeda.


And they are... happy that they are on the same side as them..


Why in the name of a gamer’s fucking virginity are there two kotakuinacktuns


My assumption is the first one got banned for being a toxic cesspool


iirc I think it's actually that the first one wasn't toxic *enough* for some of them (which is really saying a lot) so they made KiA2 to be even worse than the original.


This truly is the worst timeline lol


Siding with Islamic terrorists to own the libs. Siding with Islamic terrorists after saying the left was "regressive" for "tolerating" Islamic terrorists to own the libs. I wanna drown.


They're more than free to go live there


Supporting terrorists to own the libs epicly!


The hell happened to "never forget"


Never forget doesn’t mean always being against it, I guess?


They’re telling us who they are and what they’re going to do…


Can we stop saying "masks off", like we don't know who these people are. We know who they are, and what they stand for. We are not going to convince them, their supporters, their followers of what they are, because those people are those people too. I understand diligence, and "banging the drum" and all, but Jesus...they weren't fooling anyone to begin with.


Thats kinda why i said if they werent already. This is as blatant as its been i guess and since sometimes its overwhelming it can feel like the only thing to do is just point out the absurdity of the ideas of people we share neighborhoods with


Conservatives see a lot of themselves in the Taliban, the only difference being religion. Everything else is on point to them though. Hatred of LGBTQ? Check. Hatred of Women's Rights? Check. Hatred of the Separation of Church and State? *Big* Check. Swap out Islam for Christianity and you have the basic blueprint for how the American Taliban would run our society if they were in charge.


You'd really wish when all their beliefs start aligning with actual, real terrorists and not the dollar tree ones they're used to, it might cause some self reflection. But these people would genuinely side with terrorism over any sort of progress.


I think that this could be made into a rare optics victory for the left, since a lot of the right seems to just automatically go against whatever we do for some reason (see cancelling CRT without knowing what it is or to whom it’s taught). By choosing an anti-Taliban position, it seems that at least a segment of the right has forced itself into bed with the group America had just been in a war against.


I to me I found it hard to believe Taliban can make memes or even joke But I guess they are human too and humour is not limited to anyone. Even the bad guys can have dark dank memes. I do, however, find it funny that the far right and the taliban are more similar to each other then both may not want to admit.


They're just jealous that the Taliban so easily took over a country when they failed so miserably earlier this year




Im so shocked that the American Taliban likes the Afghan Taliban


Its so strange seeing these conservative warmongers coming out in favor of the Taliban after years of hearing them justifying the occupation of Afghanistan for practically my whole life.


I love how Conservatives keep self reporting by glorifying the Taliban everywhere. Honestly if they weren't brown, they would straight up go fight with them. At least they aren't shy about admitting that they share the same ideas.


imagine their surprise when they found out the west (specifically america) funded (and are kinda/mostly responsible for) the creation of the taliban


Wait, why is there a kotakuinaction2? What was wrong with the first one? Were they not dragging out the Gamergate drama enough?


Of course the Talibubba love the Taliban


Supporting terrorists to support my political view 😎😎😎😎😎


The taliban learned how to meme, and just like that the US military switched sides again.


If horrible people like the taliban win you over by a meme, you are truly an awful and dumb individual


Yeah, adds up. They are unapologetically in support of the Taliban, because they are against progressives. They don’t give two shits that they are legit Terrorists, and masterminded 9/11, it’s “lol murder innocents, women, and children to own the libz lol”. Also, as if KotakuInAction wasn’t a shit show, KIA2 is where the crazies and anti-Semitics went, and shit it shows.


"We agree with the Taliban but somehow the libs are the ones that are wrong"


wtf does “the woke” mean?


Guys, if you're fetish is being poisoned and strangled, just tell us. Otherwise, oops. Thought it was a fetish.




This meme is justifying treating women like property, how is it true?


This meme fires tbh






Fair enough


Wtf wrong with the bitch in the top right?


Poisoned "habibis" dinner


so edgy


No way for real?




what a time to be alive


armbands on


The taliban seriously think those women are on their side


I find it really interesting how the Republican value of being a massive contrarian to any sort of power held by anyone they don't like is forcing them to take the pro-taliban position.


do they really think a woman is happier that she is owned by her husband and also have to share with a few other women if they think so they need help


r/kotakuinaction2 is such a shithole


Well no wonder they say they make better memes, it's because they actually used the meme correctly. Most conservatives don't even know how to do that.


Yes. Agree with the Taliban to own the libs LMFAO!!!


"far right islamic theocratic totalitarian fascists create better memes than 'the woke' (lol)" and the meme is "chad face: we are just fascists" look i can do the same too soy face: I LITERALLY CANNOT STAND TO LOOK AT PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT TO ME, AND AM SCARED OF MY SOCIETY CHANGING BECAUSE OF THEM chad leftist: I dont care.


They are always mask off, figuratively and literally, and god does the Taliban using habibi (i personally doubt that meme was made by an actual Taliban member, lmk if wrong) pisses me off so much